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Last active May 26, 2019 04:16
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Pony ORM YNBool
# coding: utf-8
from pony.orm import *
from .models import attach_models
from .config import db_config_params
db = Database()
things = t: not t.deleted)
# coding: utf-8
from pony.orm import *
from .types import register_y_n_bool_type
__all__ = ["attach_models"]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def attach_models(db: Database):
class Thing(db.Entity):
# isDeleted contains a "Y" if deleted. anything else ("N" or null) means not deleted.
deleted = Required(bool, tf="YN", column="isDeleted", default=False)
# coding: utf-8
# addding pony orm converts is not documented. For how to do it, see:
from typing import List, Tuple, Type
from pony.orm import Database
from pony.orm.dbapiprovider import BoolConverter, Converter
__all__ = ["YNBoolConverter", "ConverterClasses", "register_y_n_bool_type"]
ConverterClasses = List[Tuple[Type, Type[Converter]]]
# This is using the Pony ORM coding convention (converter instead of self)
# noinspection PyMethodParameters
class YNBoolConverter(Converter):
def __init__(converter, provider, py_type, attr=None):
converter.tf_values = (True, False) # type: Tuple[Any, Any]
Converter.__init__(converter, provider, py_type, attr)
def init(converter, kwargs):
# possible names: tf, tf_vals, tf_values, true_false
tf_values = kwargs.pop("tf", None)
if tf_values is not None:
if len(tf_values) != 2:
"tf_values one value for true and one value for false. Got %s."
"Valid tf_values examples: 'tf', 'yn', (1, 0), [True, False]"
% tf_values,
converter.tf_values = tuple(tf_values)
Converter.init(converter, kwargs)
def validate(converter, val, obj=None):
return bool(val)
def val2dbval(converter, val, obj=None):
true_val, false_val = converter.tf_values
if bool(val):
return true_val
return false_val
def dbval2val(converter, dbval, obj=None):
if dbval == converter.tf_values[0]:
return True
# elif dbval == converter.tf_values[1]:
return False
def sql_type(converter):
return "BOOLEAN"
# TODO: intelligently switch the sql_type based on tf_values
# return "CHAR(1)"
def register_y_n_bool_type(db: Database):
converter_classes: ConverterClasses = db.provider.converter_classes
db.provider.converter_classes = [
(t, YNBoolConverter) if t == bool else (t, c) for t, c in converter_classes
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Revision 1 completely failed:
pony.orm.ormtypes.normalize_type isn't allowing my custom YNBool through saying "Unsupport type 'YNBool'"

Revision 2 partially failed.
It saved Y/N in db, and returned True/False, but the select() query (with not t.deleted instead of t.deleted != 'Y')
(typo in gist revision 2 that wasn't in my test: sql2py used val not dbval as var name.)

Revision 3 partially failed.
Same behavior as Revision 2 (select() needs t.deleted != 'Y' instead of not t.deleted)

Looks like some kind of sql translator is required.

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