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Last active July 1, 2023 04:43
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Proxy vs VPN

  • Proxy is not VPN.
  • An application could provide an option to use a proxy, by a command line parameter, or an environment variable. Or it could provide no option for proxy at all!
  • VPN is an easy way to "proxy" the whole system without any application specific settings.

A proxy could use SOCKS or HTTP protocol.


A SOCKS proxy can be connected by a client using SOCKS protocol, whose URI can be "socks5://host:port", "socks5h://host:port", "socks4://host:port", or "socks4a://host:port". socks5, socks5h, socks4 and socks4a are different versions of SOCKS. Nowadays you should use SOCKS version 5 and specifically socks5h. More on socks5h will be put later.

Setup a SOCKS Proxy

The easist way to setup a SOCKS proxy is to use SSH Port Forwarding, like

  • ssh -D ...
  • plink from PuTTY

See more on SSH Port Forwarding, like multi-hops forwarding, etc.

DNS through Proxy

Most of the time you need to do DNS resolving remotely in the proxy server side. Then you need socks5h. For example, for curl, you tell it to do remote DNS resolving by

all_proxy="socks5h://host:port" curl ...

However, not all clients recognize socks5h://. And,

  • Some clients do DNS through socks5:// by default, like Chrome (but it doesn't recognize socks5h://)
  • Some do not do DNS through socks5://, like curl (it recognizes both and treats them differently).

HTTP Proxy

Some applications accept only HTTP Proxy, like python pip. A simple way to meet this is to setup a HTTP proxy that forwards requests to a SOCKS proxy. This can be achieved by Privoxy, with a line in its configuration file like

forward-socks5 / . (DO NOT MISS THE TRAILING DOT!)

Then you could provide a HTTP Proxy in URI like http://host:port. See Privoxy Forwarding for more on this.

Using Proxy in a Web Broswer

Most browsers provide settings for proxy and accept both SOCKS and HTTP proxies.


It has various proxy settings and DNS settings in GUI out of box, which is friendly to users.


The proxy setting is only available from command line, like --proxy-server="socks5://". And DNS is by default through the proxy if present. See more on proxy support in Chrome.

Edge on Windows

It can only use the system proxy settings and has no way to config the DNS (at least I haven't found it!). So in fact a proxy is useless for it!

Using Proxy on Linux

Environment Variables

all_proxy, http_proxy, https_proxy, ..., no_proxy and their counterparts in upper case, like ALL_PROXY, etc..


  • It's up to an application to respect one of them, or none at all!
  • Setting all the *_proxy variables (except no_proxy and its counterpart) may cause problem for some applicaitons, like wget.

See more on the environment varaibles.


It provides transparent proxy function for (almost) any application. It makes use of environment variable LD_PRELOAD. It uses that mechanism to capture system calls including connect, select, poll, close and optionally res_init (for DNS) to use a proxy. So It doesn't work for static-linked applications. Neither for those who make low level system calls other than those listed for network directly. And, by default it doesn't do DNS through a proxy. That depends on specific config settings on compiling. See its source code for how-to. So I would suggest you to try the environment variables aforementioned before you turn to tsocks.

Using Proxy on Windows

Set a system wide proxy by "Internet Options". However, it is up to an applications as to how to use the system wide proxy, or not to use it at all. But good news are

  • The wsl --install command respects the system proxy settings.
  • Usually you don't need a proxy to do wsl --install.



As mentioned in Proxy, tsocks provides transparent proxy function for (almost) any application.

Then what kind of application it can help?

The following command can tell:

nm -D <binary> | grep connect
  • The nm -D list the external symbols that is referenced by the binary but is not defined in it. Remember it depends on LD_PRELOAD and thus doesn't work for static-linked binaries.
  • Then look for connect from those symbols, since tsocks works by capturing that system call to use a proxy. Other system calls that tsocks captures are select, poll, close and optionally res_init (for DNS).

How to let tsocks do DNS through a proxy?

  1. Get its source and read INSTALL.
  2. configure it with --enable-socksdns and --disable-hostnames before compiling it.
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