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Created January 23, 2015 14:46
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* dnspod-sr architecture
* Date: Fri Jan 23 22:44:47 2015 +0800
* Author: Yecheng Fu <>
digraph G {
// graph
label="dnspod-sr architecture"
dpi = 100
rankdir = LR
node [
// nodes
clients -> sentinel [label="query (udp/tcp)"]
subgraph cluster_0 {
label = "dnspod-sr"
color = blue
sentinel -> fetchers [label="fetcher queue", style=dotted]
fetchers [
shape = record
label = "{fetchers | {fetcher 0 | fetcher 1 | ... }}"
fetchers -> quizzers [label="query queue", style=dotted]
fetchers -> memory [label="fetch"]
quizzers -> memory [label="store"]
memory [
label = "{datasets|ttl list} | memory"
color = green
{ rank=same; fetchers; memory; }
clients [
fetchers -> clients [
label="response (udp/tcp) if hits in memory"
quizzers [
label = "{quizzers | {quizzer 0 | quizzer 1 | ... }}"
quizzers -> clients [
label="response (udp/tcp)"
quizzers -> roots [
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