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coke/errs.out Secret

Last active July 23, 2023 23:15
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✗ TEST_FILES="doc/Language/operators.rakudoc doc/Language/pod.rakudoc doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc doc/Language/variables.rakudoc" xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest
not ok 1 - doc/Language/operators.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/operators.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
not ok 2 - doc/Language/pod.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/pod.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
not ok 3 - doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
not ok 4 - doc/Language/variables.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/variables.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
# You failed 4 tests of 4
not ok 1 - doc/Language/operators.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/operators.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
--- /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/XLDfukYR8t 2023-07-23 19:14:57
+++ /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/LbkVJosoGY 2023-07-23 19:14:57
@@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@
infix = (item assignment)
- sub infix:<=>(Mu $a is rw, Mu $b)
+ sub infix:<=>(Mu $a is rw, Mu $b)
Called the item assignment operator. It copies the value of the right-hand
not ok 2 - doc/Language/pod.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/pod.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
--- /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/SI4LtS1FA7 2023-07-23 19:14:59
+++ /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/XqnEMZ6Ld2 2023-07-23 19:14:59
@@ -751,8 +751,8 @@
You can specify hierarchical index entries by separating indexing levels
with commas:
- An X<array|arrays, definition of> is an ordered list of scalars
- indexed by number, starting with 0. A X<hash|hashes, definition of>
+ An X<array|B<arrays, definition of>> is an ordered list of scalars
+ indexed by number, starting with 0. A X<hash|B<hashes, definition of>>
is an unordered collection of scalar values indexed by their
associated string key.
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
You can specify two or more entries for a single indexed text, by
separating the entries with semicolons:
- A X<hash|hashes, definition of; associative arrays>
+ A X<hash|B<hashes, definition of; associative arrays>>
is an unordered collection of scalar values indexed by their
associated string key.
not ok 3 - doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
--- /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/TONCB6iTwy 2023-07-23 19:15:04
+++ /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/7Q3xHIga0r 2023-07-23 19:15:04
@@ -2444,16 +2444,16 @@
The above code produces this output:
- abracadabra
- abracada
- abraca
- abra
- acadabra
- acada
- aca
- adabra
- ada
- abra
+ abracadabra
+ abracada
+ abraca
+ abra
+ acadabra
+ acada
+ aca
+ adabra
+ ada
+ abra
@@ -2502,10 +2502,10 @@
- abracadabra
- acadabra
- adabra
- abra
+ abracadabra
+ acadabra
+ adabra
+ abra
Substitution adverbs
not ok 4 - doc/Language/variables.rakudoc contents match
# Failed test 'doc/Language/variables.rakudoc contents match'
# at xt/rakuast-compare.rakutest line 43
--- /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/Gbu8HFeQQr 2023-07-23 19:15:08
+++ /var/folders/8n/rypl9_990b9578zd5435pgr40000gn/T/fmPQPbNPrw 2023-07-23 19:15:08
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
-#after that, $=Foo gives you all Foo-Pod-blocks
+ #after that, $=Foo gives you all Foo-Pod-blocks
You may access the Pod tree which contains all Pod structures as a
hierarchical data structure through $=pod.
# You failed 4 tests of 4
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