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Last active July 5, 2021 05:30
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Version of the SPLOT Extender in use at
Plugin Name: SPLOTbox Extender
Plugin URI:
Description: With some elbow grease manual coding, you can extend the functionality of a SPLOTbox site to support more media sites than the original theme.
Version: 0.61
License: GPLv2
Author: Alan Levine
Author URI:
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Plugin file cannot be accessed directly.' );
// just a function we can check to see if this plugin is loaded
function splotboxplus_exists() {
return TRUE;
function splotboxplus_supports( ) {
// Names of all sites supported via by this plugin
// $supports = array('Metacafe', 'Transistor', 'Imgur', );
// $supports = array(); for none
// e.g.
// $supports = array('Metacafe', 'Transistor', 'Imgur', 'Big Kaltura^' );
$supports = array('Animoto', 'Metacafe', 'Transistor', 'Imgur', 'Daily Motion', 'BC Campus Kaltura', 'KPU Kaltura', 'TRU Media', 'HufferDuffer');
return $supports;
function splotboxplus_video_allowables() {
// Add domain match strings to identify supported video type URLs
// e.g. $allowables = array('', '', '', '');
// $allowables = array(); for none
$allowables = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
return $allowables;
function splotboxplus_audio_allowables() {
// Add domain match strings to identify supported audio type URLs
// e.g.
// $allowables = array('');
// $allowables = array(); for none
$allowables = array('', '');
return $allowables;
function splotboxplus_image_allowables() {
// Add domain match strings to identify supported image type URLs
// $allowables = array(); for none
// $allowables = array('')
$allowables = array('');
return $allowables;
function splotboxplus_embed_allowables() {
// add domain fragments to identify WordPress supported embeddable media beyond
// YouTube, vimeo, soundcloud, TED, giphy
// from
// as well as ones added as oembed providers via splotboxplus_add_oembed_handlers()
// e.g. $allowables = array('', '', '');
// $allowables = array(); for none
$allowables = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '');
return $allowables;
// here we set up oEmbed providers
// comment this line out if no oEmbed providers used
add_action( 'init', 'splotboxplus_add_oembed_handlers');
function splotboxplus_add_oembed_handlers(){
// add/edit this statement as needed to match the oembed format of whatever service is added
// c.f.
// e.g.
// wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '', false );
// BC Campus Kaltura
wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '', false );
// TRU Kaltura
wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '', false );
// KPU Kaltura
wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '', false );
// HufferDuffer
wp_oembed_add_provider( '*/*', '', false );
function splotboxplus_get_mediaplayer( $url ) {
// convert media URL to embed code for sites not supported by automatic embeds
// these will need to be constructed to find a match pattern via string replace or regex ex
// begin check for each custom player type, here is a sample
if ( is_in_url( '', $url ) ) {
// substition to get embed URL
$metacafe_url = str_replace ( 'watch' , 'embed' , $url );
return ('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="' . $metacafe_url . '?autostart=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
if ( is_in_url( '', $url ) ) {
// substition to get embed URL
$embed_url = str_replace ( '.fm/s/' , '.fm/e/' , $url );
return ('<iframe src="' . $embed_url . '" width="100%" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" seamless="true" style="width:100%; height:180px;"></iframe>');
// nothing else
return '';
function splotboxplus_get_videoplayer( $url ) {
// catch for older versions of plugin that used this function name
splotboxplus_get_mediaplayer( $url );
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