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Last active July 4, 2020 19:33
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Home Assistant OS FAQ

Frequently asked questions from the Discord channel

This first one isn't a question, but a strong recommendation:


Pick one from either the official repo or the community repo (recommended) and install it, set up a user/pass or key, and then forget about it if you want. But leave it running and set to run at startup.

I run in a VM and already have SSH access. Why would I need to do that?

The ssh addons provide access to the Hassio custom CLI which includes the proper method of starting and stopping Home Assistant, in addition to ways to explore and manipulate snapshots, addons, check logs and move from one version to another. This is extremely useful when you lose the UI due to a misconfiguration, or even when you have stopped the Home Assistant server from within the UI. You will be glad you have the custom CLI when you need it.

How do I downgrade to another version?

From the ssh addon console use:

ha core update --version=0.x.y

Replace 0.x.y with the version you want. e.g. 0.111.2

You can upgrade or downgrade with this command.

You can also use a similar command for the supervisor:

ha su update --version=226

or the OS:

ha os update --version 3.8

How do I setup wifi for HassOS?

You can configure multiple network profiles, including ethernet, wifi, and static ip addresses using a case sensitive CONFIG directory which you create on the boot partition or by using a temporary USB drive which is named CONFIG.

Home Assistant OS uses network manager (nmcli). If you have tried importing network profiles without success, there is an alternative guide for a more hands-on method which requires installing a specific addon and using nmcli.

404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/... No such image:

This error indicates the an image, whether for an update to HA or installing an add-on, was not able to be pulled on to your system. This is usually a situation where there is not enough space for the image to be downloaded. As the VM image is only about 6GB by default, many VM users run in to this as they have not allocated more space. This is not at all large enough for an install of Home Assistant OS once you begin installing other add-ons. 32 GB is the recommended size.

You'll need to explore your own system to determine where the space has gone.
Using the following in the ssh addon console to you can quickly check:

`df -h`

Why does the start button flash red when I click it?

If you are looking for more information about addons which won't start or install, go to supervisor > system in the UI and check the logs.

The logs on this page are the same you would see using `ha logs` in the custom cli.

I'm trying to find my files on the host or SD card. Where are they?

on a HassOS install: `/mnt/data/supervisor/`

on a generic linux install like Ubuntu, etc: `/usr/share/hassio`

Where are the USB network files imported to on the host?


Where is the authorized_keys file imported to on the host?


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