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Created April 6, 2020 22:44
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replica placement coding test
package main
import (
// Build a list of replica sets from a list of hosts and the number of
// hosts per replica set provided as input.
// The input hostnames are in the form of abc-123 where abc is the rack
// and 123 is the position within the rack:
// hostname
// ┌───┴───┐
// ▼ ▼
// asa - 022
// ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
// └┬┘ │ │
// │ └─┴─┐
// rack position
// There are a couple of rules about how replicasets should be built:
// * Each replicaset can only have one host from a given rack
// (only one `asa-###` host, for example)
// * Each host can only be in one replicaset
// Example returned valid replica sets (from an optimal algorithm):
// rsets = [
// ['add-223', 'asa-022', 'asz-101'],
// ['asa-001', 'atb-381', 'asz-281'],
// ...
// ]
// leftover = ['asa-024', 'asa-025', 'asa-026', 'asa-023', 'atc-311']
// Note that because we don't have evenly divisible numbers of machines from all our racks,
// there are going to be some left over, that's okay as long as we know what they are.
func determineReplicaSets(hosts []string, replicaFactor int) (replicaSets [][]string, leftover []string) {
for hostIndex, host := range hosts {
rack := strings.Split(host, "-")[0]
if hostIndex == 0 {
replicaSets = append(replicaSets, []string{host})
// fmt.Println("first set")
noSetAvailableForRack := true
for setIndex, set := range replicaSets {
if len(set) == replicaFactor {
// fmt.Println("factor reached")
setHasRack := false
for _, setHost := range set {
setRack := strings.Split(setHost, "-")[0]
if setRack == rack {
// fmt.Println(setRack, rack)
setHasRack = true
if setHasRack == false {
replicaSets[setIndex] = append(replicaSets[setIndex], host)
noSetAvailableForRack = false
if noSetAvailableForRack == true {
fmt.Println("adding new set for " + host)
replicaSets = append(replicaSets, []string{host})
var finalReplicaSets [][]string
for _, set := range replicaSets {
if len(set) == replicaFactor {
finalReplicaSets = append(finalReplicaSets, set)
} else {
leftover = append(leftover, set...)
replicaSets = finalReplicaSets
return replicaSets, leftover
func main() {
hosts := []string{
"asa-001", "asa-002", "asa-003", "asa-004", "asa-005", "asa-006",
"asa-011", "asa-012", "asa-013", "asa-014", "asa-015", "asa-016",
"asa-021", "asa-022", "asa-023", "asa-024", "asa-025", "asa-026",
"asr-011", "asu-311", "asu-134", "asu-281", "asv-101", "asv-351",
"asw-051", "asw-054", "asx-314", "asx-351", "asy-014", "asy-134",
"asz-101", "asz-281", "asz-383", "ata-134", "ata-224", "ata-281",
"ata-311", "atb-134", "atb-164", "atb-314", "atb-381", "atc-054",
"atc-223", "atc-281", "atc-284", "atc-311", "add-223",
replicaFactor := 3
fmt.Println(determineReplicaSets(hosts, replicaFactor))
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