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Last active May 21, 2021 17:57
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GitHub Does Accordions!

Can I Haz Accordions

What Are Accordions For?

The H5P documentation spells it out nicely:

Reduce the amount of text presented to readers by using this responsive accordion. Readers decide which headlines to take a closer look at by expanding the title. Excellent for providing an overview with optional in-depth explanations.

You can see that this might be effective to reduce long lists of information, references, or breaking content into sections more like a miniature outline. Or even to present a question for a learner to consider before revealing a suggested response.

In this case, an Accordion is used just demonstrate itself.

Foot Stomping Music

Well, that was silly. It would be useful maybe if one could include images... can we?

Something Extra Sneaky!

Were you expecting something?

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