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Forked from dominic-p/
Last active March 13, 2017 21:44
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This is a shell script to check a provided list of URLs to see if the websites are working or not. It was based on the answers provided to this question:
# ---- ----
# Pings a list of websites using cURL to see if they are up and
# there are no errors. If there are problems, we send an email using mailx
# to let ourselves know about the problem.
# This is a path to a plain text list of URLs to check, one per line
# Make sure this uses proper unix newline characters or you will get 400 Bad Request errors
# when you try to curl the URLs
# A special string that will be present if the site is up and working
# See discussion here:
# I recommend not using an HTML comment for the string because comments are
# automatically stripped by some performance optimization systems
# (e.g. CloudFlare).
#validation='<meta name="is_live" content="true"/>'
# We need to use an up to date CA cert bundle to verify that our SSL certs are working for https:// URLs
# You can obtain this file from:
# Loop through all of the URLs and cURL them
while read siteurl
# curl flags
# --location = Follow HTTP redirects
# --include = Include the HTTP headers in the output
# --silent = Don't show progress bar
# --show-error = We hide the progress bar with --silent, but we still need errors, this fixes that
# --max-time = How long to allow curl to run for each try (connection and download)
# --cacert = See comment above
# --user-agent = The user agent string to use
# --write-out = Additional information for curl to write to its output
result=$(curl --location --include --silent --show-error --max-time 12 --header "Cache control: no-cache" --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" --write-out "\nHTTP Code: %{http_code}\nTotal Time: %{time_total} sec\nDownload Size: %{size_download} B\nDownload Speed: %{speed_download} B/sec\nEffective URL: %{url_effective}" "$siteurl" 2>&1)
# Search for our string, if it isn't found, the site is down
# -q is grep's quite flag, makes it not write to standard out
#if ! echo "$result" | grep -q "$validation" ; then
# Add the site url and the curl output to our failures variable
# failures="$failures"$'\n\n'"======================="$'\n\n'"$siteurl"$'\n'"----------------------"$'\n'"$result"
# Instead of searching for a string, I just want to look at the HTTP Code
http_code=$(echo "$result" | grep "HTTP Code:")
echo "$siteurl -- $http_code"
done < $url_list
# Check for failures, if we have them, send the email
#if ! [ -z "$failures" ]; then
# mailx will convert our email body into an attachment (or just fail to send the email)
# if the newline characters aren't handled properly. So, we pipe the output through iconv and tr.
# See:
#echo "One or more of your websites might be down. See the results below. $failures" | iconv -c -t UTF-8 | tr -d '\r' | mailx -s "Automated Website Check Failed" $admin_email
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