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Monad Stacks

Before you read this: This chapter does not attempt to introduce the concept of a monad in general, it assume this as a given and explains the monads and constructs on top of them that are essential to Lean meta programming. If you don't know what a monad is already you can read (TODO: Link to monad tutorial).

Monad Transformers

Quite often in functional programming with monads one wants to have the power of more than one monad available. Specifically in Lean meta programming it is a very common pattern that we have some sort of read only input, an execution context, available to us, as well as the ability to operate on a mutable state. Both of these issues have monads that can solve them separately already, namely the Reader monad for read only input and the StateM monad for the mutable state. Now we can try to just "stack" them ontop like this:`

namespace Playground1
abbrev Context := Nat
abbrev State := String

abbrev MyM (α : Type) := Reader Context (StateM State α)

end Playground1

And this will indeed type check, however we have a very annoying issue, if we attempt to synthesize a Monad instance for this via the #synth command:

namespace Playground1

-- failed to synthesize
--  Monad MyM
#synth Monad MyM

def test1 : MyM Unit := pure () -- failure, pure requires a monad instance
def test2 : MyM Unit := do
  let res ← test1 -- failure, <- syntax requires a monad instance
  pure res -- same issue as with the pure above

end Playground1

We can fix this by manually declaring the instance though:

namespace Playground1

instance : Monad MyM where
  pure x := fun ctx state => (x, state)
  bind x f := fun ctx state =>
    let (res, newState) := x ctx state
    f res ctx newState

end Playground1

Now while we can use bind, aka the <- Syntax and pure now we are still missing convenience functions:

  • Reader should give us read to get the context
  • StateM should give us get and set to get and set the state
namespace Playground1

def foo : MyM Unit := do
  let ctx ← read -- failure because read is not found, the bind syntax works
  let state ← get -- failure because get is not found, the bind syntax works
  set state -- failure because set is not found
  pure () -- pure also works thanks to the monad instance!

end Playground1

Now we could of course write all of these functions ourselves and keep repeating ourselves whenever we do this sort of "combining monads" again but it would obviously be much nicer if we could just have all of this done for us automatically. This is where monad transformers come in. A monad transformer gives us a way to combine the effects that certain monads give us (not all monad can be turned into a transformer) in a nice way. For these monads specifically there is the Reader transformer ReaderT and the StateM transformer StateT, let's see how they perform:

namespace Playground2
abbrev Context := Nat
abbrev State := String

-- `StateM` is defined as `StateM σ α = StateT σ Id α` so the following two are equivalent.
abbrev MyM  := ReaderT Context (StateT State Id)
abbrev MyM2  := ReaderT Context (StateM State)
-- This definition of `StateM` makes perfect sense since the `Id` monad has no effect,
-- so combining it with `StateT` will create a monad that has only the state effect.
-- Can you guess the definition of `Reader` based on `ReaderT`?

#synth Monad MyM -- monad instance!
#synth Monad MyM2 -- monad instance!

end Playground2

So that's the monad instance for free. The other thing that failed above, was that we didn't have access to read, get and set, anymore, let's see whether our monad transformers allow this:

namespace Playground2

def testReader : MyM String := do
  let get ← read -- obtain our context
  pure s!"This is my context: {get}"

def testState (add : State) : MyM Unit := do
  let old ← get
  set s!"{old} + {add}"

def testStateChange : MyM String := do
  let _ ← testState "new stuff!"
  testState "more new stuff!"

def (context : Context) (state : State) (x : MyM α) : α :=
  Prod.fst <$> ( x context) state

#eval 12 "hello" testReader -- "This is my context: 12"
#eval 12 "hello" testStateChange -- "hello + new stuff! + more new stuff!"

end Playground2

Nice! Everything just seems to work here, if you are interested in how Lean does this internally you can check out the infrastructure around:

  • MonadReader, MonadReaderOf for the ReaderT part
  • MonadState, MonadStateOf for the StateT part

for most applications the idea that our ReaderT StateT monad transformers just combine nicely out of the box is perfectly fine though.


The next interesting question one might come up with is, can we just combine monad stacks nicely like this as well? What we are aiming for is that assuming we have a monad stack S and another one of our monad stacks MyM, that is built on top of S, we want to be able to execute computations inside of S just as easily inside of MyM as well. Let's see if the built-in stacks can do this already, as an example for S we will use the IO monad which is a monad stack under the hood as well:

namespace Playground3

abbrev Context := Nat
abbrev State := String

abbrev MyM  := ReaderT Context (StateT State IO)

def test : MyM Unit := do
  let old ← get
  let new := s!"Number {←read}, String: {old}"
  IO.println s!"Old was: {old}, New will be: {new}"
  set new

def (context : Context) (state : State) (x : MyM α) : IO α :=
  Prod.fst <$> ( x context) state

#eval 12 "hello" test -- Old was: hello, New will be: Number 12, String: hello

end Playground3

This also just worked without any additional effort on our side! The infrastructure responsible for this is MonadLift and MonadLiftT as well as some effort in the implementation of do to figure out when to lift. However you can again ignore this if you want, it just works out of the box most of the time.

Error monads

Next up we'll take a look at 2 monads you have most likely not heard of yet, both of which will show up in meta programming.

First is EStateM, as it's name suggests it is very similar to StateM but with the fundamental difference that it can throw some sort of Error, as such it is parameterized by 3 types: EStateM Error State Value. It is one of the monads that implement the MonadExcept/MonadExceptOf machinery which allows us to introduce a concept of exceptions into our monad stacks:

namespace Playground4

abbrev Context := Nat
abbrev Error := String
abbrev State := Nat

abbrev MyM := ReaderT Nat (EStateM Error State)

def alarm (x : String) : MyM Unit := do
  throw s!"Alarm!: {x}"

def main : MyM String := do
  alarm "hi"
  pure "test"

def (context : Context) (state : State) (x : MyM α) : Sum α Error :=
  let res := ( x context) state
  match res with
  | .ok v _ => Sum.inl v
  | .error e _ => Sum.inr e

#eval 12 13 main -- Sum.inr "Alarm!: hi"

end Playground4

What happened here is that alarm threw an exception and because we didn't have any mechanism in place to catch it, the rest of our program didn't get executed and the error got propagated up to us. Luckily Lean has some nice built-in syntax to catch exceptions (if we want to do so):

namespace Playground4

def main2 : MyM String := do
    alarm "hi"
    pure "Success"
  catch err =>
    pure s!"Got an error: {err}"

#eval 12 13 main2 -- Sum.inl "Got an error: Alarm!: hi"

end Playground4

There exists another monad that implements MonadExcept, its the one underlying IO, EIO. EIO is basically IO but parameterized with an exception type. IO sets this to the IO.Error, a type based on UNIX errno. Unsurprisingly EIO (and thus IO) have the capability to throw exceptions.

Note: EIO is in fact based on EStateM, this is however not a tutorial on the inner workings of IO so we will leave it at that.


StateT is implemented as a function that forwards the state from one monadic computation to the next like this: State -> (Value, State). Especially when updating the state lots of times this does of course become rather inefficient so there is an alternative to it, StateRefT. Thanks to MonadState the StateRefT transformer behaves basically identical to the user. Internally it works with an ST.Ref which is in essence a truly mutable memory location and thus much more efficient than ordinary StateT, hence most of the meta programming monad stacks are implemented with it instead of StateT. There is only a single issue with this, Lean is a pure programming language so we can't just have mutable memory locations like that, this is why StateRefT expects another monad stack that can provide this capability. Right now these are:

  • The IO family and stacks built on top of them, that is IO, EIO and BaseIO
  • EST and stacks built on top of it, EST is a (not reducible) alias to EStateM (TODO: Figure out why this distinction is made)

For our example we will simply use IO.

namespace Playground5

abbrev Context := Nat
abbrev State := String

abbrev MyM  := ReaderT Context (StateRefT State IO)

def test : MyM Unit := do
  let old ← get
  let new := s!"Number {←read}, String: {old}"
  IO.println s!"Old was: {old}, New will be: {new}"
  set new

def (context : Context) (state : State) (x : MyM α) : IO α :=
  -- We use StateRefT' because StateRefT is actually a macro, figuring out the
  -- details on how to provide the mutable memory location based on the stack we are building on.
  Prod.fst <$> StateRefT'.run ( x context) state

#eval 12 "hello" test -- Old was: hello, New will be: Number 12, String: hello

end Playground5

More Monad type class extensions

Last but not least lets take a look at a few more, general, Monad extensions that might be useful along the way.


Provides a function withReader : (ρ → ρ) → m α → m α where ρ is the context stored inside of a Reader. The idea is, that you pass it a function that will be applied to your context and the resulting context will be passed on to the second argument as its context, returning the result of that computation. This allows you to temporarily change the context in some sub section of your program before continuing with the original one. In order to make this accessible in monad stacks as well there exists an equivalent machinery to MonadReader/MonadReaderOf, named MonadWithReaderOf.


MonadFinally provides a function tryFinally' : m α → (Option α → m β) → m (α × β) that works as follows: tryFinally' x f runs x and then the "finally" computation f. When x succeeds with a : α, f (some a) is returned. If x fails for m's definition of failure, f none is returned. Hence tryFinally' can be thought of as performing the same role as a finally block in an imperative programming language. (TODO: This is a docstring, link to rendered documentation instead). Like above MonadFinally is implemented so that it is accessible throughout monad stacks that are based on a monad which implements this behaviour.


TODO: The doc string does explain what it does: Similar to MonadState, but it retrieves/restores only the "backtrackable" part of the state.

However this is a little abstract and probably requires an example, the issue with this is that all instances of MonadBackTrack are inside the meta stack so I'm not quite sure how to do one.


Is explained in an excellent doc string here


TODO: Again the doc string explains it: A functor in the category of monads. Can be used to lift monad-transforming functions. Based on pipes' MFunctor, but not restricted to monad transformers. Alternatively, an implementation of MonadTransFunctor.

This might however be rather confusing to most people (including me) so we should probably try to come up with some nice examples as well.

Monads used in Lean 4

Here is a list of monads that are used in Lean 4 that you might run into. Some have already been discussed above. Monad stacks can be quite tall in Lean 4. For example if we were to write out the full defininition of TacticM:

TacticM :=
  EStateM Exception IO.RealWorld
  |> StateRefT Core.State
  |> ReaderT Core.Context
  |> StateRefT Meta.State
  |> ReaderT Meta.Context
  |> StateRefT Elab.Term.State
  |> ReaderT Elab.Term.Context
  |> StateRefT Elab.Tactic.State
  |> ReaderT Elab.Tactic.Context

The IO monads

An IO monad is used to create computations that interact with the rest of the computer. Things like: connecting to the internet, writing files etc. Use an IO monad to say, "hey! this code can cause arbitrary OS-level side effects". TODO: potentially there will be a whole chapter on the IO API, so we will just focus on the monad here.

In Lean 4 there are a family of IO monads: IO, EIO ε, BaseIO. EIO ε is the main one, it is defined as EStateM ε IO.RealWorld: you can throw errors of type ε and it has a strange state object called IO.Realworld.

This state is a little strange. There is a magic definition IO.RealWorld : Type := Unit, that represents the 'io state' of your application. You should never actually use IO.RealWorld. A description of how it works in Haskell is given here. To summarise: it's essentially a placeholder for the current state of everything outside your app. It seems to just be some bookkeeping for the compiler (TODO: check with authorities), since if you are passing this () : IO.Realworld object around, the optimiser will never try to reorder operations and so on. You should always use EIO and items defined in terms of EIO, because of course you can't reset the state of reality.

The difference between IO, BaseIO and EIO ε are the exceptions that are thrown. BaseIO has no exceptions and IO := EIO IO.Error. IO.Error is specialised for errors that can happen when interfacing with the OS (rather than lean-specific errors which use Exception). There is an error type for all of the errors that you might get from the OS while doing syscalls. There is also a userError (msg : String) for when you want to pass a user error.


The best way to think about CoreM is that it tracks everything Lean-related that doesn't yet involve managing expressions. It's a set of common context and state for the other metaprogramming monads. You can use this to running attribute handlers (AttrM := CoreM), manipulating the environment and setting options.

It is defined as ReaderT Core.Context $ StateRefT Core.State $ EIO Exception.

The main things in the context are:

  • The options that are set. I.e. storing the settings from set_option trace.simplify.rewrite true commands.
  • The current namespace.
  • Which namespaces are currently open. That is, things that have been opened with the open command.

The main things in the state are:

  • The current Environment
  • The name generator (responsible for making sure that unique names are created.)
  • The trace state (where messages to the user are stored)


CoreM is MetaM with a local context and a metavariable state. It is used for building expressions where you need to handle metavariables and local contexts. You can learn more about it in [[main/metam]].


The TermElabM tracks a lot of extra information that is needed to turn Lean syntax in to expressions: pending elaboration problems, pending tactics to be executed, etc. This is used for writing term elaborators. You will encounter it when writing elab methods for custom syntax.


The tactic monad. This is TermElabM with a list of goals. It is used to implement your own tactics.


This one sits outside the main monad stack. It works similarly to a combined TermElabM and CoreM. It is used for elaborating commands.


A macro is a function Syntax → MacroM Syntax. The macro state and context contains information needed to expand macros hygienically. You can learn more about macros in [[main/macros]] and The Lean manual.


This is used to handle the requests in the Lean language server from vscode or emacs.



Conversion table

Often when writing monads you will want to run monad A in monad B. This is done with 'running' and 'lifting' monads. Here is a table giving methods that can be used to lift or run monads from other monads.

run ↓ in → IO CoreM MetaM TermElabM TacticM CommandElabM
IO . liftM liftM liftM liftM liftM
CoreM CoreM.toIO, . liftM liftM liftM liftCoreM
MetaM MetaM.toIO . liftM liftM
TermElabM . liftM runTermElabM, liftTermElabM
TacticM .
CommandElabM .

If you are writing your own definitions involving monads, rather than specifically using a concrete monad like MetaM, consider using a variable monad M with monad typeclasses for the bits that you need: eg [MonadEnv M] if you are using the environment or [MonadControlT MetaM M] if you want to use the metavariable context. Doing this means that you have to worry less about lifting and running concrete monads.

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