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coke/errs.out Secret

Created July 24, 2023 12:01
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➜ doc git:(main) ✗ make xtest
if [ "5" != "" ]; then prove --ext=rakutest -j 5 -e raku t xt; else prove --ext=rakutest -e raku t xt; fi
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /Users/coke/sandbox/doc/t/00-meta.rakutest
Could not find Test::META in:
at /Users/coke/sandbox/doc/t/00-meta.rakutest:7
t/00-meta.rakutest ................ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
No subtests run
xt/01-raku-version.rakutest ....... ok
t/05-tabs.rakutest ................ ok
===( 515;64 0/419 1/30 0/860 21/437 0/? )================# Failed test 't/00-meta.rakutest Pod6 and syntax check out'
# at t/03-tests-valid.rakutest line 56
# Failed test 'xt/type-graph.rakutest Pod6 and syntax check out'
# at t/03-tests-valid.rakutest line 56
# You failed 2 tests of 30
t/03-tests-valid.rakutest ......... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/30 subtests
xt/check-signatures.rakutest ...... skipped: To run check-signatures, please specify the path to the Rakudo git checkout with the RAKUDO_SRC environment variable
xt/aspell.rakutest ................ ok
xt/double-dots.rakutest ........... ok
xt/duplicates.rakutest ............ ok
xt/final-newline.rakutest ......... ok
xt/headings.rakutest .............. ok
xt/lib-test-files.rakutest ........ ok
xt/braces.rakutest ................ ok
xt/perl-nbsp.rakutest ............. ok
===( 4225;257 0/419 0/? 37/419 41/419 3/419 )============= # use URI::Escape;
# say URI::Escape::EXPORT::.keys;
# Could not find URI::Escape in:
# /Users/coke/sandbox/doc/lib
# /Users/coke/.raku
# /Users/coke/.rakubrew/versions/moar-947b49c90/install/share/perl6/site
# /Users/coke/.rakubrew/versions/moar-947b49c90/install/share/perl6/vendor
# /Users/coke/.rakubrew/versions/moar-947b49c90/install/share/perl6/core
# CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<5506818484224>
# CompUnit::Repository::NQP<5506797523416>
# CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<5506797523456>
# Failed test 'doc/Language/modules.rakudoc chunk 7 starts with “use URI::E” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
===( 4231;261 0/419 0/? 39/419 43/419 5/419 )============= # You failed 1 test of 25
# Failed test 'doc/Language/modules.rakudoc'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 45
t/02-pod-valid.rakutest ........... ok
===( 4800;331 0/? 65/419 65/419 41/419 66/419 )============= # =table
# X O
# ===========
# X O
# ===========
# X
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 5 starts with “=table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# =table
# X | O |
# ---+---+---
# | X | O
# ---+---+---
# | | X
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 6 starts with “=table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# =table
# Superhero | Secret |
# | Identity | Superpower
# ==============|=================|================================
# The Shoveller | Eddie Stevens | King Arthur's singing shovel
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 8 starts with “=table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# =table
# Animal | Legs | Eats
# =======================
# Zebra + 4 + Cookies
# Human + 2 + Pizza
# Shark + 0 + Fish
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 9 starts with “=table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# =for table
# mouse | mice
# horse | horses
# elephant | elephants
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 10 starts with “=for table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# =table
# Constants 1
# Variables 10
# Subroutines 33
# Everything else 57
# Missing block
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc chunk 11 starts with “=table” compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 141
# You failed 6 tests of 17
# Failed test 'doc/Language/tables.rakudoc'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 45
===( 4846;352 0/? 75/419 79/419 49/419 80/419 )============= # Failed test 'doc/Language/variables.rakudoc chunk starting with «=begin» has extra leading whitespace'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 65
# You failed 1 test of 86
# Failed test 'doc/Language/variables.rakudoc'
# at xt/examples-compilation.rakutest line 45
===( 5761;608 0/? 325/419 324/419 223/419 326/419 )=============^Z
[1] + 40000 suspended make xtest
➜ doc git:(main) ✗ fg
[1] + 40000 continued make xtest
xt/rakudoc-brackets.rakutest ...... ok
xt/links-not-links.rakutest ....... ok
xt/camelia-invocations.rakutest ... ok
xt/rakudoc-c.rakutest ............. ok
xt/rakudoc-l.rakutest ............. ok
xt/routine-definitions.rakutest ... ok
===( 14008;652 417/419 271/419 44/414 0/? )======================# You failed 3 tests of 419
xt/examples-compilation.rakutest .. Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/419 subtests
xt/trailing-whitespace.rakutest ... ok
===( 14826;655 274/419 77/414 280/419 7/430 )=====================SORRY!=== Error while compiling /Users/coke/sandbox/doc/xt/type-graph.rakutest
Could not find Doc::TypeGraph in:
at /Users/coke/sandbox/doc/xt/type-graph.rakutest:4
xt/type-graph.rakutest ............ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
No subtests run
xt/search-categories.rakutest ..... ok
xt/vim-mode.rakutest .............. ok
xt/words.rakutest ................. ok
xt/return-type.rakutest ........... ok
xt/word-variants.rakutest ......... ok
xt/space-after-comma.rakutest ..... ok
xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest ....... ok
Test Summary Report
t/00-meta.rakutest (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 1
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/03-tests-valid.rakutest (Wstat: 512 Tests: 30 Failed: 2)
Failed tests: 1, 27
Non-zero exit status: 2
xt/examples-compilation.rakutest (Wstat: 768 Tests: 419 Failed: 3)
Failed tests: 40, 66, 76
Non-zero exit status: 3
xt/type-graph.rakutest (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 1
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=30, Tests=16789, 727 wallclock secs ( 3.00 usr 0.39 sys + 2176.74 cusr 88.61 csys = 2268.74 CPU)
Result: FAIL
make: *** [xtest] Error 1
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