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Created February 22, 2017 16:11
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# class Point {
# has Int $.x;
# has Int $.y;
# }
# class Rectangle {
# has Point $.lower;
# has Point $.upper;
# method area() returns Int {
# ($!upper.x - $!lower.x) * ( $!upper.y - $!lower.y);
# }
# }
# # Create a new Rectangle from two Points
# my $r = => => 0, y => 0), upper => => 10, y => 10));
# say $r.area(); # OUTPUT: «100␤»
ok 1 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Task {
# has &!callback;
# has Task @!dependencies;
# has Bool $.done;
# # Normally doesn't need to be written
# # BUILD is the equivalent of a constructor in other languages
# method new(&callback, *@dependencies) {
# return self.bless(:&callback, :@dependencies);
# }
# submethod BUILD(:&!callback, :@!dependencies) { }
# method add-dependency(Task $dependency) {
# push @!dependencies, $dependency;
# }
# method perform() {
# unless $!done {
# .perform() for @!dependencies;
# &!callback();
# $!done = True;
# }
# }
# }
# my $eat =
#{ say 'eating dinner. NOM!' },
#{ say 'making dinner' },
#{ say 'buying food' },
#{ say 'making some money' }),
#{ say 'going to the store' })
# ),
#{ say 'cleaning kitchen' })
# )
# );
# $eat.perform();
ok 2 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say Int.DEFINITE; # OUTPUT: «False␤» (type object)
# say 426.DEFINITE; # OUTPUT: «True␤» (instance)
# class Foo {};
# say Foo.DEFINITE; # OUTPUT: «False␤» (type object)
# say; # OUTPUT: «True␤» (instance)
ok 3 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi foo (Int:U) { "It's a type object!" }
# multi foo (Int:D) { "It's an instance!" }
# say foo Int; # OUTPUT: «It's a type object!␤»
# say foo 42; # OUTPUT: «It's an instance!␤»
ok 4 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# has Bool $!done;
# method done() { return $!done }
ok 5 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# has Bool $.done is rw;
ok 6 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# has Bool $.done = False;
ok 7 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Singleton {
# my Singleton $instance;
# method new {!!!}
# submethod instance {
# $instance = Singleton.bless unless $instance;
# $instance;
# }
# }
ok 8 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class B {...}
# class C {
# trusts B;
# has $!hidden = 'invisible';
# method !not-yours () { say 'hidden' }
# method yours-to-use () {
# say $!hidden;
# self!not-yours();
# }
# }
# class B {
# method i-am-trusted () {
# my C $c.=new;
# $c!C::not-yours();
# }
# }
#; # the context of this call is GLOBAL, and not trusted by C
ok 9 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method new(&callback, *@dependencies) {
# return self.bless(:&callback, :@dependencies);
# }
ok 10 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class Employee {
# has $.salary;
# method pay() {
# say "Here is \$$.salary";
# }
# }
# class Programmer is Employee {
# has @.known_languages is rw;
# has $.favorite_editor;
# method code_to_solve( $problem ) {
# say "Solving $problem using $.favorite_editor in "
# ~ $.known_languages[0] ~ '.';
# }
# }
ok 11 - doc/Language/classtut.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $p1 =;
# say $p1.status; # OUTPUT: «Planned␤»
# $p1.keep('result');
# say $p1.status; # OUTPUT: «Kept␤»
# say $p1.result; # OUTPUT: «result␤»
# # (since it has been kept, a result is available!)
# my $p2 =;
# $p2.break('oh no');
# say $p2.status; # OUTPUT: «Broken␤»
# say $p2.result; # dies, because the promise has been broken
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc+{X::Promise::Broken}: oh no␤»
ok 12 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $promise1 =;
# my $promise2 = $promise1.then(
# -> $v { say $v.result; "Second Result" }
# );
# $promise1.keep("First Result");
# say $promise2.result; # OUTPUT: «First Result␤Second Result␤»
ok 13 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $promise1 =;
# my $promise2 = $promise1.then(-> $v { say "Handled but : "; say $v.result});
# $promise1.break("First Result");
# try $promise2.result;
# say $promise2.cause; # OUTPUT: «Handled but : ␤First Result␤»
ok 14 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $promise1 =;
# my $promise2 = $promise1.then(-> $v { say $v.status; 'Second Result' });
# say $promise2.result;
ok 15 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $promise = Promise.start(
# { my $i = 0; for 1 .. 10 { $i += $_ }; $i}
# );
# say $promise.result; # OUTPUT: «55␤»
ok 16 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $promise = Promise.start({ die "Broken Promise" });
# try $promise.result;
# say $promise.cause;
ok 17 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $promise = start {
# my $i = 0;
# for 1 .. 10 {
# $i += $_
# }
# $i
# }
# my $result = await $promise;
# say $result;
ok 18 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $p1 = start {
# my $i = 0;
# for 1 .. 10 {
# $i += $_
# }
# $i
# };
# my $p2 = start {
# my $i = 0;
# for 1 .. 10 {
# $i -= $_
# }
# $i
# };
# my @result = await $p1, $p2;
# say @result; # OUTPUT: «[55 -55]␤»
ok 19 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $promise = Promise.allof(
# );
# await $promise;
# say "All done"; # Should be not much more than three seconds later
ok 20 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $promise = Promise.anyof(
# );
# await $promise;
# say "All done"; # Should be about 3 seconds later
ok 21 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my @promises;
# for 1..5 -> $t {
# push @promises, start {
# sleep $t;
# Bool.pick;
# };
# }
# say await Promise.allof(@promises).then({ so all(@promises>>.result) });
ok 22 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub get_promise {
# my $promise =;
# my $vow = $promise.vow;
# $promise;
# }
# my $promise = get_promise();
# # Will throw an exception
# # "Access denied to keep/break this Promise; already vowed"
# $promise.keep;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Promise::Vowed: Access denied to keep/break this Promise; already vowed␤»
ok 23 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply.tap( -> $v { say $v });
# for 1 .. 10 {
# $supplier.emit($_);
# }
ok 24 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $supply = supply {
# for 1 .. 10 {
# emit($_);
# }
# }
# $supply.tap( -> $v { say $v });
ok 25 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $supply = supply {
# for 1 .. 10 {
# emit($_);
# }
# }
# $supply.tap( -> $v { say "First : $v" });
# $supply.tap( -> $v { say "Second : $v" });
ok 26 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# my $tap = $supply.tap( -> $v { say $v });
# $supplier.emit("OK");
# $tap.close;
# $supplier.emit("Won't trigger the tap");
ok 27 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $supply = Supply.interval(2);
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say $v });
# sleep 10;
ok 28 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# react {
# whenever Supply.interval(2) -> $v {
# say $v;
# done() if $v == 4;
# }
# }
ok 29 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $supply = Supply.interval(2);
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say "First $v" });
# sleep 6;
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say "Second $v"});
# sleep 10;
ok 30 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# react {
# whenever Supply.from-list(1..10) -> $v {
# say $v;
# }
# }
ok 31 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say "Original : $v" });
# my $odd_supply = $supply.grep({ $_ % 2 });
# $odd_supply.tap(-> $v { say "Odd : $v" });
# my $even_supply = $supply.grep({ not $_ % 2 });
# $even_supply.tap(-> $v { say "Even : $v" });
# for 0 .. 10 {
# $supplier.emit($_);
# }
ok 32 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say "Original : $v" });
# my $half_supply = ${ $_ / 2 });
# $half_supply.tap(-> $v { say "Half : $v" });
# for 0 .. 10 {
# $supplier.emit($_);
# }
ok 33 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my $channel =;
# $channel.send('Channel One');
# say $channel.receive; # OUTPUT: «Channel One␤»
ok 34 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my $channel =;
# await (^10).map: -> $r {
# start {
# sleep $r;
# $channel.send($r);
# }
# }
# $channel.close;
# for $channel.list -> $r {
# say $r;
# }
ok 35 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $c =;
# # Start three Promises that sleep for 1..3 seconds, and then
# # send a value to our Channel
# ^3 .map: -> $v {
# start {
# sleep 3 - $v;
# $c.send: "$v from thread {$*}";
# }
# }
# # Wait 3 seconds before closing the channel
# { $c.close }
# # Continuously loop and poll the channel, until it's closed
# my $is-closed = $c.closed;
# loop {
# if $c.poll -> $item {
# say "$item received after {now - INIT now} seconds";
# }
# elsif $is-closed {
# last;
# }
# say 'Doing some unrelated things...';
# sleep .6;
# }
# # Doing some unrelated things...
# # Doing some unrelated things...
# # 2 from thread 5 received after 1.2063182 seconds
# # Doing some unrelated things...
# # Doing some unrelated things...
# # 1 from thread 4 received after 2.41117376 seconds
# # Doing some unrelated things...
# # 0 from thread 3 received after 3.01364461 seconds
# # Doing some unrelated things...
ok 36 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# my $channel = $supply.Channel;
# my $p = start {
# react {
# whenever $channel -> $item {
# say "via Channel: $item";
# }
# }
# }
# await (^10).map: -> $r {
# start {
# sleep $r;
# $supplier.emit($r);
# }
# }
# $supplier.done;
# await $p;
ok 37 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my $proc ='echo', 'foo', 'bar');
# $proc.stdout.tap(-> $v { print "Output: $v" });
# $proc.stderr.tap(-> $v { print "Error: $v" });
# say "Starting...";
# my $promise = $proc.start;
# await $promise;
# say "Done.";
# # Output:
# # Starting...
# # Output: foo bar
# # Done.
ok 38 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my $proc =, 'grep', 'foo');
# $proc.stdout.tap(-> $v { print "Output: $v" });
# say "Starting...";
# my $promise = $proc.start;
# $proc.say("this line has foo");
# $proc.say("this one doesn't");
# $proc.close-stdin;
# await $promise;
# say "Done.";
# # Output:
# # Starting...
# # Output: this line has foo
# # Done.
ok 39 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my $thread = => { for 1 .. 10 -> $v { say $v }});
# # ...
# $;
ok 40 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# my $thread = Thread.start({ for 1 .. 10 -> $v { say $v }});
ok 41 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method cue(:&code, Instant :$at, :$in, :$every, :$times = 1; :&catch)
ok 42 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# my $i = 0;
# my $cancellation = $*SCHEDULER.cue({ say $i++}, every => 2 );
# sleep 20;
ok 43 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# my $i = 0;
# my $cancellation = $*SCHEDULER.cue({ say $i++}, every => 2 );
# sleep 10;
# $cancellation.cancel;
# sleep 10;
ok 44 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my $lock =;
# my $a = 0;
# await (^10).map: {
# start {
# $lock.protect({
# my $r = rand;
# sleep $r;
# $a++;
# });
# }
# }
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
ok 45 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my @array;
# my $slot := @array[20];
# $slot = 'foo';
ok 46 - doc/Language/concurrency.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my $x = 42;
# say $x;
ok 47 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub f($a is rw) {
# $a = 23;
# }
# my $x = 42;
# f($x);
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «23␤»
ok 48 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $x = 23;
# sub f() is rw { $x };
# f() = 42;
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 49 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class A {
# has $.attr is rw;
# }
ok 50 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class A {
# has $!attr;
# method attr() is rw { $!attr }
# }
ok 51 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $x = 42;
# say $x.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# say $x.VAR.^name; # OUTPUT: «Scalar␤»
ok 52 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub f($x is rw) { say $x };
# f 42;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Parameter::RW: Parameter '$x' expected a writable container, but got Int value␤»
ok 53 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $x := 42;
ok 54 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $x := 42;
# $x = 23;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Cannot assign to an immutable value␤»
ok 55 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $a = 0;
# my $b = 0;
# $a := $b;
# $b = 42;
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 56 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $a = 42;
# my \b = $a;
# b++;
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «43␤»
# sub f($c is raw) { $c++ }
# f($a);
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «44␤»
ok 57 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say (1, 2, 3).^name; # OUTPUT: «List␤»
ok 58 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $x = 42;
# ($x, 1, 2)[0] = 23;
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «23␤»
# ($x, 1, 2)[1] = 23; # Cannot modify an immutable value
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Int␤»
ok 59 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a[0] = 42;
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[42 2 3]␤»
ok 60 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $x = 42; say $x.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# my @a = 42; say @a.^name; # OUTPUT: «Array␤»
ok 61 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my @a := (1, 2, 3);
# say @a.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
ok 62 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my @a = (1, 2, 3);
# @a[0] := my $x;
# $x = 42;
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[42 2 3]␤»
ok 63 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my @a = (1, 2, 3);
# @a[0] := 42; # This is not recommended, use assignment instead.
# my $b := 42;
# @a[1] := $b; # Nor is this.
# @a[2] = $b; # ...but this is fine.
# @a[1, 2] := 1, 2; # runtime error: X::Bind::Slice
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Bind::Slice: Cannot bind to Array slice␤»
ok 64 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# for @a { }; # 3 iterations
# my $a = (1, 2, 3);
# for $a { }; # 1 iteration
ok 65 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# my @b = @a, 4, 5;
# say @b.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 66 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# say (flat @a, 4, 5).elems; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# sub f(*@x) { @x.elems };
# say f @a, 4, 5; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 67 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# sub f(*@x) { @x.elems };
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# say f $@a, 4, 5; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 68 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my $x = (1, 2, 3);
# .say for @$x; # 3 iterations
ok 69 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my $x = (1, 2, 3);
# $*.say); # 3 iterations
ok 70 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my @a;
# @a[0] = @a;
# put @a.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «(my \Array_54878224 = [Array_54878224,])»
ok 71 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# EVAL ‚my $i = 42; say $i.VAR.of; $i := "forty plus two"; say $i.VAR.of;‘;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «(Mu)␤X::Method::NotFound No such method 'of' for invocant of type 'Str'␤»
ok 72 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# sub lucky(::T $type) {
# my T $c-value; # closure variable
# return
# FETCH => method () { $c-value },
# STORE => method (T $new-value) {
# => 'number', got => '13', range => '-Inf..12, 14..Inf').throw
# if $new-value == 13;
# $c-value = $new-value;
# }
# );
# }
# my Int $a := lucky(Int);
# say $a = 12; # OUTPUT: «12␤»
# say $a = 'FOO'; # X::TypeCheck::Binding
# say $a = 13; # X::OutOfRange
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
ok 73 - doc/Language/containers.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say "Hello";
# say "World";
ok 74 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say
# "Hello"; say "World";
ok 75 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# { say "Hello"; say "World" }
ok 76 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say 1; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# { say 2; say 3 }; # OUTPUT: «2␤3␤»
# say 4; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 77 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# # All three of these lines can appear as a group, as is, in a program
# { 42.say } # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# { 43.say } # OUTPUT: «43␤»
# { 42.say }; { 43.say } # OUTPUT: «42␤43␤»
ok 78 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# False and do { 42.say };
ok 79 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# # This says "(..1 ..2 ..3)" not "(..1 ...2 ....3)"
# my $f = "."; say do { $f ~= "." } X~ 1, 2, 3;
ok 80 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# 43.say if 42.say and 0; # says "42" but does not say "43"
# 43.say if 42.say and 1; # says "42" and then says "43"
# say "It is easier to read code when 'if's are kept on left of screen"
# if True; # says the above, because it is true
# { 43.say } if True; # says "43" as well
ok 81 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $d = 0; say (1, (if 0 { $d += 42; 2; }), 3, $d); # says "(1 3 0)"
# my $c = 0; say (1, (if 1 { $c += 42; 2; }), 3, $c); # says "(1 2 3 42)"
# say (1, (if 1 { 2, 2 }), 3); # does not slip, says "(1 (2 2) 3)"
ok 82 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say (1, (42 if True) , 2); # says "(1 42 2)"
# say (1, (42 if False), 2); # says "(1 2)"
# say (1, 42 if False , 2); # says "(1 42)" because "if False, 2" is true
ok 83 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# $_ = 1; if 42 { $_.say } ; # says "1"
# $_ = 1; if 42 -> $_ { $_.say } ; # says "42"
# $_ = 1; if 42 -> $a { $_.say; $a.say } ; # says "1" then says "42"
# $_ = 1; if 42 { $_.say; $^a.say } ; # says "1" then says "42"
ok 84 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# if 0 { say "no" } elsif False { say "NO" } else { say "yes" } # says "yes"
# if 0 { say "no" } elsif True { say "YES" } else { say "yes" } # says "YES"
# if 0 { say "no" } elsif False { say "NO" } # does not say anything
# sub right { "Right!".say; True }
# sub wrong { "Wrong!".say; False }
# if wrong() { say "no" } elsif right() { say "yes" } else { say "maybe" }
# # The above says "Wrong!" then says "Right!" then says "yes"
ok 85 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# if 0 { say 0 } elsif 1 { say 1 }
# else { say "how?" } ; # says "1"
# if 0 { say 0 }
# elsif 1 { say 1 } else { say "how?" } ; # says "1"
# if 0 { say "no" }
# elsif False { say "NO" }
# else { say "yes" } ; # says "yes"
ok 86 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $d = 0; say (1,
# (if 0 { $d += 42; "two"; } elsif False { $d += 43; 2; }),
# 3, $d); # says "(1 3 0)"
# my $c = 0; say (1,
# (if 0 { $c += 42; "two"; } else { $c += 43; 2; }),
# 3, $c); # says "(1 2 3 43)"
ok 87 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# $_ = 1; if 0 { } else -> $a { "$_ $a".say } ; # says "1 0"
# $_ = 1; if False { } else -> $a { "$_ $a".say } ; # says "1 False"
# if False { } elsif 0 { } else -> $a { $a.say } ; # says "0"
ok 88 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# unless 42.say and 1 { 43.say } ; # says "42" but does not say "43"
# 43.say unless 42.say and 0; # says "42" and then says "43"
# 43.say unless 42.say and 1; # says "42" but does not say "43"
# $_ = 1; unless 0 { $_.say } ; # says "1"
# $_ = 1; unless 0 -> $_ { $_.say } ; # says "0"
# $_ = 1; unless False -> $a { $a.say } ; # says "False"
# my $c = 0; say (1, (unless 0 { $c += 42; 2; }), 3, $c); # says "(1 2 3 42)"
# my $d = 0; say (1, (unless 1 { $d += 42; 2; }), 3, $d); # says "(1 3 0)"
ok 89 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# with "abc".index("a") { .say } # prints 0
ok 90 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# # The below code says "Found a at 0"
# my $s = "abc";
# with $s.index("a") { say "Found a at $_" }
# orwith $s.index("b") { say "Found b at $_" }
# orwith $s.index("c") { say "Found c at $_" }
# else { say "Didn't find a, b or c" }
ok 91 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# # This says "Yes"
# if 0 { say "No" } orwith Nil { say "No" } orwith 0 { say "Yes" };
ok 92 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my $answer = Any;
# without $answer { warn "Got: $_" }
ok 93 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $answer = (Any, True).roll;
# say 42 with $answer;
# warn "undefined answer" without $answer;
ok 94 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my @foo = 1..3;
# for @foo { $_.print } # prints each value contained in @foo
# for @foo { .print } # same thing, because .print implies a $_ argument
# for @foo { 42.print } # prints 42 as many times as @foo has elements
ok 95 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my @foo = 1..3;
# for @foo -> $item { print $item }
# for @foo { print $^item } # same thing
ok 96 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my @foo = 1..3;
# for @foo.kv -> $idx, $val { say "$idx: $val" }
# my %hash = <a b c> Z=> 1,2,3;
# for %hash.kv -> $key, $val { say "$key => $val" }
# for 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1 { say "$^x < $^y" } # says "1 < 1.1" then says "2 < 2.1"
ok 97 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my @list = 1,2,3,4;
# for @list -> $a, $b = 'N/A', $c = 'N/A' {
# say "$a $b $c"
# }
# # OUTPUT: «1 2 3␤4 N/A N/A␤»
ok 98 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say „I $_ butterflies!“ for <♥ ♥ ♥>;
# # OUTPUT«I ♥ butterflies!␤I ♥ butterflies!␤I ♥ butterflies!␤»
ok 99 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my @foo = 1..3;
# for @foo <-> $_ { $_++ }
ok 100 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# (for 1, 2, 3 { $_ * 2 }).say; # says "(2 4 6)"
# my @a = do for 1, 2, 3 { $_ * 2 }; @a.say; # says "[2 4 6]"
# my @b = (for 1, 2, 3 { $_ * 2 }); @a.say; # same thing
ok 101 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my $a = gather {
# take 1;
# take 5;
# take 42;
# }
# say join ', ', $a; # OUTPUT: «1, 5, 42␤»
ok 102 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# my @vals = lazy gather {
# take 1;
# say "Produced a value";
# take 2;
# }
# say @vals[0];
# say 'between consumption of two values';
# say @vals[1];
# # 1
# # between consumption of two values
# # Produced a value
# # 2
ok 103 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# sub weird(@elems, :$direction = 'forward') {
# my %direction = (
# forward => sub { take $_ for @elems },
# backward => sub { take $_ for @elems.reverse },
# random => sub { take $_ for @elems.pick(*) },
# );
# return gather %direction{$direction}();
# }
# say weird(<a b c>, :direction<backward> ); # OUTPUT: «(c b a)␤»
ok 104 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# my $var = (Any, 21, any <answer lie>).pick;
# given $var {
# when 21 { say $_ * 2 }
# when 'lie' { .say }
# default { say 'default' }
# }
ok 105 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# given 42 { .say; .Numeric; }
ok 106 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# { .say; .Numeric; }(42)
ok 107 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# given 42 {
# "This says".say;
# $_ == 42 and ( default { "This says, too".say; 43; } );
# "This never says".say;
# }
# # The above block evaluates to 43
ok 108 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# for 42, 43, "foo", 44, "bar" {
# when Int { .say }
# when /:i ^Bar/ { .say }
# default { say "Not an Int or a Bar" }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «42␤43␤Not an Int or a Bar␤44␤Bar␤»
ok 109 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# given 42 {
# when Int { say "Int" }
# when 42 { say 42 }
# default { say "huh?" }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 110 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# given 42 {
# when Int {
# when 42 { say 42 }
# say "Int"
# }
# default { say "huh?" }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «42»
ok 111 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# given 42 {
# when Int { say "Int"; proceed }
# when 42 { say 42 }
# when 40..* { say "greater than 40" }
# default { say "huh?" }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 112 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# given 42 {
# when Int { "Int".say; proceed }
# when 43 { 43.say }
# when 42 { 42.say }
# default { "got change for an existential answer?".say }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 113 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# given 42 {
# when Int {
# say "Int";
# succeed "Found";
# say "never this!";
# }
# when 42 { say 42 }
# default { say "dunno?" }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 114 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# given 42 {
# { say "This says" } when Int;
# "This says too".say;
# when * > 41 {
# { "And this says".say; proceed } when * > 41;
# "This never says".say;
# }
# "This also says".say;
# }
ok 115 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# .say given "foo";
# # OUTPUT: «foo␤»
# printf "%s %02i.%02i.%i",
# <Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su>[.day-of-week - 1],
# .day,
# .month,
# .year
# given;
# # OUTPUT: «Sa 03.06.2016»
ok 116 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
# say $i;
# }
ok 117 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# (loop ( my $i = 0; $i++ < 3;) { $i * 2 }).say; # OUTPUT: «(2 4 6)␤»
# my @a = (loop ( my $j = 0; $j++ < 3;) { $j * 2 }); @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[2 4 6]␤»
# my @b = do loop ( my $k = 0; $k++ < 3;) { $k * 2 }; @b.say; # same thing
ok 118 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# sub heads-in-a-row {
# (eager loop (; 2.rand < 1;) { "heads".say })
# }
ok 119 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# my $x = 1;
# while $x < 4 {
# print $x++;
# }
# print "\n";
# # OUTPUT: «123␤»
ok 120 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# my $x = 1;
# until $x > 3 {
# print $x++;
# }
# print "\n";
# # OUTPUT: «123␤»
ok 121 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# my $x = 42;
# $x-- while $x > 12
ok 122 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# my $x = -42;
# repeat {
# $x++;
# } while $x < 5;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# repeat {
# $x++;
# } while $x < 5;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# repeat while $x < 10 {
# $x++;
# }
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
# repeat while $x < 10 {
# $x++;
# }
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «11␤»
# repeat {
# $x++;
# } until $x >= 15;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «15␤»
# repeat {
# $x++;
# } until $x >= 15;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «16␤»
# repeat until $x >= 20 {
# $x++;
# }
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «20␤»
# repeat until $x >= 20 {
# $x++;
# }
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «21␤»
ok 123 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# sub s(){ my $a = 41; return $a };
# say ++s();
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: « …
ok 124 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# sub s(){ my $a = 41; return-rw $a };
# say ++s();
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 125 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# sub f { fail "WELP!" };
# say f;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: WELP!␤»
ok 126 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# my $guard = 3;
# loop {
# last if $guard-- <= 0;
# once { put 'once' };
# print 'many'
# } # OUTPUT: «once␤manymanymany»
ok 127 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# ({ once 42.say } xx 3).map: {$_(), $_()}; # says 42 thrice
ok 128 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# quietly { warn 'kaput!' };
# warn 'still kaput!';
# # OUTPUT: «still kaput! [...]␤»
ok 129 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# OUTAHERE: while True {
# for 1,2,3 -> $n {
# last OUTAHERE if $n == 2;
# }
# }
ok 130 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# my @x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
# for @x -> $x {
# next if $x == 3;
# print $x;
# }
ok 131 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# my @x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
# for @x -> $x {
# last if $x == 3;
# print $x;
# }
ok 132 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# multi indent-say ( 'test' ) {
# samewith 'ABCD';
# }
# multi indent-say ( Str $string ) {
# say "\t$string";
# }
ok 133 - doc/Language/control.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# die "oops, something went wrong";
# # RESULT: «oops, something went wrong in block <unit> at my-script.p6:1␤»
ok 134 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# die"foo/bar"), :trying("zombie copy"))
# # RESULT: «Failed to find 'foo/bar' while trying to do '.zombie copy'
# # in block <unit> at my-script.p6:1»
ok 135 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# die"foo/bar"), :trying("zombie copy"));
# when X::IO { say "some kind of IO exception was caught!" }
# }
# # RESULT: «some kind of IO exception was caught!»
ok 136 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# default {
# say .WHAT.perl, do given .backtrace[0] { .file, .line, .subname }
# }
# }
ok 137 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# die "something went wrong ...";
# # will definitely catch all the exception
# default { .Str.say; }
# }
# say "This won't be said."; # but this line will be never reached since
# # the enclosing block will be exited immediately
# # OUTPUT: «something went wrong ...␤»
ok 138 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# default { .Str.say; }
# }
# die "something went wrong ...";
# }
# say "Hi! I am at the outer block!"; # OUTPUT: «Hi! I am at the outer block!␤»
ok 139 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class E is Exception { method message() { "Just stop already!" } }
# try {
#; # this will be local
# say "This won't be said.";
# }
# say "I'm alive!";
# try {
# when X::AdHoc { .Str.say; .resume }
# }
# die "No, I expect you to DIE Mr. Bond!";
# say "I'm immortal.";
# say "No, you don't!";
# }
ok 140 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say try { +"99999" } // "oh no";
# say try { +"hello" } // "oh no";
# # OUTPUT: «99999␤oh no␤»
ok 141 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# with try +"♥" {
# say "this is my number: $_"
# } else {
# say "not my number!"
# }
# # OUTPUT: «not my number!␤»
ok 142 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# {
# "OHAI".say;
# when X::AdHoc { .resume }
# }
# }
# "OBAI".say;
ok 143 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# {
# "OHAI".say;
# CATCH { }
# }
# "OBAI".say;
# # RESULT: «foo
# # in block <unit> at my-script.p6:1»
ok 144 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# {
# "OHAI".say;
# when X::AdHoc { }
# }
# }
# "OBAI".say;
ok 145 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# CATCH { when X::AdHoc { .resume } } # this is step 2
# die "We leave control after this."; # this is step 1
# say "We have continued with control flow."; # this is step 3
ok 146 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# class X::WithoutLineNumber is X::AdHoc {
# multi method gist(X::WithoutLineNumber:D:) {
# $.payload
# }
# }
# die => "message")
# # prints "message\n" to $*ERR and exits, no backtrace
ok 147 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# { return; CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ',.Str } } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::ControlFlow::Return: Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤»
# # was CX::Return
ok 148 - doc/Language/exceptions.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# use experimental :macros;
ok 149 - doc/Language/experimental.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use experimental :collation;
ok 150 - doc/Language/experimental.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# use experimental :collation;
# say 'a' unicmp 'Z'; # Less
# say 'a' cmp 'Z'; # More
ok 151 - doc/Language/experimental.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# use experimental :collation;
# say ('a', 'Z').sort; # (Z a)
# say ('a', 'Z').collate; # (a Z)
# say <ä a o ö>.collate; # (a ä o ö)
# my %hash = 'aa' => 'value', 'Za' => 'second';
# say %hash.collate; # (aa => value Za => second);
ok 152 - doc/Language/experimental.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# use experimental :collation;
# $*COLLATION.set(:quaternary(False), :tertiary(False));
# say 'a' coll 'A'; # Same
ok 153 - doc/Language/experimental.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $foo="bar";
# dd $foo; # OUTPUT: «Str $foo = "bar"␤»
# say :$foo.perl; # OUTPUT: «:foo("bar")␤»
# say :$foo.gist; # OUTPUT: «foo => bar␤»
ok 154 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $foo;
# say $foo; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤» - note the parentheses indicate type object
# say $foo.^name; # OUTPUT: «Any␤»
ok 155 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say 1.defined; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (Any).defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 156 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say so 1|2 == 2; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 157 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my Int $x = 42;
ok 158 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# sub discard-random-number( --> 42 ) { rand }
# say discard-random-number;
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 159 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub eigenstates(Mu $j) {
# my @states;
# -> Any $s { @states.push: $s }.($j);
# @states;
# }
# say eigenstates(1|2|3).join(', ');
# # prints 1, 2, 3 or a permutation thereof
ok 160 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 3]␤»
# say @a.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Array)␤»
# my $scalar = @a;
# say $scalar; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 3]␤»
# say $scalar.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Array)␤»
ok 161 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $foo = "abc";
# say "{$foo}<html-tag>";
ok 162 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class A {
# has $!x;
# method show-x {
# say $!x;
# }
# }
# => 5).show-x;
ok 163 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class B {
# has $!x;
# submethod BUILD(:$!x) { }
# method show-x {
# say $!x;
# }
# }
# => 5).show-x;
ok 164 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my Date $x; # $x now contains the Date type object
# print $x; # empty string plus warning
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «(Date)␤»
ok 165 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# (not (not Nil))
ok 166 - doc/Language/faq.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# sub my-func { say "Look ma, no args!" }
# my-func;
ok 167 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub exclaim ($phrase) {
# say $phrase ~ "!!!!"
# }
# exclaim "Howdy, World";
ok 168 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub escape($str) {
# # Puts a slash before non-alphanumeric characters
# S:g[<-alpha -digit>] = "\\$/" given $str
# }
# say escape 'foo#bar?'; # foo\#bar\?
# {
# sub escape($str) {
# # Writes each non-alphanumeric character in its hexadecimal escape
# S:g[<-alpha -digit>] = "\\x[{ $/.ord.base(16) }]" given $str
# }
# say escape 'foo#bar?' # foo\x[23]bar\x[3F]
# }
# # Back to original escape function
# say escape 'foo#bar?'; # foo\#bar\?
ok 169 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say sub ($a, $b) { $a ** 2 + $b ** 2 }(3, 4) # OUTPUT: «25␤»
ok 170 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# for 1, 2, 3, 4 -> $a, $b {
# say $a ~ $b;
# }
# # OUTPUT: «12␤34␤»
ok 171 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say { $^a ** 2 + $^b ** 2}(3, 4) # OUTPUT: «25␤»
ok 172 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub format(Str $s) { ... }
# -> $a, $b { ... }
ok 173 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub s { dd @_, %_ };
# dd &s.signature # OUTPUT: «:(*@_, *%_)␤»
ok 174 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# sub f(&c){ c() * 2 }; # call the function reference c with empty parameter list
# sub g($p){ $p - 2 };
# say(g(42), 45); # pass only 42 to g()
ok 175 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# sub f(|c){};
# f :named(35); # A named argument (in "adverb" form.)
# f named => 35; # Also a named argument.
# f :35named; # A named argument using abbreviated adverb form
# f 'named' => 35; # Not a named argument, a Pair in a positional argument
# my \c = <a b c>.Capture;
# f |c; # Merge the contents of Capture $c as if they were supplied
ok 176 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# sub f(|c){};
# f :dest</tmp/foo> :src</tmp/bar> :lines(512);
# f :32x :50y :110z; # This flavor of "adverb" works, too
# f :a:b:c; # The spaces are also optional.
ok 177 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub a { 42 };
# sub b { say a };
# b;
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 178 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# sub a { 42, 'answer' };
# put a.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «(42, "answer")␤»
# my ($n, $s) = a;
# put [$s, $n];
# # OUTPUT: «answer 42␤»
# sub b { <a b c>.Capture };
# put b.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «\("a", "b", "c")␤»
ok 179 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# sub foo() returns Int { "a"; }; foo; # Type check fails
ok 180 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub foo() returns Int { fail }; foo; # Failure returned
# sub bar() returns Int { return }; bar; # Nil returned
ok 181 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi congratulate($name) {
# say "Happy birthday, $name";
# }
# multi congratulate($name, $age) {
# say "Happy {$age}th birthday, $name";
# }
# congratulate 'Larry'; # OUTPUT: «Happy birthday, Larry␤»
# congratulate 'Bob', 45; # OUTPUT: «Happy 45th birthday, Bob␤»
ok 182 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi as-json(Bool $d) { $d ?? 'true' !! 'false'; }
# multi as-json(Real $d) { ~$d }
# multi as-json(@d) { sprintf '[%s]',', ') }
# say as-json([True, 42]); # OUTPUT: «[true, 42]␤»
ok 183 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# class Congrats {
# multi method congratulate($reason, $name) {
# say "Hooray for your $reason, $name";
# }
# }
# role BirthdayCongrats {
# multi method congratulate('birthday', $name) {
# say "Happy birthday, $name";
# }
# multi method congratulate('birthday', $name, $age) {
# say "Happy {$age}th birthday, $name";
# }
# }
# my $congrats = does BirthdayCongrats;
# $congrats.congratulate('promotion','Cindy'); # OUTPUT: «Hooray for your promotion, Cindy␤»
# $congrats.congratulate('birthday','Bob'); # OUTPUT: «Happy birthday, Bob␤»
ok 184 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# proto congratulate(Str $reason, Str $name, |) {*}
# multi congratulate($reason, $name) {
# say "Hooray for your $reason, $name";
# }
# multi congratulate($reason, $name, Int $rank) {
# say "Hooray for your $reason, $name -- got rank $rank!";
# }
ok 185 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# # attempts to notify someone -- False if unsuccessful
# proto notify(Str $user,Str $msg) {
# my \hour =;
# if hour > 8 or hour < 22 {
# return {*};
# } else {
# # we can't notify someone when they might be sleeping
# return False;
# }
# }
ok 186 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub grab(+@a) { "grab $_".say for @a }
ok 187 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi sub grab(**@a) { "grab $_".say for @a }
# multi sub grab(\a) {
# a ~~ Iterable and a.VAR !~~ Scalar ?? nextwith(|a) !! nextwith(a,)
# }
ok 188 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my $square = sub (Numeric $x) { $x * $x }
# # and then use it:
# say $square(6); # OUTPUT: «36␤»
ok 189 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# sub square($x) { $x * $x };
# # get hold of a reference to the function:
# my $func = &square
ok 190 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# sub square($x) { $x * $x };
# my @squared = map &square, 1..5;
# say join ', ', @squared; # OUTPUT: «1, 4, 9, 16, 25␤»
ok 191 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# sub plus { $^a + $^b };
# say 21 [&plus] 21;
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 192 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# sub generate-sub($x) {
# my $y = 2 * $x;
# return sub { say $y };
# # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ inner sub, uses $y
# }
# my $generated = generate-sub(21);
# $generated(); # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 193 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my $multiply-by = 5;
# say join ', ', map { $_ * $multiply-by }, 1..5; # OUTPUT: «5, 10, 15, 20, 25␤»
ok 194 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my $keywords = set <if for unless while>;
# sub has-keyword(*@words) {
# for @words -> $word {
# return True if $word (elem) $keywords;
# }
# False;
# }
# say has-keyword 'not', 'one', 'here'; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say has-keyword 'but', 'here', 'for'; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 195 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# sub testee(Int $i, Str $s){
# rand.Rat * $i ~ $s;
# }
# sub wrap-to-debug(&c){
# say "wrapping {&} with arguments {&c.signature.perl}";
# &c.wrap: sub (|args){
# note "calling {&} with {args.gist}";
# my \ret-val := callwith(|args);
# note "returned from {&} with return value {ret-val.perl}";
# ret-val
# }
# }
# my $testee-handler = wrap-to-debug(&testee);
# # OUTPUT: «wrapping testee with arguments :(Int $i, Str $s)»
# say testee(10, "ten");
# # OUTPUT: «calling testee with \(10, "ten")␤returned from testee with return value "6.151190ten"␤6.151190ten»
# &testee.unwrap($testee-handler);
# say testee(10, "ten");
# # OUTPUT: «6.151190ten␤»
ok 196 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# # adding a multi candidate to an existing operator:
# multi infix:<+>(Int $x, "same") { 2 * $x };
# say 21 + "same"; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# # defining a new operator
# sub postfix:<!>(Int $x where { $x >= 0 }) { [*] 1..$x };
# say 6!; # OUTPUT: «720␤»
ok 197 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# sub postfix:<!>(Int $x where { $x >= 0 }) {
# $x == 0 ?? 1 !! $x * ($x - 1)!
# }
# say 6!; # OUTPUT: «720␤»
ok 198 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# sub circumfix:<START END>(*@elems) {
# "start", @elems, "end"
# }
# say START 'a', 'b', 'c' END; # OUTPUT: «start a b c end␤»
ok 199 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub postcircumfix:<!! !!>($left, $inside) {
# "$left -> ( $inside )"
# }
# say 42!! 1 !!; # OUTPUT: «42 -> ( 1 )␤»
ok 200 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my &infix:<ieq> = -> |l { [eq] l>>.fc };
# say "abc" ieq "Abc";
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 201 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# sub infix:<!!>($a, $b) is tighter(&infix:<+>) {
# 2 * ($a + $b)
# }
# say 1 + 2 * 3 !! 4; # OUTPUT: «21␤»
ok 202 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# sub infix:<!!>($a, $b) is looser(&infix:<*>) { ... }
ok 203 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# 1 + 2 + 3
ok 204 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# (1 + 2) + 3 # left associative
ok 205 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# 1 + (2 + 3) # right associative
ok 206 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# say 2 ** (2 ** 3); # OUTPUT: «256␤»
# say (2 ** 2) ** 3; # OUTPUT: «64␤»
ok 207 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# sub infix:<§>(*@a) is assoc<list> {
# '(' ~ @a.join('|') ~ ')';
# }
# say 1 § 2 § 3; # OUTPUT: «(1|2|3)␤»
ok 208 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$doubles!) {
# $r.wrap({
# 2 * callsame;
# });
# }
# sub square($x) is doubles {
# $x * $x;
# }
# say square 3; # OUTPUT: «18␤»
ok 209 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# multi a(Any $x) {
# say "Any $x";
# return 5;
# }
# multi a(Int $x) {
# say "Int $x";
# my $res = callwith($x + 1);
# say "Back in Int with $res";
# }
# a 1; # OUTPUT: «Int 1␤Any 2␤Back in Int with 5␤»
ok 210 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# multi a(Any $x) {
# say "Any $x";
# return 5;
# }
# multi a(Int $x) {
# say "Int $x";
# my $res = callsame;
# say "Back in Int with $res";
# }
# a 1; # OUTPUT: «Int 1␤Any 1␤Back in Int with 5␤»
ok 211 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# multi a(Any $x) {
# say "Any $x";
# return 5;
# }
# multi a(Int $x) {
# say "Int $x";
# nextsame;
# say "back in a"; # never executed, because 'nextsame' doesn't return
# }
# a 1; # OUTPUT: «Int 1␤Any 1␤»
ok 212 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# # enable wrapping:
# use soft;
# # function to be wrapped:
# sub square-root($x) { $x.sqrt }
# &square-root.wrap(sub ($num) {
# nextsame if $num >= 0;
# 1i * callwith(abs($num));
# });
# say square-root(4); # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say square-root(-4); # OUTPUT: «0+2i␤»
ok 213 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# class LoggedVersion is Version {
# method new(|c) {
# note "New version object created with arguments " ~ c.perl;
# nextsame;
# }
# }
# say'1.0.2');
ok 214 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# sub power-it($x) { $x * $x }
# sub run-it-again-and-again($x) {
# my &again = nextcallee;
# again again $x;
# }
# &power-it.wrap(&run-it-again-and-again);
# say power-it(5); # OUTPUT: «625␤»
ok 215 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# my \IOL =;
# &say.wrap( -> |c {
# my &wrappee = nextcallee;
# IOL.protect: { &wrappee(|c) }
# });
# for ^100 { say "oops" }
ok 216 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# sub MAIN( Int :$length = 24,
# :file($data) where { .IO.f // die "file not found in $*CWD" } = 'file.dat',
# Bool :$verbose )
# {
# say $length if $length.defined;
# say $data if $data.defined;
# say 'Verbosity ', ($verbose ?? 'on' !! 'off');
# exit 1;
# }
ok 217 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# sub MAIN(Int $i){ say $i == 42 ?? 'answer' !! 'dunno' }
# sub USAGE(){
# print Q:c:to/EOH/;
# Usage: {$*PROGRAM-NAME} [number]
# Prints the answer or 'dunno'.
# }
ok 218 - doc/Language/functions.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# role Canine {
# method bark { ... } # the ... indicates a stub
# }
# class Dog does Canine {
# method bark { say "woof" } # *MUST* be implemented by class
# }
ok 219 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# q:w"foo bar"; # ":w" is a Quotelike form modifier adverb
# m:g/a|b|c/; # ":g" is also
ok 220 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# :a(4) # Same as "a" => 4
ok 221 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# :20seconds # same as seconds => 20
ok 222 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say <42>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(IntStr)␤»
# say <42.1e0>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(NumStr)␤»
# say <42.1>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(RatStr)␤»
ok 223 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say <42/1>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Rat)␤»
# say <42+0i>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Complex)␤»
# say < 42+0i >.WHAT;# OUTPUT: «(ComplexStr)␤»
# say < 42/1 >.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(RatStr)␤»
ok 224 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# # named subroutine
# sub double($x) { 2 * $x };
# # anonymous subroutine, stored in a named scalar
# my $double = sub ($x) { 2 * $x };
ok 225 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub f($x) { 2 * $x };
# say f(1|2|3) == 4; # OUTPUT: «any(False, True, False)␤»
ok 226 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# :a(4) # Same as "a" => 4, same as"a", 4)
# :a<4> # Same as "a" => "4", same as"a", "4")
ok 227 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# :a # Same as :a(True)
# :!a # Same as :a(False)
ok 228 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# :a(4):c:!d:c # Same as a => 4, c => True, d => False, c => True
ok 229 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my Str $str = "hello"; ## this is with builtin types, e.g. Str
# if defined($str) {
# say "Oh, yeah. I'm defined.";
# }
# else {
# say "No. Something off? ";
# }
# ## if you wanted objects...
# class A {
# # nothing here for now.
# }
# my $an_instance =;
# say $an_instance.defined.perl;# defined($an_instance) works too.
ok 230 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $x = 2; # the 2 is a literal
# say $x; # $x is not a literal, but a variable
# my $s = "Foo"; # the "Foo" is a literal, the $s is a variable
ok 231 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# use v6.c; # mainline
# sub f {
# # not in mainline, in sub f
# }
# f(); # in mainline again
ok 232 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# <O('%conditional, :reducecheck<ternary>, :pasttype<if>')>
ok 233 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# sub foo($bar) { say $bar } # $bar is a parameter
# foo(42); # 42 is an argument
ok 234 - doc/Language/glossary.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# grammar My::Gram {
# token TOP { <thingy> .* }
# token thingy { 'clever_text_keyword' }
# }
ok 235 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# grammar REST {
# token subject { \w+ }
# token command { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# }
ok 236 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# grammar REST {
# token TOP { '/' <subject> '/' <command> '/' <data> }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token command { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# }
ok 237 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# grammar REST {
# token TOP { '/' <subject> '/' <command> [ '/' <data> ]? }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token command { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# }
# my $m = REST.parse('/product/create');
# say $m<subject>, $m<command>;
# # OUTPUT: «「product」「create」␤»
ok 238 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# grammar REST {
# token TOP { <slash><subject><slash><command>[<slash><data>]? }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token command { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# token slash { \s* '/' \s* }
# }
# my $m = REST.parse('/ product / update /7 /notify');
# say $m;
# # OUTPUT: «「/ product / update /7 /notify」␤
# # slash => 「/ 」
# # subject => 「product」
# # slash => 「 / 」
# # command => 「update」
# # slash => 「 /」
# # data => 「7 /notify」»
ok 239 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# proto token command {*}
# token command:sym<create> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<retrieve> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<update> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<delete> { <sym> }
ok 240 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# grammar REST
# {
# token TOP { <slash><subject><slash><command>[<slash><data>]? }
# proto token command {*}
# token command:sym<create> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<retrieve> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<update> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<delete> { <sym> }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# token slash { \s* '/' \s* }
# }
ok 241 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# grammar REST
# {
# token TOP { <slash><subject><slash><command>[<slash><data>]? }
# proto token command {*}
# token command:sym<create> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<retrieve> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<update> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<delete> { <sym> }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# token slash { \s* '/' \s* }
# }
ok 242 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class REST-actions
# {
# method data($/) { $/.split('/') }
# }
ok 243 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class REST-actions
# {
# method data($/) { make $/.split('/') }
# }
ok 244 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class REST-actions
# {
# method TOP ($/) {
# make { subject => $<subject>.Str,
# command => $<command>.Str,
# data => $<data>.made }
# }
# method data($/) { make $/.split('/') }
# }
ok 245 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# class REST-actions
# {
# method TOP ($/) {
# make { subject => $<subject>.Str,
# command => $<command>.Str,
# data => $<data>.made,
# subject-id => $<data>.made[0] }
# }
# method data($/) { make $/.split('/') }
# }
ok 246 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# grammar REST
# {
# token TOP { <slash><subject><slash><command>[<slash><data>]? }
# proto token command {*}
# token command:sym<create> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<retrieve> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<update> { <sym> }
# token command:sym<delete> { <sym> }
# token subject { \w+ }
# token data { .* }
# token slash { \s* '/' \s* }
# }
# class REST-actions
# {
# method TOP ($/) {
# make { subject => $<subject>.Str,
# command => $<command>.Str,
# data => $<data>.made,
# subject-id => $<data>.made[0] }
# }
# method data($/) { make $/.split('/') }
# }
ok 247 - doc/Language/grammar_tutorial.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my regex number { \d+ [ \. \d+ ]? }
ok 248 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my regex works-but-slow { .+ q }
# my token fails-but-fast { .+ q }
# my $s = 'Tokens won\'t backtrack, which makes them fail quicker!';
# say so $s ~~ &works-but-slow; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so $s ~~ &fails-but-fast; # OUTPUT: «False␤», the entire string get taken by the .+
ok 249 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my token non-space-y { 'once' 'upon' 'a' 'time' }
# my rule space-y { 'once' 'upon' 'a' 'time' }
# say so 'onceuponatime' ~~ &non-space-y; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'once upon a time' ~~ &non-space-y; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 'onceuponatime' ~~ &space-y; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 'once upon a time' ~~ &space-y; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 250 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# grammar Calculator {
# token TOP { [ <add> | <sub> ] }
# rule add { <num> '+' <num> }
# rule sub { <num> '-' <num> }
# token num { \d+ }
# }
# class Calculations {
# method TOP ($/) { make $<add> ?? $<add>.made !! $<sub>.made; }
# method add ($/) { make [+] $<num>; }
# method sub ($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
# }
# say Calculator.parse('2 + 3', actions => Calculations).made;
# # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 251 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# grammar Calculator {
# token TOP { <calc-op> }
# proto rule calc-op {*}
# rule calc-op:sym<add> { <num> '+' <num> }
# rule calc-op:sym<sub> { <num> '-' <num> }
# token num { \d+ }
# }
# class Calculations {
# method TOP ($/) { make $<calc-op>.made; }
# method calc-op:sym<add> ($/) { make [+] $<num>; }
# method calc-op:sym<sub> ($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
# }
# say Calculator.parse('2 + 3', actions => Calculations).made;
# # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 252 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# grammar Foo {
# token TOP { \d+ }
# }
ok 253 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# rule entry { <key> ’=’ <value> }
ok 254 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# token entry { <key> <.ws> ’=’ <.ws> <value> <.ws> } # . = non-capturing
ok 255 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# # First <.ws> matches word boundary at the start of the line
# # and second <.ws> matches the whitespace between 'b' and 'c'
# say 'ab c' ~~ /<.ws> ab <.ws> c /; # OUTPUT: «「ab c」␤»
# # Failed match: there is neither any whitespace nor a word
# # boundary between 'a' and 'b'
# say 'ab' ~~ /. <.ws> b/; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# # Successful match: there is a word boundary between ')' and 'b'
# say ')b' ~~ /. <.ws> b/; # OUTPUT: «「)b」␤»
ok 256 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# grammar Foo {
# rule TOP { \d \d }
# }.parse: "4 \n\n 5"; # Succeeds
# grammar Bar {
# rule TOP { \d \d }
# token ws { \h* }
# }.parse: "4 \n\n 5"; # Fails
ok 257 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# grammar Digifier {
# rule TOP {
# [ <.succ> <digit>+ ]+
# }
# token succ { <?> }
# token digit { <[0..9]> }
# }
# class Devanagari {
# has @!numbers;
# method digit ($/) { @!numbers[*-1] ~= $/.ord.&[+](2358).chr }
# method succ ($) { @!numbers.push: '' }
# method TOP ($/) { make @!numbers[^(*-1)] }
# }
# say Digifier.parse('255 435 777', actions =>;
# # OUTPUT: «(२५५ ४३५ ७७७)␤»
ok 258 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# grammar DigitMatcher {
# method TOP (:$full-unicode) {
# $full-unicode ?? self.num-full !! self.num-basic;
# }
# token num-full { \d+ }
# token num-basic { <[0..9]>+ }
# }
ok 259 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# use v6.c;
# grammar TestGrammar {
# token TOP { \d+ }
# }
# class TestActions {
# method TOP($/) {
# $/.make(2 + $/);
# }
# }
# my $actions =;
# my $match = TestGrammar.parse('40', :$actions);
# say $match; # OUTPUT: «「40」␤»
# say $match.made; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 260 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# use v6.c;
# grammar KeyValuePairs {
# token TOP {
# [<pair> \n+]*
# }
# token ws { \h* }
# rule pair {
# <key=.identifier> '=' <value=.identifier>
# }
# token identifier {
# \w+
# }
# }
# class KeyValuePairsActions {
# method identifier($/) { $/.make: ~$/ }
# method pair ($/) { $/.make: $<key>.made => $<value>.made }
# method TOP ($/) { $/.make: $<pair>».made }
# }
# my $res = KeyValuePairs.parse(q:to/EOI/, :actions(KeyValuePairsActions)).made;
# second=b
# hits=42
# perl=6
# for @$res -> $p {
# say "Key: $p.key()\tValue: $p.value()";
# }
ok 261 - doc/Language/grammars.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub plus-two(Int $x --> Int) { $x + 2 }
# plus-two(2); # This is valid
# plus-two(Int); # This is valid
ok 262 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub is-string(Str $ --> True) {}
# multi sub is-string(Any $ --> False) {}
# is-string('hello'); #True
# is-string(4); #False
ok 263 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub parse-int(Str $s --> Int) { ... }
# my $string = {...};
# given parse-int($string) {
# when Int:D { $_ }
# when Int:U { 0 }
# }
ok 264 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_264:
Useless use of constant value Int:U in sink context (line 3)
Useless use of constant value Int:D in sink context (line 2)
# Int:D; # This is a defined Int.
# Int:U; # This is an undefined Int, AKA a type object
# Int:_; # This is either defined or undefined.
ok 265 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# sub parse-int(Str $s --> Int:_) { ... }
# # One way to do it
# my $string = {...};
# given parse-int($string) {
# when Int:D { $_ }
# when Int:U { 0 }
# }
# # Another way to do it
# my Int $number = parse-int($string);
# if $number.defined { $number } else { 0 }
# # A better way
# with parse-int($string) { $_ } else { 0 }
# # With the defined-or operator
# parse-int($string) // 0
ok 266 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_266:
Useless use of constant integer 0 in sink context (line 5)
# sub parse-int(Str $s --> Int:_) { ... }
# my $string = {...};
# my $result = parse-int($string) orelse 0;
# sub hello() { say 'hi' }
# hello() andthen say 'bye';
ok 267 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Point { has $.x; has $.y; }
# sub move-up(Point $p --> Point) {
# => $p.x, y => $p.y + 1)
# }
ok 268 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# enum Animal < Dog Cat Bird Horse >;
# proto sub test-animal( Animal ) {*}
# multi sub test-animal( Dog ) { 'Woof' }
# multi sub test-animal( Animal::Horse ) { 'Neigh' } # more explicit
# say test-animal Animal::Dog; # more explicit
# say test-animal Horse;
ok 269 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my constant Name = Str;
# sub full-name ( Name \first, Name \last --> Name ) { first ~ last }
ok 270 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# proto greeting ( Str --> Str ) {*}
# multi greeting ( "" --> "Hello, World!" ) {}
# multi greeting ( "bub" --> "Hey bub." ) {}
# multi greeting ( \name ) { "Hello, " ~ name ~ "!" }
ok 271 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# proto greeting ( Str \name --> Str ) {*}
# say &greeting.signature; # (Str \name --> Str)
ok 272 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi greeting ( "" --> "Hello, World!" ) {}
# multi greeting ( "bub" --> "Hey bub." ) {}
# # The above is the same as the below
# multi greeting(Str \name where '' ) {'Hello, World!'}
# multi greeting(Str \name where 'bub' ) {'Hey bub.'}
# # The above is the same as the below, again.
# multi greeting(Str \name where $_ ~~ '' ) {'Hello, World!'}
# multi greeting(Str \name where $_ ~~ 'bub') {'Hey bub.'}
ok 273 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi greeting ( Str \name where '' --> 'Hello, World!' ){}
# multi greeting ( Str \name where { Bool.pick } --> 'True' ){}
# multi greeting ( Str \name where 'bub' --> 'Hey, bub.' ){}
# say greeting '' ; # will never say True
# say greeting 'bub'; # about 50% of the time it will say True
ok 274 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $number = {...};
# given $number {
# when 2 { "two" }
# when 4 { "four" }
# when 8 { "eight" }
# default { "don't care" }
# }
ok 275 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my @evens = ($_ if $_ %% 2 for ^100);
ok 276 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my @tuples = (1,2) X 1..4;
# # [(1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (2 1) (2 2) (2 3) (2 4)]
ok 277 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my @numbers = {...};
# reduce { $^a + $^b }, 0, |@numbers;
# @numbers.reduce({$^a + $^b}, with => 0)
ok 278 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my @numbers = {...};
# [+] @numbers # This is the same
# [+] 0, @numbers # as this
ok 279 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# sub two-elem-list ( \a, \b ) { ( a, b ) }
# # you can use a subroutine as an infix operator
# say 'a' [&two-elem-list] 'b'; # (a b)
# # as the reduction prefix meta operator takes an infix operator, it will work there too;
# [[&two-elem-list]] 1..5; # ((((1 2) 3) 4) 5)
# say (1..5).reduce: &two-elem-list; # ((((1 2) 3) 4) 5)
# # right associative
# sub right-two-elem-list( \a, \b ) is assoc<right> { ( a, b ) }
# say (1..5).reduce: &right-two-elem-list; # (1 (2 (3 (4 5))))
# # XXX there is possibly a bug here as this currently doesn't look at
# # XXX the associativity of &right-two-elem-list and just always does left assoc
# say [[&right-two-elem-list]] 1..5;
# # chaining
# say [<] 1..5; # True
# say (1..5).reduce: &[<]; # True
ok 280 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my $range1 = 10..100;
# my $range2 = 1..*; # Infinite
# my $range3 = 'a'..'h'; # Letters work too
ok 281 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# (1 .. 100).is-lazy; # False
# (1 .. Inf).is-lazy; # True
ok 282 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# (1 .. 100); # True
# (1 .. 100); # False
ok 283 - doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# spurt "testfile", "more data\n", :append;
ok 284 - doc/Language/io.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $file = "path/to/file";
# if $file.IO ~~ :e {
# say 'file exists';
# }
ok 285 - doc/Language/io.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say dir; # OUTPUT: «"/path/to/testfile".IO "/path/to/lib".IO␤»
ok 286 - doc/Language/io.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say dir "/etc/"; # OUTPUT: «"/etc/".IO "/etc/shadow".IO ....␤»
ok 287 - doc/Language/io.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# run 'git', 'status';
ok 288 - doc/Language/ipc.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# shell 'ls -lR | gzip -9 > ls-lR.gz';
ok 289 - doc/Language/ipc.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $git = run 'git', 'log', '--oneline', :out;
# for $git.out.lines -> $line {
# my ($sha, $subject) = $line.split: ' ', 2;
# say "$subject [$sha]";
# }
# $git.out.close();
ok 290 - doc/Language/ipc.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $echo = run 'echo', 'Hello, world', :out;
# my $cat = run 'cat', '-n', :in($echo.out), :out;
# say $cat.out.get;
# $cat.out.close();
ok 291 - doc/Language/ipc.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $crontab = run 'crontab', '-l';
# if $crontab.exitcode == 0 {
# say 'crontab -l ran ok';
# }
# else {
# say 'something went wrong';
# }
ok 292 - doc/Language/ipc.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_292:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 5)
# 1, 2; # This is two-element list
# (1, 2); # This is also a List, in parentheses
# (1; 2); # same List
# (1); # This is not a List, just a 1 in parentheses
# (1,); # This is a one-element List
ok 293 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# (1, 2), (1, 2) # This is a list of two lists.
ok 294 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say so (1,2; 3,4) eqv ((1,2), (3,4));
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say('foo';); # a list with one element and the empty list
# # OUTPUT: «(foo)()␤»
ok 295 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @a := 1, 2, 3;
ok 296 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a = ();
# @a = Empty;
# @a = |();
ok 297 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# for 1, 2, 3 { .say } # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤»
ok 298 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my @a = <foo bar buzz>;
# say @a.Set<bar buzz>; # OUTPUT: «(True True)␤»
# say so 'bar' ∈ @a; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 299 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# (loop { 42.say })[2] # OUTPUT: «42␤42␤42␤»
ok 300 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my @s :=<a b c>); CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to $iter; expected Iterator but got List ($("a", "b", "c"))␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
ok 301 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my @s := (loop { 42.say }).list;
# @s[2]; # says 42 three times
# @s[1]; # does not say anything
# @s[4]; # says 42 two more times
ok 302 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say (1, (2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1,, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (1, slip(2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 303 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say (1, |(2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (1, |$(2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (1, slip($(2, 3)), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 304 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my @l = 1,2,4,8...Inf;
# say @l[0..16];
# # OUTPUT: «(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536)␤»
ok 305 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $a = 2;
# (1, $a, 3)[1] = 42;
# $a.say; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 306 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $i = 3;
# my @a = (loop { $i.say; last unless --$i }); # OUTPUT: «3␤2␤1␤»
# say "take off!";
ok 307 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say (1, (2, (3, 4)), 5).flat eqv (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 308 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# for (1, (2, $(3, 4)), 5).flat { .say } # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤(3 4)␤5␤»
ok 309 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my @l := 2, (3, 4);
# for (1, @l, 5).flat { .say }; # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤4␤5␤»
# my @a = 2, (3, 4); # Arrays are special, see below
# for (1, @a, 5).flat { .say }; # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤(3 4)␤5␤»
ok 310 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
#, 2, :c(3));
# 1, 2, :c(3);
# new Array: 1, 2, :c(3);
ok 311 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '@a'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_311:5
------> my @a⏏ = 1, 2, :c(3); @a;
Redeclaration of symbol '@a'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_311:6
------> my @a⏏ = 1, 2, :c(3); new Array: @a;
#, 2, :c(3)));
# (1, 2, :c(3)).Array;
# my @a = 1, 2, :c(3);;
# my @a = 1, 2, :c(3); @a;
# my @a = 1, 2, :c(3); new Array: @a;
ok 312 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my @a := 2, "c" => 3;
#, |@a, 4); # Array contains 1, 2, :c(3), 4
# my %a = "c" => 3;
#, |%a, 4); # Array contains 1, 4
ok 313 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say ("a", "b", "c")[(1, 2), (0, 1)] eqv (("b", "c"), ("a", "b")) # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 314 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my @a = 1..5;
# say @a[0..2]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3)␤»
# say @a[0..^2]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2)␤»
# say @a[0..*]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤»
# say @a[0..^*]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤»
# say @a[0..Inf-1]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤»
ok 315 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_315:
Useless use of "eqv" in expression "[ 1, 2, :c(3) ] eqv, 2, :c(3)))" in sink context (line 2)
# [ 1, 2, :c(3) ] eqv, 2, :c(3))); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# [while $++ < 2 { 42.say; 43 }].map: *.say; # OUTPUT: «42␤42␤43␤43␤»
# (while $++ < 2 { 42.say; 43 }).map: *.say; # OUTPUT: «42␤43␤42␤43␤»
ok 316 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say Array ~~ List # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 317 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# sub mean(Int @a) {
# @a.sum / @a.elems
# }
ok 318 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my @a;
# @a.of.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «Mu␤»
# @a.default.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «Any␤»
# @a[0].say; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my Numeric @n is default(Real);
# @n.of.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «Numeric␤»
# @n.default.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «Real␤»
# @n[0].say; # OUTPUT: «(Real)␤»
ok 319 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my @a[2,2];
# dd @a;
# # OUTPUT: «, 2), [Any, Any], [Any, Any])␤»
# say @a.shape;
# # OUTPUT: «(2 2)␤»
ok 320 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my @a[2;2] = (1,2; 3,4);
# @a[1;1] = 42;
# dd @a;
# # OUTPUT: «, 2), [1, 2], [3, 42])␤»
ok 321 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# ((1, 2), $(3, 4)).perl.say; # says "((1, 2), $(3, 4))"
# [(1, 2), $(3, 4)].perl.say; # says "[(1, 2), (3, 4)]"
# # ...but actually means: "[$(1, 2), $(3, 4)]"
ok 322 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# ((1, 2), $(3, 4)).flat.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «(1, 2, $(3, 4)).Seq␤»
# [(1, 2), $(3, 4)].flat.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «($(1, 2), $(3, 4)).Seq␤»
ok 323 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# (0, [(1, 2), $(3, 4)], 5).flat.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «(0, $(1, 2), $(3, 4), 5).Seq␤»
ok 324 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# say gather [0, [(1, 2), [3, 4]], $(5, 6)].deepmap: *.take; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5 6)␤»
ok 325 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my @a = "a", "b", "c";
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[a b c]␤»
# @a.pop.say; # OUTPUT: «c␤»
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[a b]␤»
# @a.push("d");
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[a b d]␤»
# @a[1, 3] = "c", "c";
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[a c d c]␤»
ok 326 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my @a;
# @a[0, 1, 2] = (loop { 42 });
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[42 42 42]␤»
ok 327 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my $b = "foo";
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a[2] := $b;
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 "foo"]␤»
# $b = "bar";
# @a.say; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 "bar"]␤»
ok 328 - doc/Language/list.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# class A {
# method x() { say 42 }
# }
# A.x();
ok 329 - doc/Language/mop.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# constant A := Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type( name => 'A' ); # class A {
# A.^add_method('x', my method x(A:) { say 42 }); # method x() .. .
# A.^compose; # }
# A.x();
ok 330 - doc/Language/mop.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# .say for (1, 2, 3); # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤», not itemized
# .say for $(1, 2, 3); # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3)␤», itemized
# say (1, 2, 3).VAR ~~ Scalar; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $(1, 2, 3).VAR ~~ Scalar; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 331 - doc/Language/mop.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say "abc".uc;
# # OUTPUT: «ABC␤»
ok 332 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say 4.log: ; # OUTPUT: «1.38629436111989␤» ( natural logarithm of 4 )
# say 4.log: +2; # OUTPUT: «2␤» ( base-2 logarithm of 4 )
# say 4.log +2; # OUTPUT: «3.38629436111989␤» ( natural logarithm of 4, plus 2 )
ok 333 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# $* = "\r\n";
ok 334 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $int-type-obj = Int;
ok 335 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $int-type-obj = 1.WHAT;
ok 336 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# sub f(Int $x) {
# if $x.WHAT === Int {
# say 'you passed an Int';
# }
# else {
# say 'you passed a subtype of Int';
# }
# }
ok 337 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Journey {
# }
ok 338 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my class Journey {
# }
ok 339 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class Journey {
# has $!origin;
# has $!destination;
# has @!travelers;
# has $!notes;
# }
ok 340 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class Journey {
# has $.origin;
# has $.destination;
# has @!travelers;
# has $.notes;
# }
ok 341 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class Journey {
# has $.origin;
# has $.destination;
# has @!travelers;
# has $.notes is rw;
# }
ok 342 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# class Journey {
# # error if origin is not provided
# has $.origin is required;
# # set the destination to Orlando as default (unless that is the origin!)
# has $.destination = self.origin eq 'Orlando' ?? 'Kampala' !! 'Orlando';
# has @!travelers;
# has $.notes is rw;
# }
ok 343 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# class Journey {
# has $.origin;
# has $.destination;
# has @!travelers;
# has $.notes is rw;
# method add_traveler($name) {
# if $name ne any(@!travelers) {
# push @!travelers, $name;
# }
# else {
# warn "$name is already going on the journey!";
# }
# }
# method describe() {
# "From $!origin to $!destination"
# }
# }
ok 344 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# class A { has $.b };
# my $name = 'b';
# # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
ok 345 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# class C {
# my $.local = 42;
# has $.x = self.local
# };
# say
# # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 346 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method !do-something-private($x) {
# ...
# }
# method public($x) {
# if self.precondition {
# self!do-something-private(2 * $x)
# }
# }
ok 347 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# class Point2D {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# submethod BUILD(:$!x, :$!y) {
# say "Initializing Point2D";
# }
# }
# class InvertiblePoint2D is Point2D {
# submethod BUILD() {
# say "Initializing InvertiblePoint2D";
# }
# method invert {
# => - $.x, y => - $.y);
# }
# }
# say => 1, y => 2);
ok 348 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# class Parent {
# method frob {
# say "the parent class frobs"
# }
# }
# class Child is Parent {
# method frob {
# say "the child's somewhat more fancy frob is called"
# }
# }
# my Parent $test;
# $test =;
# $test.frob; # calls the frob method of Child rather than Parent
ok 349 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# class MyClass {
# method BUILDALL(|) {
# # initial things here
# callsame; # call the parent classes (or default) BUILDALL
# # you can do final checks here.
# self # return the fully built object
# }
# }
ok 350 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# class RectangleWithCachedArea {
# has ($.x1, $.x2, $.y1, $.y2);
# has $.area;
# submethod TWEAK() {
# $!area = abs( ($!x2 - $!x1) * ( $!y2 - $!y1) );
# }
# }
# say x2 => 5, x1 => 1, y2 => 1, y1 => 0).area;
ok 351 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# class A {
# has $.a;
# #...
# method clone {
# nextwith(:a($.a.clone))
# }
# }
ok 352 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# class Bull {
# has Bool $.castrated = False;
# method steer {
# # Turn your bull into a steer
# $!castrated = True;
# return self;
# }
# }
# class Automobile {
# has $.direction;
# method steer($!direction) { }
# }
# class Taurus is Bull is Automobile { }
# my $t =;
# $t.steer; # OUTPUT: «Castrates $t␤»
ok 353 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# role R1 {
# # methods here
# }
# role R2 does R1 {
# # methods here
# }
# class C does R2 { }
ok 354 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# role R1 {
# # methods here
# }
# role R2 {
# # methods here
# }
# class C does R1 does R2 { }
ok 355 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# role A is Exception { }
# class X::Ouch does A { }
# X::Ouch.^parents.say # OUTPUT: «((Exception))␤»
ok 356 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# role Point {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# method abs { sqrt($.x * $.x + $.y * $.y) }
# }
# say => 6, y => 8).abs;
ok 357 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# role BinaryTree[::Type] {
# has BinaryTree[Type] $.left;
# has BinaryTree[Type] $.right;
# has Type $.node;
# method visit-preorder(&cb) {
# cb $.node;
# for $.left, $.right -> $branch {
# $branch.visit-preorder(&cb) if defined $branch;
# }
# }
# method visit-postorder(&cb) {
# for $.left, $.right -> $branch {
# $branch.visit-postorder(&cb) if defined $branch;
# }
# cb $.node;
# }
# method new-from-list(::?CLASS:U: *@el) {
# my $middle-index = @el.elems div 2;
# my @left = @el[0 .. $middle-index - 1];
# my $middle = @el[$middle-index];
# my @right = @el[$middle-index + 1 .. *];
# node => $middle,
# left => @left ?? !! self,
# right => @right ?? !! self,
# );
# }
# }
# my $t = BinaryTree[Int].new-from-list(4, 5, 6);
# $t.visit-preorder(&say); # OUTPUT: «5␤4␤6␤»
# $t.visit-postorder(&say); # OUTPUT: «4␤6␤5␤»
ok 358 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# use v6.c;
# enum Severity <debug info warn error critical>;
# role Logging[$filehandle = $*ERR] {
# method log(Severity $sev, $message) {
# $filehandle.print("[{uc $sev}] $message\n");
# }
# }
# Logging[$*OUT].log(debug, 'here we go'); # OUTPUT: «[DEBUG] here we go␤»
ok 359 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# role R { method Str() {'hidden!'} };
# my $i = 2 but R;
# sub f(\bound){ put bound };
# f($i); # OUTPUT: «hidden!␤»
ok 360 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# # A counter for Table of Contents
# role TOC-Counter {
# has Int @!counters is default(0);
# method Str() { @!counters.join: '.' }
# method inc($level) {
# @!counters[$level - 1]++;
# @!counters.splice($level);
# self
# }
# }
# my Num $toc-counter = NaN; # don't do maths with Not A Number
# say $toc-counter; # OUTPUT: «NaN␤»
# $toc-counter does TOC-Counter; # now we mix the role in
# $;
# put $toc-counter / 1; # OUTPUT: «NaN␤» (because that's numerical context)
# put $toc-counter; # OUTPUT: «2.2.2␤» (put will call TOC-Counter::Str)
ok 361 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# my %seen of Int is default(0 but role :: { method Str() {'NULL'} });
# say %seen<not-there>; # OUTPUT: «NULL␤»
# say %seen<not-there>.defined; # OUTPUT: «True␤» (0 may be False but is well defined)
# say<not-there>); # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 362 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say 1.HOW === 2.HOW; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 1.HOW === Int.HOW; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 1.HOW === Num.HOW; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 363 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# my $object = 1;
# my $metaobject = 1.HOW;
# say $$object); # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# # or shorter:
# say; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 364 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# say 1.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# # same as
# say; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 365 - doc/Language/objects.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# infix:<+>(1, 2); # same as 1 + 2
# circumfix:«[ ]»(<a b c>); # same as [<a b c>]
ok 366 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $str = 'old string';
# $str ~~ s/o .+ d/new/;
# say $str; # OUTPUT: «new string␤»
ok 367 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $str = 'foo muCKed into the lEn';
# # replace second 'o' with 'x'
# $str ~~ s:2nd/o/x/;
# # replace 'M' or 'L' followed by non-whitespace stuff with 'd'
# # and lower-cased version of that stuff:
# $str ~~ s :g :i/<[ML]> (\S+)/d{lc $0}/;
# say $str; # OUTPUT: «fox ducked into the den␤»
ok 368 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $str = 'foober';
# $str ~~ s!foo!fox!;
# $str ~~ s{b(.)r} = " d$0n";
# say $str; # OUTPUT: «fox den␤»
ok 369 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say S/o .+ d/new/ with 'old string'; # OUTPUT: «new string␤»
# S:g/« (.)/$0.uc()/.say for <foo bar ber>; # OUTPUT: «Foo␤Bar␤Ber␤»
ok 370 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $a = 32;
# $a += 10; # 42
# $a -= 2; # 40
# $a = 3;
# $a min= 5; # still 3
# $a min= 2; # 2
# my $s = 'a';
# $s ~= 'b'; # 'ab'
ok 371 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub infix:<space-concat> ($a, $b) { $a ~ " " ~ $b };
# my $a = 'word1';
# $a space-concat= 'word2'; # RESULT: «'word1 word2'»
ok 372 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my Real $a = 1/2;
# $a = 3.14;
# $a .= round; # RESULT: «3»
ok 373 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $a = True;
# say so $a != True; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# my $i = 10;
# my $release =, :12month, :24day);
# my $today =;
# say so $release !before $today; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 374 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say 4 R/ 12; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say [R/] 2, 4, 16; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 375 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say (1, 2, 3) »*» 2; # OUTPUT: «(2 4 6)␤»
# say (1, 2, 3, 4) »~» <a b>; # OUTPUT: «(1a 2b 3a 4b)␤»
# say (1, 2, 3) »+« (4, 5, 6); # OUTPUT: «(5 7 9)␤»
ok 376 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# say @a »+=» 1; # OUTPUT: «[2 3 4]␤»
ok 377 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my @wisdom = True, False, True;
# say !« @wisdom; # OUTPUT: «[False True False]␤»
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a»++; # OUTPUT: «(2, 3, 4)␤»
ok 378 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say -« [[1, 2], 3]; # OUTPUT: «[[-1 -2] -3]␤»
ok 379 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# class CarefulClass { method take-care {} }
# my CarefulClass @objs;
# my @results = @objs».take-care();
# my @slops; # May Contain Nuts
# @slops».?this-method-may-not-exist();
ok 380 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my %outer = 1, 2, 3 Z=> <a b c>;
# my %inner = 1, 2 Z=> <x z>;
# say %outer «~» %inner; # OUTPUT: «{"1" => "ax", "2" => "bz"}␤»
ok 381 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# sub pretty-file-site (Int $size --> Str) {
# # rounding version of infix:</>(Int, Int)
# sub infix:<r/>(Int \i1, Int \i2) {
# round(i1 / i2, 0.1)
# }
# # we build a vector of fractions of $size and zip that with the fitting prefix
# for $size «[r/]« (2**60, 2**50, 2**40, 2**30, 2**20, 2**10)
# Z <EB PB TB GB MB KB> -> [\v,\suffix] {
# # starting with the biggest suffix, we take the first that is 0.5 of that suffix or bigger
# return v ~ ' ' ~ suffix if v > 0.4
# }
# # this be smaller or equal then 0.4 KB
# return $size.Str;
# }
# for 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 -> $test {
# my &a = { (2 ** $test) * (1/4, 1/2, 1, 10, 100).pick * (1..10).pick };
# print pretty-file-site(a.Int) xx 2, ' ';
# }
# # OUTPUT: «10 EB 4 EB 2 PB 5 PB 0.5 PB 4 TB 300 GB 4.5 GB 50 MB 200 MB 9 KB 0.6 MB␤»
ok 382 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say (<a b>, <c d e>)».elems; # OUTPUT: «(2 3)␤»
# say (<a b>, <c d e>)».&{ .elems }; # OUTPUT: «((1 1) (1 1 1))␤»
ok 383 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $neighbors = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0));
# my $p = (2, 3);
# say $neighbors »>>+<<» ($p, *); # OUTPUT: «((1 3) (2 2) (2 4) (3 3))␤»
ok 384 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# # These two are equivalent:
# say [+] 1, 2, 3; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say reduce &infix:<+>, 1, 2, 3; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 385 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub plus { $^a + $^b };
# say [[&plus]] 1, 2, 3; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 386 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say [X~] (1, 2), <a b>; # OUTPUT: «1, 2 X~ <a b>␤»
ok 387 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my @n = [\~] 1..*;
# say @n[^5]; # OUTPUT: «(1 12 123 1234 12345)␤»
ok 388 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# 1..3 X~ <a b> # RESULT: «<1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b>␤»
ok 389 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my @l = <a b c> Z~ 1, 2, 3; # RESULT: «[a1 b2 c3]␤»
ok 390 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my @l = <a b c d> Z~ ':' xx *; # RESULT: «<a: b: c: d:>»
# @l = <a b c d> Z~ 1, 2, *; # RESULT: «<a1 b2 c2 d2>»
ok 391 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my @l = 1 Z 2; # RESULT: «[(1 2)]»
ok 392 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say so 1 S& 2 S& 3; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 393 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# my @b = 5, 6, 7;
# @a X[+=] @b;
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[19 20 21]␤»
ok 394 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say <a b c>[1]; # OUTPUT: «b␤»
ok 395 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# multi sub p(:$a!) { say 'named' }
# multi sub p($a) { say 'positional' }
# p a => 1; # OUTPUT: «named␤»
# p (a => 1); # OUTPUT: «positional␤»
ok 396 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# my @alphabet = 'a' .. 'z';
# say @alphabet[0]; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
# say @alphabet[1]; # OUTPUT: «b␤»
# say @alphabet[*-1]; # OUTPUT: «z␤»
# say @alphabet[100]:exists; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say @alphabet[15, 4, 17, 11].join; # OUTPUT: «perl␤»
# say @alphabet[23 .. *].perl; # OUTPUT: «("x", "y", "z")␤»
# @alphabet[1, 2] = "B", "C";
# say @alphabet[0..3].perl # OUTPUT: «("a", "B", "C", "d")␤»
ok 397 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# my %color = kiwi => "green", banana => "yellow", cherry => "red";
# say %color{"banana"}; # OUTPUT: «yellow␤»
# say %color{"cherry", "kiwi"}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("red", "green")␤»
# say %color{"strawberry"}:exists; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# %color{"banana", "lime"} = "yellowish", "green";
# %color{"cherry"}:delete;
# say %color; # OUTPUT: «banana => yellowish, kiwi => green, lime => green␤»
ok 398 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my %color = kiwi => "green", banana => "yellow", cherry => "red";
# say %color<banana>; # OUTPUT: «yellow␤»
# say %color<cherry kiwi>.perl; # OUTPUT: «("red", "green")␤»
# say %color<strawberry>:exists; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 399 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my %color = kiwi => "green", banana => "yellow", cherry => "red";
# my $fruit = "kiwi";
# say %color«cherry $fruit».perl; # OUTPUT: «("red", "green")␤»
ok 400 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my sub f($invocant){ dd $invocant; }
# my $i = 42;
# 42.&f;
# # OUTPUT: «Int $invocant = 42␤»
# 42.&(-> $invocant { dd $invocant });
# # OUTPUT: «Int $invocant = 42␤»
ok 401 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# my @a = <a b c>;
# my @b = @a».ord; # OUTPUT: «[97, 98, 99]␤»
# sub foo(Str:D $c){ $c.ord * 2 }; # The first parameter of a method is the invocant.
# say @a».&foo; # So we can pretend to have a method call with a sub that got a good first positional argument.
# say @a».&{ .ord}; # Blocks have an implicit positional arguments that lands in $_. The latter can be omitted for method calls.
ok 402 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# my @a;
# @a[1, 2, 3];
# @a.[1, 2, 3]; # Same
ok 403 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# class Operation {
# has $.symbol;
# has &.function;
# }
# my $addition =<+>, :function{ $^a + $^b });
# say $addition.function()(1, 2); # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# # OR
# say $addition.function.(1, 2); # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 404 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# my $a = 1;
# say ++$a; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say $a.:<++>; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 405 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# class Bar {
# method baz { 42 }
# }
# class Foo is Bar {
# method baz { "nope" }
# }
# say Foo.Bar::baz; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 406 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<++>($x is rw) is assoc<non>
ok 407 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# my $x = 3;
# say ++$x; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 408 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<-->($x is rw) is assoc<non>
ok 409 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# my $x = 3;
# say --$x; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 410 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# multi sub postfix:<++>($x is rw) is assoc<non>
ok 411 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# my $x = 3;
# say $x++; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 412 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# my $x;
# say $x++; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 413 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# my $filename = "somefile-001.txt";
# say $filename++ for 1..3;
# # OUTPUT: «somefile-001.txt␤somefile-002.txt␤somefile-003.txt␤»
ok 414 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# multi sub postfix:<-->($x is rw) is assoc<non>
ok 415 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# my $x = 3;
# say $x--; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 416 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# my $x;
# say $x--; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «-1␤»
ok 417 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# my $filename = "somefile-003.txt";
# say $filename-- for 1..3;
# # OUTPUT: «somefile-003.txt␤somefile-002.txt␤somefile-001.txt␤»
ok 418 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# multi sub infix:<**>(Any, Any --> Numeric:D) is assoc<right>
ok 419 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<?>(Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 420 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<!>(Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 421 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<+>(Any --> Numeric:D)
ok 422 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<->(Any --> Numeric:D)
ok 423 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<~>(Any --> Str:D)
ok 424 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<+^>(Any --> Int:D)
ok 425 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<?^>(Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 426 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 61 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<^>(Any --> Range:D)
ok 427 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 62 compiles
# say ^5; # OUTPUT: «0..^5␤»
# for ^5 { } # 5 iterations
ok 428 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 63 compiles
# multi sub infix:<*>(Any, Any --> Numeric:D)
ok 429 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 64 compiles
# multi sub infix:</>(Any, Any --> Numeric:D)
ok 430 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 65 compiles
# multi sub infix:<div>(Int:D, Int:D --> Int:D)
ok 431 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 66 compiles
# multi sub infix:<%>($x, $y --> Numeric:D)
ok 432 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 67 compiles
# my ($x, $y) = 1,2;
# $x % $y == $x - floor($x / $y) * $y
ok 433 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 68 compiles
# multi sub infix:<%%>($a, $b --> Bool:D)
ok 434 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 69 compiles
# multi sub infix:<mod>(Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D)
ok 435 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 70 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+&>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 436 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 71 compiles
# multi sub infix:<< +< >>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 437 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 72 compiles
# multi sub infix:<< +> >>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 438 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 73 compiles
# multi sub infix:<gcd>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 439 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 74 compiles
# multi sub infix:<lcm>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 440 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 75 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+>($a, $b --> Numeric:D)
ok 441 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 76 compiles
# multi sub infix:<->($a, $b --> Numeric:D)
ok 442 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 77 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+|>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 443 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 78 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+^>($a, $b --> Int:D)
ok 444 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 79 compiles
# multi sub infix:<?|>($a, $b --> Bool:D)
ok 445 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 80 compiles
# sub infix:<x>($a, $b --> Str:D)
ok 446 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 81 compiles
# say 'ab' x 3; # OUTPUT: «ababab␤»
# say 42 x 3; # OUTPUT: «424242␤»
# my $a = 'a'.IO;
# my $b = 3.5;
# say $a x $b; # OUTPUT: «aaa␤»
ok 447 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 82 compiles
# multi sub infix:<xx>($a, $b --> List:D)
ok 448 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 83 compiles
# say [1, 2] xx 5;
# # OUTPUT: «([1 2] [1 2] [1 2] [1 2] [1 2])␤»
ok 449 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 84 compiles
# rand xx 3
ok 450 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 85 compiles
# multi sub infix:<~>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<~>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 451 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 86 compiles
# say 'ab' ~ 'c'; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
ok 452 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 87 compiles
# multi sub infix:<&>($a, $b --> Junction:D) is assoc<list>
ok 453 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 88 compiles
# multi sub infix:<|>($a, $b --> Junction:D) is assoc<list>
ok 454 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 89 compiles
# multi sub infix:<^>($a, $b --> Junction:D) is assoc<list>
ok 455 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 90 compiles
# sub prefix:<temp>(Mu $a is rw)
ok 456 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 91 compiles
# my $a = "three";
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «three␤»
# {
# temp $a;
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «three␤»
# $a = "four";
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «four␤»
# }
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «three␤»
ok 457 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 92 compiles
# sub prefix:<let>(Mu $a is rw)
ok 458 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 93 compiles
# my $answer = 42;
# {
# let $answer = 84;
# die if not Bool.pick;
# default { say "it's been reset :(" }
# }
# say "we made it 84 sticks!";
# }
# say $answer;
ok 459 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 94 compiles
# sub infix:<does>(Mu $obj, Mu $role) is assoc<non>
ok 460 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 95 compiles
# multi sub infix:<but>(Mu $obj1, Mu $role) is assoc<non>
# multi sub infix:<but>(Mu $obj1, Mu:D $obj2) is assoc<non>
ok 461 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 96 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(Real:D, Real:D)
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(Str:D, Str:D)
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(Version:D, Version:D)
ok 462 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 97 compiles
# say (a => 3) cmp (a => 4); # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say 4 cmp 4.0; # OUTPUT: «Same␤»
# say 'b' cmp 'a'; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 463 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 98 compiles
# multi sub infix:<leg>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<leg>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 464 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 99 compiles
# say 'a' leg 'b'; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say 'a' leg 'a'; # OUTPUT: «Same␤»
# say 'b' leg 'a'; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 465 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 100 compiles
# multi sub infix:«<=>»($a, $b --> Order:D) is assoc<non>
ok 466 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 101 compiles
# multi sub infix:<..>($a, $b --> Range:D) is assoc<non>
ok 467 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 102 compiles
# multi sub infix:<..^>($a, $b --> Range:D) is assoc<non>
ok 468 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 103 compiles
# multi sub infix:<^..>($a, $b --> Range:D) is assoc<non>
ok 469 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 104 compiles
# multi sub infix:<^..^>($a, $b --> Range:D) is assoc<non>
ok 470 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 105 compiles
# multi sub infix:<==>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Rational:D, Rational:D)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Real:D, Real:D)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Complex:D, Complex:D)
# multi sub infix:<==>(Numeric:D, Numeric:D)
ok 471 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 106 compiles
# sub infix:<!=>(Mu, Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 472 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 107 compiles
# multi sub infix:«<»(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:«<»(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:«<»(Real:D, Real:D)
ok 473 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 108 compiles
# multi sub infix:«<=»(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:«<=»(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:«<=»(Real:D, Real:D)
ok 474 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 109 compiles
# multi sub infix:«>»(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:«>»(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:«>»(Real:D, Real:D)
ok 475 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 110 compiles
# multi sub infix:«>=»(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:«>=»(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:«>=»(Real:D, Real:D)
ok 476 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 111 compiles
# multi sub infix:<eq>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<eq>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 477 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 112 compiles
# multi sub infix:<ne>(Mu, Mu)
# multi sub infix:<ne>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 478 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 113 compiles
# multi sub infix:<gt>(Mu, Mu)
# multi sub infix:<gt>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 479 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 114 compiles
# multi sub infix:<ge>(Mu, Mu)
# multi sub infix:<ge>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 480 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 115 compiles
# multi sub infix:<lt>(Mu, Mu)
# multi sub infix:<lt>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 481 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 116 compiles
# multi sub infix:<le>(Mu, Mu)
# multi sub infix:<le>(Str:D, Str:D)
ok 482 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 117 compiles
# multi sub infix:<before>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<before>(Real:D, Real:D)
# multi sub infix:<before>(Str:D, Str:D)
# multi sub infix:<before>(Version:D, Version:D)
ok 483 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 118 compiles
# multi sub infix:<after>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<after>(Real:D, Real:D)
# multi sub infix:<after>(Str:D, Str:D)
# multi sub infix:<after>(Version:D, Version:D)
ok 484 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 119 compiles
# sub infix:<eqv>(Any, Any)
ok 485 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 120 compiles
# say [1, 2, 3] eqv [1, 2, 3]; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say Any eqv Any; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 1 eqv 2; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say 1 eqv 1.0; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 486 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 121 compiles
# my class A {
# has $.a;
# }
# say => 5) eqv => 5); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 487 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 122 compiles
# my class A {
# has $.a;
# }
# multi infix:<eqv>(A $l, A $r) { $l.a eqv $r.a }
# say => 5) eqv => 5); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 488 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 123 compiles
# sub infix:<===>(Any, Any)
ok 489 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 124 compiles
# my class A { };
# my $a =;
# say $a === $a; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say ===; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say A === A; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 490 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 125 compiles
# say 'a' === 'a'; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 'a' === 'b'; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# # different types
# say 1 === 1.0; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 491 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 126 compiles
# multi sub infix:<=:=>(Mu \a, Mu \b)
ok 492 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 127 compiles
# my ($a, $b) = (1, 3);
# say $a =:= $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# $b = 2;
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# $b := $a;
# say $a =:= $b; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# $a = 5;
# say $b; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 493 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 128 compiles
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Any, Any)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Int:D, Int:D)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Num:D, Num:D)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Rational:D, Rational:D)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Real:D, Real:D)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Complex:D, Complex:D)
# multi sub infix:<=~=>(Numeric:D, Numeric:D)
ok 494 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 129 compiles
# my $x = 1;
# say ($x + $*TOLERANCE) =~= $x; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say ($x - $*TOLERANCE) =~= $x; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 495 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 130 compiles
# {
# my $*TOLERANCE = .1;
# say 11 =~= 10; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# }
ok 496 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 131 compiles
# {
# my $*TOLERANCE = 0;
# say 1 =~= 1; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# }
ok 497 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 132 compiles
# sub a { 1 }
# sub b { 0 }
# sub c { die "never called" };
# say a() && b() && c(); # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 498 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 133 compiles
# sub a { 0 }
# sub b { 1 }
# sub c { die "never called" };
# say a() || b() || c(); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 499 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 134 compiles
# say 0 ^^ 42; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# say '' ^^ 0; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say 0 ^^ 42 ^^ 1 ^^ die "never called"; # OUTPUT: «␤»
ok 500 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 135 compiles
# say Any // 0 // 42; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 501 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 136 compiles
# my $foo = 42;
# $foo min= 0 # read as: $foo decreases to 0
ok 502 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 137 compiles
# my $foo = -42;
# $foo max= 0 # read as: $foo increases to 0
ok 503 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 138 compiles
# sub infix:<ff>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 504 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 139 compiles
# my $excerpt = q:to/END/;
# Here's some unimportant text.
# =begin code
# This code block is what we're after.
# We'll use 'ff' to get it.
# =end code
# More unimportant text.
# my @codelines = gather for $excerpt.lines {
# take $_ if "=begin code" ff "=end code"
# }
# # this will print four lines, starting with "=begin code" and ending with
# # "=end code"
# say @codelines.join("\n");
ok 505 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 140 compiles
# for <AB C D B E F> {
# say $_ if /A/ ff /B/; # OUTPUT: «AB␤»
# }
ok 506 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 141 compiles
# for <A B C D E> {
# say $_ if /C/ ff *; # OUTPUT: «C␤D␤E␤»
# }
ok 507 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 142 compiles
# sub infix:<^ff>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 508 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 143 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ ff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ ^ff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «B␤C␤»
ok 509 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 144 compiles
# sub infix:<ff^>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 510 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 145 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ ff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ ff^ /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤»
ok 511 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 146 compiles
# sub infix:<^ff^>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 512 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 147 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ ff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ ^ff^ /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «B␤»
ok 513 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 148 compiles
# sub infix:<fff>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 514 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 149 compiles
# for <AB C D B E F> {
# say $_ if /A/ fff /B/; # OUTPUT: «AB␤C␤D␤B␤»
# }
ok 515 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 150 compiles
# sub infix:<^fff>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 516 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 151 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ fff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ ^fff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «B␤C␤»
ok 517 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 152 compiles
# sub infix:<fff^>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 518 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 153 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ fff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ fff^ /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤»
ok 519 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 154 compiles
# sub infix:<^fff^>(Mu $a, Mu $b)
ok 520 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 155 compiles
# my @list = <A B C>;
# say $_ if /A/ fff /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «A␤B␤C␤»
# say $_ if /A/ ^fff^ /C/ for @list; # OUTPUT: «B␤»
ok 521 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 156 compiles
# sub infix:«=>»($key, Mu $value --> Pair:D)
ok 522 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 157 compiles
# my $p = a => 1;
# say $p.key; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
# say $p.value; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 523 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 158 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<not>(Mu $x --> Bool:D)
ok 524 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 159 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<so>(Mu $x --> Bool:D)
ok 525 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 160 compiles
# sub infix:<,>(*@a --> List:D) is assoc<list>
ok 526 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 161 compiles
# substr('abc': 1); # same as 'abc'.substr(1)
ok 527 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 162 compiles
# sub infix:<Z>(**@lists --> Seq:D) is assoc<chain>
ok 528 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 163 compiles
# say (1, 2 Z <a b c> Z <+ ->).perl; # OUTPUT: «((1, "a", "+"), (2, "b", "-")).Seq␤»
# for <a b c> Z <1 2 3> -> [$l, $r] {
# say "$l:$r"
# }
# # OUTPUT: «a:1␤b:2␤c:3␤»
ok 529 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 164 compiles
# say 100, 200 Z+ 42, 23; # OUTPUT: «(142 223)␤»
# say 1..3 Z~ <a b c> Z~ 'x' xx 3; # OUTPUT: «(1ax 2bx 3cx)␤»
ok 530 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 165 compiles
# sub infix:<X>(**@lists --> List:D)
ok 531 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 166 compiles
# 1..3 X <a b c> X 9
# # produces ((1 a 9) (1 b 9) (1 c 9)
# # (2 a 9) (2 b 9) (2 c 9)
# # (3 a 9) (3 b 9) (3 c 9))
ok 532 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 167 compiles
# 1..3 X~ <a b c> X~ 9
# # produces (1a9 1b9 1c9 2a9 2b9 2c9 3a9 3b9 3c9)
ok 533 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 168 compiles
# multi sub infix:<...>(**@) is assoc<list>
# multi sub infix:<...^>(**@) is assoc<list>
ok 534 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 169 compiles
# say 1 ... 4; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4)␤»
# say 4 ... 1; # OUTPUT: «(4 3 2 1)␤»
# say 'a' ... 'e'; # OUTPUT: «(a b c d e)␤»
# say 'e' ... 'a'; # OUTPUT: «(e d c b a)␤»
ok 535 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 170 compiles
# say (1 ... *)[^5]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤»
ok 536 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 171 compiles
# say (1, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *)[^8]; # OUTPUT: «(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)␤»
# # same but shorter
# say (1, 1, *+* ... *)[^8]; # OUTPUT: «(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)␤»
ok 537 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 172 compiles
# say 5, { $_ * 2 } ... 40; # OUTPUT: «5 10 20 40␤»
ok 538 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 173 compiles
# say 2, 4, 6 ... 12; # OUTPUT: «(2 4 6 8 10 12)␤»
# say 1, 2, 4 ... 32; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 4 8 16 32)␤»
ok 539 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 174 compiles
# say 1, 1, *+* ...^ *>= 100;
ok 540 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 175 compiles
# my $end = 4;
# say 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ... $end;
# # OUTPUT: «(1 2 4)␤»
ok 541 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 176 compiles
# my $a = 42;
# my $b = $a;
# $b++;
# say $a;
ok 542 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 177 compiles
# my $a = 42;
# my $b := $a;
# $b++;
# say $a;
ok 543 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 178 compiles
# say [+] 1, 2, 3; # 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
# my @a = (5, 6);
# say [*] @a; # 5 * 6 = 30
ok 544 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 179 compiles
# say [-] 4, 3, 2; # 4-3-2 = (4-3)-2 = -1
# say [**] 4, 3, 2; # 4**3**2 = 4**(3**2) = 262144
ok 545 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 180 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_545:10
------> my @result⏏ = (
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_545:18
------> my @result⏏ =
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_545:25
------> my @result⏏ =
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_545:34
------> my @result⏏ =
# # Traditional structure, read bottom-to-top
# my @result =
# sort # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# grep { /<[PE]>/ }, # (3) Look for P or E
# map { .tc }, # (2) Capitalize the words
# <people of earth>; # (1) Start with the input
# # Feed (left-to-right) with parentheses, read top-to-bottom
# my @result = (
# <people of earth> # (1) Start with the input
# ==> map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words
# ==> grep /<[PE]>/ # (3) Look for P or E
# ==> sort # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# );
# # For illustration, method chaining equivalent, read top-to-bottom
# my @result =
# <people of earth> # (1) Start with the input
# .map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words
# .grep(/<[PE]>/) # (3) Look for P or E
# .sort; # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# # To assign without the need of parentheses use another feed operator
# my @result =
# <people of earth>
# ==> map({ .tc })
# ==> grep /<[PE]>/
# ==> sort()
# ==> @result;
# # It can be useful to capture a partial result, however, unlike
# # the leftward feed operator, it does require parentheses or a semicolon
# my @result =
# <people of earth>
# ==> map({ .tc })
# ==> my @caps; @caps # also could wrap in parentheses instead
# ==> grep /<[PE]>/
# ==> sort()
# ==> @result;
ok 546 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 181 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_546:10
------> my @result⏏ = (
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_546:19
------> my @result⏏<EOL>
Redeclaration of symbol '@result'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_546:26
------> my @result⏏<EOL>
# # Traditional structure, read bottom-to-top
# my @result =
# sort # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# grep { /<[PE]>/ }, # (3) Look for P or E
# map { .tc }, # (2) Capitalize the words
# <people of earth>; # (1) Start with the input
# # Feed (right-to-left) with parentheses, read bottom-to-top
# my @result = (
# sort() # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# <== grep({ /<[PE]>/ }) # (3) Look for P or E
# <== map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words
# <== <people of earth> # (1) Start with the input
# );
# # To assign without parentheses, use another feed operator
# my @result
# <== sort() # (4) Sort, result is <Earth People>
# <== grep({ /<[PE]>/ }) # (3) Look for P or E
# <== map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words
# <== <people of earth>; # (1) Start with the input
# # It can be useful to capture a partial result
# my @result
# <== sort()
# <== grep({ /<[PE]>/ })
# <== my @caps # unlike ==>, there's no need for additional statement
# <== map({ .tc })
# <== <people of earth>;
ok 547 - doc/Language/operators.pod6 chunk 182 compiles
# # existing code generically matches a two arg foo call:
# multi sub foo(Any $a, Any $b) { ... }
# # new variant takes over for a foo("quux", 42) call:
# multi sub foo("quux", Int $b) { ... }
ok 548 - doc/Language/performance.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use v6.c;
ok 549 - doc/Language/pragmas.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use nqp;
# nqp::say("hello world");
ok 550 - doc/Language/pragmas.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_550:
Useless use of constant string "Very plain" in sink context (line 2)
Useless use of constant string "There are no backslashes here, only lots of $$$>!" in sink context (line 6)
Useless use of constant string "This back\\slash stays" in sink context (lines 3, 4)
Useless use of constant string "No $interpolation {here}!" in sink context (line 8)
Useless use of constant string "This is not a closing curly brace → }, but this is → " in sink context (line 5)
Useless use of constant string "(Just kidding. There's no money in that string)" in sink context (line 7)
# 'Very plain';
# q[This back\slash stays];
# q[This back\\slash stays]; # Identical output
# q{This is not a closing curly brace → \}, but this is → };
# Q :q $There are no backslashes here, only lots of \$\$\$>!$;
# '(Just kidding. There\'s no money in that string)';
# 'No $interpolation {here}!';
# Q:q!Just a literal "\n" here!;
ok 551 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say "abc&uc("def")ghi";
# # OUTPUT: «abcDEFghi␤»
ok 552 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my %h = :1st; say "abc%h<st>ghi";
# # OUTPUT: «abc1ghi␤»
ok 553 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '$s'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_553:5
------> my $s⏏ = "I really \x[2661,2665,2764,1f495] Pe
# my $s = "I \x[2665] Perl 6!";
# dd $s;
# # OUTPUT: «Str $s = "I ♥ Perl 6!"␤»
# my $s = "I really \x[2661,2665,2764,1f495] Perl 6!";
# dd $s;
# # OUTPUT: «Str $s = "I really ♡♥❤💕 Perl 6!"␤»
ok 554 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $s = "Camelia \c[BROKEN HEART] my \c[HEAVY BLACK HEART]!";
# dd $s;
# # OUTPUT: «Str $s = "Str $s = "Camelia 💔 my ❤!"␤»
ok 555 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @directions = 'left', 'right,', 'up', 'down';
ok 556 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my @directions = qw|left right up down|;
ok 557 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say <42 4/2 1e6 1+1i abc>.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «(, "42"),, "4/2"),, "1e6"),<1+1i>, "1+1i"), "abc")␤»
ok 558 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say <42/10>.^name; # OUTPUT: «Rat␤»
# say <1+42i>.^name; # OUTPUT: «Complex␤»
# say < 42/10 >.^name; # OUTPUT: «RatStr␤»
# say < 1+42i >.^name; # OUTPUT: «ComplexStr␤»
ok 559 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say qw{"a b" c}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("\"a", "b\"", "c")␤»
ok 560 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say qww{"a b" c}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("a b", "c")␤»
ok 561 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $a = 42; say qw{$a b c}; # OUTPUT: «$a b c␤»
ok 562 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $a = 42;
# my @list = qqw{$a b c};
# say @list; # OUTPUT: «42 b c␤»
ok 563 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $a = "a b";
# my @list = qqw{$a c};
# .say for @list; # OUTPUT: «a␤b␤c␤»
ok 564 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $a = 42; say qqw{"$a b" c}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("\"42", "b\"", "c")␤»
ok 565 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $a = 42; say qqww{"$a b" c}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("42 b", "c")␤»
ok 566 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '$a'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_566:3
------> my $a⏏ = 42; say «"$a b" c».perl; # OUTPUT
# my $a = 42; say <<"$a b" c>>.perl; # OUTPUT: «("42 b", "c")␤»
# my $a = 42; say «"$a b" c».perl; # OUTPUT: «("42 b", "c")␤»
ok 567 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $a = "1 2";
# say qqww{"$a" $a}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("1 2", "1", "2")␤»
# my $b = "1 \"2 3\"";
# say qqww{"$b" $b}.perl; # OUTPUT: «("1 \"2 3\"", "1", "\"2", "3\"")␤»
ok 568 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $world = "there";
# say qx{echo "hello $world"}
ok 569 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my $output = qx{echo "hello!"};
# say $output; # OUTPUT: «hello!␤»
ok 570 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $world = "there";
# say qqx{echo "hello $world"}; # OUTPUT: «hello there␤»
ok 571 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my $word = "cool";
# my $option = "-i";
# my $file = "/usr/share/dict/words";
# my $output = qqx{grep $option $word $file};
# # runs the command: grep -i cool /usr/share/dict/words
# say $output; # OUTPUT: «Cooley␤Cooley's␤Coolidge␤Coolidge's␤cool␤...»
ok 572 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say q:to/END/;
# Here is
# some multi-line
# string
ok 573 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say q:to/END/;
# Here is
# some multi line
# string
ok 574 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $f = 'db.7.3.8';
# my $s = qq:to/END/;
# option \{
# file "$f";
# };
# say $s;
ok 575 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my ($first, $second) = qq:to/END1/, qq:to/END2/;
# END1
# END2
ok 576 - doc/Language/quoting.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# m/abc/; # a regex that is immediately matched against $_
# rx/abc/; # a Regex object
# /abc/; # a Regex object
ok 577 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# m{abc};
# rx{abc};
ok 578 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# if 'properly' ~~ m/ perl / {
# say "'properly' contains 'perl'";
# }
ok 579 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# / 'two words' /; # matches 'two words' including the blank
# / "a:b" /; # matches 'a:b' including the colon
# / '#' /; # matches a hash character
ok 580 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# if 'abcdef' ~~ / de / {
# say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «de␤»
# say $/.prematch; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
# say $/.postmatch; # OUTPUT: «f␤»
# say $/.from; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $/.to; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# };
ok 581 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# 'perl' ~~ /per./; # matches the whole string
# 'perl' ~~ / per . /; # the same; whitespace is ignored
# 'perl' ~~ / pe.l /; # the . matches the r
# 'speller' ~~ / pe.l/; # the . matches the first l
ok 582 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# 'perl' ~~ /. per /;
ok 583 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# 'ab42' ~~ /\d/ and say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# 'ab42' ~~ /\D/ and say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
ok 584 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# if 'contains a word starting with "w"' ~~ / w \S+ / {
# say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «word␤»
# }
ok 585 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# "a".uniprop('Script'); # OUTPUT: «Latin␤»
# "a" ~~ / <:Script<Latin>> /;
# "a".uniprop('Block'); # OUTPUT: «Basic Latin␤»
# "a" ~~ / <:Block('Basic Latin')> /;
ok 586 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# 'perl6' ~~ m{\w+(<:Ll+:N>)} # OUTPUT: «0 => 「6」␤»
ok 587 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# "abacabadabacaba" ~~ / <[ a .. c 1 2 3 ]> /;
# # Unicode hex codepoint range
# "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆ" ~~ / <[ \x[00C0] .. \x[00C6] ]> /;
# # Unicode named codepoint range
ok 588 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# / <[\d] - [13579]> /;
# # starts with \d and removes odd ASCII digits, but not quite the same as
# / <[02468]> /;
# # because the first one also contains "weird" unicodey digits
ok 589 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say 'no quotes' ~~ / <-[ " ]> + /; # matches characters except "
ok 590 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# say '"in quotes"' ~~ / '"' <-[ " ]> * '"'/;
ok 591 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# / <+[123]> / # same as <[123]>
ok 592 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# / \w+ '=' \w+ /
ok 593 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# / a \s* b /
ok 594 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# say so 'a' ~~ /a ** 2..5/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 'aaa' ~~ /a ** 2..5/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 595 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say so 'aaaaa' ~~ /a ** 5/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 596 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# say so 'a' ~~ /a ** 1^..^6/; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- there are 2 to 5 'a's in a row
# say so 'aaaa' ~~ /a ** 1^..^6/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 597 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say so 'aaa' ~~ /a ** ^6/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- there are 0 to 5 'a's in a row
ok 598 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say so 'aaaa' ~~ /a ** 1^..*/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- there are 2 or more 'a's in a row
ok 599 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# 'abababa' ~~ /a .* a/ && say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «abababa␤»
ok 600 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# 'abababa' ~~ /a .*? a/ && say ~$/; # OUTPUT: «aba␤»
ok 601 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say so 'abababa' ~~ /a .* aba/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'abababa' ~~ /a .*: aba/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 602 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# / '[' \w+ ']' || \S+ \s* '=' \s* \S* /
ok 603 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say ('abc' ~~ / a | .b /).Str; # OUTPUT: «ab␤»
ok 604 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# say so 'properly' ~~ / perl/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# # ^^^^
ok 605 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say so 'properly' ~~ / perl/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'properly' ~~ /^ perl/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 'perly' ~~ /^ perl/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'perl' ~~ /^ perl/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 606 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# say so 'use perl' ~~ / perl /; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'use perl' ~~ / perl $/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'perly' ~~ / perl $/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 607 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say so 'use perl' ~~ /^ perl $/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 'perl' ~~ /^ perl $/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 608 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# my $str = q:to/EOS/;
# Keep it secret
# and keep it safe
# say so $str ~~ /safe $/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- 'safe' is at the end of the string
# say so $str ~~ /secret $/; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- 'secret' is at the end of a line -- not the string
# say so $str ~~ /^Keep /; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- 'Keep' is at the start of the string
# say so $str ~~ /^and /; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- 'and' is at the start of a line -- not the string
ok 609 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my $str = q:to/EOS/;
# There was a young man of Japan
# Whose limericks never would scan.
# When asked why this was,
# He replied "It's because
# I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can."
# say so $str ~~ /^^ There/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- start of string
# say so $str ~~ /^^ limericks/; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- not at the start of a line
# say so $str ~~ /^^ I/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- start of the last line
# say so $str ~~ /^^ When/; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- there are blanks between
# # start of line and the "When"
# say so $str ~~ / Japan $$/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- end of first line
# say so $str ~~ / scan $$/; # OUTPUT: «False␤» -- there's a . between "scan"
# # and the end of line
# say so $str ~~ / '."' $$/; # OUTPUT: «True␤» -- at the last line
ok 610 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my $str = 'The quick brown fox';
# say so $str ~~ /br/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so $str ~~ /<< br/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so $str ~~ /br >>/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so $str ~~ /own/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so $str ~~ /<< own/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so $str ~~ /own >>/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 611 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my $str = 'The quick brown fox';
# say so $str ~~ /« own/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so $str ~~ /own »/; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 612 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# say 1 + 4 * 2; # 9, parsed as 1 + (4 * 2)
# say (1 + 4) * 2; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
ok 613 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_613:2
------>  class :: {/ a || b⏏ c /; # matches 'a' or 'bc'
# / a || b c /; # matches 'a' or 'bc'
# / ( a || b ) c /; # matches 'ac' or 'bc'
ok 614 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_614:2
------>  class :: {/ a⏏ b+ /; # matches an 'a' follo
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_614:3
------> / (a⏏ b)+ /; # matches one or more s
# / a b+ /; # matches an 'a' followed by one or more 'b's
# / (a b)+ /; # matches one or more sequences of 'ab'
# / (a || b)+ /; # matches a sequence of 'a's and 'b's, at least one long
ok 615 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# my $str = 'number 42';
# if $str ~~ /'number ' (\d+) / {
# say "The number is $0"; # the number is 42
# # or
# say "The number is $/[0]"; # the number is 42
# }
ok 616 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ /(a) b (c)/ {
# say "0: $0; 1: $1"; # OUTPUT: «0: a; 1: c␤»
# }
ok 617 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ /(a) b (c)/ {
# say $/.list.join: ', ' # OUTPUT: «a, c␤»
# }
ok 618 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ / [a||b] (c) / {
# say ~$0; # OUTPUT: «c␤»
# }
ok 619 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# / (x) (y) || (a) (.) (.) /
# # $0 $1 $0 $1 $2
ok 620 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ /(x)(y) || (a)(.)(.)/ {
# say ~$1; # b
# }
ok 621 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# $_ = 'abcd';
# if / a [ b (.) || (x) (y) ] (.) / {
# # $0 $0 $1 $2
# say ~$2; # d
# }
ok 622 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ / ( a (.) (.) ) / {
# say "Outer: $0"; # Outer: abc
# say "Inner: $0[0] and $0[1]"; # Inner: b and c
# }
ok 623 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# if 'abc' ~~ / $<myname> = [ \w+ ] / {
# say ~$<myname> # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
# }
ok 624 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# if 'abc-abc-abc' ~~ / $<string>=( [ $<part>=[abc] ]* % '-' ) / {
# say ~$<string>; # OUTPUT: «abc-abc-abc␤»
# say ~$<string><part>; # OUTPUT: «[abc, abc, abc]␤»
# }
ok 625 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# if 'count=23' ~~ / $<variable>=\w+ '=' $<value>=\w+ / {
# my %h = $/.hash;
# say %h.keys.sort.join: ', '; # OUTPUT: «value, variable␤»
# say %h.values.sort.join: ', '; # OUTPUT: «23, count␤»
# for %h.kv -> $k, $v {
# say "Found value '$v' with key '$k'";
# # outputs two lines:
# # Found value 'count' with key 'variable'
# # Found value '23' with key 'value'
# }
# }
ok 626 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# s|replace|with|;
# s!replace!with!;
# s,replace,with,;
ok 627 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# $_ = 'The Replacements';
# s/Replace/Entrap/;
# .say; # OUTPUT: «The Entrapments␤»
ok 628 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# $_ = 'Space: 1999';
# s/Space\:/Party like it's/;
# .say # OUTPUT: «Party like it's 1999␤»
ok 629 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# $_ = 'There can be twly two';
# s/tw/on/; # replace 'tw' with 'on' once
# .say; # OUTPUT: «there can be only two␤»
ok 630 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# $_ = "Blake's 9";
# s/\d+/7/; # replace any sequence of digits with '7'
# .say; # OUTPUT: «Blake's 7␤»
ok 631 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# $_ = '2016-01-23 18:09:00';
# s/ (\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) /today/; # replace YYYY-MM-DD with 'today'
# .say; # OUTPUT: «today 18:09:00␤»
# "$1-$2-$0".say; # OUTPUT: «01-23-2016␤»
# "$/[1]-$/[2]-$/[0]".say; # OUTPUT: «01-23-2016␤»
ok 632 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# $_ = '2016-01-23 18:09:00';
# s/ (\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) /$1-$2-$0/; # transform YYYY-MM-DD to MM-DD-YYYY
# .say; # OUTPUT: «01-23-2016 18:09:00␤»
ok 633 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# $_ = '18:38';
# s/(\d+)\:(\d+)/{$0 % 12}\:$1 {$0 < 12 ?? 'AM' !! 'PM'}/;
# .say; # OUTPUT: «6:38 PM␤»
ok 634 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# $_ = q{I can say "banana" but I don't know when to stop};
# s:g/na/nana,/; # substitute 'nana,' for 'na'
# .say; # OUTPUT: «I can say "banana,nana," but I don't ...␤»
ok 635 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# $_ = 'Fruit';
# s/fruit/vegetable/;
# .say; # OUTPUT: «Fruit␤»
# s:i/fruit/vegetable/;
# .say; # OUTPUT: «vegetable␤»
ok 636 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# / '(' ~ ')' <expression> /
ok 637 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 61 compiles
# / '(' <expression> ')' /
ok 638 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 62 compiles
# grammar A { token TOP { '[' ~ ']' \w+ };
# method FAILGOAL($goal) {
# die "Cannot find $goal near position {self.pos}"
# }
# }
# A.parse: '[good]'; # OUTPUT: «「[good]」␤»
# A.parse: '[bad'; # will throw FAILGOAL exception
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Cannot find ']' near position 5␤»
ok 639 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 63 compiles
# "3)" ~~ / <?> ~ ')' \d+ /; # RESULT: «「3)」»
# "(3)" ~~ / <?> ~ ')' \d+ /; # RESULT: «「3)」»
ok 640 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 64 compiles
# "abc" ~~ /a ~ (c) (b)/;
# say $0; # OUTPUT: «「c」␤»
# say $1; # OUTPUT: «「b」␤»
ok 641 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 65 compiles
# my regex line { \N*\n }
# if "abc\ndef" ~~ /<line> def/ {
# say "First line: ", $<line>.chomp; # OUTPUT: «First line: abc␤»
# }
ok 642 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 66 compiles
# my regex header { \s* '[' (\w+) ']' \h* \n+ }
# my regex identifier { \w+ }
# my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
# my regex section {
# <header>
# <kvpair>*
# }
# my $contents = q:to/EOI/;
# [passwords]
# jack=password1
# joy=muchmoresecure123
# [quotas]
# jack=123
# joy=42
# my %config;
# if $contents ~~ /<section>*/ {
# for $<section>.list -> $section {
# my %section;
# for $section<kvpair>.list -> $p {
# say $p<value>;
# %section{ $p<key> } = ~$p<value>;
# }
# %config{ $section<header>[0] } = %section;
# }
# }
# say %config.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «("passwords" => {"jack" => "password1", "joy" => "muchmoresecure123"},␤
# # "quotas" => {"jack" => "123", "joy" => "42"}).hash»
ok 643 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 67 compiles
# my $regex = /../; # definition
# if 'abc'.match($regex) { # matching
# say "'abc' has at least two characters";
# }
ok 644 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 68 compiles
# my $regex = /:i . a/;
# for 'baA'.match($regex, :overlap) -> $m {
# say ~$m;
# }
# # OUTPUT: «ba␤aA␤»
ok 645 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 69 compiles
# my $rx1 = rx:i/a/; # before
# my $rx2 = m:i/a/; # before
# my $rx3 = /:i a/; # inside
ok 646 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 70 compiles
# my $rx1 = rx:i/a/; # before
# my $rx2 = rx/:i a/; # inside
ok 647 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 71 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_647:3
------> my $rx4 = rx/:i a⏏ b/; # matches completely case insensi
# my $rx3 = rx/a :i b/; # matches only the b case insensitively
# my $rx4 = rx/:i a b/; # matches completely case insensitively
ok 648 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 72 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_648:2
------>  class :: {/ (:i a⏏ b) c /; # matches 'ABc' but not
Space is not significant here; please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing)
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_648:3
------> / [:i a⏏ b] c /; # matches 'ABc' but not
# / (:i a b) c /; # matches 'ABc' but not 'ABC'
# / [:i a b] c /; # matches 'ABc' but not 'ABC'
ok 649 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 73 compiles
# say so 'abc' ~~ / \w+ . /; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 'abc' ~~ / :r \w+ . /; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 650 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 74 compiles
# grammar Demo {
# token ws {
# <!ww> # only match when not within a word
# \h* # only match horizontal whitespace
# }
# rule TOP { # called by Demo.parse;
# a b '.'
# }
# }
# # doesn't parse, whitespace required between a and b
# say so Demo.parse("ab."); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so Demo.parse("a b."); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so Demo.parse("a\tb ."); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# # \n is vertical whitespace, so no match
# say so Demo.parse("a\tb\n."); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 651 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 75 compiles
# given 'a1xa2' {
# say ~m/a./; # OUTPUT: «a1␤»
# say ~m:c(2)/a./; # OUTPUT: «a2␤»
# }
ok 652 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 76 compiles
# say "abcdefg" ~~ m:c(3)/e.+/; # OUTPUT: «「efg」␤»
# say "abcdefg" ~~ m:p(3)/e.+/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 653 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 77 compiles
# given 'abracadabra' {
# for m:exhaustive/ a .* a / -> $match {
# say ' ' x $match.from, ~$match;
# }
# }
ok 654 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 78 compiles
# given 'several words here' {
# my @matches = m:global/\w+/;
# say @matches.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say ~@matches[2]; # OUTPUT: «here␤»
# }
ok 655 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 79 compiles
# given 'abcdef' {
# my $match = m:pos(2)/.*/;
# say $match.from; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say ~$match; # OUTPUT: «cdef␤»
# }
ok 656 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 80 compiles
# say "abcdefg" ~~ m:c(3)/e.+/; # OUTPUT: «「efg」␤»
# say "abcdefg" ~~ m:p(3)/e.+/; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 657 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 81 compiles
# given 'abracadabra' {
# for m:overlap/ a .* a / -> $match {
# say ' ' x $match.from, ~$match;
# }
# }
ok 658 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 82 compiles
# <?before pattern>
ok 659 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 83 compiles
# rx{ foo <?before bar> }
ok 660 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 84 compiles
# say "foobar" ~~ rx{ foo <?before bar> }; # OUTPUT: «foo␤»
ok 661 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 85 compiles
# <!before pattern>
ok 662 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 86 compiles
# rx{ foo <!before bar> }
ok 663 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 87 compiles
# <?after pattern>
ok 664 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 88 compiles
# rx{ <?after foo> bar }
ok 665 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 89 compiles
# say "foobar" ~~ rx{ <?after foo> bar }; # OUTPUT: «bar␤»
ok 666 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 90 compiles
# <!after pattern>
ok 667 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 91 compiles
# rx{ <!after foo> bar }
ok 668 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 92 compiles
# my regex float { <[+-]>?\d*'.'\d+[e<[+-]>?\d+]? }
ok 669 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 93 compiles
# my regex float {
# <[+-]>? # optional sign
# \d* # leading digits, optional
# '.'
# \d+
# [ # optional exponent
# e <[+-]>? \d+
# ]?
# }
ok 670 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 94 compiles
# my regex example {
# <preamble>
# [
# || <choice_1>
# || <choice_2>
# || <choice_3>
# ]+
# <postamble>
# }
ok 671 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 95 compiles
# my regex float {
# <[+-]>? # optional sign
# \d* # leading digits, optional
# '.'
# \d+
# [ # optional exponent
# e <[+-]>? \d+
# ]?
# }
ok 672 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 96 compiles
# my token sign { <[+-]> }
# my token decimal { \d+ }
# my token exponent { 'e' <sign>? <decimal> }
# my regex float {
# <sign>?
# <decimal>?
# '.'
# <decimal>
# <exponent>?
# }
ok 673 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 97 compiles
# my regex float {
# <sign>?
# [
# || <decimal>? '.' <decimal> <exponent>?
# || <decimal> <exponent>
# ]
# }
ok 674 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 98 compiles
# token header { '[' <-[ \[\] ]>+ ']' }
ok 675 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 99 compiles
# token header { '[' <-[ \[\] \n ]>+ ']' }
ok 676 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 100 compiles
# my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
ok 677 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 101 compiles
# my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> \s* '=' \s* <value=identifier> \n+ }
ok 678 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 102 compiles
# my rule kvpair { <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
ok 679 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 103 compiles
# grammar IniFormat {
# token ws { <!ww> \h* }
# rule header { \s* '[' (\w+) ']' \n+ }
# token identifier { \w+ }
# rule kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
# token section {
# <header>
# <kvpair>*
# }
# token TOP {
# <section>*
# }
# }
# my $contents = q:to/EOI/;
# [passwords]
# jack = password1
# joy = muchmoresecure123
# [quotas]
# jack = 123
# joy = 42
# say so IniFormat.parse($contents);
ok 680 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 104 compiles
# token ws { <!ww> \h* }
ok 681 - doc/Language/regexes.pod6 chunk 105 compiles
# multi sub infix:<(elem)>($a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<(elem)>($a, Set $b --> Bool)
ok 682 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# only sub infix:<∈>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 683 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# only sub infix:<∉>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 684 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi sub infix:<(cont)>(Any $a, $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<(cont)>(Set $a, $b --> Bool)
ok 685 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# only sub infix:<∋>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 686 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# only sub infix:<∌>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 687 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(<=)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(<=)>>(Setty $a, Setty $b --> Bool)
ok 688 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊆>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 689 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊈>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 690 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(<)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(<)>>(Setty $a, Setty $b --> Bool)
ok 691 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊂>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 692 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊄>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 693 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(>=)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(>=)>>(Setty $a, Setty $b --> Bool)
ok 694 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊇>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 695 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊉>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 696 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(>)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(>)>>(Setty $a, Setty $b --> Bool)
ok 697 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊃>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 698 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊅>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 699 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(<+)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(<+)>>(Baggy $a, Baggy $b --> Bool)
ok 700 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# only sub infix:<≼>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 701 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# multi sub infix:<<(>+)>>(Baggy $a, Baggy $b --> Bool)
# multi sub infix:<<(>+)>>(Any $a, Any $b --> Bool)
ok 702 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# only sub infix:<≽>($a, $b --> Bool)
ok 703 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# only sub infix:<(|)>(**@p)
ok 704 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# only sub infix:<∪>(|p)
ok 705 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# only sub infix:<(&)>(**@p)
ok 706 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# only sub infix:<∩>(|p)
ok 707 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# only sub infix:<(-)>(**@p)
ok 708 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# only sub infix:<<"\x2216">>(|p)
ok 709 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi sub infix:<(^)>(Any $a, Any $b --> Setty)
# multi sub infix:<(^)>(Set $a, Set $b --> Setty)
ok 710 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊖>($a, $b --> Setty)
ok 711 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# only sub infix:<(.)>(**@p)
ok 712 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊍>(|p)
ok 713 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# only sub infix:<(+)>(**@p)
ok 714 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# only sub infix:<⊎>(|p)
ok 715 - doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# say "__Hello__".match(/__(.*)__/)[0]; # OUTPUT: «「Hello」␤»
# say "__Hello__".match(/__(.*)__/).[0]; # same, in method notation
ok 716 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my @array1; say @array1[10]; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my Int @array2; say @array2[10]; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# my %hash1; say %hash1<foo>; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my Int %hash2; say %hash2<foo>; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
ok 717 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say (0, 10, 20)[3]; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say bag(<a a b b b>)<c>; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say array[uint8].new(1, 2)[2] # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 718 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @alphabet = 'A' .. 'Z';
# say @alphabet[*-1]; # OUTPUT: «Z␤»
# say @alphabet[*-2]; # OUTPUT: «Y␤»
# say @alphabet[*-3]; # OUTPUT: «X␤»
ok 719 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my @alphabet = 'a' .. 'z';
# dd @alphabet[15, 4, *-9, 11]; # OUTPUT: «("p", "e", "r", "l")␤»
ok 720 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my %color = kiwi => "green", banana => "yellow", cherry => "red";
# dd %color{"cherry", "kiwi"}; # OUTPUT: «("red", "green")␤»
# dd %color<cherry kiwi>; # OUTPUT: «("red", "green")␤»
# dd %color{*}; # OUTPUT: «("green", "red", "yellow")␤»
ok 721 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my @letters = <a b c d e f>;
# dd @letters[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; # OUTPUT: «("d", "e", "f", Any, Any)␤»
# dd @letters[3 .. 7]; # OUTPUT: «("d", "e", "f")␤»
ok 722 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my %bag := ("orange" => 1, "apple" => 3).Bag;
# dd %bag<>; # OUTPUT: «("orange"=>1,"apple"=>3).Bag␤»
# dd %bag{}; # OUTPUT: «("orange"=>1,"apple"=>3).Bag␤»
# dd %bag{*}; # OUTPUT: «(1, 3)␤»
# dd %bag{()}; # OUTPUT: «()␤»
ok 723 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my @words = "cruel", "world";
# say "Hello, @words[]!" # OUTPUT: «Hello, cruel world!␤»
ok 724 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my @twodim = (<a b c>, (1, 2, 3));
# dd @twodim;
# # OUTPUT: «Array @twodim = [("a", "b", "c"), (1, 2, 3)]␤»
# dd @twodim[0,1;1]; # 2nd element of both lists
# # OUTPUT: «("b", 2)␤»
ok 725 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my @toomany = [[<a b>], [1, 2]];
# dd @toomany;
# # OUTPUT: «Array @toomany = [["a", "b"], [1, 2]]␤»
# dd @toomany[*;*];
# # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", 1, 2)␤»
ok 726 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '@a'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_726:5
------> my @a⏏ = (<1 c 6>, <2 a 4>, <5 b 3>);
# my @a = [[1,2], [3,4]];
# say @a[*;1]; # 2nd element of each sub list
# # OUTPUT: «(2 4)␤»
# my @a = (<1 c 6>, <2 a 4>, <5 b 3>);
# say @a.sort(*[1]); # sort by 2nd column
# # OUTPUT: «((2 a 4) (5 b 3) (1 c 6))␤»
ok 727 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $beatles;
# $beatles{"White Album"}[0] = "Back in the U.S.S.R."; # autovivification!
# say $beatles.perl; # OUTPUT: «{"White Album" => ["Back in the U.S.S.R."]}␤»
ok 728 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my @a = 10, 11, 12, 13;
# my $x = 1;
# @a[2] := $x; # binding! (@a[2] and $x refer to the same container now.)
# $x++; @a[2]++;
# dd @a; # OUTPUT: «[10, 11, 3, 13]<>␤»
# dd $x; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 729 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my @foo = Any, 10;
# dd @foo[0].defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# dd @foo[0]:exists; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# dd @foo[2]:exists; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# dd @foo[0, 2]:exists; # OUTPUT: «(True, False)␤»
# my %fruit = apple => Any, orange => 10;
# dd %fruit<apple>.defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# dd %fruit<apple>:exists; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# dd %fruit<banana>:exists; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# dd %fruit<apple banana>:exists; # OUTPUT: «(True, False)␤»
ok 730 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my @tens = 0, 10, 20, 30;
# dd @tens[3]:delete; # OUTPUT: «30␤»
# dd @tens; # OUTPUT: «[0, 10, 20]<>␤»
# my %fruit = apple => 5, orange => 10, banana => 4, peach => 17;
# dd %fruit<apple>:delete; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# dd %fruit<peach orange>:delete; # OUTPUT: «(17, 10)␤»
# dd %fruit; # OUTPUT: «{banana => 4}<>␤»
ok 731 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a[1]:delete;
# say @a[1]:exists;
# # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# .say for @a;
# # OUTPUT: «1␤(Any)␤3␤»
ok 732 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my @tens = 0, 10, 20, 30;
# dd @tens[1]:p; # OUTPUT: «1 => 10␤»
# dd @tens[0, 4, 2]:p; # OUTPUT: «(0 => 0, 2 => 20)␤»
# my %month = Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3;
# dd %month<Feb>:p; # OUTPUT: «"Feb" => 2␤»
# dd %month<Jan Foo Mar>:p; # OUTPUT: «("Jan" => 1, "Mar" => 3)␤»
ok 733 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my @tens = 0, 10, 20, 30;
# dd @tens[1]:kv; # OUTPUT: «(1, 10)␤»
# dd @tens[0, 4, 2]:kv; # OUTPUT: «(0, 0, 2, 20)␤»
# my %month = Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3;
# dd %month<Feb>:kv; # OUTPUT: «("Feb", 2)␤»
# dd %month<Jan Foo Mar>:kv; # OUTPUT: «("Jan", 1, "Mar", 3)␤»
ok 734 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my @tens = 0, 10, 20, 30;
# dd @tens[1]:k; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# dd @tens[0, 4, 2]:k; # OUTPUT: «(0, 2)␤»
# my %month = Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3;
# dd %month<Feb>:k; # OUTPUT: «"Feb"␤»
# dd %month<Jan Foo Mar>:k; # OUTPUT: «("Jan", "Mar")␤»
ok 735 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# multi method elems(::?CLASS:D:)
ok 736 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi method AT-POS (::?CLASS:D: $index)
ok 737 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# multi method EXISTS-POS (::?CLASS:D: $index)
ok 738 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# multi method DELETE-POS (::?CLASS:D: $index)
ok 739 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# multi method ASSIGN-POS (::?CLASS:D: $index, $new)
ok 740 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# multi method BIND-POS (::?CLASS:D: $index, \new)
ok 741 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# multi method AT-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key)
ok 742 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# multi method EXISTS-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key)
ok 743 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi method DELETE-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key)
ok 744 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# multi method ASSIGN-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key, $new)
ok 745 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# multi method BIND-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key, \new)
ok 746 - doc/Language/subscripts.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# if True {
# say "Hello";
# }
ok 747 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# if True {
# say "Hello";
# }
ok 748 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# if True { say "Hello" }
ok 749 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# if True {say "Hello"}
ok 750 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# sub alignment(+@l) { +@l };
# sub long-name-alignment(+@l) { +@l };
# alignment\ (1,2,3,4).say;
# long-name-alignment(3,5)\ .say;
ok 751 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# if True {
# say "Hello";
# }
# say "world";
ok 752 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# if True { say "Hello" }; say "world";
# # ^^^ this ; is required
ok 753 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# if #`( why would I ever write an inline comment here? ) True {
# say "something stupid";
# }
ok 754 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say "this is code";
# =begin comment
# Here are several
# lines
# of comment
# =end comment
# say 'code again';
ok 755 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my Int $Foo::Bar::buzz = 42;
# dd $Foo::Bar::buzz; # OUTPUT: «Int $v = 42␤»
ok 756 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $foo:bar = 1;
# my $foo:bar<2> = 2;
# dd MY::.keys;
# # OUTPUT: «("\$=pod", "!UNIT_MARKER", "EXPORT", "\$_", "\$!", "::?PACKAGE",
# # "GLOBALish", "\$¢", "\$=finish", "\$/", "\$foo:bar<1>", "\$foo:bar<2>",
# # "\$?PACKAGE").Seq␤»
ok 757 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# constant $c = 42;
# my $a:foo<42> = "answer";
# say $a:foo«$c»;
# # OUTPUT: «answer␤»
ok 758 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# use Test; plan 1; constant &term:<👍> = &ok.assuming(True);
# 👍
# # OUTPUT: «1..1␤ok 1 - ␤»
ok 759 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $x = do if True { 42 };
ok 760 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# # declaration:
# my $number = 21;
# # usage:
# say $number * 2;
ok 761 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say Int; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# # ^^^ type name (built in)
# constant answer = 42;
# say answer;
# # ^^^^^^ constant
# class Foo {
# method type-name {
# self.^name;
# # ^^^^ built-in term 'self'
# }
# }
# say Foo.type-name; # OUTPUT: «Foo␤»
# # ^^^ type name
ok 762 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# say 'a string literal';
# say "a string literal\nthat interprets escape sequences";
ok 763 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say ['a', 'b', 42].join(' '); # OUTPUT: «a b 42␤»
# # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Array constructor
ok 764 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2;
# # flattens:
# say [@a, 3, 4].elems; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# # does not flatten:
# say [[@a], [3, 4]].elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 765 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say { a => 3, b => 23, :foo, :dog<cat>, "french", "fries" };
# # OUTPUT: «a => 3, b => 23, dog => cat, foo => True, french => fries␤»
# say {a => 73, foo => "fish"}.keys.join(" "); # OUTPUT: «a foo␤»
# # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hash constructor
ok 766 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my %ages = fred => 23, jean => 87, ann => 4;
ok 767 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my $when = :{ (now) => "Instant", ( => "DateTime" };
ok 768 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# :{ -1 => 41, 0 => 42, 1 => 43 }<0>; # OUTPUT: «Any␤»
# :{ -1 => 41, 0 => 42, 1 => 43 }{0}; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 769 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say "match!" if 5, "fish" ~~ :(Int, Str); # OUTPUT: «match!␤»
# my $sig = :(Int $a, Str);
# say "match!" if (5, "fish") ~~ $sig; # OUTPUT: «match!␤»
# given "foo", 42 {
# when :(Str, Str) { "This won't match" }
# when :(Str, Int $n where $n > 20) { "This will!" }
# }
ok 770 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '$x'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_773:3
------> my $x⏏ = 7; # initialize 
Redeclaration of symbol '$x'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_773:4
------> my Int $x⏏ = 7; # declare the typ
Redeclaration of symbol '$x'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_773:5
------> my Int:D $x⏏ = 7; # specify that the 
Redeclaration of symbol '$x'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_773:6
------> my Int $x where { $_ > 3 }⏏ = 7; # constrain the value based on a f
Redeclaration of symbol '$x'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_773:7
------> my Int $x where * > 3⏏ = 7; # same constraint, but using 
# my $x; # simple lexical variable
# my $x = 7; # initialize the variable
# my Int $x = 7; # declare the type
# my Int:D $x = 7; # specify that the value must be defined (not undef)
# my Int $x where { $_ > 3 } = 7; # constrain the value based on a function
# my Int $x where * > 3 = 7; # same constraint, but using L<Whatever> short-hand
ok 771 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# # The signature is optional
# sub foo { say "Hello!" }
# sub say-hello($to-whom) { say "Hello $to-whom!" }
ok 772 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '&f'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_775:3
------> my &f⏏ = -> { say "Hello!" } # Lambda style s
# my &f = sub { say "Hello!" } # Un-named sub
# my &f = -> { say "Hello!" } # Lambda style syntax. The & sigil indicates the variable holds a function
# my $f = -> { say "Hello!" } # Functions can also be put into scalars
ok 773 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# module Gar { }
# class Foo { }
# role Bar { }
# grammar Baz { }
ok 774 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi sub foo() { say "Hello!" }
# multi sub foo($name) { say "Hello $name!" }
ok 775 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# multi method greet { }
# multi method greet(Str $name) { }
ok 776 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# [+] <1 2 3 4 5>; # OUTPUT: «15␤»
# (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5 # equivalent expanded version
ok 777 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# <1 2 3> «+» <4 5 6> # OUTPUT: «<5 7 9>␤»
ok 778 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# -« <1 2 3> # OUTPUT: «<-1 -2 -3>␤»
ok 779 - doc/Language/syntax.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub term:<forty-two> { 42 };
# say forty-two
ok 780 - doc/Language/terms.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# constant forty-two = 42;
# say forty-two;
ok 781 - doc/Language/terms.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# constant SpeedOfLight = 299792458; # m/s
# constant PHI = 1.61803398875; # The golden ratio is everywhere!
# constant POW2 = do { my int @table; @table = 1, 2, 4 ... 2**32; @table };
# say POW2[16];
# # OUTPUT: «65536␤»
ok 782 - doc/Language/terms.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# # Use "my" to make it only visible within the current block
# my constant SpeedOfLight = 186200; # mi/s (watch out, not SI units)
ok 783 - doc/Language/terms.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $a = 1;
# $a = Nil;
# say $a.WHAT;
# # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# class C {};
# say C.^parents(:all);
# # OUTPUT: «((Any) (Mu))␤»
ok 784 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $a = Int;
# say so $a // $a === $a.WHAT;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 785 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my Int $i = 1 but role :: { method defined { False } };
# say $i // "undefined";
# # OUTPUT: «undefined␤»
ok 786 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class C {
# has $.int;
# method this-is-c { put 'oi' x $!int ~ '‽' }
# }
# augment class Int {
# method C {}
# }
# my $i = 10;
# $i.=C;
# $i.this-is-c();
# # OUTPUT: «oioioioioioioioioioi‽␤»
ok 787 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $whatever = "123.6";
# say $whatever.round;
# # OUTPUT: «124␤»
# say <a b c d>.starts-with("ab");
# # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 788 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class Foo::Bar::C {};
# put Foo::Bar::.keys;
# # OUTPUT: «C␤»
ok 789 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class C {...}
# # many lines later
# class C { has $.attr }
ok 790 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class A {}
# role R { method m { say 'oi‽' } }
# my R $A = A but R;
# my $a1 = $;
# $a1.m;
# say [$A ~~ R, $a1 ~~ R];
# # OUTPUT: «oi‽␤[True True]␤»
ok 791 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class C {};
# say C.HOW ~~ Metamodel::ClassHOW;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 792 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class C {
# has $!priv;
# submethod BUILD { $!priv = 42 }
# };
# say (.name, .package, .has_accessor) for^attributes;
# # OUTPUT: «($!priv (C) False)␤»
ok 793 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class A {
# multi method m(Int $i){ say 'Int' }
# multi method m(int $i){ say 'int' }
# }
# class B is A {
# method m(Int $i){ say 'B::Int' }
# }
# my int $i;
# # OUTPUT: «B::Int␤»
ok 794 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# class C {
# has $.attr;
# submethod BUILD (:$attr = 42) {
# $!attr = $attr
# };
# multi method new($positional) {
# self.bless(:attr($positional), |%_)
# }
# };
# # OUTPUT: « => 42)␤
# # => "answer")␤»
ok 795 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# class Magic {
# method FALLBACK ($name, |c(Int, Str)) {
# put "$name called with parameters {c.perl}" }
# };
#, "answer");
# # OUTPUT: «simsalabim called with parameters ⌈\(42, "answer")⌋␤»
ok 796 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# class A {
# method WHAT { "ain't gonna happen" }
# };
# say; # OUTPUT: «(A)␤»
# say"WHAT"() # OUTPUT: «ain't gonna happen␤»
ok 797 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# class C {
# our method packaged {};
# method loose {}
# };
# dd C::.keys
# # OUTPUT: «("\&packaged",).Seq␤»
ok 798 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# class A { has $.i = 42 };
# class B {
# has $.i = "answer";
# method m() {$.i) }
# };
# my $a =;
# say $a.i; # OUTPUT: «answer␤»
ok 799 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# dd [[1,2,3],[4,5]]>>.elems;
# # OUTPUT: «(3, 2)␤»
ok 800 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<handles>(Attribute:D $target, $thunk)
ok 801 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# class A { method m(){ 'A::m has been called.' } }
# class B is A { method m(){ 'B::m has been called.' } }
# class C {
# has A $.delegate handles 'm';
# method new($delegate){ self.bless(delegate => $delegate) }
# };
# say; # OUTPUT: «B::m has been called.␤»
ok 802 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# class A {
# method m1(){}
# method m2(){}
# }
# class C {
# has $.delegate handles <m1 m2> =
# }
# class D {
# has $.delegate handles /m\d/ =
# }
# class E {
# has $.delegate handles (em1 => 'm1') =
# }
ok 803 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Mu:U $child, Mu:U $parent)
ok 804 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# class A {
# multi method from-a(){ 'A::from-a' }
# }
# dd^parents(:all);
# # OUTPUT: «(Any, Mu)␤»
# class B {
# method from-b(){ 'B::from-b ' }
# multi method from-a(){ 'B::from-A' }
# }
# class C is A is B {}
# dd;
# # OUTPUT: «"A::from-a"␤»
ok 805 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# sub trait_mod:<is>(Mu:U $type, :$rw!)
ok 806 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# class C is rw {
# has $.a;
# };
# my $c = = 42;
# dd $c; # OUTPUT: «Int $c = 42␤»
ok 807 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Attribute $attr, :$required!)
ok 808 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# class Correct {
# has $.attr is required;
# submethod BUILD (:$attr) { $!attr = $attr }
# }
# say => 42);
# # OUTPUT: « => 42)␤»
# class C {
# has $.attr is required;
# }
# CATCH { default { say .^name => .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::Attribute::Required => The attribute '$!attr' is required, but you did not provide a value for it.␤»
ok 809 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# class A {
# method m { say 'i am hidden' }
# }
# class B hides A {
# method m { nextsame }
# method n { self.A::m }
# };
# # OUTPUT: «i am hidden␤»
ok 810 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# class A is hidden {
# method m { say 'i am hidden' }
# }
# class B is A {
# method m { nextsame }
# method n { self.A::m }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «i am hidden␤»
ok 811 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# class B {...};
# class A {
# trusts B;
# has $!foo;
# method !foo { return-rw $!foo }
# method perl { " => $!foo)" }
# };
# class B {
# has A $.a .= new;
# method change { $!a!A::foo = 42; self }
# };
# say;
# # OUTPUT: « => => 42))␤»
ok 812 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# class C:ver<4.2.3>:auth<me@here.local> {}
# say [C.^ver, C.^auth];
# # OUTPUT: «[v4.2.3 me@here.local]␤»
ok 813 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# role Serialize {
# method to-string { self.Str }
# method to-number { self.Num }
# }
# class A does Serialize {}
# class B does Serialize {}
# my Serialize @list;
# @list.push:;
# @list.push:;
# say @list».to-string;
# # OUTPUT: «[A<57192848> B<57192880>]␤»
ok 814 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# EVAL 'role R { method overload-this(){...} }; class A does R {}; ';
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::Comp::AdHoc Method 'overload-this' must be implemented by A because it is required by a role␤»
ok 815 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# role R { method m { say 'oi‽' } };
# # OUTPUT: «((R) (Any) (Mu))␤»
# say^mro[0].HOW.^name;
# # OUTPUT: «Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW␤»
# say ~~ R;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 816 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# role R2 {...};
# role R1 does R2 {};
# role R2 {};
# class C does R1 {};
# say [C ~~ R1, C ~~ R2];
# # OUTPUT: «[True True]␤»
ok 817 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# role R[$d] { has $.a = $d };
# class C does R["default"] { };
# my $c =;
# dd $c;
# # OUTPUT: «C $c = => "default")␤»
ok 818 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# class A {};
# class B {};
# subset A-or-B where * ~~ A|B;
# role R[A-or-B ::T] {};
# R[].new;
ok 819 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# role R[$p = fail("Please provide a parameter to role R")] {};
# my $i = 1 does R;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ': ', .Str} }
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Could not instantiate role 'R':␤Please provide a parameter to role R␤»
ok 820 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# role R:ver<4.2.3>:auth<me@here.local> {}
# say [R.^ver, R.^auth];
# # OUTPUT: «[v4.2.3 me@here.local]␤»
ok 821 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# enum Names ( name1 => 1, name2 => 2 );
# say name1, ' ', name2; # OUTPUT: «name1 name2␤»
# say name1.value, ' ', name2.value; # OUTPUT: «1 2␤»
ok 822 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# enum Names ( name1 => 1, name2 => 2 );
# sub same(Names $a, Names $b){
# $a eqv $b
# }
# say same(name1, name1); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say same(name1, name2); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# my $a = name1;
# say $a ~~ Names; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $a.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «Names␤»
ok 823 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# enum Mass ( mg => 1/1000, g => 1/1, kg => 1000/1 );
# dd Mass.enums; # OUTPUT: «{:g(1.0), :kg(1000.0), :mg(0.001)}␤»
ok 824 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# enum Numbers <one two three four>;
# dd Numbers.enums; # OUTPUT: «{:four(3), :one(0), :three(2), :two(1)}␤»
ok 825 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# enum Numbers «:one(1) two three four»;
# dd Numbers.enums; # OUTPUT: «{:four(4), :one(1), :three(3), :two(2)}␤»
ok 826 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# my $e = enum <one two three>;
# say two; # OUTPUT: «two()(Map)␤»
# say one.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «()␤»
# say $e.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Map)␤»
ok 827 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# enum E(<one two>); dd E::.values;
# # OUTPUT: «(E::two, E::one).Seq␤»
ok 828 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# enum E(<a b c>);
# say E.HOW ~~ Metamodel::EnumHOW;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 829 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# method enums()
ok 830 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# enum Mass ( mg => 1/1000, g => 1/1, kg => 1000/1 );
# say Mass.enums, g.enums; # OUTPUT: «{g => 1, kg => 1000, mg => 0.001}{g => 1, kg => 1000, mg => 0.001}␤»
ok 831 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# module M:ver<4.2.3>:auth<me@here.local> {}
# say [M.^ver, M.^auth];
# # OUTPUT: «[v4.2.3 me@here.local]␤»
ok 832 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# grammar G:ver<4.2.3>:auth<me@here.local> {}
# say [G.^ver, G.^auth];
# # OUTPUT: «[v4.2.3 me@here.local]␤»
ok 833 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# subset Positive of Int where * > -1;
# my Positive $i = 1;
# $i = -42;
# CATCH { default { put .^name,': ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $i; expected Positive but got Int (-42)␤ …»
ok 834 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# my enum E1 <A B>;
# my enum E2 <C D>;
# sub g(@a where { .all ~~ subset :: where E1|E2 } ) {
# say @a
# }
# g([A, C]);
# # OUTPUT: «[A C]␤»
ok 835 - doc/Language/typesystem.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# say "\c[PENGUIN]"; # OUTPUT: «🐧␤»
# say "\c[BELL]"; # OUTPUT: «🔔␤» (U+1F514 BELL)
ok 836 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say "\c[latin capital letter E]"; # OUTPUT: «E␤» (U+0045)
ok 837 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say "\c[ALERT]"; # Not visible (U+0007 control code (also accessible as \a))
# say "\c[LINE FEED]"; # Not visible (U+000A same as "\n")
ok 838 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say "Ƣ".uniname; # OUTPUT: «LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OI␤»
# # This one is a spelling mistake that was corrected in a Name Alias:
ok 839 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say "\c[ZWJ]".uniname; # OUTPUT: «ZERO WIDTH JOINER␤»
# say "\c[NBSP]".uniname; # OUTPUT: «NO-BREAK SPACE␤»
ok 840 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
ok 841 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say "\c[woman gesturing OK]"; # OUTPUT: «🙆‍♀️␤»
# say "\c[family: man woman girl boy]"; # OUTPUT: «👨‍👩‍👧‍👦␤»
ok 842 - doc/Language/unicode.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say 「What?!」;
# say ”Whoa!“;
# say „This works too!”;
# say „There are just too many ways“;
# say “here: “no problem” at all!”; # You can nest them!
ok 843 - doc/Language/unicode_entry.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say (1, 2) »+« (3, 4); # OUTPUT: «(4 6)␤» - element-wise add
# [1, 2, 3] »+=» 42; # add 42 to each element of @array
# say «moo»; # OUTPUT: «moo␤»
# my $baa = 123; say «$baa»; # OUTPUT: «(123)␤»
ok 844 - doc/Language/unicode_entry.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $var = 19; # U+FF11 U+FF19
# say $var + 2; # OUTPUT: «21␤»
ok 845 - doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $var = ⅒ + 2 + Ⅻ; # here ⅒ is No and Rat and Ⅻ is Nl and Int
# say $var; # OUTPUT: «14.1␤»
ok 846 - doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $square = 9 ** 2;
# my @array = 1, 2, 3; # Array variable with three elements
# my %hash = London => 'UK', Berlin => 'Germany';
ok 847 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class FailHash is Hash {
# has Bool $!final = False;
# multi method AT-KEY ( ::?CLASS:D: Str:D \key ){
# fail"Hash key"), :got(key), :range(self.keys)) if $!final && !self.EXISTS-KEY(key);
# callsame
# }
# method finalize() {
# $!final = True
# }
# }
# my %h is FailHash = oranges => "round", bananas => "bendy";
# say %h<oranges>;
# # OUTPUT: «round␤»
# %h.finalize;
# say %h<cherry>;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::OutOfRange: Hash key out of range. Is: cherry, should be in (oranges bananas)»
ok 848 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $foo = 5; # item assignment
# say $foo.perl; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# my @bar = 7, 9; # list assignment
# say @bar.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Array)␤»
# say @bar.perl; # OUTPUT: «[7, 9]␤»
# (my $baz) = 11, 13; # list assignment
# say $baz.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
# say $baz.perl; # OUTPUT: «(11, 13)␤»
ok 849 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @array;
# @array = my $num = 42, "str"; # item assignment: uses declarator
# say @array.perl; # OUTPUT: «[42, "str"]␤» (an Array)
# say $num.perl; # OUTPUT: «42␤» (a Num)
ok 850 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $num;
# my @array = $num = 42, "str"; # item assignment: uses expression
# say @array.perl; # OUTPUT: «[42, "str"]␤» (an Array)
# say $num.perl; # OUTPUT: «42␤» (a Num)
# my ( @foo, $bar );
# @foo = ($bar) = 42, "str"; # list assignment: uses parentheses
# say @foo.perl; # OUTPUT: «[42, "str"]␤» (an Array)
# say $bar.perl; # OUTPUT: «$(42, "str")␤» (a List)#
ok 851 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my ( @array, $num );
# @array = $num = 42, "str"; # list assignment
# say @array.perl; # OUTPUT: «[42, "str"]␤»
# say $num.perl; # OUTPUT: «[42, "str"]␤»
ok 852 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my \degrees = pi / 180;
# my \θ = 15 * degrees;
ok 853 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub logged(&f, |args) {
# say('Calling ' ~ & ~ ' with arguments ' ~ args.perl);
# my \result = f(|args);
# # ^^^^^^^ not enforcing any context here
# say(& ~ ' returned ' ~ result.perl);
# return |result;
# }
ok 854 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $lexical = 1;
# my $*dynamic1 = 10;
# my $*dynamic2 = 100;
# sub say-all() {
# say "$lexical, $*dynamic1, $*dynamic2";
# }
# # prints 1, 10, 100
# say-all();
# {
# my $lexical = 2;
# my $*dynamic1 = 11;
# $*dynamic2 = 101;
# # prints 1, 11, 101
# say-all();
# }
# # prints 1, 10, 101
# say-all();
ok 855 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# sub foo() {
# $*FOO // 'foo';
# }
# say foo; # OUTPUT: «foo␤»
# my $*FOO = 'bar';
# say foo; # OUTPUT: «bar␤»
ok 856 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my class Point {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# method Str() {
# "($!x, $!y)"
# }
# }
ok 857 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say "$?FILE: $?LINE"; # prints " 23" if this is the 23 line of a
# # file named "".
ok 858 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my class Point {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# method Str() {
# "($.x, $.y)" # note that we use the . instead of ! this time
# }
# }
ok 859 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# class SaySomething {
# method a() { say "a"; }
# method b() { $.a; }
# }
# SaySomething.b; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
ok 860 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# for ^4 {
# say "$^b follows $^a";
# }
# # OUTPUT: «1 follows 0␤
# # 3 follows 2»
ok 861 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say { $:add ?? $^a + $^b !! $^a - $^b }( 4, 5 ) :!add
# # OUTPUT: «-1␤»
ok 862 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $amazing-variable = "World";
# say "Hello $amazing-variable!"; # OUTPUT: «Hello World!␤»
ok 863 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $location = "outside";
# sub outer-location {
# # Not redefined:
# say $location;
# }
# outer-location; # OUTPUT: «outside␤»
# sub in-building {
# my $location = "inside";
# say $location;
# }
# in-building; # OUTPUT: «inside␤»
# outer-location; # OUTPUT: «outside␤»
ok 864 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# module M {
# our $Var;
# # $Var available here
# }
# # Available as $M::Var here.
ok 865 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my (@a, $s, %h);
ok 866 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my (Str $a, Str $b, Int $c) = <a b>;
# say [$a, $b, $c].perl;
# # OUTPUT: «["a", "b", Int]␤»
ok 867 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# sub f { 1,2,3 };
# my ($a) = f;
# say $a.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 868 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my ($,$a,$,%h) = ('a', 'b', [1,2,3], {:1th});
# say [$a, %h].perl;
# # OUTPUT: «["b", {:th(1)}]␤»
ok 869 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my %operations =
# half => anon sub half($x) { $x / 2 },
# square => anon sub square($x) { $x * $x },
# ;
# say %operations<square>.name; # square
# say %operations<square>(8); # 64
ok 870 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# sub a {
# state @x;
# state $l = 'A';
# @x.push($l++);
# };
# say a for 1..6;
ok 871 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# ({ state $i = 1; $i++.say; } xx 3).map: {$_(), $_()}; # says 1 then 2 thrice
ok 872 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my @a;
# sub f() {
# state $i;
# $i++;
# @a.push: "k$i" => $i # <-- .clone goes here
# };
# f for 1..3;
# dd @a; # «Array $var = $[:k1(3), :k2(3), :k3(3)]»
ok 873 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# sub code(){ state $i = 0; say ++$i; $i };
# await
# start { loop { last if code() >= 5 } },
# start { loop { last if code() >= 5 } };
# # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤4␤4␤3␤5␤»
# # OUTPUT: «2␤1␤3␤4␤5␤»
# # many other more or less odd variations can be produced
ok 874 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# say "1-a 2-b 3-c".subst(:g, /\d/, {<one two three>[$++]});
# # OUTPUT: «one-a two-b three-c␤»
ok 875 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# sub foo() {
# given ++$ {
# when 1 {
# say "one";
# }
# when 2 {
# say "two";
# }
# when 3 {
# say "three";
# }
# default {
# say "many";
# }
# }
# }
# foo() for ^3;
# # OUTPUT: «one␤two␤three␤»
ok 876 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# sub foo($x) {
# say (@).push($x);
# }
# foo($_) for ^3;
# # OUTPUT: «[0]
# # [0 1]
# # [0 1 2]␤»
ok 877 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# sub foo($x) {
# my $v = @;
# $v[$x] = $x;
# say $v;
# }
# foo($_) for ^3;
# # OUTPUT: «[0]
# # [0 1]
# # [0 1 2]␤»
ok 878 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# sub foo($x) {
# say (%).push($x => $x);
# }
# foo($_) for ^3;
# # OUTPUT: «0 => 0
# # 0 => 0, 1 => 1
# # 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2␤»
ok 879 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub foo($x) {
# my $v = %;
# $v{$x} = $x;
# say $v;
# }
# foo($_) for ^3;
# # OUTPUT: «0 => 0
# # 0 => 0, 1 => 1
# # 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2␤»
ok 880 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# # don't do this
# augment class Int {
# method is-answer { self == 42 }
# }
# say; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 881 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my $in = 0; # temp will "entangle" the global variable with the call stack
# # that keeps the calls at the bottom in order.
# sub f(*@c) {
# (temp $in)++;
# "<f>\n"
# ~ @c».indent($in).join("\n")
# ~ (+@c ?? "\n" !! "")
# ~ '</f>'
# };
# sub g(*@c) {
# (temp $in)++;
# "<g>\n"
# ~ @c».indent($in).join("\n")
# ~ (+@c ?? "\n" !! "")
# ~ "</g>"
# };
# print g(g(f(g()), g(), f()));
# # OUTPUT: «<g>
# # <g>
# # <f>
# # <g>
# # </g>
# # </f>
# # <g>
# # </g>
# # <f>
# # </f>
# # </g>
# # </g>␤»
ok 882 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# my $answer = 42;
# {
# let $answer = 84;
# die if not Bool.pick;
# default { say "it's been reset :(" }
# }
# say "we made it 84 sticks!";
# }
# say $answer;
ok 883 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# my Int $x = 42;
# $x = 'a string';
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected Int but got Str ("a string")␤»
ok 884 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# my Int $x;
# say $x.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# say $x.defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 885 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# my Real $product is default(1);
# say $product; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# $product *= 5;
# say $product; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# $product = Nil;
# say $product; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 886 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# for <a b c> { say $_ } # sets $_ to 'a', 'b' and 'c' in turn
# say $_ for <a b c>; # same, even though it's not a block
# given 'a' { say $_ } # sets $_ to 'a'
# say $_ given 'a'; # same, even though it's not a block
ok 887 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# .say; # same as $_.say
ok 888 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# say "Looking for strings with non-alphabetic characters...";
# for <ab:c d$e fgh ij*> {
# .say if m/<!alpha>/;
# }
# # OUTPUT: «Looking for strings with non-alphabetic characters...
# # ab:c
# # d$e
# # ij*␤»
ok 889 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# 'abc 12' ~~ /\w+/; # sets $/ to a Match object
# say $/.Str; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
ok 890 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# 'abbbbbcdddddeffg' ~~ / a (b+) c (d+ef+) g /;
# say $/[0]; # OUTPUT: «「bbbbb」␤»
# say $/[1]; # OUTPUT: «「dddddeff」␤»
ok 891 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# say $0; # OUTPUT: «「bbbbb」␤»
# say $1; # OUTPUT: «「dddddeff」␤»
ok 892 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# say @().join; # OUTPUT: «bbbbbdddddeff␤»
ok 893 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# 'I.... see?' ~~ / \w+ $<punctuation>=[ <-[\w\s]>+ ] \s* $<final-word> = [ \w+ . ] /;
# say $/<punctuation>; # OUTPUT: «「....」␤»
# say $/<final-word>; # OUTPUT: «「see?」␤»
ok 894 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# say $<punctuation>; # OUTPUT: «「....」␤»
# say $<final-word>; # OUTPUT: «「see?」␤»
ok 895 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# say %().join; # OUTPUT: «"punctuation see?"␤»
ok 896 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# my $*SCHEDULER = max_threads => 64 );
ok 897 - doc/Language/variables.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# my $a = 42;
# my %hash = "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3;
# dd %hash, $a;
# # %hash = ("a" => 1, "c" => 3, "b" => 2).hash, $a = 42
ok 898 - doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# dd \((:a(1), :b(2)), :c(3));
# dd [(:a(1), :b(2)), :c(3)];
ok 899 - doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub a { dd }; a # sub a
ok 900 - doc/Programs/01-debugging.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class AST { }
ok 901 - doc/Type/AST.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Any is Mu {}
ok 902 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Any:D: Mu $other)
ok 903 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method any(--> Junction:D)
ok 904 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say so 2 == <1 2 3>.any; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 5 == <1 2 3>.any; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 905 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method all(--> Junction:D)
ok 906 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say so 1 < <2 3 4>.all; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 3 < <2 3 4>.all; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 907 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method one(--> Junction:D)
ok 908 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say so 1 == (1, 2, 3).one; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say so 1 == (1, 2, 1).one; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 909 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method none(--> Junction:D)
ok 910 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say so 1 == (1, 2, 3).none; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say so 4 == (1, 2, 3).none; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 911 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method list(--> List:D)
ok 912 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say 42.list.^name; # OUTPUT: «List␤»
# say 42.list.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 913 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method push(|values --> Positional:D)
ok 914 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my %h;
# dd %h<a>; # Any (and therefore undefined)
# %h<a>.push(1); # .push on Any
# dd %h; # «Hash %h = {:a($[1])}␤» # please note the Array
ok 915 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi sub reverse(*@list --> List:D)
# multi method reverse(List:D: --> List:D)
ok 916 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say <hello world!>.reverse; # OUTPUT: «(world! hello)␤»
# say reverse ^10; # OUTPUT: «(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)␤»
ok 917 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# say <b c a>.sort; # OUTPUT: «(a b c)␤»
# say 'bca'.comb.sort.join; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
# say 'bca'.comb.sort({$^b cmp $^a}).join; # OUTPUT: «cba␤»
# say '231'.comb.sort(&infix:«<=>»).join; # OUTPUT: «123␤»
ok 918 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi method map(\SELF: &block;; :$label, :$item)
# multi method map(HyperIterable:D: &block;; :$label)
ok 919 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method deepmap(&block --> List) is nodal
ok 920 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# dd [[1,2,3],[[4,5],6,7]].deepmap(*+1);
# # OUTPUT: «[[2, 3, 4], [[5, 6], 7, 8]]␤»
ok 921 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method duckmap(&block) is rw is nodal
ok 922 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my @a = [1,[2,3],4];
# dd @a.duckmap({ $_ ~~ Int ?? $_++ !! Any });
# # OUTPUT: «(1, (2, 3), 4)␤»
ok 923 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method flat(--> Seq:D) is nodal
ok 924 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say ((1, 2), (3)).elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say ((1, 2), (3)).flat.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 925 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my @a = [[1,2,3],[[4,5],6,7]];
# say gather deepmap *.take, @a; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)␤»
ok 926 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method eager(--> Seq:D) is nodal
ok 927 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say (1..10).eager; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)␤»
ok 928 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method elems(--> Int:D) is nodal
ok 929 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# say 42.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say <a b c>.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 930 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# method end(--> Any:D) is nodal
ok 931 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# say 6.end; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say <a b c>.end; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 932 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# method pairup(--> Seq:D) is nodal
ok 933 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# say (a => 1, 'b', 'c').pairup.perl; # OUTPUT: «(:a(1), :b("c")).Seq␤»
ok 934 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub exit(Int() $status = 0)
ok 935 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# proto sub item(|) is pure
# multi sub item(\x)
# multi sub item(|c)
# multi sub item(Mu $a)
ok 936 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# say item([1,2,3]).perl; # OUTPUT: «$[1, 2, 3]␤»
# say item({ apple => 10 }).perl; # OUTPUT: «${:apple(10)}␤»
# say item("abc").perl; # OUTPUT: «"abc"␤»
ok 937 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# say $[1,2,3].perl; # OUTPUT: «$[1, 2, 3]␤»
# say $("abc").perl; # OUTPUT: «"abc"␤»
ok 938 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method Array(--> Array:D) is nodal
ok 939 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# method List(--> List:D) is nodal
ok 940 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# method Hash(--> Hash:D) is nodal
ok 941 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# method hash(--> Hash:D) is nodal
ok 942 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method Slip(--> Slip:D) is nodal
ok 943 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# method Map(--> Map:D) is nodal
ok 944 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method Bag(--> Bag:D) is nodal
ok 945 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# method BagHash(--> BagHash:D) is nodal
ok 946 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method Set(--> Set:D) is nodal
ok 947 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# method SetHash(--> SetHash:D) is nodal
ok 948 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# method Mix(--> Mix:D) is nodal
ok 949 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# method MixHash(--> MixHash:D) is nodal
ok 950 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# method Supply(--> Supply:D) is nodal
ok 951 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# multi method min(--> Any:D)
# multi method min(&by --> Any:D)
ok 952 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# multi method max(--> Any:D)
# multi method min(&by --> Any:D)
ok 953 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# multi method minmax(--> List:D)
# multi method minmax(&by --> List:D)
ok 954 - doc/Type/Any.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# class Array is List {}
ok 955 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub pop(Array:D )
# multi method pop(Array:D:)
ok 956 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my @foo = <a b>; # a b
# @foo.pop; # b
# pop @foo; # a
# pop @foo;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Cannot::Empty: Cannot pop from an empty Array␤»
ok 957 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi sub push(Array:D, **@values --> Array:D)
# multi method push(Array:D: **@values --> Array:D)
ok 958 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my @foo = <a b c>;
# @foo.push: 'd';
# say @foo; # OUTPUT: «[a b c d]␤»
ok 959 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @a = <a b c>;
# my @b = <d e f>;
# @a.push: @b;
# say @a.elems; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say @a[3].join; # OUTPUT: «def␤»
ok 960 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my @a = '1';
# my @b = <a b>;
# my @c = <E F>;
# @a.push: @b, @c;
# say @a.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 961 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method append(Array:D: \values)
# multi method append(Array:D: **@values is raw)
ok 962 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my @a = <a b c>;
# my @b = <d e f>;
# @a.append: @b;
# say @a.elems; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[a b c d e f]␤»
ok 963 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method clone(Array:D: --> Array:D)
ok 964 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my @a = <a b c>; my @b = @a.clone;
# @b[1] = 42; @a.push: 72;
# say @b; # OUTPUT: «[a 42 c]␤»
# say @a; # OUTPUT: «[a b c 72]␤»
ok 965 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my @a = 1, {rand} … ∞; my @b = @a.clone;
# say @b[^3]; # OUTPUT: «(1 0.0216426755282736 0.567660896142156)␤»
# say @a[^3]; # OUTPUT: «(1 0.0216426755282736 0.567660896142156)␤»
ok 966 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi sub shift(Array:D )
# multi method shift(Array:D:)
ok 967 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my @foo = <a b>;
# say @foo.shift; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
# say @foo.shift; # OUTPUT: «b␤»
# say @foo.shift;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Cannot::Empty: Cannot shift from an empty Array␤»
ok 968 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi sub unshift(Array:D, **@values --> Array:D)
# multi method unshift(Array:D: **@values --> Array:D)
ok 969 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my @foo = <a b c>;
# @foo.unshift: 1, 3 ... 11;
# say @foo; # OUTPUT: «[(1 3 5 7 9 11) a b c]␤»
ok 970 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi method prepend(Array:D: \values)
# multi method prepend(Array:D: **@values is raw)
ok 971 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my @foo = <a b c>;
# @foo.prepend: 1, 3 ... 11;
# say @foo; # OUTPUT: «[1 3 5 7 9 11 a b c]␤»
ok 972 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# multi sub splice(@list, $start, $elems?, *@replacement --> Array)
# multi method splice(Array:D $start, $elems?, *@replacement --> Array)
ok 973 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my @foo = <a b c d e f g>;
# say @foo.splice(2, 3, <M N O P>); # OUTPUT: «[c d e]␤»
# say @foo; # OUTPUT: «[a b M N O P f g]␤»
ok 974 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method shape() { (*,) }
ok 975 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my @foo[2;3] = ( < 1 2 3 >, < 4 5 6 > ); # Array with fixed dimensions
# say @foo.shape; # OUTPUT: «(2 3)␤»
# my @bar = ( < 1 2 3 >, < 4 5 6 > ); # Normal array (of arrays)
# say @bar.shape; # OUTPUT: «(*)␤»
ok 976 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method default
ok 977 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my @a1 = 1, "two", 2.718;
# say @a1.default; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# say @a1[4]; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my @a2 is default(17) = 1, "two", 3;
# say @a2.default; # OUTPUT: «17␤»
# say @a2[4]; # OUTPUT: «17␤»
# @a2[1] = Nil; # (resets element to its default)
# say @a2[1]; # OUTPUT: «17␤»
ok 978 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method of
ok 979 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my @a1 = 1, 'two', 3.14159; # (no type constraint specified)
# say @a1.of; # OUTPUT: «(Mu)␤»
# my Int @a2 = 1, 2, 3; # (values must be of type Int)
# say @a2.of; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# @a2.push: 'd';
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to @a2; expected Int but got Str ("d")␤»
ok 980 - doc/Type/Array.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# role Associative { }
ok 981 - doc/Type/Associative.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Attribute { }
ok 982 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Useless {
# has @!things;
# }
# my $a = Useless.^attributes(:local)[0];
# say $; # OUTPUT: «@!things␤»
# say $a.package; # OUTPUT: «(Useless)␤»
# say $a.has_accessor; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# # modifying an attribute from the outside
# # this is usually not possible, but since Attribute
# # is at the level of the meta class, all is fair game
# my $instance =;
# $a.set_value($instance, [1, 2, 3]);
# say $a.get_value($instance); # OUTPUT: «[1 2 3]␤»
ok 983 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class C {
# has $.a is default(42) is rw = 666
# }
# my $c =;
# say $c;
# $c.a = Nil;
# say $c;
# # OUTPUT: « => 666)␤ => 42)␤»
ok 984 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class C {
# has $.a is required
# }
# my $c =;
# CATCH{ default { say .^name, ': ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::Attribute::Required: The attribute '$!a' is required, but you did not provide a value for it.␤»
ok 985 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Attribute:D $r, :$DEPRECATED!)
ok 986 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method name(Attribute:D: --> Str:D)
ok 987 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Foo {
# has @!bar;
# }
# my $a = Foo.^attributes(:local)[0];
# say $; # OUTPUT: «@!bar␤»
ok 988 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method package(Attribute:D: --> Mu:U)
ok 989 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class Boo {
# has @!baz;
# }
# my $a = Boo.^attributes(:local)[0];
# say $a.package; # OUTPUT: «(Boo)␤»
ok 990 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method has_accessor(Attribute:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 991 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# class Container {
# has $!private;
# has $.public;
# }
# my $private = Container.^attributes(:local)[0];
# my $public = Container.^attributes(:local)[1];
# say $private.has_accessor; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $public.has_accessor; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 992 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method readonly(Attribute:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 993 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# class Library {
# has $.address; # Read-only value
# has is rw;
# }
# my $addr = Library.^attributes(:local)[0];
# my $new-books = Library.^attributes(:local)[1];
# say $addr.readonly; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $new-books.readonly; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 994 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method type(Attribute:D: --> Mu)
ok 995 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# class TypeHouse {
# has Int @.array;
# has $!scalar;
# has @.mystery;
# }
# my @types = TypeHouse.^attributes(:local)[0..2];
# for 0..2 { say @types[$_].type }
# # OUTPUT: «(Positional[Int])
# # (Mu)
# # (Positional)␤»
ok 996 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method get_value(Attribute:D: Mu $instance)
ok 997 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# class Violated {
# has $!private-thing = 5;
# }
# my $private = Violated.^attributes(:local)[0];
# say $private.get_value(; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 998 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method set_value(Attribute:D: Mu $instance, Mu \new_val)
ok 999 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# class A {
# has $!a = 5;
# method speak() { say $!a; }
# }
# my $attr = A.^attributes(:local)[0];
# my $a =;
# $a.speak; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# $attr.set_value($a, 42);
# $a.speak; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 1000 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is> (Attribute $attr, :$required!)
ok 1001 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# class Foo {
# has $.bar is required;
# has $.baz;
# };
# => 42); # works
# => 42);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Attribute::Required: The attribute '$!bar' is required, but you did not provide a value for it.␤»
ok 1002 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$rw!)
ok 1003 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# class Boo {
# has $.bar is rw;
# has $.baz;
# };
# my $boo =;
# $ = 42; # works
# $boo.baz = 42;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Any␤»
ok 1004 - doc/Type/Attribute.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# class Backtrace is List {}
ok 1005 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi method new(--> Backtrace:D)
ok 1006 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $backtrace =;
ok 1007 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi method Str(Backtrace:D:)
ok 1008 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $backtrace =;
# say $backtrace.Str;
ok 1009 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method full(Backtrace:D:)
ok 1010 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $backtrace =;
# say $backtrace.full;
ok 1011 - doc/Type/Backtrace.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Backtrace::Frame { }
ok 1012 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method file(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Str)
ok 1013 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $btf.file;
ok 1014 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method line(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Int)
ok 1015 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $btf.line;
ok 1016 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method code(Backtrace::Frame:D)
ok 1017 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $btf.code;
ok 1018 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method subname(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Str)
ok 1019 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $btf.subname;
ok 1020 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method is-hidden(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Bool:D)
ok 1021 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $;
ok 1022 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-routine(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Bool:D)
ok 1023 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $;
ok 1024 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method is-setting(Backtrace::Frame:D --> Bool:D)
ok 1025 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $bt =;
# my $btf = $bt[0];
# say $; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1026 - doc/Type/Backtrace/Frame.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# class Bag does Baggy { }
ok 1027 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <spam eggs spam spam bacon spam>;
# say $breakfast.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $breakfast.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «bacon eggs spam␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say $breakfast.kxxv.sort; # OUTPUT: «bacon eggs spam spam spam spam␤»
ok 1028 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <spam eggs spam spam bacon spam>;
# say $breakfast<bacon>; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say $breakfast<spam>; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say $breakfast<sausage>; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 1029 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = bag "a" => 0, "b" => 1, "c" => 2, "c" => 2;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «(:c(2), :b(1), :a(0)).Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Pair) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
# say $n.values.perl; # OUTPUT: «(2, 1, 1).Seq␤»
ok 1030 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("a" => 0, "b" => 1, "c" => 2, "c" => 2).Bag;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «("b", "c").Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
# say $n.values.perl; # OUTPUT: «(1, 4).Seq␤»
ok 1031 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (1..5) (+) 4; # OUTPUT: «bag(1, 2, 3, 4(2), 5)␤»
ok 1032 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my ($a, $b) = bag(2, 2, 4), bag(2, 3, 3, 4);
# say $a (<) $b; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $a (<+) $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a (^) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(3)␤»
# say $a (+) $b; # OUTPUT: «bag(2(3), 4(2), 3(2))␤»
# # Unicode versions:
# say $a ⊂ $b; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $a ≼ $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a ⊖ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(3)␤»
# say $a ⊎ $b; # OUTPUT: «bag(2(3), 4(2), 3(2))␤»
ok 1033 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub bag(*@args --> Bag)
ok 1034 - doc/Type/Bag.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class BagHash does Baggy { }
ok 1035 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $breakfast = <spam eggs spam spam bacon spam>.BagHash;
# say $breakfast.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $breakfast.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «bacon eggs spam␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say $breakfast.kxxv.sort; # OUTPUT: «bacon eggs spam spam spam spam␤»
ok 1036 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $breakfast = <spam eggs spam spam bacon spam>.BagHash;
# say $breakfast<bacon>; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say $breakfast<spam>; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say $breakfast<sausage>; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# $breakfast<sausage> = 2;
# $breakfast<bacon>--;
# say $breakfast.kxxv.sort; # OUTPUT: «eggs sausage sausage spam spam spam spam␤»
ok 1037 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = "a" => 0, "b" => 1, "c" => 2, "c" => 2;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «(:c(2), :b(1), :a(0)).Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Pair) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
# say $n.values.perl; # OUTPUT: «(2, 1, 1).Seq␤»
ok 1038 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("a" => 0, "b" => 1, "c" => 2, "c" => 2).BagHash;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «("b", "c").Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
# say $n.values.perl; # OUTPUT: «(1, 4).Seq␤»
ok 1039 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my ($a, $b) =, 2, 4),, 3, 3, 4);
# say $a (<) $b; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $a (<+) $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a (^) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(3)␤»
# say $a (+) $b; # OUTPUT: «bag(2(3), 4(2), 3(2))␤»
# # Unicode versions:
# say $a ⊂ $b; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $a ≼ $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a ⊖ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(3)␤»
# say $a ⊎ $b; # OUTPUT: «bag(2(3), 4(2), 3(2))␤»
ok 1040 - doc/Type/BagHash.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Baggy does QuantHash { }
ok 1041 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method new-from-pairs(*@pairs --> Baggy:D)
ok 1042 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say 'butter' => 0.22, 'sugar' => 0.1, 'sugar' => 0.02;
# # OUTPUT: «mix(butter(0.22), sugar(0.12))␤»
ok 1043 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi method grab(Baggy:D: --> Any)
# multi method grab(Baggy:D: $count --> Array:D)
ok 1044 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $cars = ('Ford' => 2, 'Rover' => 3).BagHash;
# say $cars.grab; # OUTPUT: «Ford␤»
# say $cars.grab(2); # OUTPUT: «[Rover Rover]␤»
# say $cars.grab(*); # OUTPUT: «[Rover Ford]␤»
# my $breakfast = ('eggs' => 2, 'bacon' => 3).Bag;
# say $breakfast.grab;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Immutable: Cannot call 'grab' on an immutable 'Bag'␤»
ok 1045 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method grabpairs(Baggy:D: --> Any)
# multi method grabpairs(Baggy:D: $count --> List:D)
ok 1046 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $breakfast = (eggs => 2, bacon => 3).BagHash;
# say $breakfast.grabpairs; # OUTPUT: «bacon => 3␤»
# say $breakfast; # OUTPUT: «␤»
# say $breakfast.grabpairs(1); # OUTPUT: «[eggs => 2]␤»
# say $breakfast.grabpairs(*); # OUTPUT: «[]␤»
# my $diet = ('eggs' => 2, 'bacon' => 3).Bag;
# say $diet.grabpairs;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Immutable: Cannot call 'grabpairs' on an immutable 'Bag'␤»
ok 1047 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method pick(Baggy:D: --> Any)
# multi method pick(Baggy:D: $count --> Seq:D)
ok 1048 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon bacon bacon>;
# say $breakfast.pick; # OUTPUT: «eggs␤»
# say $breakfast.pick(2); # OUTPUT: «(eggs bacon)␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say $breakfast.pick(*); # OUTPUT: «(bacon bacon bacon eggs)␤»
ok 1049 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi method pickpairs(Baggy:D: --> Pair:D)
# multi method pickpairs(Baggy:D: $count --> List:D)
ok 1050 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon bacon bacon>;
# say $breakfast.pickpairs; # OUTPUT: «eggs => 1␤»
# say $breakfast.pickpairs(1); # OUTPUT: «(bacon => 3)␤»
# say $breakfast.pickpairs(*); # OUTPUT: «(eggs => 1 bacon => 3)␤»
ok 1051 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method roll(Baggy:D: --> Any:D)
# multi method roll(Baggy:D: $count --> Seq:D)
ok 1052 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon bacon bacon>;
# say $breakfast.roll; # OUTPUT: «bacon␤»
# say $breakfast.roll(3); # OUTPUT: «(bacon eggs bacon)␤»
# my $random_dishes := $breakfast.roll(*);
# say $random_dishes[^5]; # OUTPUT: «(bacon eggs bacon bacon bacon)␤»
ok 1053 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method pairs(Baggy:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1054 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <bacon eggs bacon>;
# my $seq = $breakfast.pairs;
# say $seq.sort; # OUTPUT: «(bacon => 2 eggs => 1)␤»
ok 1055 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method antipairs(Baggy:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1056 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <bacon eggs bacon>;
# my $seq = $breakfast.antipairs;
# say $seq.sort; # OUTPUT: «(1 => eggs 2 => bacon)␤»
ok 1057 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method invert(Baggy:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1058 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <bacon eggs bacon>;
# my $seq = $breakfast.invert;
# say $seq.sort; # OUTPUT: «(1 => eggs 2 => bacon)␤»
ok 1059 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi method classify-list(&mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
# multi method classify-list(%mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
# multi method classify-list(@mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
ok 1060 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# say { $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' }, ^10;
# # OUTPUT:, odd(5))
# my @mapper = <zero one two three four five>;
# say @mapper, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6;
# # OUTPUT:, two, three, four(2), one)
ok 1061 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi method categorize-list(&mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
# multi method categorize-list(%mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
# multi method categorize-list(@mapper, *@list --> Baggy:D)
ok 1062 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say {
# gather {
# take 'largish' if $_ > 5;
# take .is-prime ?? 'prime' !! 'non-prime';
# take $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd';
# }
# }, ^10;
# # OUTPUT:, even(5), non-prime(6), prime(4), odd(5))
# my %mapper = :sugar<sweet white>, :lemon<sour>, :cake('sweet', 'is a lie');
# say %mapper, <sugar lemon cake>;
# # OUTPUT: a lie, sour, white, sweet(2))
ok 1063 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method keys(Baggy:D: --> List:D)
ok 1064 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs spam spam spam>;
# say $breakfast.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «(eggs spam)␤»
# my $n = ("a" => 5, "b" => 2).BagHash;
# say $n.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «(a b)␤»
ok 1065 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method values(Baggy:D: --> List:D)
ok 1066 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs spam spam spam>;
# say $breakfast.values.sort; # OUTPUT: «(1 3)␤»
# my $n = ("a" => 5, "b" => 2, "a" => 1).BagHash;
# say $n.values.sort; # OUTPUT: «(2 6)␤»
ok 1067 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method kv(Baggy:D: --> List:D)
ok 1068 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs spam spam spam>;
# say $breakfast.kv; # OUTPUT: «(spam 3 eggs 1)␤»
# my $n = ("a" => 5, "b" => 2, "a" => 1).BagHash;
# say $n.kv; # OUTPUT: «(a 6 b 2)␤»
ok 1069 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# method kxxv(Baggy:D: --> List:D)
ok 1070 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <spam eggs spam spam bacon>;
# say $breakfast.kxxv.sort; # OUTPUT: «(bacon eggs spam spam spam)␤»
# my $n = ("a" => 0, "b" => 1, "b" => 2).BagHash;
# say $n.kxxv; # OUTPUT: «(b b b)␤»
ok 1071 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# method elems(Baggy:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1072 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs spam spam spam>;
# say $breakfast.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# my $n = ("b" => 9.4, "b" => 2).MixHash;
# say $n.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1073 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# method total(Baggy:D:)
ok 1074 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs spam spam bacon>;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# my $n = ("a" => 5, "b" => 1, "b" => 2).BagHash;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «8␤»
ok 1075 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# method default(Baggy:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1076 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon>;
# say $breakfast.default; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 1077 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method hash(Baggy:D: --> Hash:D)
ok 1078 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon bacon>;
# my $h = $breakfast.hash;
# say $h.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Hash)␤»
# say $h; # OUTPUT: «{bacon => 2, eggs => 1}␤»
ok 1079 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# method Bool(Baggy:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1080 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# my $breakfast = ('eggs' => 1).BagHash;
# say $breakfast.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True (since we have one element)␤»
# $breakfast<eggs> = 0; # weight == 0 will lead to element removal
# say $breakfast.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1081 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method Set(--> Set:D)
ok 1082 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# my $breakfast = (eggs => 2, bacon => 3).BagHash;
# say $breakfast.Set; # OUTPUT: «set(bacon, eggs)␤»
ok 1083 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method SetHash(--> SetHash:D)
ok 1084 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# my $breakfast = (eggs => 2, bacon => 3).BagHash;
# my $sh = $breakfast.SetHash;
# say $sh.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(SetHash)␤»
# say $sh.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 1085 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method ACCEPTS($other --> Bool:D)
ok 1086 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# my $breakfast = bag <eggs bacon>;
# say $breakfast ~~ Baggy; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $breakfast.does(Baggy); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# my $second-breakfast = (eggs => 1, bacon => 1).Mix;
# say $breakfast ~~ $second-breakfast; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# my $third-breakfast = (eggs => 1, bacon => 2).Bag;
# say $second-breakfast ~~ $third-breakfast; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1087 - doc/Type/Baggy.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# role Blob[::T = uint8] does Positional[T] does Stringy { }
ok 1088 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method new(*@codes)
ok 1089 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $blob =[1, 2, 3]);
ok 1090 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi method Bool(Blob:D:)
ok 1091 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $blob =;
# say $blob.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# $blob =[1, 2, 3]);
# say $blob.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1092 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method elems(Blob:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1093 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $blob =[1, 2, 3]);
# say $blob.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1094 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method bytes(Blob:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1095 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say[1, 2, 3]).bytes; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say[1, 2, 3]).bytes; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say[1, 2, 3]).bytes; # OUTPUT: «24␤»
ok 1096 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi method decode(Blob:D: Str:D $encoding = 'UTF-8' --> Str:D)
ok 1097 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my Blob $blob = "string".encode('utf-8');
# say $blob.decode('utf-8'); # OUTPUT: «string␤»
ok 1098 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method subbuf(Int $from, Int $len = self.elems --> Blob:D)
# multi method subbuf(Range $range --> Blob:D)
ok 1099 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say, 4); # OUTPUT: «Blob:0x<03 04 05 06>␤»
# say*-2); # OUTPUT: «Blob:0x<09 0a>␤»
# say*-5,2); # OUTPUT: «Blob:0x<06 07>␤»
ok 1100 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say; # OUTPUT: «Blob:0x<03 04 05 06>␤»
ok 1101 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# use experimental :pack;
ok 1102 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method unpack(Blob:D: $template --> List:D)
ok 1103 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# use experimental :pack;
# say"C*");
# # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)␤»
ok 1104 - doc/Type/Blob.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# class Block is Code { }
ok 1105 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $block = { uc $_; };
# say $block.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Block)␤»
# say $block('hello'); # OUTPUT: «HELLO␤»
ok 1106 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $add = -> $a, $b = 2 { $a + $b };
# say $add(40); # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 1107 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $swap = <-> $a, $b { ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) };
# my ($a, $b) = (2, 4);
# $swap($a, $b);
# say $a; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1108 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# sub f() {
# say <a b c>.map: { return 42 };
# # ^^^^^^ exits &f, not just the block
# }
ok 1109 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say {1}.(); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1110 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say 1;
# {
# say 2; # executed directly, not a Block object
# }
# say 3;
ok 1111 - doc/Type/Block.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# enum Bool <False True>
ok 1112 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method succ(--> Bool:D)
ok 1113 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say True.succ; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say False.succ; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1114 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method pred(--> Bool:D)
ok 1115 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say True.pred; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say False.pred; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1116 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method enums(--> Hash:D)
ok 1117 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say Bool.enums; # OUTPUT: «{False => 0, True => 1}␤»
# say False.enums; # OUTPUT: «{False => 0, True => 1}␤»
ok 1118 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method pick(Bool:U --> Bool:D)
# multi method pick(Bool:U $count --> Seq:D)
ok 1119 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say Bool.pick; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say Bool.pick(1); # OUTPUT: «(False)␤»
# say Bool.pick(*); # OUTPUT: «(False True)␤»
ok 1120 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi method roll(Bool:U --> Bool:D)
# multi method roll(Bool:U $count --> Seq:D)
ok 1121 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say Bool.roll; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say Bool.roll(3); # OUTPUT: «(True False False)␤»
# say Bool.roll(*); # OUTPUT: «(...)␤»
ok 1122 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method Numeric(Bool:D --> Int:D)
ok 1123 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say False.Numeric; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say True.Numeric; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1124 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<?>(Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 1125 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi sub prefix:<so>(Mu --> Bool:D)
ok 1126 - doc/Type/Bool.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# role Buf[::T] does Blob[T] { ... }
ok 1127 - doc/Type/Buf.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $b =, 2, 3);
# $b[1] = 42;
ok 1128 - doc/Type/Buf.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class CallFrame {}
ok 1129 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $frame = callframe;
# say "The above line of code ran at {$frame.file}:{$frame.line}.";
ok 1130 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# for 1..* -> $level {
# given callframe($level) -> $frame {
# when CallFrame {
# next unless $frame.code ~~ Routine;
# say $frame.code.package;
# last;
# }
# default {
# say "no calling routine or method found";
# last;
# }
# }
# }
ok 1131 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method code(CallFrame:D:)
ok 1132 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method file(CallFrame:D:)
ok 1133 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $frame = callframe(0);
# say $frame.file eq $frame.annotations<file>;
ok 1134 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method level(CallFrame:D:)
ok 1135 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method line(CallFrame:D:)
ok 1136 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say callframe(1).line;
# say callframe(1).annotations<line>;
ok 1137 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method my(CallFrame:D:)
ok 1138 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# sub some-value {
# my $the-answer = 42;
# callframe(0);
# }
# my $frame = some-value();
# say $<$the-answer>; # 42
ok 1139 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub callframe(Int $level = 0)
ok 1140 - doc/Type/CallFrame.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# role Callable { ... }
ok 1141 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my &a = {;}; # Empty block needs a semicolon
# my &b = -> {};
# my &c = sub () {};
# sub foo() {};
# my &d = &foo;
ok 1142 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method CALL-ME(Callable:D $self: |arguments)
ok 1143 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class A does Callable {
# submethod CALL-ME(|c){ 'called' }
# }
# my &a = A;
# say a(); # OUTPUT: «called␤»
ok 1144 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method assuming(Callable:D $self: |primers)
ok 1145 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my sub slow($n){ my $i = 0; $i++ while $i < $n; $i };
# # takes only one parameter and as such wont forward $n
# sub bench(&c){ c, now - ENTER now };
# say &slow.assuming(10000000).&bench; # OUTPUT: «(10000000 7.5508834)␤»
ok 1146 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub f($p){ say 'f'; $p / 2 }
# sub g($p){ say 'g'; $p * 2 }
# my &composed = &f ∘ &g;
# say composed 2; # OUTPUT: «g␤f␤2␤»
# # equivalent to:
# say 2.&g.&f;
# # or to:
# say f g 2;
ok 1147 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub f($a, $b, $c) { [~] $c, $b, $a }
# sub g($str){ $str.comb }
# my &composed = &f ∘ &g;
# say composed 'abc'; # OUTPUT: «cba␤»
# # equivalent to:
# say f |g 'abc';
ok 1148 - doc/Type/Callable.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my class Cancellation {}
ok 1149 - doc/Type/Cancellation.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method cancel()
ok 1150 - doc/Type/Cancellation.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say unique 1, -2, 2, 3, as => { abs $_ }; # OUTPUT: «(1 -2 3)␤»
# # ... is the same thing as:
# say unique 1, -2, 2, 3, :as({ abs $_ }); # OUTPUT: «(1 -2 3)␤»
# # Be careful not to quote the name of a named parameter:
# say unique 1, -2, 2, 3, 'as' => { abs $_ };
# # OUTPUT: «(1 -2 2 3 as => -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|78857320) ... })␤»
ok 1151 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $c = \(42); # Capture with one positional part
# $c = \(1, 2, a => 'b'); # Capture with two positional and one named parts
ok 1152 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $c = \(4, 2, 3);
# reverse(|$c).say; # OUTPUT: «3 2 4␤»
# sort(5,|$c).say; # OUTPUT: «2 3 4 5␤»
ok 1153 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# f(1, 2, 3, a => 4, b => 5);
# sub f($a, |c) {
# # c is \(2, 3, a => 4, b => 5)
# }
ok 1154 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $b = 1;
# my $c = \(4, 2, $b, 3);
# sort(|$c).say; # OUTPUT: «1 2 3 4␤»
# $b = 6;
# sort(|$c).say; # OUTPUT: «2 3 4 6␤»
ok 1155 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method list(Capture:D: --> Positional)
ok 1156 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my Capture $c = \(2, 3, 5, apples => (red => 2));
# say $c.list; # OUTPUT: «(2 3 5)␤»
ok 1157 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method hash(Capture:D: --> Associative)
ok 1158 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my Capture $c = \(2, 3, 5, apples => (red => 2));
# say $c.hash; # OUTPUT: «␤»
ok 1159 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method elems(Capture:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1160 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my Capture $c = \(2, 3, 5, apples => (red => 2));
# say $c.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1161 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method keys(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1162 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $capture = \(2, 3, 5, apples => (red => 2));
# say $capture.keys; # OUTPUT: «(0 1 2 apples)␤»
ok 1163 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi method values(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1164 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $capture = \(2, 3, 5, apples => (red => 2));
# say $capture.values; # OUTPUT: «(2 3 5 red => 2)␤»
ok 1165 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi method kv(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1166 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $capture = \(2, 3, apples => (red => 2));
# say $capture.kv; # OUTPUT: «(0 2 1 3 apples red => 2)␤»
ok 1167 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi method pairs(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1168 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my Capture $c = \(2, 3, apples => (red => 2));
# say $c.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(0 => 2 1 => 3 apples => red => 2)␤»
ok 1169 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi method antipairs(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1170 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $capture = \(2, 3, apples => (red => 2));
# say $capture.antipairs; # OUTPUT: «(2 => 0 3 => 1 (red => 2) => apples)␤»
ok 1171 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method Bool(Capture:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1172 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say \(1,2,3, apples => 2).Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say \().Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1173 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method Capture(Capture:D: --> Capture:D)
ok 1174 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say \(1,2,3, apples => 2).Capture; # OUTPUT: «\(1, 2, 3, :apples(2))␤»
ok 1175 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method Numeric(Capture:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1176 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say \(1,2,3, apples => 2).Numeric; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1177 - doc/Type/Capture.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# class Channel {}
ok 1178 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $c =;
# await (^10).map: {
# start {
# my $r = rand;
# sleep $r;
# $c.send($r);
# }
# }
# $c.close;
# say $c.list;
ok 1179 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method send(Channel:D: \item)
ok 1180 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $c =;
# $c.send(1);
# $c.send([2, 3, 4, 5]);
# $c.close;
# say $c.list; # OUTPUT: «(1 [2 3 4 5])␤»
ok 1181 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method receive(Channel:D:)
ok 1182 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $c =;
# $c.send(1);
# say $c.receive; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1183 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method poll(Channel:D:)
ok 1184 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $c =;
# { $c.close; }
# ^10 .map({ $c.send($_); });
# loop {
# if $c.poll -> $item { $item.say };
# if $c.closed { last };
# sleep 0.1;
# }
ok 1185 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method close(Channel:D:)
ok 1186 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $c =;
# $c.close;
# $c.send(1);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Channel::SendOnClosed: Cannot send a message on a closed channel␤»
ok 1187 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method list(Channel:D: --> List:D)
ok 1188 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $c =; $c.send(1); $c.send(2);
# $c.close;
# say $c.list; # OUTPUT: «(1 2)␤»
ok 1189 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method closed(Channel:D: --> Promise:D)
ok 1190 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $c =;
# $c.closed.then({ say "It's closed!" });
# $c.close;
# sleep 1;
ok 1191 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method fail(Channel:D: $error)
ok 1192 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $c =;
# $"Bad error happens!");
# $c.receive;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Bad error happens!␤»
ok 1193 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method Supply(Channel:D:)
ok 1194 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $c =;
# my Supply $s1 = $c.Supply;
# my Supply $s2 = $c.Supply;
# $s1.tap(-> $v { say "First $v" });
# $s2.tap(-> $v { say "Second $v" });
# ^10 .map({ $c.send($_) });
# sleep 1;
ok 1195 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# multi sub await(Channel:D)
# multi sub await(*@)
ok 1196 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my $c =;
# say await $c;
ok 1197 - doc/Type/Channel.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# class Code is Any does Callable {}
ok 1198 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Code:D: Mu $topic)
ok 1199 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method arity(Code:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1200 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# sub argless() { }
# sub args($a, $b?) { }
# sub slurpy($a, $b, *@c) { }
# say &argless.arity; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say &args.arity; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say &slurpy.arity; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 1201 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method count(Code:D: --> Real:D)
ok 1202 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# sub argless() { }
# sub args($a, $b?) { }
# sub slurpy($a, $b, *@c) { }
# say &argless.count; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say &args.count; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say &slurpy.count; # OUTPUT: «Inf␤»
ok 1203 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method of(Code:D: --> Mu)
ok 1204 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say -> () --> Int {}.of; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
ok 1205 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# multi method signature(Code:D: --> Signature:D)
ok 1206 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# sub a(Int $one, Str $two) {};
# say &a.signature; # OUTPUT: «(Int $one, Str $two)␤»
ok 1207 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# multi method Str(Code:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1208 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub marine() { }
# say ~&marine; # OUTPUT: «marine␤»
# say &marine.Str; # OUTPUT: «marine␤»
ok 1209 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method file(Code:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1210 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say &infix:<+>.file;
ok 1211 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method line(Code:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1212 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say &infix:<+>.line;
ok 1213 - doc/Type/Code.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# class Complex is Cool does Numeric {}
ok 1214 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say 2i; # same as, 2);
# say 1-2e3i; # same as, -2e3);
ok 1215 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# multi method new(Real $re, Real $im --> Complex:D)
ok 1216 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $complex =, 1);
ok 1217 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method re(Complex:D: --> Real:D)
ok 1218 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (3+5i).re; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1219 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method im(Complex:D: --> Real:D)
ok 1220 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say (3+5i).im; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 1221 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method reals(Complex:D: --> Positional:D)
ok 1222 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say (3+5i).reals; # OUTPUT: «(3 5)␤»
ok 1223 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method isNaN(Complex:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1224 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say (NaN+5i).isNaN; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (7+5i).isNaN; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1225 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method polar(Complex:D: --> Positional:D)
ok 1226 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say (10+7i).polar; # OUTPUT: «(12.2065556157337 0.610725964389209)␤»
ok 1227 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method floor(Complex:D: --> Complex:D)
ok 1228 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say (1.2-3.8i).floor; # OUTPUT: «1-4i␤»
ok 1229 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method ceiling(Complex:D: --> Complex:D)
ok 1230 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say (1.2-3.8i).ceiling; # OUTPUT: «2-3i␤»
ok 1231 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# multi method round(Complex:D: --> Complex:D)
# multi method round(Complex:D: Real() $scale --> Complex:D)
ok 1232 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say (1.2-3.8i).round; # OUTPUT: «1-4i␤»
# say (1.256-3.875i).round(0.1); # OUTPUT: «1.3-3.9i␤»
ok 1233 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method truncate(Complex:D: --> Complex:D)
ok 1234 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say (1.2-3.8i).truncate; # OUTPUT: «1-3i␤»
ok 1235 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method abs(Complex:D: --> Num:D)
# multi sub abs(Complex:D $z --> Num:D)
ok 1236 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say (3+4i).abs; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# # sqrt(3*3 + 4*4) == 5
ok 1237 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method conj(Complex:D: --> Complex:D)
ok 1238 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say (1-4i).conj; # OUTPUT: «1+4i␤»
ok 1239 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# method gist(Complex:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1240 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say (1-4i).gist; # OUTPUT: «1-4i␤»
ok 1241 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# method perl(Complex:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1242 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say (1-3i).perl; # OUTPUT: «<1-3i>␤»
ok 1243 - doc/Type/Complex.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# class ComplexStr is Complex is Str {}
ok 1244 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $f = <42+0i>; say $f.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(ComplexStr)␤»
ok 1245 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $complex-str = < 42+0i >;
# my Complex $complex = $complex-str; # OK!
# my Str $str = $complex-str; # OK!
# say 42+0i ∈ <42+0i 55 1>; # False; ∈ operator cares about object identity
ok 1246 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method new(Complex $i, Str $s)
ok 1247 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $f =, "forty two (but complicated)");
# say +$f; # OUTPUT: «42+0i␤»
# say ~$f; # OUTPUT: «"forty two (but complicated)"␤»
ok 1248 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Numeric
ok 1249 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method Complex
ok 1250 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(ComplexStr:D $a, ComplexStr:D $b)
ok 1251 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $f =, "smaller");
# my $g =, "larger");
# say $f cmp $g; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say $f.Str cmp $g.Str; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 1252 - doc/Type/ComplexStr.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class Cool is Any { }
ok 1253 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# 123.substr(1, 1); # '2', same as 123.Str.substr(1, 1)
ok 1254 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub abs(Numeric() $x)
# method abs()
ok 1255 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say (-2).abs; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say abs "6+8i"; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
ok 1256 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method conj()
ok 1257 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (1+2i).conj; # OUTPUT: «1-2i␤»
ok 1258 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub sqrt(Numeric(Cool) $x)
# method sqrt()
ok 1259 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say 4.sqrt; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say sqrt(2); # OUTPUT: «1.4142135623731␤»
ok 1260 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method sign()
ok 1261 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say 6.sign; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say (-6).sign; # OUTPUT: «-1␤»
# say "0".sign; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 1262 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method rand()
ok 1263 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say 1e5.rand; # OUTPUT: «33128.495184283␤»
ok 1264 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# sub sin(Numeric(Cool))
# method sin()
ok 1265 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say sin(0); # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say sin(pi/4); # OUTPUT: «0.707106781186547␤»
# say sin(pi/2); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1266 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub asin(Numeric(Cool))
# method asin()
ok 1267 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say 0.1.asin; # OUTPUT: «0.10016742116156␤»
# say asin(0.1); # OUTPUT: «0.10016742116156␤»
ok 1268 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# sub cos(Numeric(Cool))
# method cos()
ok 1269 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say 0.cos; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say pi.cos; # OUTPUT: «-1␤»
# say cos(pi/2); # OUTPUT: «6.12323399573677e-17␤»
ok 1270 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# sub acos(Numeric(Cool))
# method acos()
ok 1271 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say 1.acos; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say acos(-1); # OUTPUT: «3.14159265358979␤»
ok 1272 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub tan(Numeric(Cool))
# method tan()
ok 1273 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say tan(3); # OUTPUT: «-0.142546543074278␤»
# say 3.tan; # OUTPUT: «-0.142546543074278␤»
ok 1274 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# sub atan(Numeric(Cool))
# method atan()
ok 1275 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say atan(3); # OUTPUT: «1.24904577239825␤»
# say 3.atan; # OUTPUT: «1.24904577239825␤»
ok 1276 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# sub atan2(Numeric() $x, Numeric() $y = 1e0)
# method atan2($y = 1e0)
ok 1277 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say atan2(3); # OUTPUT: «1.24904577239825␤»
# say 3.atan2; # OUTPUT: «1.24904577239825␤»
ok 1278 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# sub sec(Numeric(Cool))
# method sec()
ok 1279 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say 45.sec; # OUTPUT: «1.90359440740442␤»
# say sec(45); # OUTPUT: «1.90359440740442␤»
ok 1280 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# sub asec(Numeric(Cool))
# method asec()
ok 1281 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say 1.asec; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say sqrt(2).asec; # OUTPUT: «0.785398163397448␤»
ok 1282 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# sub cosec(Numeric(Cool))
# method cosec()
ok 1283 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say 0.45.cosec; # OUTPUT: «2.29903273150897␤»
# say cosec(0.45); # OUTPUT: «2.29903273150897␤»
ok 1284 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# sub acosec(Numeric(Cool))
# method acosec()
ok 1285 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# say 45.acosec; # OUTPUT: «0.0222240516182672␤»
# say acosec(45) # OUTPUT: «0.0222240516182672␤»
ok 1286 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# sub cotan(Numeric(Cool))
# method cotan()
ok 1287 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# say 45.cotan; # OUTPUT: «0.617369623783555␤»
# say cotan(45); # OUTPUT: «0.617369623783555␤»
ok 1288 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# sub acotan(Numeric(Cool))
# method acotan()
ok 1289 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# say 45.acotan; # OUTPUT: «0.0222185653267191␤»
# say acotan(45) # OUTPUT: «0.0222185653267191␤»
ok 1290 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# sub sinh(Numeric(Cool))
# method sinh()
ok 1291 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# say 1.sinh; # OUTPUT: «1.1752011936438␤»
# say sinh(1); # OUTPUT: «1.1752011936438␤»
ok 1292 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# sub asinh(Numeric(Cool))
# method asinh()
ok 1293 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# say 1.asinh; # OUTPUT: «0.881373587019543␤»
# say asinh(1); # OUTPUT: «0.881373587019543␤»
ok 1294 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# sub cosh(Numeric(Cool))
# method cosh()
ok 1295 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# say cosh(0.5); # OUTPUT: «1.12762596520638␤»
ok 1296 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# sub acosh(Numeric(Cool))
# method acosh()
ok 1297 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# say acosh(45); # OUTPUT: «4.4996861906715␤»
ok 1298 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# sub tanh(Numeric(Cool))
# method tanh()
ok 1299 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# say tanh(0.5); # OUTPUT: «0.46211715726001␤»
# say tanh(atanh(0.5)); # OUTPUT: «0.5␤»
ok 1300 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# sub atanh(Numeric(Cool))
# method atanh()
ok 1301 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# say atanh(0.5); # OUTPUT: «0.549306144334055␤»
ok 1302 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# sub sech(Numeric(Cool))
# method sech()
ok 1303 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# say 0.sech; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1304 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# sub asech(Numeric(Cool))
# method asech()
ok 1305 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# say 0.8.asech; # OUTPUT: «0.693147180559945␤»
ok 1306 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# sub cosech(Numeric(Cool))
# method cosech()
ok 1307 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# say cosech(pi/2); # OUTPUT: «0.434537208094696␤»
ok 1308 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# sub acosech(Numeric(Cool))
# method acosech()
ok 1309 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# say acosech(4.5); # OUTPUT: «0.220432720979802␤»
ok 1310 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# sub cotanh(Numeric(Cool))
# method cotanh()
ok 1311 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# say cotanh(pi); # OUTPUT: «1.00374187319732␤»
ok 1312 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# sub acotanh(Numeric(Cool))
# method acotanh()
ok 1313 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 61 compiles
# say acotanh(2.5); # OUTPUT: «0.423648930193602␤»
ok 1314 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 62 compiles
# sub cis(Numeric(Cool))
# method cis()
ok 1315 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 63 compiles
# say cis(pi/4); # OUTPUT: «0.707106781186548+0.707106781186547i␤»
ok 1316 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 64 compiles
# multi sub log(Numeric(Cool) $number, Numeric(Cool) $base?)
# multi method log(Cool:D: Cool:D $base?)
ok 1317 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 65 compiles
# say (e*e).log; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 1318 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 66 compiles
# multi sub log10(Cool(Numeric))
# multi method log10()
ok 1319 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 67 compiles
# say log10(1001); # OUTPUT: «3.00043407747932␤»
ok 1320 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 68 compiles
# multi sub exp(Cool:D $pow, Cool:D $base?)
# multi method exp(Cool:D: Cool:D $base?)
ok 1321 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 69 compiles
# say 0.exp; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say 1.exp; # OUTPUT: «2.71828182845905␤»
# say 10.exp; # OUTPUT: «22026.4657948067␤»
ok 1322 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 70 compiles
# method unpolar(Numeric(Cool))
ok 1323 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 71 compiles
# say sqrt(2).unpolar(pi/4); # OUTPUT: «1+1i␤»
ok 1324 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 72 compiles
# multi sub round(Numeric(Cool))
# multi method round(Cool:D: $unit = 1)
ok 1325 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 73 compiles
# say 1.7.round; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say 1.07.round(0.1); # OUTPUT: «1.1␤»
# say 21.round(10); # OUTPUT: «20␤»
ok 1326 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 74 compiles
# say (−.5 ).round; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say ( .5 ).round; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say (−.55).round(.1); # OUTPUT: «-0.5␤»
# say ( .55).round(.1); # OUTPUT: «0.6␤»
ok 1327 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 75 compiles
# multi sub floor(Numeric(Cool))
# multi method floor
ok 1328 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 76 compiles
# say "1.99".floor; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say "-1.9".floor; # OUTPUT: «-2␤»
# say 0.floor; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 1329 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 77 compiles
# multi sub ceiling(Numeric(Cool))
# multi method ceiling
ok 1330 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 78 compiles
# say "1".ceiling; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say "-0.9".ceiling; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say "42.1".ceiling; # OUTPUT: «43␤»
ok 1331 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 79 compiles
# multi sub truncate(Numeric(Cool))
# multi method truncate()
ok 1332 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 80 compiles
# say 1.2.truncate; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say truncate -1.2; # OUTPUT: «-1␤»
ok 1333 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 81 compiles
# sub ord(Str(Cool))
# method ord()
ok 1334 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 82 compiles
# say 'a'.ord; # OUTPUT: «97␤»
ok 1335 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 83 compiles
# sub chr(Int(Cool))
# method chr()
ok 1336 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 84 compiles
# say '65'.chr; # OUTPUT: «A␤»
ok 1337 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 85 compiles
# sub chars(Str(Cool))
# method chars()
ok 1338 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 86 compiles
# say 'møp'.chars; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1339 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 87 compiles
# sub codes(Str(Cool))
# method codes()
ok 1340 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 88 compiles
# say 'møp'.codes; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1341 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 89 compiles
# sub flip(Str(Cool))
# method flip()
ok 1342 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 90 compiles
# say 421.flip; # OUTPUT: «124␤»
ok 1343 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 91 compiles
# sub trim(Str(Cool))
# method trim()
ok 1344 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 92 compiles
# my $stripped = ' abc '.trim;
# say "<$stripped>"; # OUTPUT: «<abc>␤»
ok 1345 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 93 compiles
# sub trim-leading(Str(Cool))
# method trim-leading()
ok 1346 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 94 compiles
# my $stripped = ' abc '.trim-leading;
# say "<$stripped>"; # OUTPUT: «<abc >␤»
ok 1347 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 95 compiles
# sub trim-trailing(Str(Cool))
# method trim-trailing()
ok 1348 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 96 compiles
# my $stripped = ' abc '.trim-trailing;
# say "<$stripped>"; # OUTPUT: «< abc>␤»
ok 1349 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 97 compiles
# sub lc(Str(Cool))
# method lc()
ok 1350 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 98 compiles
# say "ABC".lc; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
ok 1351 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 99 compiles
# sub uc(Str(Cool))
# method uc()
ok 1352 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 100 compiles
# say "Abc".uc; # OUTPUT: «ABC␤»
ok 1353 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 101 compiles
# sub fc(Str(Cool))
# method fc()
ok 1354 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 102 compiles
# say "groß".fc; # OUTPUT: «gross␤»
ok 1355 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 103 compiles
# sub tc(Str(Cool))
# method tc()
ok 1356 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 104 compiles
# say "abC".tc; # OUTPUT: «AbC␤»
ok 1357 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 105 compiles
# sub tclc(Str(Cool))
# method tclc()
ok 1358 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 106 compiles
# say 'abC'.tclc; # OUTPUT: «Abc␤»
ok 1359 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 107 compiles
# sub wordcase(Str(Cool) $input, :&filter = &tclc, Mu :$where = True)
# method wordcase(:&filter = &tclc, Mu :$where = True)
ok 1360 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 108 compiles
# say "perl 6 programming".wordcase; # OUTPUT: «Perl 6 Programming␤»
ok 1361 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 109 compiles
# say "have fun working on perl".wordcase(:where({ .chars > 3 }));
# # Have fun Working on Perl
ok 1362 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 110 compiles
# say "have fun working on perl".wordcase(:filter(&uc), :where({ .chars > 3 }));
ok 1363 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 111 compiles
# sub samecase(Cool $string, Cool $pattern)
# method samecase(Cool:D: Cool $pattern)
ok 1364 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 112 compiles
# say "perL 6".samecase("A__a__"); # OUTPUT: «Perl 6␤»
# say "pERL 6".samecase("Ab"); # OUTPUT: «Perl 6␤»
ok 1365 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 113 compiles
# multi sub uniprop(Str(Cool), |c)
# multi sub uniprop(Int:D $code, Stringy:D $propname)
# multi sub uniprop(Str, $code, Stringy:D $propname)
# multi method uniprop(|c)
ok 1366 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 114 compiles
# say 'a'.uniprop; # OUTPUT: «Ll␤»
# say '1'.uniprop; # OUTPUT: «Nd␤»
# say 'a'.uniprop('Alphabetic'); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say '1'.uniprop('Alphabetic'); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1367 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 115 compiles
# sub uniprops(Str:D $str, Stringy:D $propname = "General_Category")
ok 1368 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 116 compiles
# sub uniname(Str(Cool) --> Str)
# method uniname(--> Str)
ok 1369 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 117 compiles
# # Camelia in Unicode
# say ‘»ö«’.uniname;
# say "Ḍ̇".uniname; # Note, doesn't show "COMBINING DOT ABOVE"
# # Find the char with the longest Unicode name.
# say (0..0x1FFFF).sort(*.uniname.chars)[*-1].chr.uniname;
ok 1370 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 118 compiles
# sub uninames(Str:D)
# method uninames()
ok 1371 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 119 compiles
# say ‘»ö«’.uninames.perl;
ok 1372 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 120 compiles
# say "Ḍ̇'oh".comb>>.uninames.perl;
ok 1373 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 121 compiles
# multi sub unimatch(Str:D $str, |c)
# multi unimatch(Int:D $code, Stringy:D $pvalname, Stringy:D $propname = $pvalname)
ok 1374 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 122 compiles
# say unimatch 'A', 'Latin'; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say unimatch 'A', 'Latin', 'Script'; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say unimatch 'A', 'Ll'; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1375 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 123 compiles
# sub chop(Str(Cool))
# method chop()
ok 1376 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 124 compiles
# say 'perl'.chop; # OUTPUT: «per␤»
ok 1377 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 125 compiles
# sub chomp(Str(Cool))
# method chomp()
ok 1378 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 126 compiles
# say 'ab'.chomp.chars; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say "a\n".chomp.chars; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1379 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 127 compiles
# sub substr(Str(Cool) $str, $from, $chars?)
# method substr($from, $chars?)
ok 1380 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 128 compiles
# say 'zenith'.substr(2); # OUTPUT: «nith␤»
# say 'zenith'.substr(0, 3); # OUTPUT: «zen␤»
# # works on non-strings too:
# say 20151224.substr(6); # OUTPUT: «24␤»
# # sub form:
# say substr "zenith", 0, 3; # OUTPUT: «zen␤»
ok 1381 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 129 compiles
# say 20151224.substr(*-2); # OUTPUT: «24␤»
ok 1382 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 130 compiles
# sub ords(Str(Cool) $str)
# method ords()
ok 1383 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 131 compiles
# say "Camelia".ords; # OUTPUT: «67 97 109 101 108 105 97␤»
# say ords 10; # OUTPUT: «49 48␤»
ok 1384 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 132 compiles
# sub chrs(*@codepoints --> Str:D)
# method chrs()
ok 1385 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 133 compiles
# say <67 97 109 101 108 105 97>.chrs; # OUTPUT: «Camelia␤»
ok 1386 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 134 compiles
# multi sub split( Str:D $delimiter, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
# multi sub split(Regex:D $delimiter, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
# multi sub split(@delimiters, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
# multi method split( Str:D $delimiter, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
# multi method split(Regex:D $delimiter, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
# multi method split(@delimiters, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty)
ok 1387 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 135 compiles
# say split(';', "a;b;c").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c")␤»
# say split(';', "a;b;c", 2).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b;c").Seq␤»
# say split(';', "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c,d")␤»
# say split(/\;/, "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c,d")␤»
# say split(/<[;,]>/, "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c", "d")␤»
# say split(['a', /b+/, 4], '1a2bb345').perl; # OUTPUT: «("1", "2", "3", "5")␤»
ok 1388 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 136 compiles
# say 'abc'.split(/b/, :v); # OUTPUT: «(a 「b」 c)␤»
# say 'abc'.split('b', :v); # OUTPUT: «(a b c)␤»
ok 1389 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 137 compiles
# say 'abc'.split(/b/, :k); # OUTPUT: «(a 0 c)␤»
ok 1390 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 138 compiles
# say 'abc'.split(/b/, :kv); # OUTPUT: «(a 0 「b」 c)␤»
ok 1391 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 139 compiles
# say 'abc'.split(/b/, :p); # OUTPUT: «(a 0 => 「b」 c)␤»
# say 'abc'.split('b', :p); # OUTPUT: «(a 0 => b c)␤»
ok 1392 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 140 compiles
# say ("f,,b,c,d".split: /","/ ).perl; # OUTPUT: «("f", "", "b", "c", "d")␤»
# say ("f,,b,c,d".split: /","/, :skip-empty).perl; # OUTPUT: «("f", "b", "c", "d")␤»
ok 1393 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 141 compiles
# sub lines(Str(Cool))
# method lines()
ok 1394 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 142 compiles
# say lines("a\nb\n").join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a|b␤»
# say "some\nmore\nlines".lines.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1395 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 143 compiles
# method words(Int() $limit)
ok 1396 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 144 compiles
# say 'The quick brown fox'.words.join('|'); # OUTPUT: «The|quick|brown|fox␤»
# say 'The quick brown fox'.words(2).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «The|quick␤»
ok 1397 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 145 compiles
# say "isn't, can't".words.join('|'); # OUTPUT: «isn't,|can't␤»
ok 1398 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 146 compiles
# multi sub comb(Regex $matcher, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = * --> Seq)
# multi method comb(Regex $matcher, $limit = * --> Seq)
ok 1399 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 147 compiles
# say "6 or 12".comb(/\d+/).join(", "); # OUTPUT: «6, 12␤»
ok 1400 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 148 compiles
# multi method contains(Cool:D: Str(Cool) $needle, Cool $start? --> Bool:D)
ok 1401 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 149 compiles
# say "Hello, World".contains('hello'); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say "Hello, World".contains(','); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1402 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 150 compiles
# multi sub index(Str(Cool) $s, Str:D $needle, Int(Cool) $startpos = 0 --> Int)
# multi method index(Str(Cool) $needle, Int(Cool) $startpos = 0 --> Int)
ok 1403 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 151 compiles
# multi sub rindex(Str(Cool) $haystack, Str(Cool) $needle, Int(Cool) $startpos = $haystack.chars)
# multi method rindex(Str(Cool) $haystack: Str(Cool) $needle, Int(Cool) $startpos = $haystack.chars)
ok 1404 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 152 compiles
# multi method match(Cool:D: $target, *%adverbs)
ok 1405 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 153 compiles
# method fmt($format = '%s' --> Str:D)
ok 1406 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 154 compiles
# say 11.fmt('This Int equals %03d'); # OUTPUT: «This Int equals 011␤»
# say '16'.fmt('Hexadecimal %x'); # OUTPUT: «Hexadecimal 10␤»
ok 1407 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 155 compiles
# multi sub roots(Numeric(Cool) $x, Int(Cool) $n)
# multi method roots(Int(Cool) $n)
ok 1408 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 156 compiles
# my $original = 16;
# my @roots = $original.roots(4);
# say @roots;
# for @roots -> $r {
# say abs($r ** 4 - $original);
# }
ok 1409 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 157 compiles
# method IO(--> IO::Path:D)
ok 1410 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 158 compiles
# sub EVAL(Cool $code, :$lang = { ... })
ok 1411 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 159 compiles
# use MONKEY; # shortcut that turns on all MONKEY pragmas
# use Test;
# # any of the above allows:
# EVAL "say { 5 + 5 }"; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
ok 1412 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 160 compiles
# my $answer = 42;
# EVAL 'say $answer;'; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 1413 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 161 compiles
# module M {
# EVAL 'our $answer = 42'
# }
# say $M::answer; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 1414 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 162 compiles
# sub infix:<mean>(*@a) is assoc<list> {
# @a.sum / @a.elems
# }
# EVAL 'say 2 mean 6 mean 4'; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1415 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 163 compiles
# sub infix:<mean>(*@a) is assoc<list> {
# @a.sum / @a.elems
# }
# say EVAL 'say 1; 2 mean 6 mean 4'; # OUTPUT: «1␤4␤»
ok 1416 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 164 compiles
# sub EVALFILE(Cool $filename, :$lang = { ... })
ok 1417 - doc/Type/Cool.pod6 chunk 165 compiles
# class Cursor { }
ok 1418 - doc/Type/Cursor.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method origin(Cursor:D: --> Any)
ok 1419 - doc/Type/Cursor.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method target(Cursor:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1420 - doc/Type/Cursor.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method pod(Cursor:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1421 - doc/Type/Cursor.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class Date { }
ok 1422 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $d =, 12, 24); # Christmas Eve!
# say $d; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24␤»
# say $d.year; # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
# say $d.month; # OUTPUT: «12␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «24␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «1␤», that is Monday
# say $d.later(days => 20); # OUTPUT: «2016-01-13␤»
# my $n ='2015-12-31'); # New Year's Eve
# say $n - $d; # OUTPUT: «7␤», 7 days between New Years/Christmas Eve
# say $n + 1; # OUTPUT: «2016-01-01␤»
ok 1423 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# multi method new($year, $month, $day, :&formatter --> Date:D)
# multi method new(:$year!, :$month = 1, :$day = 1 --> Date:D)
# multi method new(Str $date --> Date:D)
# multi method new(Instant:D $dt --> Date:D)
# multi method new(DateTime:D $dt --> Date:D)
ok 1424 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $date =, 1, 1);
# $date = => 2042, month => 1, day => 1);
# $date ="2042-01-01");
# $date = 1482155532);
# $date =;
ok 1425 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method new-from-daycount($daycount,:&formatter --> Date:D)
ok 1426 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say; # OUTPUT: «1995-09-27␤»
ok 1427 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method clone(:$year, :$month, :$day)
ok 1428 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say'2015-11-24').clone(month => 12); # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24␤»
ok 1429 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method today(:&formatter --> Date:D)
ok 1430 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say;
ok 1431 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method later(Date:D: *%unit)
ok 1432 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say'2015-12-24').later(:2years); # OUTPUT: «2017-12-24␤»
ok 1433 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $d ='2015-02-27');
# say $d.later(month => 1).later(:2days); # OUTPUT: «2015-03-29␤»
# say $d.later(days => 2).later(:1month); # OUTPUT: «2015-04-01␤»
# say $d.later(days => 2).later(:month); # same, as +True === 1
ok 1434 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method earlier(Date:D: *%unit)
ok 1435 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $d ='2015-02-27');
# say $d.earlier(month => 5).earlier(:2days); # OUTPUT: «2014-09-25␤»
ok 1436 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method truncated-to(Date:D: Cool $unit)
ok 1437 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $c ='2012-12-24');
# say $c.truncated-to('year'); # OUTPUT: «2012-01-01␤»
# say $c.truncated-to('month'); # OUTPUT: «2012-12-01␤»
# say $c.truncated-to('week'); # OUTPUT: «2012-12-24␤», because it's Monday already
ok 1438 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method succ(Date:D: --> Date:D)
ok 1439 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# say"2016-02-28").succ; # OUTPUT: «2016-02-29␤»
ok 1440 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method pred(Date:D: --> Date:D)
ok 1441 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# say"2016-01-01").pred; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-31␤»
ok 1442 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi method Str(Date:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1443 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say'2015-12-24').Str; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24␤»
# my $fmt = { sprintf "%02d/%02d/%04d", .month, .day, .year };
# say'2015-12-24', formatter => $fmt).Str; # OUTPUT: «12/24/2015␤»
ok 1444 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# multi method gist(Date:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1445 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say'2015-12-24').gist; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24␤»
ok 1446 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method Date(--> Date)
ok 1447 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say'2015-12-24').Date; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24␤»
# say Date.Date; # OUTPUT: «(Date)␤»
ok 1448 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# multi method DateTime(Date:U --> DateTime:U)
# multi method DateTime(Date:D --> DateTime:D)
ok 1449 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# say'2015-12-24').DateTime; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T00:00:00Z␤»
# say Date.DateTime; # OUTPUT: «(DateTime)␤»
ok 1450 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# sub sleep($seconds = Inf --> Nil)
ok 1451 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# my $before = now;
# sleep (5/2);
# my $after = now;
# say $after-$before; # OUTPUT: «2.502411561␤»
# $before = now;
# sleep 5.2;
# $after = now;
# say $after-$before; # OUTPUT: «5.20156987␤»
ok 1452 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# sub sleep-timer(Real $seconds = Inf --> Duration)
ok 1453 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# say sleep-timer 3.14; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 1454 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub sleep-until(Instant $until --> Bool)
ok 1455 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# say sleep-until now+10; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1456 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my $instant = now - 5;
# say sleep-until $instant; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1457 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# multi sub infix:<-> (Date:D, Int:D --> Date:D)
# multi sub infix:<-> (Date:D, Date:D --> Int:D)
ok 1458 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# say'2016-12-25') -'2016-12-24'); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say'2015-12-25') -'2016-11-21'); # OUTPUT: «-332␤»
# say'2016-11-21') - 332; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-25␤»
ok 1459 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+> (Date:D, Int:D --> Date:D)
# multi sub infix:<+> (Int:D, Date:D --> Date:D)
ok 1460 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# say'2015-12-25') + 332; # OUTPUT: «2016-11-21␤»
# say 1 +'2015-12-25'); # OUTPUT: «2015-12-26␤»
ok 1461 - doc/Type/Date.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# class DateTime does Dateish {}
ok 1462 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my $dt =
# year => 2015,
# month => 11,
# day => 21,
# hour => 16,
# minute => 1,
# );
# say $dt; # OUTPUT: «2015-11-21T16:01:00Z␤»
# say $dt.later(days => 20); # OUTPUT: «2015-12-11T16:01:00Z␤»
# say $dt.truncated-to('hour'); # OUTPUT: «2015-11-21T16:00:00Z␤»
# say $ * 3600); # OUTPUT: «2015-11-21T08:01:00-0800␤»
# my $now = => { sprintf "%02d:%02d", .hour, .minute });
# say $now; # 12:45 (or something like that)
ok 1463 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $datetime = => 2015,
# month => 1,
# day => 1,
# hour => 1,
# minute => 1,
# second => 1,
# timezone => 1);
# $datetime = =>'2015-12-24'),
# hour => 1,
# minute => 1,
# second => 1,
# timezone => 1);
# $datetime =, 1, 1, # First January of 2015
# 1, 1, 1); # Hour, minute, second with default timezone
# $datetime =; # Instant.
# # from a Unix timestamp
# say $datetime =; # OUTPUT: «2016-08-10T18:26:23Z␤»
# $datetime ="2015-01-01T03:17:30+0500") # Formatted string
ok 1464 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method now(:$timezone=$*TZ, :&formatter --> DateTime:D)
ok 1465 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say;
ok 1466 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method clone(:$year, :$month, :$day, :$hour, :$minute, :$second, :$timezone, :&formatter)
ok 1467 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00Z').clone(hour => 0);
# # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T00:23:00Z␤»
ok 1468 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say"2012-02-29T12:34:56Z").clone(year => 2015);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::OutOfRange: Day out of range. Is: 29, should be in 1..28␤»
ok 1469 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method hh-mm-ss(DateTime:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1470 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say"2052-02-29T22:34:56Z").hh-mm-ss;
# # OUTPUT: «22:34:56␤»
ok 1471 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method hour(DateTime:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1472 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56Z').hour; # OUTPUT: «12␤»
ok 1473 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method minute(DateTime:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1474 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56Z').minute; # OUTPUT: «34␤»
ok 1475 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method second(DateTime:D:)
ok 1476 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56Z').second; # OUTPUT: «56␤»
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56.789Z').second; # OUTPUT: «56.789␤»
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56,789Z').second; # comma also ok
ok 1477 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method whole-second(DateTime:D:)
ok 1478 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say'2012-02-29T12:34:56.789Z').whole-second; # OUTPUT: «56␤»
ok 1479 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method timezone(DateTime:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1480 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').timezone; # OUTPUT: «7200␤»
ok 1481 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method offset(DateTime:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1482 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').offset; # OUTPUT: «7200␤»
ok 1483 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method offset-in-minutes(DateTime:D: --> Real:D)
ok 1484 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').offset-in-minutes; # OUTPUT: «120␤»
ok 1485 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method offset-in-hours(DateTime:D: --> Real:D)
ok 1486 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').offset-in-hours; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 1487 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# method Str(DateTime:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1488 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').Str; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T12:23:00+02:00␤»
ok 1489 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# method Instant(DateTime:D: --> Instant:D)
ok 1490 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').Instant; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T12:23:00+02:00␤»
ok 1491 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method posix(DateTime:D: $ignore-timezone = False --> Int:D)
ok 1492 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00Z').posix; # OUTPUT: «1450959780␤»
ok 1493 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# method later(DateTime:D: *%unit)
ok 1494 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00Z').later(:2years); # OUTPUT: «2017-12-24T12:23:00Z␤»
ok 1495 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my $d = =>'2015-02-27'));
# say $d.later(month => 1).later(:2days); # OUTPUT: «2015-03-29T00:00:00Z␤»
# say $d.later(days => 2).later(:1month); # OUTPUT: «2015-04-01T00:00:00Z␤»
# say $d.later(days => 2).later(:month); # same, as +True === 1
ok 1496 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# method earlier(DateTime:D: *%unit)
ok 1497 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# my $d = =>'2015-02-27'));
# say $d.earlier(month => 1).earlier(:2days); # OUTPUT: «2015-01-25T00:00:00Z␤»
ok 1498 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method truncated-to(DateTime:D: Cool $unit)
ok 1499 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# my $d ="2012-02-29T12:34:56.946314Z");
# say $d.truncated-to('second'); # OUTPUT: «2012-02-29T12:34:56Z␤»
# say $d.truncated-to('minute'); # OUTPUT: «2012-02-29T12:34:00Z␤»
# say $d.truncated-to('hour'); # OUTPUT: «2012-02-29T12:00:00Z␤»
# say $d.truncated-to('day'); # OUTPUT: «2012-02-29T00:00:00Z␤»
# say $d.truncated-to('month'); # OUTPUT: «2012-02-01T00:00:00Z␤»
# say $d.truncated-to('year'); # OUTPUT: «2012-01-01T00:00:00Z␤»
ok 1500 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# multi method Date(DateTime:U --> Date:U)
# multi method Date(DateTime:D --> Date:D)
ok 1501 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# say"2012-02-29T12:34:56.946314Z").Date; # OUTPUT: «2012-02-29␤»
# say DateTime.Date; # OUTPUT: «(Date)␤»
ok 1502 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method DateTime(--> DateTime)
ok 1503 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# say"2012-02-29T12:34:56.946314Z").DateTime; # 2012-02-29T12:34:56.946314Z
# say DateTime.DateTime; # OUTPUT: «(DateTime)␤»
ok 1504 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method utc(DateTime:D: --> DateTime:D)
ok 1505 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').utc; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T10:23:00Z␤»
ok 1506 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method in-timezone(DateTime:D: $timezone = 0 --> DateTime:D)
ok 1507 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00Z').in-timezone(3600 + 1800); # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T13:53:00+0130␤»
ok 1508 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# method local(DateTime:D: --> DateTime:D)
ok 1509 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# my $*TZ = -3600;
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200').local; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-24T09:23:00-0100␤»
ok 1510 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# multi sub infix:<-> (DateTime:D, Duration:D --> DateTime:D)
# multi sub infix:<-> (DateTime:D, DateTime:D --> Duration:D)
ok 1511 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# say perl -; # OUTPUT: «␤»
# say, :3600timezone) -; # OUTPUT: «2015-01-01T00:00:00+01:00␤»
ok 1512 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# multi sub infix:<+> (DateTime:D, Duration:D --> DateTime:D)
# multi sub infix:<+> (Duration:D, DateTime:D --> DateTime:D)
ok 1513 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# say +; # OUTPUT: «2016-01-01T00:00:00Z␤»
# say +, :3600timezone); # OUTPUT: «2015-01-01T00:00:42+01:00␤»
ok 1514 - doc/Type/DateTime.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# role Dateish { ... }
ok 1515 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method year(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1516 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').year; # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
# say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).year; # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
ok 1517 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method month(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1518 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').month; # OUTPUT: «12␤»
# say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).month; # OUTPUT: «12␤»
ok 1519 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method day(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1520 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').day; # OUTPUT: «31␤»
# say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day; # OUTPUT: «24␤»
ok 1521 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method formatter(Dateish:D:)
ok 1522 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $dt ='2015-12-31'); # (no formatter specified)
# say $dt.formatter.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Callable)␤»
# my $us-format = sub ($self) { sprintf "%02d/%02d/%04d", .month, .day, .year given $self; };
# $dt ='2015-12-31', formatter => $us-format);
# say $dt.formatter.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Sub)␤»
# say $dt; # OUTPUT: «12/31/2015␤»
ok 1523 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method is-leap-year(--> Bool:D)
ok 1524 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say<2016>).is-leap-year; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say"1900-01-01").is-leap-year; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1525 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method day-of-month(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1526 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').day-of-month; # OUTPUT: «31␤»
# say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day-of-month; # OUTPUT: «24␤»
ok 1527 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method day-of-week(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1528 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').day-of-week; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say =>'2015-12-24'), hour => 1).day-of-week; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1529 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method day-of-year(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1530 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# say'2015-12-31').day-of-year; # OUTPUT: «365␤»
# say =>'2015-03-24'), hour => 1).day-of-year; # OUTPUT: «83␤»
ok 1531 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method days-in-month(Dateish:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1532 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# say"2016-01-02").days-in-month; # OUTPUT: «31␤»
# say<10000>, :month<2>).days-in-month; # OUTPUT: «29␤»
ok 1533 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method week()
ok 1534 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my ($year, $week) ="2014-12-31").week;
# say $year; # OUTPUT: «2015␤»
# say $week; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say'2015-01-31').week; # OUTPUT: «(2015 5)␤»
ok 1535 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method week-number(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1536 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say"2014-12-31").week-number; # 1 (first week of 2015)
# say"2016-01-02").week-number; # 53 (last week of 2015)
ok 1537 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method week-year(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1538 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say"2015-11-15").week-year; # 2015
# say"2014-12-31").week-year; # 2015 (date belongs to the first week of 2015)
# say"2016-01-02").week-year; # 2015 (date belongs to the last week of 2015)
ok 1539 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method weekday-of-month(Date:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1540 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say"2003-06-09").weekday-of-month; # 2 (second Monday of the month)
ok 1541 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method yyyy-mm-dd(Date:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1542 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# say"2015-11-15").yyyy-mm-dd; # OUTPUT: «2015-11-15␤»
# say; # OUTPUT: «2016-08-10␤»
ok 1543 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# method daycount(Dateish:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1544 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# say'1995-09-27').daycount; # OUTPUT: «49987␤»
ok 1545 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# method IO(Dateish:D: --> IO::Path:D)
ok 1546 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
#; # OUTPUT: «"2016-10-03".IO␤»
#; # OUTPUT: «"2016-10-03T11:14:47.977994-04:00".IO␤»
ok 1547 - doc/Type/Dateish.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# class Duration is Cool does Real { }
ok 1548 - doc/Type/Duration.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Exception {}
ok 1549 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::YourApp::SomeError is Exception {
# method message() {
# "A YourApp-Specific error occurred: out of coffee!";
# }
# }
ok 1550 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method message(Exception:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1551 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# try die "Something bad happened";
# if ($!) {
# say $!.message; # OUTPUT: «Something bad happened.␤»
# }
ok 1552 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method backtrace(Exception:D: --> Backtrace:D)
ok 1553 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# try die "Something bad happened";
# if ($!) {
# say $!.backtrace;
# }
ok 1554 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method throw(Exception:D:)
ok 1555 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $exception =; # Totally fine
# try $exception.throw; # Throws
# if ($!) { #`( some handling ) }; # Suppress the exception
ok 1556 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method resume(Exception:D:)
ok 1557 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# # For example, resume control flow for any exception
# CATCH { default { .resume } }
ok 1558 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method rethrow(Exception:D:)
ok 1559 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $e = => "Bad situation");
# sub f() { die 'Bad' };
# sub g() { try f; CATCH { default { .rethrow } } };
# g;
# CATCH { default { say .backtrace.full } };
ok 1560 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi sub fail(*@text)
# multi sub fail(Exception $e)
# method fail(Exception:D:)
ok 1561 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# sub copy-directory-tree ($dir) {
# fail "$dir is not a directory" if !$dir.IO.d;
# ...
# }
ok 1562 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi method gist(Exception:D:)
ok 1563 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $e = => "This exception is pretty bad");
# try $e.throw;
# if ($!) { say $!.gist; };
# # OUTPUT: «This exception is pretty bad
# # in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1␤»
ok 1564 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi sub die(*@message)
# multi sub die(Exception:D $e)
# method die(Exception:D:)
ok 1565 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi sub warn(*@message)
ok 1566 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# warn "Warning message";
ok 1567 - doc/Type/Exception.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# class Failure { }
ok 1568 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method handled(Failure:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1569 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub f() { fail }; my $v = f; say $v.handled; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1570 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method exception(Failure:D: --> Exception)
ok 1571 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# sub f() { fail }; my $v = f; $v.Exception;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Failed␤»
ok 1572 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method Bool(Failure:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1573 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub f() { fail }; my $v = f; say $v.handled; $v.Bool; say $v.handled;
# # OUTPUT: «False␤
# # True␤»
ok 1574 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method defined(Failure:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1575 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# sub f() { fail }; my $v = f; say $v.defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1576 - doc/Type/Failure.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class FatRat is Cool does Rational[Int, Int] {}
ok 1577 - doc/Type/FatRat.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Grammar is Cursor {}
ok 1578 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# grammar Thingy {
# token TOP {
# <a> <b>
# }
# token a { a }
# token b { b }
# }
# say Thingy ~~ Grammar; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# my $match = Thingy.parse('ab');
# say so $match; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say ~$match<a>; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
ok 1579 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method parse($target, :$rule = 'TOP', Capture() :$args = \(), Mu :$actions = Mu, *%opt)
ok 1580 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# grammar CSV {
# token TOP { [ <line> \n? ]+ }
# token line {
# ^^ # Beginning of a line
# <value>* % \, # Any number of <value>s with commas in between them
# $$ # End of a line
# }
# token value {
# [
# | <-[",\n]> # Anything not a double quote, comma or newline
# | <quoted-text> # Or some quoted text
# ]* # Any number of times
# }
# token quoted-text {
# \"
# [
# | <-["\\]> # Anything not a " or \
# | '\"' # Or \", an escaped quotation mark
# ]* # Any number of times
# \"
# }
# }.parse( q:to/EOCSV/ ).say;
# Year,Make,Model,Length
# 1997,Ford,E350,2.34
# 2000,Mercury,Cougar,2.38
ok 1581 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method subparse($target, :$rule = 'TOP', Capture() :$args = \(), Mu :$actions = Mu, *%opt)
ok 1582 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# grammar A {
# token as { a+ };
# }
# my $match = A.subparse('aaab', :rule<as>);
# say ~$match; # OUTPUT: «aaa␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1583 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method parsefile(Str(Cool) $filename, :$enc, *%opts)
ok 1584 - doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Hash is Map { }
ok 1585 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# dd %*ENV{'HOME', 'PATH'};
# # OUTPUT: «("/home/camelia", "/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin")␤»
ok 1586 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my %h = oranges => 'round', bananas => 'bendy';
# dd %h<oranges bananas>;
# # OUTPUT: «("round", "bendy")␤»
# my $fruit = 'bananas';
# dd %h«oranges $fruit»;
# # OUTPUT: «("round", "bendy")␤»
ok 1587 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my %h;
# %h{'new key'} = 'new value';
ok 1588 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '%h'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1591:4
------> my %h⏏ = a => 'b', c => 'd', e => 'f';
Redeclaration of symbol '%h'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1591:6
------> my %h⏏ = <a b c d e f>;
# my %h = 'a', 'b', c => 'd', 'e', 'f';
# # same as
# my %h = a => 'b', c => 'd', e => 'f';
# # or
# my %h = <a b c d e f>;
ok 1589 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my %h = 'a', 'b' => 'c';
# say %h<a>.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Pair)␤»
# say %h<a>.key; # OUTPUT: «b␤»
ok 1590 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my %h = a => 1, a => 2;
# say %h<a>; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 1591 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $h = { a => 1, b => 2 }; # *See Note*
# say $h.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «Hash␤»
# say $h<a>; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1592 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my @people = [
# { id => "1A", firstName => "Andy", lastName => "Adams" },
# { id => "2B", firstName => "Beth", lastName => "Burke" },
# # ...
# ];
# sub lookup-user (Hash $h) { #`(Do something...) $h }
# my @names = map {
# my $query = { name => "$_<firstName> $_<lastName>" };
# say $query.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «Block␤»
# say $query<name>; # fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Type Block does not support associative indexing.␤»
# lookup-user($query); # Type check failed in binding $h; expected Hash but got Block
# }, @people;
ok 1593 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my @people = [
# { id => "1A", firstName => "Andy", lastName => "Adams" },
# { id => "2B", firstName => "Beth", lastName => "Burke" }
# ];
# sub lookup-user (Hash $h) { #`(Do something...) $h }
# my @names = -> $person {
# lookup-user( %( name => "$person<firstName> $person<lastName>" ) );
# };
ok 1594 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '%h'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1597:3
------> my %h⏏; %h<a b c> = ^3; %h.perl.say; # OU
# my %h; %h<a b c> = 2 xx *; %h.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «{:a(2), :b(2), :c(2)}␤»
# my %h; %h<a b c> = ^3; %h.perl.say; # OUTPUT: «{:a(0), :b(1), :c(2)}␤»
ok 1595 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $when = :{ (now) => "Instant", ( => "DateTime" };
ok 1596 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# :{ -1 => 41, 0 => 42, 1 => 43 }<0>; # Any
# :{ -1 => 41, 0 => 42, 1 => 43 }{0}; # 42
ok 1597 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# subset Powerful of Int where * > 9000;
# my Powerful %h{Str};
# put %h<Goku> = 9001;
# try {
# %h<Vegeta> = 900;
# CATCH { when X::TypeCheck::Binding { .message.put } }
# }
# # 9001
# # Type check failed in binding assignval; expected Powerful but got Int (900)
ok 1598 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my %vowels = 'a' => 1, 'e' => 2, 'i' => 3, 'o' => 4, 'u' => 5;
# for %vowels.kv -> $vowel, $index {
# "$vowel: $index".say;
# }
ok 1599 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my %vowels = 'a' => 1, 'e' => 2, 'i' => 3, 'o' => 4, 'u' => 5;
# for %vowels.sort(*.key)>>.kv -> ($vowel, $index) {
# "$vowel: $index".say;
# }
ok 1600 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my %vowels = 'a' => 1, 'e' => 2, 'i' => 3, 'o' => 4, 'u' => 5;
# for %vowels.sort(*.key)>>.kv.flat -> $vowel, $index {
# "$vowel: $index".say;
# }
ok 1601 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my %intervals{Instant};
# my $first-instant = now;
# %intervals{ $first-instant } = "Our first milestone.";
# sleep 1;
# my $second-instant = now;
# %intervals{ $second-instant } = "Logging this Instant for spurious raisins.";
# for %intervals.sort -> (:$key, :$value) {
# state $last-instant //= $key;
# say "We noted '$value' at $key, with an interval of {$key - $last-instant}";
# $last-instant = $key;
# }
ok 1602 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my %intervals{Instant};
# my $first-instant = now;
# %intervals{ $first-instant } = "Our first milestone.";
# sleep 1;
# my $second-instant = now;
# %intervals{ $second-instant } = "Logging this Instant for spurious raisins.";
# say ($first-instant, $second-instant) ~~ %intervals.keys; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say ($first-instant, $second-instant) ~~ %intervals.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say ($first-instant, $second-instant) === %intervals.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $first-instant === %intervals.keys.sort[0]; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1603 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my %h{Any};
# %h{(now)} = "This is an Instant";
# %h{(} = "This is a DateTime, which is not an Instant";
# %h{"completely different"} = "Monty Python references are neither DateTimes nor Instants";
ok 1604 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my %h := :{ (now) => "Instant", ( => "DateTime" };
ok 1605 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my %answers = illuminatus => 23, hitchhikers => 42;
# # OUTPUT: «hitchhikers => 42, illuminatus => 23»
# for %answers.values -> $v { $v += 10 }; # Fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value␤»
ok 1606 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my %answers = illuminatus => 23, hitchhikers => 42;
# for %answers.kv -> $k,$v { %answers{$k} = $v + 10 };
ok 1607 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my %answers = illuminatus => 23, hitchhikers => 42;
# for %answers.values -> $v is rw { $v += 10 };
ok 1608 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# multi method classify-list(&mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
# multi method classify-list(%mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
# multi method classify-list(@mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
ok 1609 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say % .classify-list: { $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' }, ^10;
# # OUTPUT: «{even => [0 2 4 6 8], odd => [1 3 5 7 9]}␤»
# my @mapper = <zero one two three four five>;
# my %hash = foo => 'bar';
# say %hash.classify-list: @mapper, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4;
# # OUTPUT: «{foo => bar, four => [4 4], one => [1], three => [3], two => [2]}␤»
ok 1610 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say % .classify-list: {
# [
# (.is-prime ?? 'prime' !! 'non-prime'),
# ($_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' ),
# ]
# }, ^10;
# # {
# # non-prime => {
# # even => [0 4 6 8],
# # odd => [1 9]
# # },
# # prime => {
# # even => [2],
# # odd => [3 5 7]
# # }
# # }
ok 1611 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say % .classify-list: :as{"Value is $_"}, { $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' }, ^5;
# # OUTPUT (slightly altered manually, for clarity):
# # {
# # even => ['Value is 0', 'Value is 2', 'Value is 4'],
# # odd => ['Value is 1', 'Value is 3']
# # }
ok 1612 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi method categorize-list(&mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
# multi method categorize-list(%mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
# multi method categorize-list(@mapper, *@list, :&as --> Hash:D)
ok 1613 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say % .categorize-list: {
# gather {
# take 'prime' if .is-prime;
# take 'largish' if $_ > 5;
# take $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd';
# }
# }, ^10;
# # {
# # prime => [2 3 5 7]
# # even => [0 2 4 6 8],
# # odd => [1 3 5 7 9],
# # largish => [6 7 8 9],
# # }
ok 1614 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# say % .categorize-list: {
# [
# $_ > 5 ?? 'largish' !! 'smallish',
# .is-prime ?? 'prime' !! 'non-prime',
# ],
# }, ^10;
# # {
# # largish => {
# # non-prime => [6 8 9],
# # prime => [7]
# # },
# # smallish => {
# # non-prime => [0 1 4],
# # prime => [2 3 5]
# # }
# # }
ok 1615 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say % .categorize-list: :as{"Value is $_"}, { $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' }, ^5;
# # OUTPUT (slightly altered manually, for clarity):
# # {
# # even => ['Value is 0', 'Value is 2', 'Value is 4'],
# # odd => ['Value is 1', 'Value is 3']
# # }
ok 1616 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# multi method push(Hash:D: *@new)
ok 1617 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my %h = a => 1;
# %h.push: (a => 1); # a => [1,1]
# %h.push: (a => 1) xx 3 ; # a => [1,1,1,1,1]
# %h.push: (b => 3); # a => [1,1,1,1,1], b => 3
# %h.push('c' => 4); # a => [1,1,1,1,1], b => 3, c => 4
# push %h, 'd' => 5; # a => [1,1,1,1,1], b => 3, c => 4, d => 5
ok 1618 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# my %h .= push(e => 6);
# push %h, f => 7;
# say %h.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «{}␤»
ok 1619 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# my %wc = 'hash' => 323, 'pair' => 322, 'pipe' => 323;
# (my %inv).push: %wc.invert.unique;
# say %inv; # OUTPUT: «{322 => pair, 323 => [pipe hash]}␤»
ok 1620 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# my %wc = 'hash' => 323, 'pair' => 322, 'pipe' => 323;
# my %inv .= push: %wc.invert.unique;
ok 1621 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# my %ha = :a[42, ]; %ha.push: "a" => <a b c a>;
# say %ha; # OUTPUT: «{a => [42 (a b c a)]}␤»
# my %hb = :a[42, ]; %hb.append: "a" => <a b c a>;
# say %hb; # OUTPUT: «{a => [42 a b c a]}␤»
ok 1622 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# method append(+@values)
ok 1623 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# my %h = a => 1;
# %h.append('b', 2, 'c', 3);
# %h.append({d => 4});
# say %h;
# # OUTPUT: «{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4}␤»
# %h.append('a', 2);
# # OUTPUT: «{{a => [1 2], b => 2, c => 3, d => 4}␤»
ok 1624 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# my %hb = :a[42, ]; %hb.append: "a" => <a b c a>;
# say %hb; # OUTPUT: «{a => [42 a b c a]}␤»
# my %ha = :a[42, ]; %ha.push: "a" => <a b c a>;
# say %ha; # OUTPUT: «{a => [42 (a b c a)]}␤»
ok 1625 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method default()
ok 1626 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# my %h1 = 'apples' => 3, 'oranges' => 7;
# say %h1.default; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# say %h1{'bananas'}; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my %h2 is default(1) = 'apples' => 3, 'oranges' => 7;
# say %h2.default; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say %h2{'apples'} + %h2{'bananas'}; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1627 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method keyof()
ok 1628 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# my %h1 = 'apples' => 3, 'oranges' => 7; # (no key type specified)
# say %h1.keyof; # OUTPUT: «(Str(Any))␤»
# my %h2{Str} = 'oranges' => 7; # (keys must be of type Str)
# say %h2.keyof; # (Str)
# %h2{3} = 'apples'; # throws exception
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Binding: Type check failed in binding to key; expected Str but got Int (3)␤»
ok 1629 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method of()
ok 1630 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# my %h1 = 'apples' => 3, 'oranges' => 7; # (no type constraint specified)
# say %h1.of; # OUTPUT: «(Mu)␤»
# my Int %h2 = 'oranges' => 7; # (values must be of type Int)
# say %h2.of; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
ok 1631 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
# say %h<a>:exists; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say %h<a b>:exists; # OUTPUT: «(True True)␤»
ok 1632 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# my %h = a => 1;
# dd %h; # Hash %h = {:a(1)}
# %h<a>:delete;
# dd %h; # Hash %h = {}
ok 1633 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
# say %h<a>:p; # OUTPUT: «a => 1␤»
# say %h<a b>:p; # OUTPUT: «(a => 1 b=> 2)␤»
ok 1634 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
# say %h<a>:k; # OUTPUT: «a␤»
# say %h<a b>:k; # OUTPUT: «(a b)␤»
ok 1635 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# my %h1 = a => 1;
# my %h2 = a => 1, b => 2;
# say %h1<>:k; # OUTPUT: «(a)␤»
# say %h1<>:v; # OUTPUT: «(1)␤»
# say %h2<>:k; # OUTPUT: «(a b)␤»
# say %h2<>:v; # OUTPUT: «(1 2)␤»
ok 1636 - doc/Type/Hash.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# role IO { }
ok 1637 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# print "Hi there!\n"; # Hi there!
ok 1638 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# print "Hi there!";
# print "How are you?";
# print (0..101).list;
ok 1639 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# put 'Merry 1.0!';
# put (0..101).list;
ok 1640 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say "Hi there!";
# say "How are you?";
# say (0..101).list;
ok 1641 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @array = qw{1 2 3 4};
# say @array; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 3 4]␤»
# say @array.gist; # OUTPUT: «[1 2 3 4]␤»
# my %hash = "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3;
# say %hash; # OUTPUT: «{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}␤»
# say %hash.gist; # OUTPUT: «{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}␤»
ok 1642 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# if ("path/to/pirate/treasure".IO.e) {
# say "Found pirate treasure!";
# }
# else {
# note "Could not find pirate treasure. Are you sure it exists?";
# }
ok 1643 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub prompt($msg)
ok 1644 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $fh = open("test"); # the file "test" already exists
# $fh.print("new text\n"); # fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Failed to write bytes to filehandle: bad file descriptor␤»
ok 1645 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", :w);
ok 1646 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $fh = open("test", :w);
# $fh.print("stuff\n");
# $fh.print("more stuff\n");
# $; # return to the start of the file
# $fh.get(); # fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «Reading from filehandle failed: bad file descriptor␤»
ok 1647 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", :rw);
ok 1648 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", :a);
ok 1649 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", :bin);
ok 1650 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol '$fh'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1653:4
------> my $fh⏏ = open("path-to-file", enc => "utf-8");
Redeclaration of symbol '$fh'
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1653:6
------> my $fh⏏ = open("path-to-file", enc => "latin1")
# # open explicitly as utf8
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", enc => "utf8");
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", enc => "utf-8"); # this form also works
# # open with latin1 encoding
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", enc => "latin1");
ok 1651 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# # explicitly use CR-LF as EOL character
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", nl-in => "\r\n");
ok 1652 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# # don't remove newline characters from input
# my $fh = open("path-to-file", chomp => False);
# say $fh.get(); # returns line including newline char
ok 1653 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file");
# # ... do stuff with the file
# $fh.close;
ok 1654 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $fh = open("path-to-file");
# # ... do stuff with the file
# close $fh;
ok 1655 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# # read entire file as (Unicode) Str
# #my $text_contents = slurp "path-to-file";
# # read entire file as Latin1 Str
# #my $text_contents = slurp "path-to-file", enc => "latin1";
# # read entire file as Buf
# #my $binary_contents = slurp "path-to-file", :bin;
ok 1656 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# # write directly to a file
# #spurt "path/to/file", "default text, directly written";
# # write directly with a non-Unicode encoding
# #spurt "path/to/latin1_file", "latin1 text: äöüß", enc => "latin1";
# # append to a pre-existing file
# #spurt "file_already_exists", "some text";
# #spurt "file_already_exists", "new text", :append;
# #slurp "file_already_exists"; # some text␤new text
# # fail when writing to a pre-existing file
# #spurt "file_already_exists", "new text", :createonly;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Cannot::Empty: Cannot pop from an empty Array␤»
ok 1657 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# sub run(*@args ($, *@) --> Proc)
ok 1658 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# run ‚touch‘, ‚>foo.txt‘; # no shell redirect (as there is no shell)
# shell ‚ls \>*‘; # the shell would redirect, hence the backslash
# # and the glob is expanded
# run Q:w{rm >foo.txt}; # again no redirect but with a list word quote
# # OUTPUT: «>foo.txt»
ok 1659 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# sub shell($cmd --> Proc)
ok 1660 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# shell 'ls -lR | gzip -9 > ls-lR.gz';
ok 1661 - doc/Type/IO.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# class IO::ArgFiles is IO::Handle { }
ok 1662 - doc/Type/IO/ArgFiles.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my $argfiles = => @*ARGS);
# .say for $argfiles.lines;
ok 1663 - doc/Type/IO/ArgFiles.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my $argfiles = => @*ARGS);
# while ! $argfiles.eof {
# say $argfiles.get;
# }
ok 1664 - doc/Type/IO/ArgFiles.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my $argfiles = => @*ARGS);
# say $argfiles.slurp;
ok 1665 - doc/Type/IO/ArgFiles.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# use v6.c;
# .say for $*ARGFILES.lines;
# # or
# while ! $*ARGFILES.eof {
# say $*ARGFILES.get;
# }
# # or
# say $*ARGFILES.slurp;
ok 1666 - doc/Type/IO/ArgFiles.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class IO::Handle does IO { }
ok 1667 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method e(--> Bool)
ok 1668 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method d(--> Bool)
ok 1669 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method f(--> Bool)
ok 1670 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method s(--> Bool)
ok 1671 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method l(--> Bool)
ok 1672 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method r(--> Bool)
ok 1673 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method w(--> Bool)
ok 1674 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method rw(--> Bool)
ok 1675 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method x(--> Bool)
ok 1676 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method rwx(--> Bool)
ok 1677 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method z(--> Bool)
ok 1678 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method lines($limit = Inf)
ok 1679 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method words($count = Inf)
ok 1680 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi method split(IO::Handle:D: :$close = False, :$COMB)
# multi method split(IO::Handle:D: $splitter, :$close = False, :$COMB)
ok 1681 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi method comb(IO::Handle:D: :$close = False)
# multi method comb(IO::Handle:D: Int:D $size, :$close = False)
# multi method comb(IO::Handle:D: $comber, :$close = False)
ok 1682 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method print(*@text --> Bool)
ok 1683 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method print-nl(IO::Handle:D: --> True)
ok 1684 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method printf(IO::Handle:D: Cool $format, *@args)
ok 1685 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method say(IO::Handle:D: |)
ok 1686 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method read(IO::Handle:D: Int(Cool:D) $bytes --> Blob)
ok 1687 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method readchars(IO::Handle:D: Int(Cool:D) $chars --> Str)
ok 1688 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method write(IO::Handle:D: Blob:D $buf)
ok 1689 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method seek(IO::Handle:D: Int:D $offset, SeekType:D $whence --> True)
ok 1690 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method tell(IO::Handle:D: --> Int)
ok 1691 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# multi method slurp-rest(IO::Handle:D: :$bin! --> Buf)
# multi method slurp-rest(IO::Handle:D: :$enc --> Str)
ok 1692 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# multi method Supply(IO::Handle:D: :$size = 65536, :$bin --> Supply)
ok 1693 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method native-descriptor()
ok 1694 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# method opened(IO::Handle:D: --> Bool)
ok 1695 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# method t(IO::Handle:D: --> Bool)
ok 1696 - doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# multi method new(Str:D $path)
# multi method new(:$basename!, :$dirname = '.', :$volume = '')
ok 1697 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method abspath(IO::Path:D: --> Str)
ok 1698 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method basename(IO::Path:D:)
ok 1699 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say"docs/README.pod").basename; # OUTPUT: «README.pod␤»
ok 1700 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method extension(IO::Path:D:)
ok 1701 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say"docs/README.pod").extension; # OUTPUT: «pod␤»
ok 1702 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method dirname(IO::Path:D:)
ok 1703 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say"/home/camelia/myfile.p6").dirname; # OUTPUT: «/home/camelia␤»
# say"/home/camelia").dirname; # OUTPUT: «/home␤»
# say"/home").dirname; # OUTPUT: «/␤»
ok 1704 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method volume(IO::Path:D:)
ok 1705 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say"C:\\Windows\\registry.ini").volume; # OUTPUT: «C:␤»
ok 1706 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method parts(IO::Path:D: --> Hash)
ok 1707 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say"/etc/passwd").parts.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «{:basename("passwd"), :directory("/etc"), :dirname("/etc"), :volume("")}␤»
ok 1708 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Path:D: --> Str)
ok 1709 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method Str(IO::Path:D:)
ok 1710 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# say => "foo", dirname => "/bar").Str; # OUTPUT: «/bar/foo␤»
# say"/bar/foo").Str; # OUTPUT: «/bar/foo␤»
ok 1711 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method open(IO::Path:D: *%opts)
ok 1712 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method watch(IO::Path:D: --> Supply)
ok 1713 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Path:D: --> Bool)
ok 1714 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method is-relative(IO::Path:D: --> Bool)
ok 1715 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method absolute(IO::Path:D: $base = ~$*CWD --> Str)
ok 1716 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method relative(IO::Path:D: $base = ~$*CWD --> Str)
ok 1717 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method parent(IO::Path:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1718 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my $io = "/etc/passwd" );
# say $io.parent; # OUTPUT: «"/etc".IO␤»
ok 1719 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method child(IO::Path:D: $childname --> IO::Path)
ok 1720 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $io = "/bin" );
# say $io.child('netstat'); # OUTPUT: «"/bin/netstat".IO␤»
ok 1721 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method resolve(IO::Path:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1722 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# # bar is a symlink pointing to "/baz"
# my $io = "foo/./bar/..".IO.resolve; # now "/" (the parent of "/baz")
ok 1723 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# sub dir(Cool $path = '.', Mu :$test = none('.', '..'))
# method dir(IO::Path:D: Mu :$test = none('.', '..'))
ok 1724 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# # To iterate over the contents of the current directory:
# for dir() -> $file {
# say $file;
# }
# # As before, but include even '.' and '..' which are filtered out by
# # the default :test matcher:
# for dir(test => *) -> $file {
# say $file;
# }
# # To get the names of all .jpg and .jpeg files in ~/Downloads:
ok 1725 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# sub MAIN($dir = '.') {
# my @todo = $dir.IO;
# while @todo {
# for @todo.pop.dir -> $path {
# say $path.Str;
# @todo.push: $path if $path.d;
# }
# }
# }
ok 1726 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method e(--> Bool)
ok 1727 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# method d(--> Bool)
ok 1728 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# method f(--> Bool)
ok 1729 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# method s(--> Int)
ok 1730 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# method l(--> Bool)
ok 1731 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# method r(--> Bool)
ok 1732 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# method w(--> Bool)
ok 1733 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method rw(--> Bool)
ok 1734 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# method x(--> Bool)
ok 1735 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# method rwx(--> Bool)
ok 1736 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# method z(--> Bool)
ok 1737 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# multi method slurp(IO::Path:D: :$bin, :$enc)
ok 1738 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# multi method spurt(IO::Path:D: Blob $contents, :$bin, |c)
# multi method spurt(IO::Path:D: Cool $contents, :$bin, |c)
ok 1739 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# sub chdir(Str() $path, :$test = 'r' --> IO::Path)
# multi method chdir(IO::Path:U: $path, :$test = 'r' --> IO::Path)
# multi method chdir(IO::Path:D: Str() $path is copy, :$test = 'r' --> IO::Path)
ok 1740 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# multi sub mkdir(Int:D $mode, *@dirnames --> List)
# multi sub mkdir($path, $mode = 0o777 --> Bool)
# method mkdir(IO::Path:D: $mode = 0o777 --> Bool)
ok 1741 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# sub rmdir(IO $dir --> Bool)
# method rmdir(IO::Path:D: --> Bool)
ok 1742 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# # When we have a directory first recurse, then remove it
# multi sub rm-all(IO::Path $path where :d) {
# .&rm-all for $path.dir;
# rmdir($path)
# }
# # Otherwise just remove the thing directly
# multi sub rm-all(IO::Path $path) { $path.unlink }
ok 1743 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# sub chmod($mode, *@filenames --> List)
# method chmod(IO::Path:D: $mode --> Bool)
ok 1744 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# method rename(IO::Path:D: $to, :$createonly --> Bool)
# sub rename($from, $to, :$createonly --> Bool)
ok 1745 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# method copy(IO::Path:D: $to, :$createonly)
# sub copy($from, $to, :$createonly)
ok 1746 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# method move(IO::Path:D: $to, :$createonly)
# sub move($from, $to, :$createonly)
ok 1747 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# method symlink(IO::Path:D: Str $name --> Bool)
# sub symlink(Str $target, Str $name --> Bool)
ok 1748 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# method link(IO::Path:D: Str $name --> Bool)
# sub link(Str $target, Str $name --> Bool)
ok 1749 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# method unlink(IO::Path:D: --> Bool)
# sub unlink(*@filenames --> List)
ok 1750 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# method IO(IO::Path:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1751 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# method SPEC(IO::Path:D: --> IO::Spec)
ok 1752 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# my $io ="/bin/bash");
# say $io.SPEC; # OUTPUT: «(Unix)␤»
# say $io.SPEC.dir-sep; # OUTPUT: «/␤»
ok 1753 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# if "path/to/directory".IO ~~ :e & :d {
# say 'path exists and points to a directory';
# }
# my $file = "path/to/file";
# if $file.IO ~~ :e {
# say 'file exists';
# }
ok 1754 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# if 'path/to/file'.IO.e {
# say 'file exists';
# }
ok 1755 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# my $path = "path/to/file".IO;
# given $path {
# when :f { say 'path is a file' }
# when :d { say 'path is a directory' }
# }
ok 1756 - doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# class IO::Pipe is IO::Handle {}
ok 1757 - doc/Type/IO/Pipe.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method close(IO::Pipe: --> Proc:D)
ok 1758 - doc/Type/IO/Pipe.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method proc(IO::Pipe: --> Proc:D)
ok 1759 - doc/Type/IO/Pipe.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# role IO::Socket does IO { ... }
ok 1760 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method recv(IO::Socket:D: Cool $elems = Inf, :$bin)
ok 1761 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method read(IO::Socket:D: Int(Cool) $bytes)
ok 1762 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method print(IO::Socket:D: Str(Cool) $string)
ok 1763 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method write(IO::Socket:D: Blob:D $buf)
ok 1764 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method put(IO::Socket:D: Str(Cool) $string)
ok 1765 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method close(IO::Socket:D)
ok 1766 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method native-descriptor()
ok 1767 - doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class IO::Socket::Async {}
ok 1768 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method connect(Str $host, Int $port --> Promise)
ok 1769 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method listen(Str $host, Int $port --> Supply)
ok 1770 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method udp(IO::Socket::Async:U: :$broadcast --> IO::Socket::Async)
ok 1771 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method bind-udp(IO::Socket::Async:U: Str() $host, Int() $port, :$broadcast --> IO::Socket::Async)
ok 1772 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method print(Str $str --> Promise)
ok 1773 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method print-to(IO::Socket::Async:D: Str() $host, Int() $port, Str() $str --> Promise)
ok 1774 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method write(Blob $b --> Promise)
ok 1775 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method write-to(IO::Socket::Async:D: Str() $host, Int() $port, Blob $b --> Promise)
ok 1776 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method Supply(:$bin, :$buf = --> Supply)
ok 1777 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method close()
ok 1778 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in any !cursor_pass at /Users/williamcoleda/.rakudobrew/moar-a63d82aa5162d2b9c30fdef5867252ac9d3e46cd/install/share/nqp/lib/QRegex.moarvm line 1
# class IO::Socket::INET does IO::Socket {}
# No appropriate parametric role variant available for '<anon|140260489989024>::IO::Socket'
not ok 1779 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/INET.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# Failed test 'doc/Type/IO/Socket/INET.pod6 chunk 1 compiles'
# at xt/examples-compilation.t line 93
# method get()
ok 1780 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/INET.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method lines()
ok 1781 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/INET.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method accept()
ok 1782 - doc/Type/IO/Socket/INET.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class IO::Spec { }
ok 1783 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method canonpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $patharg, Str :$parent --> Str)
ok 1784 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method dir-sep(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1785 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method curdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1786 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method updir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1787 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method curupdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Junction)
ok 1788 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rootdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1789 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method devnull(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1790 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method basename(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1791 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method extension(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1792 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method tmpdir(IO::Spec:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1793 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Spec:D: Str $file --> Bool)
ok 1794 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1795 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method splitpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Bool :$nofile = False )
ok 1796 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method split(IO::Spec:D: Cool:D $path is copy )
ok 1797 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method join(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file)
ok 1798 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method catpath(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file )
ok 1799 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method catdir(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1800 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method splitdir(IO::Spec:D: Str $path )
ok 1801 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method catfile(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1802 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method abs2rel(IO::Spec:D: Str $path is copy, Str $base is copy = Str )
ok 1803 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method rel2abs(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Str $base? is copy)
ok 1804 - doc/Type/IO/Spec.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# class IO::Spec::QNX is IO::Spec { }
ok 1805 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method canonpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $patharg, Str :$parent --> Str)
ok 1806 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method dir-sep(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1807 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method curdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1808 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method updir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1809 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method curupdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Junction)
ok 1810 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rootdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1811 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method devnull(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1812 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method basename(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1813 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method extension(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1814 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method tmpdir(IO::Spec:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1815 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Spec:D: Str $file --> Bool)
ok 1816 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1817 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method splitpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Bool :$nofile = False )
ok 1818 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method split(IO::Spec:D: Cool:D $path is copy )
ok 1819 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method join(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file)
ok 1820 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method catpath(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file )
ok 1821 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method catdir(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1822 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method splitdir(IO::Spec:D: Str $path )
ok 1823 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method catfile(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1824 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method abs2rel(IO::Spec:D: Str $path is copy, Str $base is copy = Str )
ok 1825 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method rel2abs(IO::Spec:D $path, Str $base? is copy)
ok 1826 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Cygwin.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# class IO::Spec::QNX is IO::Spec { }
ok 1827 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method canonpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $patharg, Str :$parent --> Str)
ok 1828 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method dir-sep(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1829 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method curdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1830 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method updir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1831 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method curupdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Junction)
ok 1832 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rootdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1833 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method devnull(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1834 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method basename(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1835 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method extension(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1836 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method tmpdir(IO::Spec:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1837 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Spec:D: Str $file --> Bool)
ok 1838 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1839 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method splitpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Bool :$nofile = False )
ok 1840 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method split(IO::Spec:D: Cool:D $path is copy )
ok 1841 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method join(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file)
ok 1842 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method catpath(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file )
ok 1843 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method catdir(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1844 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method splitdir(IO::Spec:D: Str $path )
ok 1845 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method catfile(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1846 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method abs2rel(IO::Spec:D: Str $path is copy, Str $base is copy = Str )
ok 1847 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method rel2abs(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Str $base? is copy)
ok 1848 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/QNX.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# class IO::Spec::Unix is IO::Spec { }
ok 1849 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method canonpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $patharg, Str :$parent --> Str)
ok 1850 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method dir-sep(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1851 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method curdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1852 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method updir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1853 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method curupdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Junction)
ok 1854 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rootdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1855 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method devnull(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1856 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method basename(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1857 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method extension(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1858 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method tmpdir(IO::Spec:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1859 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Spec:D: Str $file --> Bool)
ok 1860 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1861 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method splitpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Bool :$nofile = False )
ok 1862 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method split(IO::Spec:D: Cool:D $path is copy )
ok 1863 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method join(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file)
ok 1864 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method catpath(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file )
ok 1865 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method catdir(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1866 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method splitdir(IO::Spec:D: Str $path )
ok 1867 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method catfile(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1868 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method abs2rel(IO::Spec:D: Str $path is copy, Str $base is copy = Str )
ok 1869 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method rel2abs(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Str $base? is copy)
ok 1870 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Unix.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# class IO::Spec::Win32 is IO::Spec { }
ok 1871 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method canonpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $patharg, Str :$parent --> Str)
ok 1872 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method dir-sep(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1873 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method curdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1874 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method updir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1875 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method curupdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Junction)
ok 1876 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rootdir(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1877 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method devnull(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1878 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method basename(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1879 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method extension(IO::Spec:D: Str $path --> Str)
ok 1880 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method tmpdir(IO::Spec:D: --> IO::Path)
ok 1881 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method is-absolute(IO::Spec:D: Str $file --> Bool)
ok 1882 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method path(IO::Spec:D: --> Str)
ok 1883 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method splitpath(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Bool :$nofile = False )
ok 1884 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method split(IO::Spec:D: Cool:D $path is copy )
ok 1885 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method join(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file)
ok 1886 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method catpath(IO::Spec:D: $, $dirname, $file )
ok 1887 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method catdir(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1888 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method splitdir(IO::Spec:D: Str $path )
ok 1889 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method catfile(IO::Spec:D: *@parts )
ok 1890 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method abs2rel(IO::Spec:D: Str $path is copy, Str $base is copy = Str )
ok 1891 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method rel2abs(IO::Spec:D: Str $path, Str $base? is copy)
ok 1892 - doc/Type/IO/Spec/Win32.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method WHICH(IO::Special:D: --> Str)
ok 1893 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method Str(IO::Special:D:)
ok 1894 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method IO(IO::Special:D: --> IO::Special)
ok 1895 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method e(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1896 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method d(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1897 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method f(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1898 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method s(IO::Special:D: --> Int)
ok 1899 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method l(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1900 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method r(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1901 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method w(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1902 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method x(IO::Special:D: --> Bool)
ok 1903 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method modified(IO::Special:D: --> Instant)
ok 1904 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method accessed(IO::Special:D: --> Instant)
ok 1905 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method changed(IO::Special:D: --> Instant)
ok 1906 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method mode(IO::Special:D: --> Nil)
ok 1907 - doc/Type/IO/Special.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# class Instant is Cool does Real { }
ok 1908 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method from-posix($posix, Bool $prefer-leap-second = False)
ok 1909 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say, True)); # OUTPUT: «1998-12-31T23:59:60Z␤»
# say; # OUTPUT: «1999-01-01T00:00:00Z␤»
ok 1910 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method to-posix()
ok 1911 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say"1999-01-01T00:00:00Z"); # OUTPUT: «(915148800 False)␤»
# say'1998-12-31T23:59:60Z'); # OUTPUT: «(915148800 True)␤»
ok 1912 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Date(Instant:D: --> Date:D)
ok 1913 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# # the results given will vary from system to system
# my $i = "/etc/passwd".IO.modified;
# say $i; # OUTPUT: «Instant:1451489025.878018␤»
# say $i.Date; # OUTPUT: «2015-12-30␤»
ok 1914 - doc/Type/Instant.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1917:
Useless use of constant integer 123 in sink context (line 2)
# 123; # Int in decimal notation
# :16<BEEF>; # Int in radix notations
ok 1915 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say so :2<11111111> == 0b11111111 == :8<377> == 0o377 == 255 == 0d255 == :16<ff> == 0xff;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1916 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_1919:
Useless use of constant integer 500000 in sink context (lines 2, 3)
# 5_00000; # five Lakhs
# 500_000; # five hundred thousand
# 0xBEEF_CAFE; # a strange place
# :2<1010_1010>; # 0d170
ok 1917 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# :16("9F"); # 159
# :100[99, 2, 3]; # 990203
ok 1918 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $two = "2";
# my $ninety-nine = "99";
# :16($ninety-nine); # 153
# :100[99, $two, 3]; # 990203
ok 1919 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi sub chr(Int:D --> Str:D)
# multi method chr(Int:D: --> Str:D)
ok 1920 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# 65.chr; # returns "A"
# 196.chr; # returns "Ä"
ok 1921 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub expmod( $x, $y, $mod --> Int:D)
# multi sub expmod(Int:D $x, Int $y, Int $mod --> Int:D)
# multi method expmod(Int:D: Int $y, Int $mod --> Int:D)
ok 1922 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say expmod(4, 2, 5); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say 7.expmod(2, 5); # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1923 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method polymod(Int:D: +@mods)
ok 1924 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $seconds = 1 * 60*60*24 # days
# + 3 * 60*60 # hours
# + 4 * 60 # minutes
# + 5; # seconds
# say $seconds.polymod(60, 60); # OUTPUT: «(5 4 27)␤»
# say $seconds.polymod(60, 60, 24); # OUTPUT: «(5 4 3 1)␤»
# say 120.polymod: 1, 10, 10², 10³, 10⁴; # OUTPUT: «(0 0 12 0 0 0)␤»
# say 120.polymod: lazy 1, 10, 10², 10³, 10⁴; # OUTPUT: «(0 0 12)␤»
# say 120.polymod: 1, 10, 10² … ∞; # OUTPUT: «(0 0 12)␤»
# say ⅔.polymod(⅓); # OUTPUT: «(0 2)␤»
# say 5.Rat.polymod(.3, .2); # OUTPUT: «(0.2 0 80)␤»
ok 1925 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $seconds = 2 * 60*60*24 # days
# + 3 * 60*60 # hours
# + 4 * 60 # minutes
# + 5; # seconds
# my @pieces;
# for 60, 60, 24 -> $divisor {
# @pieces.push: $seconds mod $divisor;
# $seconds div= $divisor
# }
# @pieces.push: $seconds;
# say @pieces; # OUTPUT: «[5 4 3 2]␤»
ok 1926 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi sub is-prime (Int:D $number --> Bool:D)
# multi method is-prime (Int:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1927 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say is-prime(9); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1928 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi method lsb(Int:D:)
# multi sub lsb(Int:D)
ok 1929 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say 0b01011.lsb; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say 0b01010.lsb; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say 0b10100.lsb; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say 0b01000.lsb; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say 0b10000.lsb; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1930 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi method msb(Int:D:)
# multi sub msb(Int:D)
ok 1931 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say 0b00001.msb; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say 0b00011.msb; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say 0b00101.msb; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say 0b01010.msb; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say 0b10011.msb; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1932 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# multi sub unival(Int:D --> Numeric)
# multi method unival(Int:D: --> Numeric)
ok 1933 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say ord("¾").unival; # OUTPUT: «0.75␤»
# say 190.unival; # OUTPUT: «0.75␤»
# say unival(65); # OUTPUT: «NaN␤»
ok 1934 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# multi sub infix:<div>(Int:D, Int:D --> Int:D)
ok 1935 - doc/Type/Int.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# class IntStr is Int is Str { }
ok 1936 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $f = <42>; say $f.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(IntStr)␤»
ok 1937 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $int-str = <42>;
# my Int $int = $int-str; # OK!
# my Str $str = $int-str; # OK!
# say 42 ∈ <42 55 1>; # False; ∈ operator cares about object identity
ok 1938 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method new(Int $i, Str $s)
ok 1939 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $f =, "forty two");
# say +$f; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# say ~$f; # OUTPUT: «"forty two"␤»
ok 1940 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Numeric
ok 1941 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method Int
ok 1942 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(IntStr:D $a, IntStr:D $b)
ok 1943 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $f =, "smaller");
# my $g =, "larger");
# say $f cmp $g; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say $f.Str cmp $g.Str; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 1944 - doc/Type/IntStr.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# role Iterable { }
ok 1945 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# role DNA does Iterable {
# method iterator(){ self.comb.iterator }
# };
# my @a does DNA = 'GAATCC';
# .say for @a; # OUTPUT: «G␤G␤A␤T␤C␤C␤»
ok 1946 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method iterator(--> Iterator:D)
ok 1947 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say (1..10).iterator;
ok 1948 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method flat(--> Iterable)
ok 1949 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (<a b>, 'c').elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say (<a b>, 'c').flat.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1950 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say ($('a', 'b'), 'c').perl; # OUTPUT: «($("a", "b"), "c")␤»
ok 1951 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method lazy(--> Iterable)
ok 1952 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say (1 ... 1000).is-lazy; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1 ... 1000); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1953 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method hyper(Int(Cool) :$batch = 64, Int(Cool) :$degree = 4 --> Iterable)
ok 1954 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say ([1..100]{ $_ +1 }).list);
ok 1955 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method race(Int(Cool) :$batch = 64, Int(Cool) :$degree = 4 --> Iterable)
ok 1956 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say ([1..100]{ $_ +1 }).list);
ok 1957 - doc/Type/Iterable.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method pull-one(Iterator:D: --> Mu)
ok 1958 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $i = (1 .. 3).iterator;
# say $i.pull-one; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say $i.pull-one; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say $i.pull-one; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# dd $i.pull-one; # IterationEnd
ok 1959 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method push-exactly(Iterator:D: $target, int $count --> Mu)
ok 1960 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @array;
# say (1 .. Inf).iterator.push-exactly(@array, 3); # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say @array; # [1 2 3]
ok 1961 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method push-at-least(Iterator:D: $target, int $count --> Mu)
ok 1962 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @array;
# say (1 .. Inf).iterator.push-at-least(@array, 10); # OUTPUT: «10␤»
# say @array; # [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
ok 1963 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method push-all(Iterator:D: $target)
ok 1964 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my @array;
# say (1 .. 1000).iterator.push-all(@array); # All 1000 values are pushed
ok 1965 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method push-until-lazy(Iterator:D: $target --> Mu)
ok 1966 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method is-lazy(Iterator:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 1967 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say (1 .. 100).is-lazy; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1 .. Inf).is-lazy; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 1968 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method sink-all(Iterator:D:)
ok 1969 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say (1 .. 1000).iterator.sink-all;
ok 1970 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method skip-one(Iterator:D: $target --> Mu)
ok 1971 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $i = <a b>.iterator;
# say $i.skip-one; say $i.pull-one; say $i.skip-one
# # OUTPUT: «1␤b␤0␤»
ok 1972 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method skip-at-least(Iterator:D: $target, int $to-skip --> Mu)
ok 1973 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $i = <a b c>.iterator;
# say $i.skip-at-least(2); say $i.pull-one; say $i.skip-at-least(20);
# # OUTPUT: «1␤c␤0␤»
ok 1974 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method skip-at-least-pull-one(Iterator:D: $target, int $to-skip --> Mu)
ok 1975 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $i = <a b c>.iterator;
# say $i.skip-at-least-pull-one(2);
# say $i.skip-at-least-pull-one(20) =:= IterationEnd;
# # OUTPUT: «c␤True␤»
ok 1976 - doc/Type/Iterator.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# class Junction is Mu { }
ok 1977 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $j = 1|2;
# if 3 == $j + 1 {
# say 'yes';
# }
ok 1978 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my @list = <1 2 "Great">;
# @list.append(True).append(False);
# my @bool_or_int = grep Bool|Int, @list;
# sub is_prime(Int $x) returns Bool {
# # 'so' is for boolean context
# so $x %% none(2..$x.sqrt);
# }
# my @primes_ending_in_1 = grep &is_prime & / 1$ /, 2..100;
# say @primes_ending_in_1; # OUTPUT: «[11 31 41 61 71]␤»
# my @exclude = <~ .git>;
# for dir(".") { say .Str if .Str.ends-with(none @exclude) }
ok 1979 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @a = ();
# say so all(@a) # True, because there are 0 False's
ok 1980 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my @a = ();
# say so @a && all(@a); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 1981 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $word = 'yes';
# my @negations = <no none never>;
# if $word !eq any @negations {
# say '"yes" is not a negation';
# }
ok 1982 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $word = 'yes';
# my @negations = <no none never>;
# if $word eq none @negations {
# say '"yes" is not a negation';
# }
ok 1983 - doc/Type/Junction.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Label {}
ok 1984 - doc/Type/Label.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method next(Label:)
ok 1985 - doc/Type/Label.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# for 1..10 {
# next MY-LABEL if $_ > 5; # does 5 iteration and then 5 empty iteration
# say $_;
# }
ok 1986 - doc/Type/Label.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method last(Label:)
ok 1987 - doc/Type/Label.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# for 1..10 {
# last MY-LABEL if $_ > 5; # does only 5 iteration
# say $_;
# }
ok 1988 - doc/Type/Label.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# for @a { } # three iterations
# my $s = @a;
# for $s { } # one iteration
# for @a.item { } # one iteration
# for $s.list { } # three iterations
ok 1989 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# my @nested = @a, @a; # two elements
# my @flat = flat @a, @a; # six elements, with explicit flat
# my @b = 'a', 'b';
# @b.append: @a; # @b now has 5 elements, because @a
# # is the sole argument to append
# my @c = 'a', 'b';
# @c.append: $@a; # @b now has 3 elements, because of the
# # itemization with $
# say @c.elems;
ok 1990 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
# my @b = %h; say @b.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# my @c = %h, ; say @c.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# my @d = $%h; say @d.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 1991 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# sub fe(*@flat) { @flat.elems }
# say fe(<a b>, <d e>); # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say fe(<a b>, <d e>.item); # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1992 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my @a;
# for @a, @a.list, @a.Seq -> \listoid {
# say listoid ~~ ()
# }
# # OUTPUT: «True␤True␤True␤»
ok 1993 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my @a;
# say [@a.elems, @a.Bool, ?@a]; # OUTPUT: «[0 False False]␤»
# @a.push: 42;
# say [@a.elems, @a.Bool, ?@a]; # OUTPUT: «[1 True True]␤»
# say 'empty' unless @a; # OUTPUT: «()␤»
ok 1994 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub elems($list --> Int:D)
# method elems(List:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1995 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4).elems; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
ok 1996 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# sub end($list --> Int:D)
# method end(List:D: --> Int:D)
ok 1997 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4).end; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 1998 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# sub keys($list --> Seq:D)
# method keys(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 1999 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4).keys; # OUTPUT: «0..3␤»
ok 2000 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# sub values($list --> Seq:D)
# method values(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2001 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4).WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
# say (1,2,3,4).values.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Seq)␤»
ok 2002 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub kv($list --> Seq:D)
# method kv(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2003 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# <a b c>.kv; # (0 a 1 b 2 c)
ok 2004 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# sub pairs($list --> Seq:D)
# method pairs(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2005 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# <a b c>.pairs # (0 => a 1 => b 2 => c)
ok 2006 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method antipairs(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2007 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# say <a b c>.antipairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => 0 b => 1 c => 2)␤»
ok 2008 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub join($separator, *@list --> Str:D)
# method join(List:D: $separator --> Str:D)
ok 2009 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# join ', ', <a b c>; # RESULT: «a, b, c»
ok 2010 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say (1, <a b c>).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «1|a b c␤»
ok 2011 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# sub map(&code, *@elems --> Seq:D)
# method map(List:D: &code --> Seq:D)
ok 2012 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say ('hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world').map: { .WHAT.perl } # OUTPUT: «(Str Int Rat Int Str)␤»
# say map *.Str.chars, 'hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world'; # OUTPUT: «(5 1 8 2 5)␤»
ok 2013 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# sub b($a, $b) { "$a before $b" };
# say <a b x y>.map(&b).join(', '); # OUTPUT: «a before b, x before y␤»
ok 2014 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# ((1, 2), <a b>).map({ .join(',')})
ok 2015 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# sub s {
# my &loop-block = {
# return # return from sub s
# };
# say 'hi';
# (1..3).map: &loop-block;
# say 'oi‽' # dead code
# };
# s
# # RESULT: «hi»
ok 2016 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# sub flat(**@list is raw)
ok 2017 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say flat 1, (2, (3, 4), $(5, 6)); # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 (5 6))␤»
ok 2018 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method flatmap(List:D: &code --> Seq:D)
ok 2019 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say ((1, 2), <a b>).flatmap(&uc).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «1 2|A B␤»
ok 2020 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# sub grep(Mu $matcher, *@elems, :$k, :$kv, :$p, :$v --> Seq:D)
# method grep(List:D: Mu $matcher, :$k, :$kv, :$p, :$v --> Seq:D)
ok 2021 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# say ('hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world').grep: Int; # OUTPUT: «(1 42)␤»
# say grep { .Str.chars > 3 }, 'hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world'; # OUTPUT: «(hello 3.142857 world)␤»
ok 2022 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# say ('hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world').grep: Int, :k;
# # OUTPUT: «(1 3)␤»
# say grep { .Str.chars > 3 }, :kv, 'hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world';
# # OUTPUT: «(0 hello 2 3.142857 4 world)␤»
# say grep { .Str.chars > 3 }, :p, 'hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world';
# # OUTPUT: «(0 => hello 2 => 3.142857 4 => world)␤»
ok 2023 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# sub first(Mu $matcher, *@elems, :$k, :$kv, :$p, :$end)
# method first(List:D: Mu $matcher?, :$k, :$kv, :$p, :$end)
ok 2024 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# say (1, 22/7, 42, 300).first: * > 5; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# say (1, 22/7, 42, 300).first: * > 5, :end; # OUTPUT: «300␤»
# say ('hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world').first: Complex; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
ok 2025 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# say (1, 22/7, 42, 300).first: * > 5, :k; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say (1, 22/7, 42, 300).first: * > 5, :p; # OUTPUT: «2 => 42␤»
# say (1, 22/7, 42, 300).first: * > 5, :kv, :end; # OUTPUT: «(3 300)␤»
ok 2026 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# method head(List:D: Int(Cool) $number = 1 --> Seq:D)
ok 2027 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# say ^10 .head(5); # OUTPUT: «(0 1 2 3 4)␤»
# say ^Inf .head(5); # OUTPUT: «(0 1 2 3 4)␤»
# say ^10 .head; # OUTPUT: «(0)␤»
# say ^Inf .head; # OUTPUT: «(0)␤»
ok 2028 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# method tail(List:D: Int(Cool) $number = 1 --> Seq:D)
ok 2029 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# sub categorize(&mapper, *@values --> Hash:D)
# method categorize(List:D: &mapper --> Hash:D)
ok 2030 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# sub mapper(Int $i) returns List {
# $i %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd',
# $ ?? 'prime' !! 'not prime'
# }
# say categorize &mapper, (1, 7, 6, 3, 2); # OUTPUT: «{even => [6 2], not prime => [1 6],
# # odd => [1 7 3], prime => [7 3 2]}␤»
ok 2031 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# sub classify(&mapper, *@values --> Hash:D)
# method classify(List:D: &mapper --> Hash:D)
ok 2032 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# say classify { $_ %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd' }, (1, 7, 6, 3, 2);
# # OUTPUT: «{even => [6 2], odd => [1 7 3]}␤»
# say ('hello', 1, 22/7, 42, 'world').classify: { .Str.chars };
# # OUTPUT: «{1 => [1], 2 => [42], 5 => [hello world], 8 => [3.142857]}␤»
ok 2033 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method Bool(List:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2034 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# say ().Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1).Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2035 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# method Str(List:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2036 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4,5).Str; # OUTPUT: «1 2 3 4 5␤»
ok 2037 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# method Int(List:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2038 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4,5).Int; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 2039 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# method Numeric(List:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2040 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4,5).Numeric; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 2041 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# method Capture(--> Capture:D)
ok 2042 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# my $list = (7, 5, a => 2, b => 17);
# my $capture = $list.Capture;
# say $capture.keys; # OUTPUT: «(0 1 a b)␤»
# my-sub(|$capture); # RESULT: «7, 5, 2, 17»
# sub my-sub($first, $second, :$a, :$b) {
# say "$first, $second, $a, $b"
# }
ok 2043 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# my $list = (7, 5, a => 2, b => 17);
# say so $list.Capture ~~ :($ where * == 7,$,:$a,:$b); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# $list = (8, 5, a => 2, b => 17);
# say so $list.Capture ~~ :($ where * == 7,$,:$a,:$b); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2044 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# multi sub pick($count, *@list --> Seq:D)
# multi method pick(List:D: $count --> Seq:D)
# multi method pick(List:D: --> Mu)
ok 2045 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# say <a b c d e>.pick; # OUTPUT: «b␤»
# say <a b c d e>.pick: 3; # OUTPUT: «(c a e)␤»
# say <a b c d e>.pick: *; # OUTPUT: «(e d a b c)␤»
ok 2046 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# multi sub roll($count, *@list --> Seq:D)
# multi method roll(List:D: $count --> Seq:D)
# multi method roll(List:D: --> Mu)
ok 2047 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# say <a b c d e>.roll; # 1 random letter
# say <a b c d e>.roll: 3; # 3 random letters
# say roll 8, <a b c d e>; # 8 random letters
# my $random-digits := (^10).roll(*);
# say $random-digits[^15]; # 15 random digits
ok 2048 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# multi method eager(List:D: --> List:D)
# multi sub eager(*@elems --> List:D)
ok 2049 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 61 compiles
# say (1,2,3,4,5).eager; # OUTPUT: «1 2 3 4 5␤»
ok 2050 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 62 compiles
# multi sub reverse(*@list --> List:D)
# multi method reverse(List:D: --> List:D)
ok 2051 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 63 compiles
# say <hello world!>.reverse; # OUTPUT: «(world! hello)␤»
# say reverse ^10; # OUTPUT: «(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)␤»
ok 2052 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 64 compiles
# multi sub rotate(@list, Int:D $n = 1 --> List:D)
# multi method rotate(List:D: Int:D $n = 1 --> List:D)
ok 2053 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 65 compiles
# <a b c d e>.rotate(2); # <c d e a b>
# <a b c d e>.rotate(-1); # <e a b c d>
ok 2054 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 66 compiles
# multi sub sort(*@elems --> Seq:D)
# multi sub sort(&by, *@elems --> Seq:D)
# multi method sort(List:D: --> Seq:D)
# multi method sort(List:D: &by --> Seq:D)
ok 2055 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 67 compiles
# say (3, -4, 7, -1, 2, 0).sort; # OUTPUT: «(-4 -1 0 2 3 7)␤»
# say (3, -4, 7, -1, 2, 0).sort: *.abs; # OUTPUT: «(0 -1 2 3 -4 7)␤»
# say (3, -4, 7, -1, 2, 0).sort: { $^b leg $^a }; # OUTPUT: «(7 3 2 0 -4 -1)␤»
ok 2056 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 68 compiles
# multi sub unique(*@values, :&as, :&with --> Seq:D)
# multi method unique(List:D: :&as, :&with --> Seq:D)
ok 2057 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 69 compiles
# say <a a b b b c c>.unique; # OUTPUT: «(a b c)␤»
# say <a b b c c b a>.unique; # OUTPUT: «(a b c)␤»
ok 2058 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 70 compiles
# say <a A B b c b C>.unique(:as(&lc)) # OUTPUT: «(a B c)␤»
ok 2059 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 71 compiles
# my @list = {a => 42}, {b => 13}, {a => 42};
# say @list.unique(:with(&[eqv])) # OUTPUT: «({a => 42} {b => 13})␤»
ok 2060 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 72 compiles
# multi sub repeated(*@values, :&as, :&with --> Seq:D)
# multi method repeated(List:D: :&as, :&with --> Seq:D)
ok 2061 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 73 compiles
# say <a a b b b c c>.repeated; # OUTPUT: «(a b b c)␤»
# say <a b b c c b a>.repeated; # OUTPUT: «(b c b a)␤»
# say <a A B b c b C>.repeated(:as(&lc)); # OUTPUT: «(A b b C)␤»
# my @list = {a => 42}, {b => 13}, {a => 42};
# say @list.repeated(:with(&[eqv])) # OUTPUT: «({a => 42})␤»
ok 2062 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 74 compiles
# multi sub squish(*@values, :&as --> Seq:D)
# multi method squish(List:D: :&as --> Seq:D)
ok 2063 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 75 compiles
# say <a a b b b c c>.squish; # OUTPUT: «(a b c)␤»
# say <a b b c c b a>.squish; # OUTPUT: «(a b c b a)␤»
ok 2064 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 76 compiles
# multi sub reduce(&with, *@values)
# multi method reduce(List:D: &with)
ok 2065 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 77 compiles
# my @strings = ("One good string!", "And one another good string!");
# say reduce { $^a ~ $^b }, '', |@strings; # like @strings.join
# my @numbers = (1,2,3,4,5);
# say reduce { $^a > $^b ?? $^a !! $^b }, 0, |@numbers; # like @numbers.max
ok 2066 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 78 compiles
# # Raise 2 to the 81st power, because 3 to the 4th power is 81
# [2,3,4].reduce(&[**]).lsb.say; # OUTPUT: «81␤»
# (2**(3**4)).lsb.say; # OUTPUT: «81␤»
# (2**3**4).lsb.say; # OUTPUT: «81␤»
# # Subtract 4 from -1, because 2 minus 3 is -1
# [2,3,4].reduce(&[-]).say; # OUTPUT: «-5␤»
# ((2-3)-4).say; # OUTPUT: «-5␤»
# (2-3-4).say; # OUTPUT: «-5␤»
ok 2067 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 79 compiles
# # The following all do the same thing...
# my @numbers = (1,2,3,4,5);
# say reduce { $^a + $^b }, 0, |@numbers;
# say reduce * + *, 0, |@numbers;
# say reduce &[+], @numbers; # operator does not need explicit identity
# say [+] @numbers; # most people write it this way
ok 2068 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 80 compiles
# say (2,3,4,5).reduce: { last if $^a > 7; $^a + $^b }; # says 9
ok 2069 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 81 compiles
# # Generate a random-ish math formula like "(4 + ((3 * x) + 11) / 6))"
# my @ops = [Z] (<+ - * />, 1..20)».roll(4);
# say ('x', |@ops).reduce: -> $formula, [$op, $number] {
# Bool.pick ?? "($formula $op $number)"
# !! "($number $op $formula)"
# }
ok 2070 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 82 compiles
# multi sub produce(&with, *@values)
# multi method produce(List:D: &with)
ok 2071 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 83 compiles
# # Raise 2 to the 81st power, because 3 to the 4th power is 81
# [2,3,4].produce(&[**]).say; # OUTPUT: «(4 81 2417851639229258349412352)␤»
# say produce &[**], (2,3,4); # OUTPUT: «(4 81 2417851639229258349412352)␤»
# say [\**] (2,3,4); # OUTPUT: «(4 81 2417851639229258349412352)␤»
# # Subtract 4 from -1, because 2 minus 3 is -1
# [2,3,4].produce(&[-]).say; # OUTPUT: «(2 -1 -5)␤»
# say produce &[-], (2,3,4); # OUTPUT: «(2 -1 -5)␤»
# say [\-] (2,3,4); # OUTPUT: «(2 -1 -5)␤»
ok 2072 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 84 compiles
# # The following all do the same thing...
# my @numbers = (1,2,3,4,5);
# say produce { $^a + $^b }, @numbers;
# say produce * + *, @numbers;
# say produce &[+], @numbers; # operator does not need explicit identity
# say [\+] @numbers; # most people write it this way
ok 2073 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 85 compiles
# [\,] 1..5;
# # (
# # (1)
# # (1 2)
# # (1 2 3)
# # (1 2 3 4)
# # (1 2 3 4 5)
# # )
ok 2074 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 86 compiles
# say (2,3,4,5).produce: { last if $^a > 7; $^a + $^b }; # OUTPUT: «(2 5 9)␤»
ok 2075 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 87 compiles
# multi sub combinations($n, $k --> Seq:D)
# multi method combinations(List:D: Int:D $of --> Seq:D)
# multi method combinations(List:D: Range:D $of = 0..* --> Seq:D)
ok 2076 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 88 compiles
# say .join('|') for <a b c>.combinations(2);
# # OUTPUT: «a|b␤
# # a|c␤
# # b|c␤»
ok 2077 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 89 compiles
# say .join('|') for <a b c>.combinations(2..3);
# # OUTPUT: «a|b
# # a|c␤
# # b|c␤
# # a|b|c␤»
ok 2078 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 90 compiles
# .say for combinations(4, 2)
# # OUTPUT: «0 1
# # 0 2␤
# # 0 3␤
# # 1 2␤
# # 1 3␤
# # 2 3␤»
ok 2079 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 91 compiles
# multi sub permutations($n --> Seq:D)
# multi method permutations(List:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2080 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 92 compiles
# say .join('|') for <a b c>.permutations
# # OUTPUT: «a|b|c␤
# # a|c|b␤
# # b|a|c␤
# # b|c|a␤
# # c|a|b␤
# # c|b|a␤»
ok 2081 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 93 compiles
# .say for permutations 3;
# # OUTPUT: «0 1 2␤
# # 0 2 1␤
# # 1 0 2␤
# # 1 2 0␤
# # 2 0 1␤
# # 2 1 0␤»
ok 2082 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 94 compiles
# method rotor(*@cycle, Bool() :$partial --> Seq:D)
ok 2083 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 95 compiles
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|d e f␤»
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(3, :partial).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|d e f|g h␤»
ok 2084 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 96 compiles
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(2 => 1).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b|d e|g h␤»
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(3 => -1).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|c d e|e f g␤»
ok 2085 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 97 compiles
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(2, 3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b|c d e|f g␤»
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(1 => 1, 3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a|c d e|f␤»
ok 2086 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 98 compiles
# say ('a'..'h').rotor(1 => 1, 3 => -1, :partial).join('|');
# # OUTPUT: «a|c d e|e|g h␤»
ok 2087 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 99 compiles
# sub cross(+@e, :&with --> Seq:D)
ok 2088 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 100 compiles
# say cross(<a b c>, <d e f>).map(*.join).join(",")
# # OUTPUT: «ad,ae,af,bd,be,bf,cd,ce,cf␤»
ok 2089 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 101 compiles
# say (<a b c> X <d e f>).map(*.join).join(",")
# # output is the same as the previous example
ok 2090 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 102 compiles
# say cross([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], :with(&infix:<*>)).join(",");
# # OUTPUT: «4,5,6,8,10,12,12,15,18␤»
ok 2091 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 103 compiles
# say ([1, 2, 3] X* [4, 5, 6]).join(",")
# # same output as the previous example
ok 2092 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 104 compiles
# sub zip(+@e, :&with --> Seq:D)
ok 2093 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 105 compiles
# say zip(<a b c>, <d e f>, <g h i>);
# # OUTPUT: «((a d g) (b e h) (c f i))␤»
ok 2094 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 106 compiles
# say <a b c> Z <d e f> Z <g h i>; # same output
ok 2095 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 107 compiles
# for <a b c> Z <d e f> Z <g h i> -> [$x,$y,$z] {say ($x,$y,$z).join(",")}
# # OUTPUT: «a,d,g␤
# # b,e,h␤
# # c,f,i␤»
ok 2096 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 108 compiles
# say .join(",") for zip <a b c>, <d e f>, <g h i>; # same output
ok 2097 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 109 compiles
# say <a b c> Z <d e f m n o p> Z <g h i>;
# # ((a d g) (b e h) (c f i))
ok 2098 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 110 compiles
# .say for zip <1 2 3>, [1, 2, 3], (1, 2, 3), :with(&infix:<*>);
# # OUTPUT: «1␤
# # 8␤
# # 27␤»
ok 2099 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 111 compiles
# .say for <1 2 3> Z* [1, 2, 3] Z* (1, 2, 3); # same output
ok 2100 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 112 compiles
# method roundrobin(List:D: --> Seq)
ok 2101 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 113 compiles
# say roundrobin <a b c>, <d e f>, <g h i>;
# # OUTPUT: «((a d g) (b e h) (c f i))␤»
# say .join(",") for roundrobin([1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]);
# # OUTPUT: «1,2,3␤
# # 2,3,4␤»
ok 2102 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 114 compiles
# say roundrobin <a b c>, <d e f m n o p>, <g h i j>;
# # OUTPUT: «((a d g) (b e h) (c f i) (m j) (n) (o) (p))␤»
# say .join(",") for roundrobin([1, 2], [2, 3, 57, 77], [3, 4, 102]);
# # OUTPUT: «1,2,3␤
# # 2,3,4␤
# # 57,102␤
# # 77␤»
ok 2103 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 115 compiles
# sub sum($list --> Numeric:D)
# method sum(List:D: --> Numeric:D)
ok 2104 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 116 compiles
# say (1, 3, pi).sum; # OUTPUT: «7.14159265358979␤»
# say (1, "0xff").sum; # OUTPUT: «256␤»
# say sum(0b1111, 5); # OUTPUT: «20␤»
ok 2105 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 117 compiles
# method fmt($format = '%s', $separator = ' ' --> Str:D)
ok 2106 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 118 compiles
# my @a = 8..11;
# say @a.fmt('%03d', ','); # OUTPUT: «008,009,010,011␤»
ok 2107 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 119 compiles
# 'abcdefg' ~~ /(c)(d)/;
# say $/.list.from; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# "abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
# say $/.list.from; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 2108 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 120 compiles
# "abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
# say $/.to; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 2109 - doc/Type/List.pod6 chunk 121 compiles
# class Lock {}
ok 2110 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $x = 0;
# my $l =;
# await (^10).map: {
# start {
# $l.protect({ $x++ });
# }
# }
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «10␤»
ok 2111 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method protect(Lock:D: &code)
ok 2112 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $l =;
# $l.protect({ #`( some unsafe operations here ) 1 + 1; });
ok 2113 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method lock(Lock:D:)
ok 2114 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $l =;
# $l.lock;
ok 2115 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method unlock(Lock:D:)
ok 2116 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $l =;
# $l.lock;
# $l.unlock;
ok 2117 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $l =;
# $l.condition;
ok 2118 - doc/Type/Lock.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class Macro is Routine { }
ok 2119 - doc/Type/Macro.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my %e :='a', 1, 'b', 2);
# say %e.keys; # can print "a b\n" or "b a\n";
# say %e.values; # prints "1 2\n" if the previous line
# # printed "a b\n", "b a\n" otherwise
ok 2120 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method new(*@args)
ok 2121 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my %h ='a', 1, 'b', 2);
# # WRONG: :b(2) interpreted as named argument
# say'a', 1, :b(2) ).keys; # OUTPUT: «(a)␤»
# # RIGHT: :b(2) interpreted as part of Map's contents
# say ('a', 1, :b(2)) ).keys; # OUTPUT: «(a b)␤»
ok 2122 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method elems(Map:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2123 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my %map ='a', 1, 'b', 2);
# say %map.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 2124 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Positional $topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Cool:D $topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Regex $topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Any $topic)
ok 2125 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $map ='a', 1, 'b', 2);
# say $map{'a'}; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 2126 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $map ='a', 1, 'b', 2);
# my $key = 'a';
# if $map{$key}:exists {
# say "$map{} has key $key";
# }
ok 2127 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method keys(Map:D: --> List:D)
ok 2128 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $m ='a' => (2, 3), 'b' => 17);
# say $m.keys; # OUTPUT: «(a b)␤»
ok 2129 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method values(Map:D: --> List:D)
ok 2130 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $m ='a' => (2, 3), 'b' => 17);
# say $m.values; # OUTPUT: «((2 3) 17)␤»
ok 2131 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method pairs(Map:D: --> List:D)
ok 2132 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $m ='a' => (2, 3), 'b' => 17);
# say $m.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => (2 3) b => 17)␤»
ok 2133 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method antipairs(Map:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2134 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $m ='a' => (2, 3), 'b' => 17);
# say $m.antipairs; # OUTPUT: «((2 3) => a 17 => b)␤»
ok 2135 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method invert(Map:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2136 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $m ='a' => (2, 3), 'b' => 17);
# say $m.invert; # OUTPUT: «(2 => a 3 => a 17 => b)␤»
ok 2137 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method kv(Map:D: --> List:D)
ok 2138 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
#'a', 1, 'b', 2).kv # (a 1 b 2)
ok 2139 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method Int(Map:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2140 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my $m ='a' => 2, 'b' => 17);
# say $m.Int; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 2141 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method Numeric(Map:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2142 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my $m ='a' => 2, 'b' => 17);
# say $m.Numeric; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 2143 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method Bool(Map:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2144 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my $m ='a' => 2, 'b' => 17);
# say $m.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2145 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# method Capture(Map:D: --> Capture:D)
ok 2146 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my $map ='a' => 2, 'b' => 17);
# my $capture = $map.Capture;
# my-sub(|$capture); # RESULT: «2, 17»
# sub my-sub(:$a, :$b) {
# say "$a, $b"
# }
ok 2147 - doc/Type/Map.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# class Match is Capture is Cool {}
ok 2148 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method Bool(Capture:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2149 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say 'abc' ~~ /^/; # OUTPUT: «「」␤»
# say $/.from, ' ', $/.to, ' ', ?$/; # OUTPUT: «0 0 True␤»
ok 2150 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method Str(Match:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2151 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# "abc123def" ~~ /\d+/;
# say $/.Str; # OUTPUT: «123␤»
ok 2152 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method prematch(Match:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2153 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# 'abcdefg' ~~ /cd/;
# say $/.prematch; # OUTPUT: «ab␤»
# # will return a list of three match objects
# "abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
# say $/.[1].prematch; # OUTPUT: «abc1␤»
ok 2154 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method postmatch(Match:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2155 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# 'abcdefg' ~~ /cd/;
# say $/.postmatch; # OUTPUT: «efg␤»
# # will return a list of three match objects
# "abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
# say $/.[1].postmatch; # OUTPUT: «3def␤»
ok 2156 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method make(Match:D: Mu $ast)
# sub make(Mu $ast)
ok 2157 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method my-action ($/) {
# make "foo: $/";
# }
ok 2158 - doc/Type/Match.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# role Metamodel::AttributeContainer {}
ok 2159 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method add_attribute(Metamodel::AttributeContainer: $obj, $name, $attribute)
ok 2160 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method attributes(Metamodel::AttributeContainer: $obj)
ok 2161 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method set_rw(Metamodel::AttributeContainer: $obj)
ok 2162 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class Point is rw {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# }
ok 2163 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method rw(Metamodel::AttributeContainer: $obj)
ok 2164 - doc/Type/Metamodel/AttributeContainer.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Metamodel::C3MRO { }
ok 2165 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class CommonAncestor { }; # implicitly inherits from Any
# class Child1 is CommonAncestor { }
# class Child2 is CommonAncestor { }
# class GrandChild2 is Child2 { }
# class Weird is Child1 is GrandChild2 { };
# say Weird.^mro; # OUTPUT: «(Weird) (Child1) (GrandChild2) (Child2) (CommonAncestor) (Any) (Mu)␤»
ok 2166 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method compute_mro($type)
ok 2167 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method mro($type)
ok 2168 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say Int.^mro; # OUTPUT: «((Int) (Cool) (Any) (Mu))␤»
ok 2169 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method mro_unhidden($type)
ok 2170 - doc/Type/Metamodel/C3MRO.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Metamodel::ClassHOW
# does Metamodel::Naming
# does Metamodel::Documenting
# does Metamodel::Versioning
# does Metamodel::Stashing
# does Metamodel::AttributeContainer
# does Metamodel::MethodContainer
# does Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer
# does Metamodel::MultiMethodContainer
# does Metamodel::RoleContainer
# does Metamodel::MultipleInheritance
# does Metamodel::DefaultParent
# does Metamodel::C3MRO
# does Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch
# does Metamodel::MROBasedTypeChecking
# does Metamodel::Trusting
# does Metamodel::BUILDPLAN
# does Metamodel::Mixins
# does Metamodel::ArrayType
# does Metamodel::BoolificationProtocol
# does Metamodel::REPRComposeProtocol
# does Metamodel::InvocationProtocol
# does Metamodel::Finalization
# { }
ok 2171 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say so Int.HOW ~~ Metamodel::ClassHOW; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say Int.^methods(:all); # OUTPUT: «random Int method name␤»
ok 2172 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method add_fallback(Metamodel::ClassHOW:D: $condition, $calculator)
ok 2173 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method can(Metamodel::ClassHOW:D: $obj, $method-name)
ok 2174 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class A { method x($a) {} };
# class B is A { method x() {} };
# say B.^can('x').elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# for B.^can('x') {
# say .arity; # OUTPUT: «1, 2␤»
# }
ok 2175 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method lookup(Metamodel::ClassHOW:D: $obj, $method-name --> Method)
ok 2176 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say Str.^lookup('Int').perl; # OUTPUT: «method Int (Str:D $: *%_) { #`(Method|39910024) ... }␤»
ok 2177 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method compose(Metamodel::ClassHOW:D: $obj)
ok 2178 - doc/Type/Metamodel/ClassHOW.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# role Metamodel::Finalization { ... }
ok 2179 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Finalization.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method setup_finalization(Metamodel::Finalization:D: $obj)
ok 2180 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Finalization.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method destroyers(Metamodel::Finalization:D: $obj --> List:D)
ok 2181 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Finalization.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# role Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch { ... }
ok 2182 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method find_method(Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch:D: $obj, $name, $no_fallback)
ok 2183 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method find_method(Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch:D: $obj, $type, $name)
ok 2184 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class Metamodel::MethodContainer {}
ok 2185 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say .name for Int.^methods(:all);
# # don't do that, because it changes type Int globally.
# # just for demonstration purposes.
# Int.^add_method('double', method ($x:) { 2 * $x });
# say 21.double; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 2186 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method add_method(Metamodel::MethodContainer: $obj, $name, $code)
ok 2187 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method methods(Metamodel::MethodContainer: $obj, :$all, :$local)
ok 2188 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class A {
# method x() { };
# }
# say A.^methods(); # x
# say A.^methods(:all); # x infinite defined ...
ok 2189 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method method_table(Metamodel::MethodContainer:D: $obj --> Hash:D)
ok 2190 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MethodContainer.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Metamodel::MultipleInheritance { ... }
ok 2191 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method add_parent(Metamodel::MultipleInheritance:D: $Obj, $parent, :$hides)
ok 2192 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method parents(Metamodel::MultipleInheritance:D: $obj, :$all, :$tree)
ok 2193 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class D { };
# class C1 is D { };
# class C2 is D { };
# class B is C1 is C2 { };
# class A is B { };
# say A.^parents(:all).perl;
# # OUTPUT: «(B, C1, C2, D, Any, Mu)␤»
# say A.^parents(:all, :tree).perl;
# # OUTPUT: «[B, ([C1, [D, [Any, [Mu]]]], [C2, [D, [Any, [Mu]]]])]␤»
ok 2194 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method hides(Metamodel::MultipleInheritance:D: $obj)
ok 2195 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method hidden(Metamodel::MultipleInheritance:D: $obj)
ok 2196 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method set_hidden(Metamodel::MultipleInheritance:D: $obj)
ok 2197 - doc/Type/Metamodel/MultipleInheritance.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# role Metamodel::Naming { }
ok 2198 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Naming.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name($type)
ok 2199 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Naming.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say 42.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 2200 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Naming.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method set_name($type, $new_name)
ok 2201 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Naming.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my Mu $type := Metamodel::Primitives.create_type(Int.HOW, 'P6opaque');
# $type.^set_name('why oh why?');
# my %methods = why => sub ($) { say 42 };
# Metamodel::Primitives.install_method_cache($type, %methods, :authoritative);
# $type.why; # 42
# $type.list;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Method::NotFound: Method 'list' not found for invocant of class 'why oh why?'␤»
ok 2202 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method create_type(Mu $how, $repr = 'P6opaque')
ok 2203 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method set_package(Mu $type, $package)
ok 2204 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method install_method_cache( Mu $type, %cache, :$authoritative = True)
ok 2205 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method configure_destroy(Mu $type, $destroy)
ok 2206 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method compose_type(Mu $type, $configuration)
ok 2207 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method rebless(Mu $object, Mu $type)
ok 2208 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method is_type(Mu \obj, Mu \type --> Bool:D)
ok 2209 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Primitives.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# role Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer { ... }
ok 2210 - doc/Type/Metamodel/PrivateMethodContainer.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class A {
# # the ! declares a private method
# method !double($x) {
# say 2 * $x;
# }
# method call-double($y) {
# # call with ! instead of .
# self!double($y);
# }
# }
ok 2211 - doc/Type/Metamodel/PrivateMethodContainer.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method add_private_method(Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer: $obj, $name, $code)
ok 2212 - doc/Type/Metamodel/PrivateMethodContainer.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method private_method_table(Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer: $obj)
ok 2213 - doc/Type/Metamodel/PrivateMethodContainer.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# role Metamodel::RoleContainer {}
ok 2214 - doc/Type/Metamodel/RoleContainer.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method add_role(Metamodel::RoleContainer:D: $obj, Mu $role)
ok 2215 - doc/Type/Metamodel/RoleContainer.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method roles_to_compose(Metamodel::RoleContainer:D: $obj --> List:D)
ok 2216 - doc/Type/Metamodel/RoleContainer.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class A {
# my class B {
# trusts A; # that's where Metamodel::Trusting comes in
# method !private_method() {
# say "Private method in B";
# }
# }
# method build-and-poke {
# # call a private method from B
# # disallowed if A doesn't trust B
# }
# };
#; # Private method in A
ok 2217 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Trusting.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method add_trustee(Metamodel::Trusting:D: $type, Mu $trustee)
ok 2218 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Trusting.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method trusts(Metamodel::Trusting:D: $type --> List)
ok 2219 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Trusting.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class A { trusts Int; };
# say .^name for A.^trusts; # Int
ok 2220 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Trusting.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method is_trusted(Metamodel::Trusting:D: $type, $claimant)
ok 2221 - doc/Type/Metamodel/Trusting.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class Method is Routine { }
ok 2222 - doc/Type/Method.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $m = method ($invocant: $param) {
# say "$invocant: '$param'";
# }
# "greeting".$m("hello"); # greeting: 'hello'
# <a b c>.&(my method (List:D:){dd self; self}).say;
# # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c")␤(a b c)␤»
ok 2223 - doc/Type/Method.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my method m(Int:D: $b){
# say self.^name
# }
# my $i = 1;
# $i.&m(<a>);
# # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 2224 - doc/Type/Method.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class A {
# multi method m(:$a, :$b) { say "2 named" }
# }
# class B is A {
# method m(:$a) { say "1 named"; nextsame }
# }
# B.m( :1a, :2b );
# # OUTPUT: «1 named␤2 named␤»
ok 2225 - doc/Type/Method.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# sub lastcall(--> True)
ok 2226 - doc/Type/Method.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class Mix does Mixy { }
ok 2227 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $recipe = (butter => 0.22, sugar => 0.1,
# flour => 0.275, sugar => 0.02).Mix;
# say $recipe.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $recipe.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «butter flour sugar␤»
# say $recipe.pairs.sort; # OUTPUT: «"butter" => 0.22 "flour" => 0.275 "sugar" => 0.12␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «0.615␤»
ok 2228 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $recipe = (butter => 0.22, sugar => 0.1,
# flour => 0.275, sugar => 0.02).Mix;
# say $recipe<butter>; # OUTPUT: «0.22␤»
# say $recipe<sugar>; # OUTPUT: «0.12␤»
# say $recipe<chocolate>; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
ok 2229 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = mix "a", "a", "b" => 0, "c" => 3.14;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
# say $n.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => 2 (c => 3.14) => 1 (b => 0) => 1)␤»
ok 2230 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("a", "a", "b" => 0, "c" => 3.14).Mix;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
# say $n.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => 2 c => 3.14)␤»
ok 2231 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# sub mix(*@args --> Mix)
ok 2232 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method Bag (--> Bag:D)
ok 2233 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method BagHash (--> BagHash:D)
ok 2234 - doc/Type/Mix.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class MixHash does Mixy { }
ok 2235 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $recipe = (butter => 0.22, sugar => 0.1,
# flour => 0.275, sugar => 0.02).MixHash;
# say $recipe.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $recipe.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «butter flour sugar␤»
# say $recipe.pairs.sort; # OUTPUT: «"butter" => 0.22 "flour" => 0.275 "sugar" => 0.12␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «0.615␤»
ok 2236 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $recipe = (butter => 0.22, sugar => 0.1,
# flour => 0.275, sugar => 0.02).MixHash;
# say $recipe<butter>; # OUTPUT: «0.22␤»
# say $recipe<sugar>; # OUTPUT: «0.12␤»
# say $recipe<chocolate>; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# $recipe<butter> = 0;
# $recipe<chocolate> = 0.30;
# say $recipe.pairs; # OUTPUT: «"sugar" => 0.12 "flour" => 0.275 "chocolate" => 0.3␤»
ok 2237 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = "a", "a", "b" => 0, "c" => 3.14;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
# say $n.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => 2 (c => 3.14) => 1 (b => 0) => 1)␤»
ok 2238 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("a", "a", "b" => 0, "c" => 3.14).MixHash;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
# say $n.pairs; # OUTPUT: «(a => 2 c => 3.14)␤»
ok 2239 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Bag (--> Bag:D)
ok 2240 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method BagHash (--> BagHash:D)
ok 2241 - doc/Type/MixHash.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# role Mixy does Baggy { }
ok 2242 - doc/Type/Mixy.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method total(--> Real)
ok 2243 - doc/Type/Mixy.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2246:
Useless use of "==" in expression ".total == 6" in sink context (line 2)
# mix('a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'd').total == 6; # RESULT: «True»
# {a => 5.6, b => 2.4} == 8; # RESULT: «True»
ok 2244 - doc/Type/Mixy.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method roll($count = 1)
ok 2245 - doc/Type/Mixy.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class Mu { }
ok 2246 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub defined(Mu --> Bool:D)
# multi method defined( --> Bool:D)
ok 2247 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say Int.defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say 42.defined; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2248 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# sub fails() { fail 'oh noe' };
# say fails().defined; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2249 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# multi method isa(Mu $type --> Bool:D)
# multi method isa(Str:D $type --> Bool:D)
ok 2250 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $i = 17;
# say $i.isa("Int"); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $i.isa(Any); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2251 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $s = "String";
# say $s ~~ Str; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2252 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method does(Mu $type --> Bool:D)
ok 2253 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $d ='2016-06-03');
# say $d.does(Dateish); # True (Date does role Dateish)
# say $d.does(Any); # True (Date is a subclass of Any)
# say $d.does(DateTime); # False (Date is not a subclass of DateTime)
ok 2254 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my $d ='2016-06-03');
# say $d ~~ Dateish; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $d ~~ Any; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $d ~~ DateTime; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2255 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# multi sub Bool(Mu --> Bool:D)
# multi method Bool( --> Bool:D)
ok 2256 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say Mu.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say [1, 2, 3].Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say [].Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say { 'hash' => 'full' }.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say {}.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say "".Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say 0.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say 1.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say "0".Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2257 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi method Str(--> Str)
ok 2258 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say Mu.Str; # Use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context.
ok 2259 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi sub gist(Mu --> Str)
# multi method gist( --> Str)
ok 2260 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say Mu.gist; # OUTPUT: «(Mu)␤»
# say; # OUTPUT: «␤»
ok 2261 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi sub perl(Mu --> Str)
# multi method perl( --> Str)
ok 2262 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method item(Mu \item:) is raw
ok 2263 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# say [1,2,3].item.perl; # OUTPUT: «$[1, 2, 3]␤»
# say { apple => 10 }.item.perl; # OUTPUT: «${:apple(10)}␤»
# say "abc".item.perl; # OUTPUT: «"abc"␤»
ok 2264 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method self(--> Mu)
ok 2265 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method clone(*%twiddles)
ok 2266 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# class Point2D {
# has ($.x, $.y);
# multi method gist(Point2D:D:) {
# "Point($.x, $.y)";
# }
# }
# my $p = => 2, y => 3);
# say $p; # OUTPUT: «Point(2, 3)␤»
# say $p.clone(y => -5); # OUTPUT: «Point(2, -5)␤»
ok 2267 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# multi method new(*%attrinit)
ok 2268 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method bless(*%attrinit --> Mu:D)
ok 2269 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# class Point {
# has $.x;
# has $.y;
# multi method new($x, $y) {
# self.bless(:$x, :$y);
# }
# }
# my $p =, 1);
ok 2270 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method CREATE(--> Mu:D)
ok 2271 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say Mu.CREATE.defined; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2272 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# multi method print(--> Bool:D)
ok 2273 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# "abc\n".print; # RESULT: «abc␤»
ok 2274 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# multi method put(--> Bool:D)
ok 2275 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# "abc".put; # RESULT: «abc␤»
ok 2276 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# multi method say(--> Bool:D)
ok 2277 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# say 42; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 2278 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Mu:U: $other)
ok 2279 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# say 42 ~~ Mu; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 42 ~~ Int; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say 42 ~~ Str; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2280 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# multi method WHICH(--> ObjAt:D)
ok 2281 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# say 42.WHICH eq 42.WHICH; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2282 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method WHERE(--> Int)
ok 2283 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# multi method WHY()
ok 2284 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Mu:U \type, :$export!)
ok 2285 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# my class SomeClass is export { }
ok 2286 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method return()
ok 2287 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# sub f { (1|2|3).return };
# dd f(); # OUTPUT: «any(1, 2, 3)␤»
ok 2288 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method emit()
ok 2289 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# react { whenever supply { .emit for "foo", 42, .5 } {
# say "received {.^name} ($_)";
# }}
# # received Str (foo)
# # received Int (42)
# # received Rat (0.5)
ok 2290 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method take()
ok 2291 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# sub insert($sep, +@list) {
# gather for @list {
# FIRST .take, next;
# take slip $sep, .item
# }
# }
# say insert ':', <a b c>;
# # OUTPUT: «(a : b : c)␤»
ok 2292 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# sub take(\item)
ok 2293 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# #| randomly select numbers for lotto
# my $num-selected-numbers = 6;
# my $max-lotto-numbers = 49;
# gather for ^$num-selected-numbers {
# take (1 .. $max-lotto-numbers).pick(1);
# }.say; # six random values
ok 2294 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# sub take-rw(\item)
ok 2295 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# my @a = 1...3;
# sub f(@list){ gather for @list { take-rw $_ } };
# for f(@a) { $_++ };
# say @a;
# # OUTPUT: «[2 3 4]␤»
ok 2296 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# method so()
ok 2297 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# my @args = <-a -e -b -v>;
# my $verbose-selected = any(@args) eq '-v' | '-V';
# if $ {
# say "Verbose option detected in arguments";
# } # OUTPUT: «Verbose option detected in arguments␤»
ok 2298 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# method not()
ok 2299 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# my @args = <-a -e -b>;
# my $verbose-selected = any(@args) eq '-v' | '-V';
# if $verbose-selected.not {
# say "Verbose option not present in arguments";
# } # OUTPUT: «Verbose option not present in arguments␤»
ok 2300 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# my @args = <-a -e -b>;
# my $verbose-selected = any(@args) eq '-v' | '-V';
# if not $verbose-selected {
# say "Verbose option not present in arguments";
# } # OUTPUT: «Verbose option not present in arguments␤»
ok 2301 - doc/Type/Mu.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# class NFC is Uni {}
ok 2302 - doc/Type/NFC.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class NFD is Uni {}
ok 2303 - doc/Type/NFD.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class NFKC is Uni {}
ok 2304 - doc/Type/NFKC.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class NFKD is Uni {}
ok 2305 - doc/Type/NFKD.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Nil is Cool { }
ok 2306 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say Nil ===; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2307 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub a( --> Int:D ) { return Nil }
# a().say; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
ok 2308 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# sub a { }; a().say; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# sub b { return }; b().say; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say (if 1 { }); # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# { ; }().say; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say EVAL ""; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
ok 2309 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# (1, Nil, 3).elems.say; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# (for Nil { $_ }).perl.say; # OUTPUT: «(Nil,)␤»
ok 2310 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say Nil.ITotallyJustMadeThisUp; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say (Nil)[100]; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say (Nil){100}; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
ok 2311 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my Int $x = 42;
# $x = Nil;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# sub f( --> Int:D ){ Nil }; # this definedness constraint is ignored
# my Int:D $i = f; # this definedness constraint is not ignored, so throws
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $y; expected Int but got Any (Any)»
# sub g( --> Int:D ){ fail "oops" }; # this definedness constraint is ignored
# my Any:D $h = g; # failure object matches Any:D, so is assigned
ok 2312 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $x = Nil;
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «(Any)␤»
# my Int $y = $x; # will throw an exception
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $y; expected Int but got Any (Any)␤»
ok 2313 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my Nil $x;
# my Str $s = $x;
# $s.say; # OUTPUT: «(Str)␤»
ok 2314 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# my Int $x is default(42) = -1;
# my $y = 1;
# for $x, $y -> $val is rw { $val = Nil unless $val > 0 }
# $x.say; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 2315 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method append(*@)
ok 2316 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method gist(--> Str:D)
ok 2317 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method Str()
ok 2318 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method new(*@)
ok 2319 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method prepend(*@)
ok 2320 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method push(*@)
ok 2321 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method unshift(*@)
ok 2322 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method Numeric()
ok 2323 - doc/Type/Nil.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# class Num is Cool does Real { }
ok 2324 - doc/Type/Num.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method rand(Num:D: --> Num)
ok 2325 - doc/Type/Num.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub srand(Int $seed --> Int:D)
ok 2326 - doc/Type/Num.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class NumStr is Num is Str { }
ok 2327 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $f = <42.1e0>; say $f.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(NumStr)␤»
ok 2328 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $num-str = <42e10>;
# my Num $num = $num-str; # OK!
# my Str $str = $num-str; # OK!
# say 42e10 ∈ <42e10 55 1>; # False; ∈ operator cares about object identity
ok 2329 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method new(Num $i, Str $s)
ok 2330 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $f =, "forty two and a bit");
# say +$f; # OUTPUT: «42.1␤»
# say ~$f; # OUTPUT: «"forty two and a bit"␤»
ok 2331 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Numeric
ok 2332 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method Num
ok 2333 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(NumStr:D $a, NumStr:D $b)
ok 2334 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $f =, "smaller");
# my $g =, "larger");
# say $f cmp $g; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say $f.Str cmp $g.Str; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 2335 - doc/Type/NumStr.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# role Numeric { ... }
ok 2336 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method Real(Numeric:D: --> Real:D)
ok 2337 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method Int(Numeric:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2338 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method Rat(Numeric:D: Real $epsilon = 1.0e-6 --> Rat:D)
ok 2339 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method Num(Numeric:D: --> Num:D)
ok 2340 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method narrow(Numeric:D --> Numeric:D)
ok 2341 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# say (4.0 + 0i).narrow.perl; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say (4.0 + 0i).narrow.^name; # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
ok 2342 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Numeric:D: $other)
ok 2343 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# multi sub log(Numeric:D, Numeric $base = e --> Numeric:D)
# multi method log(Numeric:D: Numeric $base = e --> Numeric:D)
ok 2344 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi sub log10(Numeric:D --> Numeric:D)
# multi method log10(Numeric:D: --> Numeric:D)
ok 2345 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# multi sub exp(Numeric:D, Numeric:D $base = e --> Numeric:D)
# multi method exp(Numeric:D: Numeric:D $base = e --> Numeric:D)
ok 2346 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method roots(Numeric:D: Int:D $n --> Positional)
ok 2347 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# multi sub abs(Numeric:D --> Real:D)
# multi method abs(Numeric:D: --> Real:D)
ok 2348 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi sub sqrt(Numeric:D --> Numeric:D)
# multi method sqrt(Numeric:D --> Numeric:D)
ok 2349 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# multi method conj(Numeric:D --> Numeric:D)
ok 2350 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi method Bool(Numeric:D:)
ok 2351 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method succ(Numeric:D:)
ok 2352 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method pred(Numeric:D:)
ok 2353 - doc/Type/Numeric.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# class ObjAt { }
ok 2354 - doc/Type/ObjAt.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# enum Order (:Less(-1), :Same(0), :More(1));
ok 2355 - doc/Type/Order.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(\a, \b --> Order:D)
ok 2356 - doc/Type/Order.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# multi sub infix:«<=>»(Int:D \a, Int:D \b --> Order:D)
ok 2357 - doc/Type/Order.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class Pair does Associative {}
ok 2358 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2361:
Useless use of ":foo(127)" in sink context (line 6)
Useless use of ":key<value1 value2>" in sink context (line 5)
Useless use of ":key<value>" in sink context (line 4)
#'key', 'value'); # The canonical way
# 'key' => 'value'; # this...
# :key<value>; # ...means the same as this
# :key<value1 value2>; # But this is key => <value1 value2>
# :foo(127); # short for foo => 127
# :127foo; # the same foo => 127
ok 2359 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2362:
Useless use of ":key" in sink context (line 2)
# :key; # same as key => True
# :!key; # same as key => False
ok 2360 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# sub s(*%h){ say %h.perl };
# s :a1:b2;
# # OUTPUT: «{:a1, :b2}␤»
# my $manna = :a1:b2:c3;
# say $manna.WHAT;
# # OUTPUT: «(Pair)␤»
# $manna = (:a1:b2:c3);
# say $manna.WHAT;
# # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
ok 2361 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $bar = 10;
# my %h = :$bar;
# dd %h; # OUTPUT: «Hash %h = {:bar(10)}␤»
ok 2362 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method antipair(--> Pair:D)
ok 2363 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $p = (6 => 'Perl').antipair;
# say $p.key; # OUTPUT: «Perl␤»
# say $p.value; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 2364 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method key(Pair:D:)
ok 2365 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $p = (Perl => 6);
# say $p.key; # OUTPUT: «Perl␤»
ok 2366 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi method value(Pair:D:) is rw
ok 2367 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $p = (Perl => 6);
# say $p.value; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 2368 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(Pair:D, Pair:D)
ok 2369 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $a = (Apple => 1);
# my $b = (Apple => 2);
# say $a cmp $b;
ok 2370 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi method fmt(Pair:D: Str:D $format --> Str:D)
ok 2371 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $pair = :Earth(1);
# say $pair.fmt("%s is %.3f AU away from the sun")
# # Prints "Earth is 1.000 AU away from the sun"
ok 2372 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi method kv(Pair:D: --> List:D)
ok 2373 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $p = (Perl => 6);
# say $p.kv[0];
# say $p.kv[1];
ok 2374 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi method pairs(Pair:D:)
ok 2375 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $p = (Perl => 6);
# say $p.pairs.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
# say $p.pairs[0]; # OUTPUT: «(Pair)␤»
ok 2376 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi method antipairs(Pair:D:)
ok 2377 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $p = (6 => 'Perl').antipairs;
# say $p.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
# say $p.first; # OUTPUT: «Perl => 6␤»
# say $p.first.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Pair)␤»
ok 2378 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method invert(Pair:D:)
ok 2379 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# my Pair $p1 = (6 => 'Perl');
# say $p1.invert; # OUTPUT: «Perl => 6␤»
# say $p1.invert.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Pair)␤»
# my Pair $p2 = ('Perl' => (5, 6));
# say $p2.invert; # OUTPUT: «(5 => Perl 6 => Perl)␤»
# say $p2.invert.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(List)␤»
# my Pair $p3 = ('Perl' => { cool => 'language'});
# say $p3.invert; # OUTPUT: «{cool => language => Perl}␤»
# say $p3.invert.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Hash)␤»
ok 2380 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# multi method keys(Pair:D: --> List:D)
ok 2381 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say ('Perl' => 6).keys; # OUTPUT: «(Perl)␤»
ok 2382 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# multi method values(Pair:D: --> List:D)
ok 2383 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# say ('Perl' => 6).values; # OUTPUT: «(6)␤»
ok 2384 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method freeze(Pair:D:)
ok 2385 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# my $str = "apple";
# my $p ='key', $str);
# $p.value = "orange"; # this works as expected
# $p.say; # OUTPUT: «key => orange␤»
# $p.freeze.say; # OUTPUT: «orange␤»
# $p.value = "a new apple"; # Fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Str␤»
ok 2386 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# multi method Str(Pair:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2387 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# my $b = eggs => 3;
# say $b.Str; # eggs 3
ok 2388 - doc/Type/Pair.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# class Parameter { }
ok 2389 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $sig = :(Str $x);
# my $param = $sig.params[0];
# say $param.type; # OUTPUT: «Str()␤»
ok 2390 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method sigil(Parameter:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2391 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method named(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2392 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my Signature $sig = :(Str $x, Bool :$is-named);
# say $sig.params[0].named; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $sig.params[1].named; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2393 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method named_names(Parameter:D: --> List:D)
ok 2394 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method positional(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2395 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method slurpy(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2396 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method twigil(Parameter:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2397 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method optional(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2398 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method raw(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2399 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub f(\raw) {
# raw = 5;
# }
# f(my $x); # works
# f(42); # dies
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Int␤»
ok 2400 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# sub f($raw is raw) {
# $raw = 5;
# }
ok 2401 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method capture(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2402 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub how_many_extra_positionals($!, |capture) { capture.elems.say }
# how_many_extra_positionals(0, 1, 2, 3); # RESULT: «3»
# say &how_many_extra_positionals.signature.params[1].capture; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2403 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method rw(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2404 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method copy(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2405 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method readonly(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2406 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method invocant(Parameter:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2407 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method type_captures(Parameter:D: --> List:D)
ok 2408 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub a(::T ::U $x) { T.say }
# a(8); # OUTPUT: «Int␤»
# say &a.signature.params[0].type_captures; # OUTPUT: «T U␤»
# sub b($x) { $x.WHAT.say } # does the same thing, but uglier.
ok 2409 - doc/Type/Parameter.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# class Pod::Block { }
ok 2410 - doc/Type/Pod/Block.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method contents(--> Positional:D)
ok 2411 - doc/Type/Pod/Block.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method config(--> Map:D)
ok 2412 - doc/Type/Pod/Block.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class Pod::Block::Code is Pod::Block { }
ok 2413 - doc/Type/Pod/Block/Code.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method allowed(--> Positional:D)
ok 2414 - doc/Type/Pod/Block/Code.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class Pod::Block::Named is Pod::Block { }
ok 2415 - doc/Type/Pod/Block/Named.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name(--> Str:D)
ok 2416 - doc/Type/Pod/Block/Named.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class Pod::Block::Para is Pod::Block { }
ok 2417 - doc/Type/Pod/Block/Para.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Pod::Item is Pod::Block { }
ok 2418 - doc/Type/Pod/Item.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method level(--> Int)
ok 2419 - doc/Type/Pod/Item.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# role Positional { ... }
ok 2420 - doc/Type/Positional.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method of()
ok 2421 - doc/Type/Positional.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# role PositionalBindFailover { ... }
ok 2422 - doc/Type/PositionalBindFailover.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub fifths(@a) { # @a is constraint to Positional
# @a[4];
# }
# my $seq := gather { # a Seq, which is not Positional
# take $_ for 1..*;
# }
# say fifths($seq); # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 2423 - doc/Type/PositionalBindFailover.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method cache(PositionalBindFailover:D: --> List:D)
ok 2424 - doc/Type/PositionalBindFailover.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method list(PositionalBindFailover:D: --> List:D)
ok 2425 - doc/Type/PositionalBindFailover.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method iterator(PositionalBindFailover:D:) { ... }
ok 2426 - doc/Type/PositionalBindFailover.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class Proc {}
ok 2427 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $proc = run 'echo', 'Hallo world', :out;
# my $captured-output = $proc.out.slurp-rest;
# say "Output was $captured-output.perl()"; # OUTPUT: «Output was "Hallo world\n"␤»
ok 2428 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $p1 = run 'echo', 'Hello, world', :out;
# my $p2 = run 'cat', '-n', :in($p1.out), :out;
# say $p2.out.get;
ok 2429 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $p = run "cat", "-n", :in, :out;
# $ "Hello,\nworld!";
# $;
# say $p.out.slurp-rest;
# # OUTPUT: «1 Hello,␤
# # 2 world!␤»
ok 2430 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method spawn(*@args ($, *@), :$cwd = $*CWD, Hash() :$env = %*ENV --> Bool:D)
ok 2431 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method shell($cmd, :$cwd = $*CWD, :$env --> Bool:D)
ok 2432 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method command(Proc:D: --> Array:D)
ok 2433 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method exitcode(Proc:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2434 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method signal(Proc:D:)
ok 2435 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method pid(Proc:D:)
ok 2436 - doc/Type/Proc.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# # command with arguments
# my $proc ='echo', 'foo', 'bar');
# # subscribe to new output from out and err handles:
# $proc.stdout.tap(-> $v { print "Output: $v" }, quit => { say 'caught exception ' ~ .^name });
# $proc.stderr.tap(-> $v { print "Error: $v" });
# say "Starting...";
# my $promise = $proc.start;
# # wait for the external program to terminate
# await $promise;
# say "Done.";
ok 2437 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my $prog =, 'hexdump', '-C');
# my $promise = $prog.start;
# await $prog.write(, 42));
# $prog.close-stdin;
# await $promise;
ok 2438 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new(:$path, *@args, :$w, :$r --> Proc::Async:D)
ok 2439 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method stdout(Proc::Async:D: :$bin --> Supply:D)
ok 2440 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $proc =, 'echo', 'Perl 6');
# $proc.stdout.tap( -> $str {
# say "Got output '$str' from the external program";
# });
# my $promise = $proc.start;
# await $promise;
ok 2441 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method stderr(Proc::Async:D: :$bin --> Supply:D)
ok 2442 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $proc =, 'echo', 'Perl 6');
# $proc.stderr.tap( -> $str {
# say "Got error '$str' from the external program";
# });
# my $promise = $proc.start;
# await $promise;
ok 2443 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method w(Proc::Async:D:)
ok 2444 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method start(Proc::Async:D: :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER, :$cwd = $*CWD --> Promise:D)
ok 2445 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method started(Proc::Async:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2446 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method path(Proc::Async:D:)
ok 2447 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method args(Proc::Async:D: --> Positional:D)
ok 2448 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method write(Proc::Async:D: Blob:D $b, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER)
ok 2449 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method print(Proc::Async:D: Str(Any) $str, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER)
ok 2450 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method say(Proc::Async:D: $output, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER)
ok 2451 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method close-stdin(Proc::Async:D:)
ok 2452 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method kill(Proc::Async:D: $signal = "HUP")
ok 2453 - doc/Type/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my enum PromiseStatus (:Planned(0), :Kept(1), :Broken(2));
# class Promise {}
ok 2454 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $p = Promise.start({ sleep 2; 42});
# $p.then({ say .result }); # will print 42 once the block finished
# say $p.status; # OUTPUT: «Planned␤»
# $p.result; # waits for the computation to finish
# say $p.status; # OUTPUT: «Kept␤»
ok 2455 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub async-get-with-promise($user-agent, $url) {
# my $p =;
# my $v = $p.vow;
# # do an asynchronous call on a fictive user agent,
# # and return the promise:
# $user-agent.async-get($url,
# on-error => -> $error {
# $v.break($error);
# },
# on-success => -> $response {
# $v.keep($response);
# }
# );
# return $p;
# }
ok 2456 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method start(Promise:U: &code, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)
ok 2457 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# # these two are equivalent:
# my $p1 = Promise.start({ ;#`( do something here ) });
# my $p2 = start { ;#`( do something here ) };
ok 2458 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method in(Promise:U: $seconds, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)
ok 2459 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $proc ='perl6', '-e', 'sleep 10; warn "end"');
# my $result = await Promise.anyof(
# my $promise = $proc.start,
# { note 'timeout'; $proc.kill }
# ).then: {$promise.result};
# # OUTPUT: «timeout␤»
ok 2460 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method at(Promise:U: $time, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)
ok 2461 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $p = + 2).then({ say "2 seconds later" });
# # do other stuff here
# await $p; # wait here until the 2 seconds are over
ok 2462 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method allof(Promise:U: *@promises --> Promise:D)
ok 2463 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my @promises;
# for 1..5 -> $t {
# push @promises, start {
# sleep $t;
# };
# }
# my $all-done = Promise.allof(@promises);
# await $all-done;
# @promises>>.result;
# say "Promises kept so we get to live another day!";
ok 2464 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method anyof(Promise:U: *@promises --> Promise:D)
ok 2465 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $timeout = 5;
# await Promise.anyof(
# start {
# # do a potentially long-running calculation here
# },
# );
ok 2466 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method then(Promise:D: &code)
ok 2467 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# my $timer =;
# my $after = $timer.then({ say "2 seconds are over!"; 'result' });
# say $after.result; # 2 seconds are over
# # result
ok 2468 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi method keep(Promise:D:)
# multi method keep(Promise:D: \result)
ok 2469 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $p =;
# if Bool.pick {
# $p.keep;
# }
# else {
# $p.break;
# }
ok 2470 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi method break(Promise:D:)
# multi method break(Promise:D: \cause)
ok 2471 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# my $p =;
# $p.break('sorry');
# say $p.status; # OUTPUT: «Broken␤»
# say $p.cause; # OUTPUT: «sorry␤»
ok 2472 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# method result(Promise:D)
ok 2473 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method cause(Promise:D)
ok 2474 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# multi method Bool(Promise:D:)
ok 2475 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method status(Promise:D --> PromiseStatus)
ok 2476 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method scheduler(Promise:D:)
ok 2477 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $p =;
# my $vow = $p.vow;
# $vow.keep($p);
# say $p.status; # OUTPUT: «Kept␤»
ok 2478 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method Supply(Promise:D:)
ok 2479 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# multi sub await(Promise:D)
# multi sub await(*@)
ok 2480 - doc/Type/Promise.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# class Proxy {}
ok 2481 - doc/Type/Proxy.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub double() is rw {
# my $storage = 0;
# FETCH => method () { $storage },
# STORE => method ($new) { $storage = 2 * $new }
# )
# }
# my $doubled := double();
# $doubled = 4;
# say $doubled; # OUTPUT: «8␤»
ok 2482 - doc/Type/Proxy.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new(:&FETCH!, :&STORE! --> Proxy:D)
ok 2483 - doc/Type/Proxy.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# role QuantHash does Associative { }
ok 2484 - doc/Type/QuantHash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# 1 .. 5; # 1 <= $x <= 5
# 1^.. 5; # 1 < $x <= 5
# 1 ..^5; # 1 <= $x < 5
# 1^..^5; # 1 < $x < 5
ok 2485 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $x = 10;
# say ^$x; # same as 0 ..^ $x.Numeric
ok 2486 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# for 1..5 { .say }; # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤4␤5␤»
# ('a' ^..^ 'f').list; # RESULT: «'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'»
# 5 ~~ ^5; # RESULT: «False»
# 4.5 ~~ 0..^5; # RESULT: «True»
# (1.1..5).list; # RESULT: «(1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1)»
ok 2487 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my @numbers = <4 8 15 16 23 42>;
# my $range := 0..2;
# .say for @numbers[$range]; # OUTPUT: «4␤8␤15␤»
# my @range = 0..2;
# .say for @numbers[@range]; # OUTPUT: «4␤8␤15␤»
ok 2488 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method min(Range:D:)
ok 2489 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (1..5).min; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say (1^..^5).min; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 2490 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method excludes-min(Range:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2491 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# say (1..5).excludes-min; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1^..^5).excludes-min; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2492 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method max(Range:D:)
ok 2493 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# say (1..5).max; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# say (1^..^5).max; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
ok 2494 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method excludes-max(Range:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2495 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# say (1..5).excludes-max; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1^..^5).excludes-max; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2496 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method bounds(Range:D: --> Positional)
ok 2497 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# say (1..5).bounds; # OUTPUT: «(1 5)␤»
# say (1^..^5).bounds; # OUTPUT: «(1 5)␤»
ok 2498 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method infinite(Range:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2499 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# say (1..5).infinite; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1..*).infinite; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2500 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method is-int(Range:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2501 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# say ('a'..'d').is-int; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say (1..^5).is-int; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (1.1..5.5).is-int; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2502 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method bounds(Range:D: --> Positional)
ok 2503 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi method minmax(Range:D: --> List:D)
ok 2504 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# my $r1 = (1..5); my $r2 = (1^..5);
# say $, ', ', $; # OUTPUT: «True, True␤»
# say $r1.excludes-min, ', ', $r2.excludes-min; # OUTPUT: «False, True␤»
# say $r1.minmax, ', ', $r2.minmax; # OUTPUT: «(1 5), (2 5)␤»
# my $r3 = (1.1..5.2); my $r4 = (1.1..^5.2);
# say $, ', ', $; # OUTPUT: «False, False␤»
# say $r3.excludes-max, ', ', $r4.excludes-max; # OUTPUT: «False, True␤»
# say $r3.minmax; # OUTPUT: «(1.1 5.2)␤»
# say $r4.minmax;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Cannot return minmax on Range with excluded ends␤»
ok 2505 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method elems(Range:D: --> Numeric:D)
ok 2506 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say (1..5).elems; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# say (1^..^5).elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
ok 2507 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method list(Range:D: --> List:D)
ok 2508 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# say (1..5).list; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤»
# say (1^..^5).list; # OUTPUT: «(2 3 4)␤»
ok 2509 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method flat(Range:D: --> List:D)
ok 2510 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# multi method pick(Range:D: --> Any:D)
# multi method pick(Range:D: $number --> Seq:D)
ok 2511 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# multi method roll(Range:D: --> Any:D)
# multi method roll(Range:D: $number --> Seq:D)
ok 2512 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi method sum(--> Numeric:D)
ok 2513 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# (1..10).sum # 55
ok 2514 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method reverse(Range:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2515 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say (1^..5).reverse; # OUTPUT: «(5 4 3 2)␤»
# say ('a'..'d').reverse; # OUTPUT: «(d c b a)␤»
# say (1..Inf).reverse; # OUTPUT: «(Inf Inf Inf ...)␤»
ok 2516 - doc/Type/Range.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# class Rat is Cool does Rational[Int, UInt64] { }
ok 2517 - doc/Type/Rat.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
WARNINGS for /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2520:
Useless use of constant value 3.1 in sink context (line 2)
# 3.1; #, 10)
# <1/2> #, 2)
ok 2518 - doc/Type/Rat.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub approx-sqrt($n, $iterations) {
# my $x = $n;
# $x = ($x + $n / $x) / 2 for ^$iterations;
# return $x;
# }
# say approx-sqrt(2, 5).WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Rat)␤»
# say approx-sqrt(2, 10).WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Num)␤»
ok 2519 - doc/Type/Rat.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# multi method perl(Rat:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2520 - doc/Type/Rat.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# say (1/3).perl; # OUTPUT: «<1/3>␤»
# say (2/4).perl; # OUTPUT: «0.5␤»
ok 2521 - doc/Type/Rat.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class RatStr is Rat is Str {}
ok 2522 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $f = <42.1>; say $f.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(RatStr)␤»
ok 2523 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $rat-str = <42.1>;
# my Rat $rat = $rat-str; # OK!
# my Str $str = $rat-str; # OK!
# say 42.1 ∈ <42.1 55 1>; # False; ∈ operator cares about object identity
ok 2524 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method new(Rat $i, Str $s)
ok 2525 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $f =, "forty two and a bit");
# say +$f; # OUTPUT: «42.1␤»
# say ~$f; # OUTPUT: «"forty two and a bit"␤»
ok 2526 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Numeric
ok 2527 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method Rat
ok 2528 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub infix:<cmp>(RatStr:D $a, RatStr:D $b)
ok 2529 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $f =, "smaller");
# my $g =, "larger");
# say $f cmp $g; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
# say $f.Str cmp $g.Str; # OUTPUT: «More␤»
ok 2530 - doc/Type/RatStr.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# role Rational[::NuT, ::DeT] does Real { ... }
ok 2531 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method nude(Rational:D: --> Positional)
ok 2532 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method norm(Rational:D: --> Rational:D)
ok 2533 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method base-repeating(Rational:D: Int:D() $base)
ok 2534 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my ($non-rep, $repeating) = (19/3).base-repeating(10);
# say $non-rep; # OUTPUT: «6.␤»
# say $repeating; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# printf '%s(%s)', $non-rep, $repeating; # OUTPUT: «6.(3)»
ok 2535 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (5/2).base-repeating(10).perl; # OUTPUT: «("2.5", "")␤»
ok 2536 - doc/Type/Rational.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Real does Numeric { ... }
ok 2537 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method Rat(Real:D: Real $epsilon = 1e-6)
ok 2538 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub term:<rand> (--> Num:D)
# method rand(Real:D: --> Real:D)
ok 2539 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method sign(Real:D:)
ok 2540 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method round(Real:D: $scale = 1)
ok 2541 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method floor(Real:D --> Int:D)
ok 2542 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method ceiling(Real:D --> Int:D)
ok 2543 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method truncate(Real:D --> Int:D)
ok 2544 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method base(Real:D: Int:D $base where 2..36, $digits? --> Str:D)
ok 2545 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# 255.base(16); # 'FF'
ok 2546 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# say pi.base(10, 3); # OUTPUT: «3.142␤»
# say (1/128).base(10, *); # OUTPUT: «0.0078125␤»
# say (1/100).base(10, *); # OUTPUT: «0.01␤»
ok 2547 - doc/Type/Real.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# class Regex is Method { }
ok 2548 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# rx/ ^ab /; # describes all strings starting with 'ab'
# / ^ ab /; # same
# rx/ \d ** 2/; # describes all strings containing at least two digits
ok 2549 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my regex R { \N };
# say &R.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Regex)␤»
ok 2550 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $match = 'abc' ~~ rx/ ^ab /;
# say $match.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $match.orig; # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
# say $match.Str; # OUTPUT: «ab␤»
# say $match.from; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 2551 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# $_ = 'abc';
# if / ^ab / {
# say '"abc" begins with "ab"';
# }
# else {
# say 'This is a weird alternative Universe';
# }
ok 2552 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Regex:D: Mu --> Match:D)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Regex:D: @)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Regex:D: %)
ok 2553 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# multi method Bool(Regex:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2554 - doc/Type/Regex.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Routine is Block { }
ok 2555 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub f() is default { say "Hello there" }
# multi sub f() { say "Hello friend" }
# f(); # OUTPUT: «"Hello there"␤»
ok 2556 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method name(Routine:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2557 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method package(Routine:D:)
ok 2558 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method multi(Routine:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2559 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi foo ($, $) {};
# say &foo.multi; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say &foo.candidates».multi; # OUTPUT: «(True)␤»
ok 2560 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method candidates(Routine:D: --> Positional:D)
ok 2561 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method cando(Capture $c)
ok 2562 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# .signature.say for "foo".^can("comb")[0].cando: \(Cool, "o");
# # OUTPUT: «(Cool $: Str $matcher, $limit = Inf, *%_)␤»
ok 2563 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method wrap(Routine:D: &wrapper)
ok 2564 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method unwrap(Routine:D: $wraphandler)
ok 2565 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method yada(Routine:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2566 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say (sub f() { ... }).yada; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say (sub g() { 1; }).yada; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2567 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$cached!)
ok 2568 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# use experimental :cached;
# sub nth-prime(Int:D $x where * > 0) is cached {
# say "Calculating {$x}th prime";
# return (2..*).grep(*.is-prime)[$x - 1];
# }
# say nth-prime(43);
# say nth-prime(43);
# say nth-prime(43);
ok 2569 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$pure!)
ok 2570 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# sub double(Numeric:D $x) is pure {
# 2 * $x;
# }
ok 2571 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$rw!)
ok 2572 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# sub walk(\thing, *@keys) is rw {
# my $current := thing;
# for @keys -> $k {
# if $k ~~ Int {
# $current := $current[$k];
# }
# else {
# $current := $current{$k};
# }
# }
# $current;
# }
# my %hash;
# walk(%hash, 'some', 'key', 1, 2) = 'autovivified';
# say %hash.perl;
ok 2573 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# ("some" => {"key" => [Any, [Any, Any, "autovivified"]]}).hash
ok 2574 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$export!)
ok 2575 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# module Foo {
# sub double($x) is export {
# 2 * $x
# }
# }
# import Foo; # makes sub double available
# say double 21; # 42
ok 2576 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine:D $r, :$DEPRECATED!)
ok 2577 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# sub f() is DEPRECATED('the literal 42') { 42 }
# say f();
ok 2578 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine:D, :$hidden-from-backtrace!)
ok 2579 - doc/Type/Routine.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# class Scalar {}
ok 2580 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $a = 1;
# $a.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# $a.VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Scalar)␤»
# my $b := 1;
# $b.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# $b.VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
ok 2581 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# @a[0].WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# @a[0].VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Scalar)␤»
# [1, 2, 3][0].WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# [1, 2, 3][0].VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Scalar)␤»
# (1, 2, 3)[0].WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# (1, 2, 3)[0].VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
ok 2582 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# [1, $(2, 3)].perl.say; # OUTPUT: «[1, (2, 3)]␤»
# (1, $(2, 3)).perl.say; # OUTPUT: «(1, $(2, 3))␤»
ok 2583 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $a = 1;
# my $b := $a;
# $b = 2;
# $a.say; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
ok 2584 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my \c = 1;
# c.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# c.VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# my $a = 1;
# my \d = $a; # just "my \d = $ = 1" works, too
# d.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# d.VAR.WHAT.say; # OUTPUT: «(Scalar)␤»
# d = 2; # ok
# c = 2; # fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Int␤»
ok 2585 - doc/Type/Scalar.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Scheduler {
# has &.uncaught_handler is rw
# }
ok 2586 - doc/Type/Scheduler.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method uncaught_handler() is rw
ok 2587 - doc/Type/Scheduler.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method cue(:&code, Instant :$at, :$in, :$every, :$times = 1; :&catch)
ok 2588 - doc/Type/Scheduler.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class Semaphore { }
ok 2589 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class print-manager {
# has Array $!printers;
# has Semaphore $!print-control;
# method BUILD( Int:D :$nbr-printers ) {
# for ^$nbr-printers -> $pc {
# $!printers[$pc] = { :name{"printer-$pc"} };
# }
# $!print-control .= new($nbr-printers);
# }
# method find-available-printer-and-print-it($job) { say "Is printed!"; }
# method print( $print-job ) {
# $!print-control.acquire;
# self.find-available-printer-and-print-it($print-job);
# $!print-control.release;
# }
# }
ok 2590 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new( int $permits )
ok 2591 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method acquire()
ok 2592 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method try_acquire(--> Bool)
ok 2593 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method release()
ok 2594 - doc/Type/Semaphore.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Seq is Cool does Iterable does PositionalBindFailover { }
ok 2595 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my @a = 1, 2, 3;
# my @b = <a b c>;
# my \c = @a Z=> @b;
# .say for c;
# .say for c; # fails
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Seq::Consumed: This Seq has already been iterated, and its values consumed
# # (you might solve this by adding .cache on usages of the Seq, or
# # by assigning the Seq into an array)»
ok 2596 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new(Iterator:D $iter --> Seq:D)
ok 2597 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method iterator(Seq:D: --> Iterator:D)
ok 2598 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method is-lazy(Seq:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2599 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method eager(Seq:D: --> List:D)
ok 2600 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# multi method from-loop(&body --> Seq:D)
# multi method from-loop(&body, &cond, :$repeat --> Seq:D)
# multi method from-loop(&body, &cond, &afterward --> Seq:D)
ok 2601 - doc/Type/Seq.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Set does Setty { }
ok 2602 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $fruits = set <peach apple orange apple apple>;
# say $fruits.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $fruits.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «apple orange peach␤»
ok 2603 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $fruits = set <peach apple orange apple apple>;
# say $fruits<apple>; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $fruits<kiwi>; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2604 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = set "zero" => 0, "one" => 1, "two" => 2;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «(:two(2), :zero(0), :one(1)).Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Pair) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
ok 2605 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("zero" => 0, "one" => 1, "two" => 2).Set;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «("one", "two").Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
ok 2606 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (1..5) (^) 4; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 2, 3, 5)␤»
ok 2607 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my ($a, $b) = set(1, 2, 3), set(2, 4);
# say $a (<) $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a (&) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(2)␤»
# say $a (^) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 3, 4)␤»
# # Unicode versions:
# say $a ⊂ $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a ∩ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(2)␤»
# say $a ⊖ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 3, 4)␤»
ok 2608 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# sub set(*@args --> Set)
ok 2609 - doc/Type/Set.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class SetHash does Setty { }
ok 2610 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $fruits = <peach apple orange apple apple>.SetHash;
# say $fruits.elems; # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say $fruits.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «apple orange peach␤»
ok 2611 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $fruits = <peach apple orange apple apple>.SetHash;
# say $fruits<apple>; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say $fruits<kiwi>; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# $fruits<apple kiwi> = False, True;
# say $fruits.keys.sort; # OUTPUT: «kiwi orange peach␤»
ok 2612 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $n = "zero" => 0, "one" => 1, "two" => 2;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «(:two(2), :zero(0), :one(1)).Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Pair) (Pair) (Pair))␤»
ok 2613 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $n = ("zero" => 0, "one" => 1, "two" => 2).SetHash;
# say $n.keys.perl; # OUTPUT: «("one", "two").Seq␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «((Str) (Str))␤»
ok 2614 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my ($a, $b) =, 2, 3),, 4);
# say $a (<) $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a (&) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(2)␤»
# say $a (^) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 3, 4)␤»
# say $a (|) $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 2, 3, 4)␤»
# # Unicode versions:
# say $a ⊂ $b; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $a ∩ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(2)␤»
# say $a ⊖ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 3, 4)␤»
# say $a ∪ $b; # OUTPUT: «set(1, 2, 3, 4)␤»
ok 2615 - doc/Type/SetHash.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# role Setty does QuantHash { }
ok 2616 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method new-from-pairs(*@pairs --> Setty:D)
ok 2617 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say 'butter' => 0.22, 'salt' => 0, 'sugar' => 0.02;
# # OUTPUT: «set(butter, sugar)␤»
ok 2618 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method grab($count = 1)
ok 2619 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method grabpairs($count = 1)
ok 2620 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi method pick($count = 1)
ok 2621 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# multi method roll($count = 1)
ok 2622 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method keys(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2623 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $s =, 2, 3);
# say $s.keys; # OUTPUT: «(3 1 2)␤»
ok 2624 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi method values(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2625 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $s =, 2, 3);
# say $s.values; # OUTPUT: «(True True True)␤»
ok 2626 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method kv(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)
ok 2627 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $s =, 2, 3);
# say $s.kv; # OUTPUT: «(3 True 1 True 2 True)␤»
ok 2628 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method elems(--> Int)
ok 2629 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method total(--> Int)
ok 2630 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method default(--> False)
ok 2631 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# my $s1 =, 2, 3);
# say $s1{2}; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# $s1{2} = Nil;
# say $s1{2}; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# # access non initialized element
# say $s1{4}; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2632 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# method ACCEPTS($other)
ok 2633 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method Bag(Setty:D: --> Bag:D)
ok 2634 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# my Bag $b =, 2, 3).Bag;
# say $b; # OUTPUT: «bag(3, 1, 2)␤»
ok 2635 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method BagHash(Setty:D: --> BagHash:D)
ok 2636 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# my BagHash $b =, 2, 3).BagHash;
# say $b; # OUTPUT: «, 1, 2)␤»
ok 2637 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# multi method Bool(Setty:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2638 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# my $s1 =, 2, 3);
# say $s1.Bool; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# my $s2 = $s1 ∩, 5); # set intersection operator
# say $s2.Bool; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2639 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# method Mix(Setty:D: --> Mix:D)
ok 2640 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my Mix $b =, 2, 3).Mix;
# say $b; # OUTPUT: «mix(3, 1, 2)␤»
ok 2641 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# method MixHash(Setty:D: --> MixHash:D)
ok 2642 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my MixHash $b =, 2, 3).MixHash;
# say $b; # OUTPUT: «, 1, 2)␤»
ok 2643 - doc/Type/Setty.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# class Signature { }
ok 2644 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub f($x) { }
# # ^^^^ Signature of sub f
# my method x() { }
# # ^^ Signature of a method
# my $s = sub (*@a) { }
# # ^^^^^ Signature of an anonymous function
# for <a b c> -> $x { }
# # ^^ Signature of a Block
# my ($a, @b) = 5, (6, 7, 8);
# # ^^^^^^^^ Signature of a variable declarator
# my $sig = :($a, $b);
# # ^^^^^^^^ Standalone Signature object
ok 2645 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub f(&c:(Int)) { }
# sub will-work(Int) { }
# sub won't-work(Str) { }
# f(&will-work);
# f(&won't-work);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Constraint type check failed for parameter '&c'␤»
# f(-> Int { 'this works too' } );
ok 2646 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $sig = :(Int $i, Str $s);
# say (10, 'answer') ~~ $sig;
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# given ('answer', 10) {
# when :(Str, Int) { say 'match' }
# when $sig { say 'mismatch' }
# }
# # OUTPUT: «match␤»
ok 2647 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my %h = left => 1, right => 2;
# say %h ~~ :(:$left, :$right);
# # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2648 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my $sig = :($a, @b, %c);
# sub add($a, $b) { $a + $b };
ok 2649 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method ($a: @b, %c) {}; # first argument is the invocant
# class Foo {
# method whoami($me:) {
# "Well I'm class $me.^name(), of course!"
# }
# }
# say Foo.whoami; # OUTPUT: «Well I'm class Foo, of course!␤»
ok 2650 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $sig = :($, @, %a); # two anonymous and a "normal" parameter
# $sig = :(Int, Positional); # just a type is also fine (two parameters)
# sub baz(Str) { "Got passed a Str" }
ok 2651 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# sub f(Real $x where { $x > 0 }, Real $y where { $y >= $x }) { }
ok 2652 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi factorial(Int $ where 0) { 1 }
# multi factorial(Int $x) { $x * factorial($x - 1) }
ok 2653 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# multi factorial(0) { 1 }
ok 2654 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# sub one-of-them(:$a, :$b, :$c where { $a.defined ^^ $b.defined ^^ $c.defined }) {
# $a // $b // $c
# };
# say one-of-them(c=>42); # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 2655 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# sub f(Int $a, UInt $i? where { !$i.defined or $i > 5 } ) { ... }
ok 2656 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# sub f(*@a where {$_.all ~~ Int}) { say @a };
# f(42);
# f(<a>);
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ==> ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «[42]␤Constraint type check failed for parameter '@a'␤ in sub f at ...»
ok 2657 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# sub f(Int :$i){};
# f :i<forty-two>;
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ==> ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Binding ==> Type check failed in binding to $i; expected Int but got Str ("forty-two")␤»
ok 2658 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# sub limit-lines(Str $s, Int $limit) {
# my @lines = $s.lines;
# @lines[0 .. min @lines.elems, $limit].join("\n")
# }
# say (limit-lines "a \n b \n c \n d \n", 3).perl; # "a \n b \n c "
# say limit-lines Str, 3;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Multi::NoMatch: Cannot resolve caller lines(Str: ); none of these signatures match:
# # (Cool:D $: |c is raw)
# # (Str:D $: :$count!, *%_)
# # (Str:D $: $limit, *%_)
# # (Str:D $: *%_)»
# say limit-lines "a \n b", Int # Always returns the max number of lines
ok 2659 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# sub limit-lines(Str:D $s, Int $limit) { };
# say limit-lines Str, 3;
# CATCH { default { put .^name ~ '--' ~~ .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc--Parameter '$s' requires an instance of type Str, but a
# # type object was passed. Did you forget a .new?»
ok 2660 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi limit-lines(Str $s, Int:D $limit) { }
# multi limit-lines(Str $s, Int:U $) { $s }
# say limit-lines "a \n b \n c", Int; # OUTPUT: «"a \n b \n c"␤»
ok 2661 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# sub f(&c:(Int, Str)) { say c(10, 'ten') };
# sub g(Int $i, Str $s) { $s ~ $i };
# f(&g);
# # OUTPUT: «ten10␤»
ok 2662 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# sub foo(--> Int) { my Int $i; $i };
# sub baz(--> Int:D) { 1 }
# sub bar() returns Int { 1 };
# sub does-not-work(--> Int) { "" }; # throws X::TypeCheck::Return
ok 2663 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# sub foo() of Int { 1 };
# my Int sub bar { 1 };
ok 2664 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# sub foo(--> 123) { return }
ok 2665 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# sub foo(--> Int) { Nil };
# say foo.perl; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
ok 2666 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# sub f(Int(Str) $want-int, Str() $want-str) { say $want-int.WHAT, $want-str.WHAT }
# f '10', 10;
# # OUTPUT: «(Int)(Str)␤»
# use MONKEY;
# augment class Str { method Date() { } };
# sub foo(Date(Str) $d) { say $d.WHAT; say $d };
# foo "2016-12-01";
# # OUTPUT: «,11,1)␤»
ok 2667 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# $ = :($a, @b); # exactly two arguments, where the second one must be Positional
# $ = :($a, *@b); # at least one argument, @b slurps up any beyond that
# $ = :(*%h); # no positional arguments, but any number of named arguments
# sub one-arg (@) { }
# sub slurpy (*@) { }
# one-arg (5, 6, 7); # ok, same as one-arg((5, 6, 7))
# slurpy (5, 6, 7); # ok
# slurpy 5, 6, 7 ; # ok
# # one-arg(5, 6, 7) ; # X::TypeCheck::Argument
# # one-arg 5, 6, 7 ; # X::TypeCheck::Argument
# sub named-names (*%named-args) { %named-args.keys };
# say named-names :foo(42) :bar<baz>; # OUTPUT: «foo bar␤»
ok 2668 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# my @array = <a b c>;
# my $list := <d e f>;
# sub a(*@a) { @a.perl.say };
# a(@array); # OUTPUT: «["a", "b", "c"]»
# a(1, $list, [2, 3]); # OUTPUT: «[1, "d", "e", "f", 2, 3]»
# a([1, 2]); # OUTPUT: «[1, 2]»
# a(1, [1, 2], ([3, 4], 5)); # OUTPUT: «[1, 1, 2, 3, 4 5]»
# a(($_ for 1, 2, 3)); # OUTPUT: «[1, 2, 3]»
ok 2669 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my @array = <a b c>;
# my $list := <d e f>;
# sub b(**@b) { @b.perl.say };
# b(@array); # OUTPUT: «[["a", "b", "c"]]␤»
# b(1, $list, [2, 3]); # OUTPUT: «[1, ("d", "e", "f"), [2, 3]]␤»
# b([1, 2]); # OUTPUT: «[[1, 2]]␤»
# b(1, [1, 2], ([3, 4], 5)); # OUTPUT: «[1, [1, 2], ([3, 4], 5)]␤»
# b(($_ for 1, 2, 3)); # OUTPUT: «[(1, 2, 3),]␤»
ok 2670 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# my @array = <a b c>;
# my $list := <d e f>;
# sub c(+@b) { @b.perl.say };
# c(@array); # OUTPUT: «["a", "b", "c"]␤»
# c(1, $list, [2, 3]); # OUTPUT: «[1, ("d", "e", "f"), [2, 3]]␤»
# c([1, 2]); # OUTPUT: «[1, 2]␤»
# c(1, [1, 2], ([3, 4], 5)); # OUTPUT: «[1, [1, 2], ([3, 4], 5)]␤»
# c(($_ for 1, 2, 3)); # OUTPUT: «[1, 2, 3]␤»
ok 2671 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# sub f(::T $p1, T $p2, ::C){
# # $p1 and $p2 are of the same type T, that we don't know yet
# # C will hold a type we derive from a type object or value
# my C $closure = $p1 / $p2;
# return sub (T $p1) {
# $closure * $p1;
# }
# }
# # The first parameter is Int and so must be the 2nd.
# # We derive the 3rd type from calling the operator that is used in &f.
# my &s = f(10, 2, /;
# say s(2); # 10 / 2 * 2 == 10
ok 2672 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# $ = :($a); # a positional parameter
# $ = :(:$a); # a named parameter of name 'a'
# $ = :(*@a); # a slurpy positional parameter
# $ = :(*%h); # a slurpy named parameter
ok 2673 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# sub pos($x, $y) { "x=$x y=$y" }
# pos(4, 5); # RESULT: «x=4 y=5»
ok 2674 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# sub named(:$x, :$y) { "x=$x y=$y" }
# named( y => 5, x => 4); # RESULT: «x=4 y=5»
ok 2675 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# sub named(:official($private)) { "Official business!" if $private }
# named :official;
ok 2676 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# sub ( :color(:colour($c)) ) { } # 'color' and 'colour' are both OK
# sub ( :color(:$colour) ) { } # same API for the caller
ok 2677 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# multi f(:$named) { note &?ROUTINE.signature };
# multi f(:$also-named) { note &?ROUTINE.signature };
# for 'named', 'also-named' -> $n {
# f(|($n => rand)) # RESULT: «(:$named)␤(:$also-named)␤»
# }
# my $pair = :named(1);
# f |$pair; # RESULT: «(:$named)␤»
ok 2678 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# sub f(:$also-named) { note &?ROUTINE.signature };
# my %pairs = also-named => 4;
# f |%pairs; # «(:$also-named)␤»
ok 2679 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# class C { has $.x; has $.y; has @.z };
# my %h = <x y z> Z=> (5, 20, [1,2]);
# say|%h.Map);
# # OUTPUT: « => 5, y => 20, z => [1, 2])␤»
ok 2680 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# $ = :(Str $id); # required parameter
# $ = :($base = 10); # optional parameter, default value 10
# $ = :(Int $x?); # optional parameter, default is the Int type object
ok 2681 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# $ = :(:%config); # optional parameter
# $ = :(:$debug = False); # optional parameter, defaults to False
# $ = :(:$name!); # mandatory 'name' named parameter
ok 2682 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# $ = :($goal, $accuracy = $goal / 100);
# $ = :(:$excludes = ['.', '..']); # a new Array for every call
ok 2683 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# sub first(@array ($first, *@rest)) { $first }
ok 2684 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# sub first([$f, *@]) { $f }
ok 2685 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# sub all-dimensions(% (:length(:$x), :width(:$y), :depth(:$z))) {
# $x andthen $y andthen $z andthen True
# }
ok 2686 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# for <Peter Paul Merry>.pairs -> (:key($index), :value($guest)) { }
ok 2687 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# sub foo(|c(Int, Str)){
# put "called with {c.perl}"
# };
# foo(42, "answer");
# # OUTPUT: «called with \(42, "answer")␤»
ok 2688 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# multi sub f(Int $i, Str $s;; :$b) { dd $i, $s, $b };
# f(10, 'answer');
# # OUTPUT: «10␤"answer"␤Any $b = Any␤»
ok 2689 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# sub a(Int $i, Str $s) { say $i.WHAT, $s.WHAT }
# sub b(|c) { say c.WHAT; a(|c) }
# b(42, "answer");
# # OUTPUT: «(Capture)␤(Int)(Str)␤»
ok 2690 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# sub count-up($x is copy) {
# $x = Inf if $x ~~ Whatever;
# .say for 1..$x;
# }
ok 2691 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# sub swap($x is rw, $y is rw) {
# ($x, $y) = ($y, $x);
# }
ok 2692 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# sub ip-expand-ipv6($ip is copy where m:i/^<[a..f\d\:]>**3..39$/) { }
ok 2693 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# method params(Signature:D: --> Positional)
ok 2694 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# method arity(Signature:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2695 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# method count(Signature:D: --> Real:D)
ok 2696 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# :($a, $b --> Int).returns # RESULT: «Int»
ok 2697 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Signature:D: Capture $topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Signature:D: @topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Signature:D: %topic)
# multi method ACCEPTS(Signature:D: Signature $topic)
ok 2698 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# (1, 2, :foo) ~~ :($a, $b, :foo($bar)); # RESULT: «True»
# <a b c d> ~~ :(Int $a); # RESULT: «False»
ok 2699 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# :($a, $b) ~~ :($foo, $bar, $baz?); # RESULT: «True»
# :(Int $n) ~~ :(Str); # RESULT: «False»
ok 2700 - doc/Type/Signature.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# class Slip is List {}
ok 2701 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say <a b c>.map({ ($_, $_.uc).Slip }).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a|A|b|B|c|C␤»
ok 2702 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say <a b c>.map({ $_, $_.uc }).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a A|b B|c C␤»
ok 2703 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# # This says "1" and then says "2", rather than saying "(1 2)"
# .say for gather {
# take slip(1, 2);
# }
ok 2704 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# my $l = (1, 2, 3);
# say (1, slip 2, 3).perl; # says (1, 2, 3) , slips 2, 3 into (1, …)
# say (0, slip $l).perl; # says (0, $(1, 2, 3)), $l does not break apart
# say (0, $l.Slip).perl; # says (0, 1, 2, 3) , slips from $l into (0, …)
# say (|$l).perl; # says slip(1, 2, 3) , breaks apart $l
# say (0, (|$l, 4), 5); # says (0 (1 2 3 4) 5), slips from $l into (…, 4)
# say (0, ($l.Slip, 4), 5); # says (0 (1 2 3 4) 5), slips from $l into (…, 4)
# say (0, (slip $l, 4), 5); # says (0 (1 2 3) 4 5), slips ($l, 4) into (0, …, 5)
# say (0, ($l, 4).Slip, 5); # says (0 (1 2 3) 4 5), slips ($l, 4) into (0, …, 5)
ok 2705 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# my \l = gather for 1..10 -> $a, $b { take |($a, $b) }; say l.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)).Seq␤»
# my \m= gather for 1..10 -> $a, $b { take ($a, $b).Slip }; say m.perl;
# # OUTPUT: «(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).Seq␤»
ok 2706 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# sub slip(*@ --> Slip:D)
ok 2707 - doc/Type/Slip.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Stash is Hash { }
ok 2708 - doc/Type/Stash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Boring {
# class Nested { };
# our sub package_sub { }
# my sub lexical { };
# method a_method() { }
# }
# say Boring::.^name; # OUTPUT: «Stash␤»
# say Boring.WHO === Boring::; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2709 - doc/Type/Stash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class Str is Cool does Stringy { }
ok 2710 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# multi sub chop(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method chop(Str:D: $chars = 1 --> Str:D)
ok 2711 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# multi sub chomp(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method chomp(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2712 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say chomp("abc\n"); # OUTPUT: «abc␤»
# say "def\r\n".chomp; # OUTPUT: «def␤» NOTE: \r\n is a single grapheme!
# say "foo\r".chomp; # OUTPUT: «foo␤»
ok 2713 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# multi sub lc(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method lc(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2714 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# lc("A"); # RESULT: «"a"»
# "A".lc; # RESULT: «"a"»
ok 2715 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# multi sub uc(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method uc(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2716 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi sub fc(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method fc(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2717 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# multi sub tc(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method tc(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2718 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# multi sub tclc(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method tclc(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2719 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# multi sub wordcase(Cool $x --> Str)
# multi sub wordcase(Str:D $x --> Str)
# multi method wordcase(Str:D: :&filter = &tclc, Mu :$where = True --> Str)
ok 2720 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# multi method unival(Str:D --> Numeric)
ok 2721 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# say '4'.unival; # OUTPUT: «4␤»
# say '¾'.unival; # OUTPUT: «0.75␤»
# say 'a'.unival; # OUTPUT: «NaN␤»
ok 2722 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# multi method univals(Str:D --> List)
ok 2723 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# say "4a¾".univals; # OUTPUT: «(4 NaN 0.75)␤»
ok 2724 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# multi sub chars(Cool $x --> Int:D)
# multi sub chars(Str:D $x --> Int:D)
# multi sub chars(str $x --> int)
# multi method chars(Str:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2725 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# multi method encode(Str:D: $encoding, $nf --> Blob)
ok 2726 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# multi sub index(Cool $s, Str:D $needle, Cool $startpos = 0 --> Int)
# multi method index(Cool $needle, Cool $startpos = 0 --> Int)
ok 2727 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# say index "Camelia is a butterfly", "a"; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
# say index "Camelia is a butterfly", "a", 2; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
# say index "Camelia is a butterfly", "er"; # OUTPUT: «17␤»
# say index "Camelia is a butterfly", "Camel"; # OUTPUT: «0␤»
# say index "Camelia is a butterfly", "Onion"; # OUTPUT: «Nil␤»
# say index("Camelia is a butterfly", "Onion").defined ?? 'OK' !! 'NOT'; # OUTPUT: «NOT␤»
ok 2728 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# multi sub rindex(Str:D $haystack, Str:D $needle, Int $startpos = $haystack.chars --> Int)
# multi method rindex(Str:D $haystack: Str:D $needle, Int $startpos = $haystack.chars --> Int)
ok 2729 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# say rindex "Camelia is a butterfly", "a"; # OUTPUT: «11␤»
# say rindex "Camelia is a butterfly", "a", 10; # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 2730 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method match($pat, :continue(:$c), :pos(:$p), :global(:$g), :overlap(:$ov), :exhaustive(:$ex), :st(:$nd), :rd(:$th), :$nth, :$x --> Match)
ok 2731 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# say "properly".match('perl'); # OUTPUT: «「perl」␤»
# say "properly".match(/p.../); # OUTPUT: «「perl」␤»
# say "1 2 3".match([1,2,3]); # OUTPUT: «「1 2 3」␤»
# say "a1xa2".match(/a./, :continue(2)); # OUTPUT: «「a2」␤»
# say "abracadabra".match(/ a .* a /, :exhaustive);
# # OUTPUT: «(「abracadabra」 「abracada」 「abraca」 「abra」 「acadabra」 「acada」 「aca」 「adabra」 「ada」 「abra」)␤»
# say 'several words here'.match(/\w+/,:global); # OUTPUT: «(「several」 「words」 「here」)␤»
# say 'abcdef'.match(/.*/, :pos(2)); # OUTPUT: «「cdef」␤»
# say "foo[bar][baz]".match(/../, :1st); # OUTPUT: «「fo」␤»
# say "foo[bar][baz]".match(/../, :2nd); # OUTPUT: «「o[」␤»
# say "foo[bar][baz]".match(/../, :3rd); # OUTPUT: «「ba」␤»
# say "foo[bar][baz]".match(/../, :4th); # OUTPUT: «「r]」␤»
# say "foo[bar][baz]bada".match('ba', :x(2)); # OUTPUT: «(「ba」 「ba」)␤»
ok 2732 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# multi sub parse-base(Str:D $num, Int:D $radix --> Numeric)
# multi method parse-base(Str:D $num: Int:D $radix --> Numeric)
ok 2733 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# 1337.base(32).parse-base(32).say; # OUTPUT: «1337␤»
# 'Perl6'.parse-base(30).say; # OUTPUT: «20652936␤»
# 'FF.DD'.parse-base(16).say; # OUTPUT: «255.863281␤»
ok 2734 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# say split(";", "a;b;c").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c")␤»
# say split(";", "a;b;c", :v).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", ";", "b", ";", "c")␤»
# say split(";", "a;b;c", 2).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b;c").Seq␤»
# say split(";", "a;b;c", 2, :v).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", ";", "b;c")␤»
# say split(";", "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c,d")␤»
# say split(/\;/, "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c,d")␤»
# say split(<; ,>, "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c", "d")␤»
# say split(/<[;,]>/, "a;b;c,d").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c", "d")␤»
# say split(<; ,>, "a;b;c,d", :k).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", 0, "b", 0, "c", 1, "d")␤»
# say split(<; ,>, "a;b;c,d", :kv).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", 0, ";", "b", 0, ";", "c", 1, ",", "d")␤»
# say "".split("x").perl; # OUTPUT: «("",)␤»
# say "".split("x", :skip-empty).perl; # OUTPUT: «("",)␤»
# say "abcde".split("").perl; # OUTPUT: «("", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "")␤»
# say "abcde".split("",:skip-empty).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")␤»
ok 2735 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# multi sub comb(Str:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf)
# multi sub comb(Regex:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf, Bool :$match)
# multi sub comb(Int:D $size, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf)
# multi method comb(Str:D $input:)
# multi method comb(Str:D $input: Str:D $matcher, $limit = Inf)
# multi method comb(Str:D $input: Regex:D $matcher, $limit = Inf, Bool :$match)
# multi method comb(Str:D $input: Int:D $size, $limit = Inf)
ok 2736 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# say "abc".comb.perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c").Seq␤»
# say 'abcdefghijk'.comb(3).perl; # OUTPUT: «("abc", "def", "ghi", "jk").Seq␤»
# say 'abcdefghijk'.comb(3, 2).perl; # OUTPUT: «("abc", "def").Seq␤»
# say comb(/\w/, "a;b;c").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c").Seq␤»
# say comb(/\N/, "a;b;c").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", ";", "b", ";", "c").Seq␤»
# say comb(/\w/, "a;b;c", 2).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b").Seq␤»
# say comb(/\w\;\w/, "a;b;c", 2).perl; # OUTPUT: «("a;b",).Seq␤»
ok 2737 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# multi sub lines(Str:D $input, $limit = Inf --> Positional)
# multi method lines(Str:D $input: $limit = Inf --> Positional)
ok 2738 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# say lines("a\nb").perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b").Seq␤»
# say lines("a\nb").elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say "a\nb".lines.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say "a\n".lines.elems; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 2739 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# multi sub words(Str:D $input, $limit = Inf --> Positional)
# multi method words(Str:D $input: $limit = Inf --> Positional)
ok 2740 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# say "a\nb\n".words.perl; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b").Seq␤»
# say "hello world".words.perl; # OUTPUT: «("hello", "world").Seq␤»
# say "foo:bar".words.perl; # OUTPUT: «("foo:bar",).Seq␤»
# say "foo:bar\tbaz".words.perl; # OUTPUT: «("foo:bar", "baz").Seq␤»
ok 2741 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# multi sub flip(Str:D --> Str:D)
# multi method flip(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2742 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# "Perl".flip; # RESULT: «lreP»
# "ABBA".flip; # RESULT: «ABBA»
ok 2743 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# multi sub sprintf( Str:D $format, *@args --> Str:D)
ok 2744 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# grammar Str::SprintfFormat {
# regex format_token { '%': <index>? <precision>? <modifier>? <directive> }
# token index { \d+ '$' }
# token precision { <flags>? <vector>? <precision_count> }
# token flags { <[ \x20 + 0 \# \- ]>+ }
# token precision_count { [ <[1..9]>\d* | '*' ]? [ '.' [ \d* | '*' ] ]? }
# token vector { '*'? v }
# token modifier { < ll l h V q L > }
# token directive { < % c s d u o x e f g X E G b p n i D U O F > }
# }
ok 2745 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# sprintf '%2$d %1$d', 12, 34; # OUTPUT: «34 12␤»
# sprintf '%3$d %d %1$d', 1, 2, 3; # OUTPUT: «3 1 1␤»
ok 2746 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# sprintf '<% d>', 12; # OUTPUT: «< 12>␤»
# sprintf '<% d>', 0; # OUTPUT: «< 0>"»
# sprintf '<% d>', -12; # OUTPUT: «<-12>␤»
# sprintf '<%+d>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<+12>␤»
# sprintf '<%+d>', 0; # OUTPUT: «<+0>"»
# sprintf '<%+d>', -12; # OUTPUT: «<-12>␤»
# sprintf '<%6s>', 12; # OUTPUT: «< 12>␤»
# sprintf '<%-6s>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<12 >␤»
# sprintf '<%06s>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<000012>␤»
# sprintf '<%#o>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<014>␤»
# sprintf '<%#x>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<0xc>␤»
# sprintf '<%#X>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<0XC>␤»
# sprintf '<%#b>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<0b1100>␤»
# sprintf '<%#B>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<0B1100>␤»
ok 2747 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# sprintf '<%+ d>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<+12>␤»
# sprintf '<% +d>', 12; # OUTPUT: «<+12>␤»
ok 2748 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
Potential difficulties:
Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6. Please use 0o12 if you mean that.
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2751:2
------>  class :: {sprintf '<%#.5o>', 012⏏; # OUTPUT: «<000012>␤»
Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6. Please use 0o12345 if you mean that.
at /Users/williamcoleda/sandbox/doc/EVAL_2751:3
------> sprintf '<%#.5o>', 012345⏏; # OUTPUT: «<012345>␤»
# sprintf '<%#.5o>', 012; # OUTPUT: «<000012>␤»
# sprintf '<%#.5o>', 012345; # OUTPUT: «<012345>␤»
# sprintf '<%#.0o>', 0; # OUTPUT: «<>␤» # zero precision results in no output!
ok 2749 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# sprintf "<%s>", "a"; # OUTPUT: «<a>␤»
# sprintf "<%6s>", "a"; # OUTPUT: «< a>␤»
# sprintf "<%*s>", 6, "a"; # OUTPUT: «< a>␤»
ok 2750 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# sprintf "<%2s>", "long"; # OUTPUT: «<long>␤» (does not truncate)
ok 2751 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# # these examples are subject to system-specific variation
# sprintf '<%f>', 1; # OUTPUT: «"<1.000000>"␤»
# sprintf '<%.1f>', 1; # OUTPUT: «"<1.0>"␤»
# sprintf '<%.0f>', 1; # OUTPUT: «"<1>"␤»
# sprintf '<%e>', 10; # OUTPUT: «"<1.000000e+01>"␤»
# sprintf '<%.1e>', 10; # OUTPUT: «"<1.0e+01>"␤»
ok 2752 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# # These examples are subject to system-specific variation.
# sprintf '<%g>', 1; # OUTPUT: «<1>␤»
# sprintf '<%.10g>', 1; # OUTPUT: «<1>␤»
# sprintf '<%g>', 100; # OUTPUT: «<100>␤»
# sprintf '<%.1g>', 100; # OUTPUT: «<1e+02>␤»
# sprintf '<%.2g>', 100.01; # OUTPUT: «<1e+02>␤»
# sprintf '<%.5g>', 100.01; # OUTPUT: «<100.01>␤»
# sprintf '<%.4g>', 100.01; # OUTPUT: «<100>␤»
ok 2753 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# sprintf '<%.5s>', "truncated"; # OUTPUT: «<trunc>␤»
# sprintf '<%10.5s>', "truncated"; # OUTPUT: «< trunc>␤»
ok 2754 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# sprintf '<%.*s>', 7, "string"; # OUTPUT: «<string>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*s>', 3, "string"; # OUTPUT: «<str>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*s>', 0, "string"; # OUTPUT: «<>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*s>', -1, "string"; # OUTPUT: «<string>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*d>', 1, 0; # OUTPUT: «<0>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*d>', 0, 0; # OUTPUT: «<>␤»
# sprintf '<%.*d>', -1, 0; # OUTPUT: «<0>␤»
ok 2755 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# my $a = 5; my $b = 2; my $c = 'net';
# sprintf "<%*.*s>", $a, $b, $c; # OUTPUT: «< ne>␤»
ok 2756 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# sprintf Q:b "<b>%s</b>\n", "Perl 6"; # OUTPUT: «<b>Perl 6</b>␤␤»
# sprintf "<b>\%s</b>\n", "Perl 6"; # OUTPUT: «<b>Perl 6</b>␤␤»
# sprintf "<b>%s\</b>\n", "Perl 6"; # OUTPUT: «<b>Perl 6</b>␤␤»
ok 2757 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# multi method starts-with(Str:D: Str(Cool) $needle --> True:D)
ok 2758 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# say "Hello, World".starts-with("Hello"); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
# say "".starts-with('ftp'); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2759 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# multi method ends-with(Str:D: Str(Cool) $needle --> True:D)
ok 2760 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# say "Hello, World".ends-with('Hello'); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say "Hello, World".ends-with('ld'); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2761 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 52 compiles
# multi method subst(Str:D: $matcher, $replacement, *%opts)
ok 2762 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 53 compiles
# my $some-string = "Some foo";
# my $another-string = $some-string.subst(/foo/, "string"); # gives 'Some string'
# $some-string.=subst(/foo/, "string"); # in-place substitution. $some-string is now 'Some string'
ok 2763 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 54 compiles
# my $i = 41;
# my $str = "The answer is secret.";
# my $real-answer = $str.subst(/secret/, {++$i}); # The answer to everything
ok 2764 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 55 compiles
# my $str = "Hey foo foo foo";
# $str.subst(/foo/, "bar", :g); # global substitution - returns Hey bar bar bar
# $str.subst(/foo/, "no subst", :x(0)); # targeted substitution. Number of times to substitute. Returns back unmodified.
# $str.subst(/foo/, "bar", :x(1)); #replace just the first occurrence.
# $str.subst(/foo/, "bar", :nth(3)); # replace nth match alone. Replaces the third foo. Returns Hey foo foo bar
ok 2765 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 56 compiles
# say 'ooooo'.subst: 'o', 'x', :1st; # OUTPUT: «xoooo␤»
# say 'ooooo'.subst: 'o', 'x', :2nd; # OUTPUT: «oxooo␤»
# say 'ooooo'.subst: 'o', 'x', :3rd; # OUTPUT: «ooxoo␤»
# say 'ooooo'.subst: 'o', 'x', :4th; # OUTPUT: «oooxo␤»
ok 2766 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 57 compiles
# my $some-string = "Some foo";
# my $match = $some-string.subst-mutate(/foo/, "string");
# say $some-string; # OUTPUT: «Some string␤»
# say $match; # OUTPUT: «「foo」␤»
# $some-string.subst-mutate(/<[oe]>/, '', :g); # remove every o and e, notice the :g named argument from .subst
ok 2767 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 58 compiles
# multi sub substr(Str:D $s, Int:D $from, Int:D $chars = $s.chars - $from --> Str:D)
# multi sub substr(Str:D $s, Range $from-to --> Str:D)
# multi method substr(Str:D $s: Int:D $from, Int:D $chars = $s.chars - $from --> Str:D)
# multi method substr(Str:D $s: Range $from-to --> Str:D)
ok 2768 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 59 compiles
# substr("Long string", 6, 3); # RESULT: «tri»
# substr("Long string", 6); # RESULT: «tring»
# substr("Long string", 6, *-1); # RESULT: «trin»
# substr("Long string", *-3, *-1); # RESULT: «in»
ok 2769 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 60 compiles
# multi method substr-eq(Str:D: Str(Cool) $test-string, Int(Cool) $from --> Bool)
# multi method substr-eq(Cool:D: Str(Cool) $test-string, Int(Cool) $from --> Bool)
ok 2770 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 61 compiles
# my $string = "foobar";
# say $string.substr-eq("bar", 3); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2771 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 62 compiles
# my $string = "foobar";
# say $string.substr-eq("barz", 3); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2772 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 63 compiles
# my $string = "foobar";
# say $string.substr-eq("foobar", 0); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2773 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 64 compiles
# my $integer = 342;
# say $integer.substr-eq(42, 1); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2774 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 65 compiles
# my $integer = 342;
# say $integer.substr-eq(342, 0); # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2775 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 66 compiles
# my $integer = 342;
# say $integer.substr-eq(42, 3); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $integer.substr-eq(7342, 0); # OUTPUT: «False␤»
ok 2776 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 67 compiles
# method substr-rw($from, $length?)
ok 2777 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 68 compiles
# my $string = "abc";
# $string.substr-rw(1, 1) = "z";
# $string.say; # OUTPUT: «azc␤»
ok 2778 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 69 compiles
# my $string = "abc";
# substr-rw($string, 1, 1) = "z";
# $string.say; # OUTPUT: «azc␤»
ok 2779 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 70 compiles
# my $string = "A character in the 'Flintstones' is: barney";
# $string ~~ /(barney)/;
# my $ref := substr-rw($string, $0.from, $;
# $string.say;
# # OUTPUT: «A character in the 'Flintstones' is: barney␤»
# $ref = "fred";
# $string.say;
# # OUTPUT: «A character in the 'Flintstones' is: fred␤»
# $ref = "wilma";
# $string.say;
# # OUTPUT: «A character in the 'Flintstones' is: wilma␤»
ok 2780 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 71 compiles
# multi sub samemark(Str:D $string, Str:D $pattern --> Str:D)
# method samemark(Str:D: Str:D $pattern --> Str:D)
ok 2781 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 72 compiles
# say 'åäö'.samemark('aäo'); # OUTPUT: «aäo␤»
# say 'åäö'.samemark('a'); # OUTPUT: «aao␤»
# say samemark('Pêrl', 'a'); # OUTPUT: «Perl␤»
# say samemark('aöä', ''); # OUTPUT: «aöä␤»
ok 2782 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 73 compiles
# method succ(Str:D --> Str:D)
ok 2783 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 74 compiles
# '12.34'.succ; # RESULT: «13.34»
# 'img001.png'.succ; # RESULT: «img002.png»
ok 2784 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 75 compiles
# 'aa'.succ; # RESULT: «ab»
# 'az'.succ; # RESULT: «ba»
# '109'.succ; # RESULT: «110»
# 'α'.succ; # RESULT: «β»
# 'a9'.succ; # RESULT: «b0»
ok 2785 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 76 compiles
# method pred(Str:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2786 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 77 compiles
# multi sub ord(Str:D --> Int:D)
# multi method ord(Str:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2787 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 78 compiles
# ord("A"); # 65
# "«".ord; # 171
ok 2788 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 79 compiles
# multi method ords(Str:D: --> Positional)
ok 2789 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 80 compiles
# "aå«".ords; # (97 229 171)
ok 2790 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 81 compiles
# multi method trans(Str:D: Pair:D \what, *%n --> Str)
# multi method trans(Str:D: *@changes, :complement(:$c), :squash(:$s), :delete(:$d) --> Str)
ok 2791 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 82 compiles
# my $str = 'say $x<b> && $y<a>';
# $str.=trans( '<' => '«' );
# $str.=trans( '<' => '«', '>' => '»' );
# $str.=trans( [ '<' , '>' , '&' ] =>
# [ '&lt;', '&gt;', '&amp;' ]);
# $str.=trans( ['a'..'y'] => ['A'..'z'] );
# "abcdefghij".trans(/<[aeiou]> \w/ => ''); # RESULT: «cdgh»
# "a123b123c".trans(['a'..'z'] => 'x', :complement); # RESULT: «axxxbxxxc»
# "a123b123c".trans('23' => '', :delete); # RESULT: «a1b1c»
# "aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'..'z' => 'A'..'Z', :squash); # RESULT: «A1123B123C»
# "aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'..'z' => 'x', :complement, :squash); # RESULT: «aaaxbbxc»
ok 2792 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 83 compiles
# multi method indent(Int $steps where { $_ == 0 } )
# multi method indent(Int $steps where { $_ > 0 } )
# multi method indent($steps where { .isa(Whatever) || .isa(Int) && $_ < 0 } )
ok 2793 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 84 compiles
# " indented by 2 spaces\n indented even more".indent(*)
# eq "indented by 2 spaces\n indented even more"
ok 2794 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 85 compiles
# method trim(Str:D: --> Str)
ok 2795 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 86 compiles
# my $line = ' hello world ';
# say '<' ~ $line.trim ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
# say '<' ~ trim($line) ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
# $line.trim;
# say '<' ~ $line ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «< hello world >␤»
# $line.=trim;
# say '<' ~ $line ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
ok 2796 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 87 compiles
# method trim-trailing(Str:D: --> Str)
ok 2797 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 88 compiles
# method trim-leading(Str:D: --> Str)
ok 2798 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 89 compiles
# method NFC(Str:D: --> NFC:D)
ok 2799 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 90 compiles
# method NFD(Str:D: --> NFD:D)
ok 2800 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 91 compiles
# method NFKC(Str:D: --> NFKC:D)
ok 2801 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 92 compiles
# method NFKD(Str:D: --> NFKD:D)
ok 2802 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 93 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Str:D: $other)
ok 2803 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 94 compiles
# multi sub val(Str:D $MAYBEVAL, :$val-or-fail)
ok 2804 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 95 compiles
# say val("42").WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(IntStr)␤»
# say val("42e0").WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(NumStr)␤»
# say val("42.0").WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(RatStr)␤»
# say val("42+0i").WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(ComplexStr)␤»
ok 2805 - doc/Type/Str.pod6 chunk 96 compiles
# role Stringy { ... }
ok 2806 - doc/Type/Stringy.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Sub is Routine { }
ok 2807 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $s = sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b };
# say $s.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Sub)␤»
# say $s(2, 5); # OUTPUT: «7␤»
# sub postfix:<♥>($a){ say „I love $a!“ }
# 42♥;
# # OUTPUT: «I love 42!␤»
# sub postcircumfix:<⸨ ⸩>(Positional $a, Whatever){ say $a[0], '…', $a[*-1] }
# [1,2,3,4]⸨*⸩;
# # OUTPUT: «1…4␤»
# constant term:<♥> = "♥"; # We don't want to quote "love", do we?
# sub circumfix:<α ω>($a){ say „$a is the beginning and the end.“ };
# α♥ω;
# # OUTPUT: «♥ is the beginning and the end.␤»
ok 2808 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub Int(Str $s){'oi‽'};
# say [Int, Int('42'),&Int('42')];
# # OUTPUT: «[(Int) 42 oi‽]␤»
ok 2809 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say 'start';
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Sub $s, :$foo){
# say "⟨is foo⟩ has been called with ⟨$foo⟩ on {$s.WHICH}";
# }
# sub bar() is foo<oi‽> {
# say 'bar has been called'
# }
# bar();
# # OUTPUT: «⟨is foo⟩ has been called with ⟨oi‽⟩ on Sub|47563000␤start␤bar has been called␤»
ok 2810 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# multi trait_mod:<is>(Variable $a, :@foo [$firstpos, *@restpos, :$named, *%restnameds]) {
# say [$firstpos, @restpos, $named, %restnameds]
# }
# my $x is foo[1,2,3,:named<a>, :2b, :3c] = 1
# # OUTPUT: «[1 [2 3] a {b => 2, c => 3}]␤»
ok 2811 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is> (Sub $s, :$foo) is foo {
# say 'is foo called'
# }
# sub bar {}
# &trait_mod:<is>(&bar, :foo);
# # OUTPUT: «is foo called␤is foo called␤»
ok 2812 - doc/Type/Sub.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class Submethod is Routine {}
ok 2813 - doc/Type/Submethod.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Area {
# has $.size;
# submethod BUILD(:$x, :$y, :$z) {
# $!size = $x * $y * $z;
# }
# }
ok 2814 - doc/Type/Submethod.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class Supplier { }
ok 2815 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply_1 = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply_1.tap(-> $v { say "One $v" });
# my $supply_2 = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply_2.tap(-> $v { say "Two $v" });
# $supplier.emit(42);
ok 2816 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new()
ok 2817 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method Supply(Supplier:D: --> Supply)
ok 2818 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method emit(Supplier:D: Mu \value)
ok 2819 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method done(Supplier:D:)
ok 2820 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say $v }, done => { say "no more answers" });
# $supplier.emit(42);
# $supplier.done;
ok 2821 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# multi method quit(Supplier:D: Exception $ex)
# multi method quit(Supplier:D: Str() $message)
ok 2822 - doc/Type/Supplier.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class Supply {}
ok 2823 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $supply = $supplier.Supply;
# $supply.tap(-> $v { say "$v" });
# $supplier.emit(42); # Will cause the tap to output "42"
ok 2824 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $s = Supply.from-list(0 .. 5);
# my $t = $s.tap(-> $v { say $v }, done => { say "no more ticks" });
ok 2825 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method act(Supply:D: &act --> Tap:D)
ok 2826 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method Channel(Supply:D: --> Channel:D)
ok 2827 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method Promise(Supply:D: --> Promise:D)
ok 2828 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $s = $supplier.Supply;
# my $p = $s.Promise;
# $p.then(-> $v { say "got $v.result()" });
# $supplier.emit('cha'); # not output yet
# $supplier.done(); # got cha
ok 2829 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method live(Supply:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2830 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# say; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2831 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method schedule-on(Supply:D: $scheduler)
ok 2832 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method wait(Supply:D:)
ok 2833 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $s =;
# start {
# sleep 1;
# say "One second: running.";
# sleep 1;
# $s.emit(42);
# $s.done;
# }
# $s.Supply.wait;
# say "Two seconds: done";
ok 2834 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method list(Supply:D: --> List:D)
ok 2835 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# method grab(Supply:D: &process --> Supply:D)
ok 2836 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method reverse(Supply:D: --> Supply:D)
ok 2837 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# method sort(Supply:D: &by? --> Supply:D)
ok 2838 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method from-list(Supply:U: *@values --> Supply:D)
ok 2839 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 17 compiles
# my $s = Supply.from-list(1, 2, 3);
# $s.tap(&say); # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤»
ok 2840 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 18 compiles
# method share(Supply:D: --> Supply:D)
ok 2841 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 19 compiles
# # this says in turn: "first 1" "first 2" "second 2" "first 3" "second 3"
# my $s = Supply.interval(1).share;
# $s.tap: { "first $_".say };
# sleep 1.1;
# $s.tap: { "second $_".say };
# sleep 2
ok 2842 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 20 compiles
# method flat(Supply:D: --> Supply:D)
ok 2843 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 21 compiles
# method do(Supply:D: &do --> Supply:D)
ok 2844 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 22 compiles
# method interval(Supply:U: $interval, $delay = 0 --> Supply:D)
ok 2845 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 23 compiles
# method grep(Supply:D: Mu $test --> Supply:D)
ok 2846 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 24 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $all = $supplier.Supply;
# my $ints = $all.grep(Int);
# $ints.tap(&say);
# $supplier.emit($_) for 1, 'a string', 3.14159; # prints only 1
ok 2847 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 25 compiles
# method map(Supply:D: &mapper --> Supply:D)
ok 2848 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 26 compiles
# my $supplier =;
# my $all = $supplier.Supply;
# my $double = $> $value { $value * 2 });
# $double.tap(&say);
# $supplier.emit(4); # RESULT: «8»
ok 2849 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 27 compiles
# method batch(Supply:D: :$elems, :$seconds --> Supply:D)
ok 2850 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 28 compiles
# method elems(Supply:D: $seconds? --> Supply:D)
ok 2851 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 29 compiles
# method head(Supply:D: Int(Cool) $number = 1 --> Supply:D)
ok 2852 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 30 compiles
# method tail(Supply:D: Int(Cool) $number = 1 --> Supply:D)
ok 2853 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 31 compiles
# method rotor(Supply:D: @cycle --> Supply:D)
ok 2854 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 32 compiles
# method delayed(Supply:D: $seconds --> Supply:D)
ok 2855 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 33 compiles
# my $s = Supply.from-list(^6); # set up supply
# my $t = $s.throttle: 3, # only allow 3 at a time
# { # code block to run
# say "running $_"; # announce we've started
# sleep rand; # wait some random time
# say "done $_" # announce we're done
# } # don't need ; because } at end of line
# $t.wait; # wait for the supply to be done
ok 2856 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 34 compiles
# method stable(Supply:D: $seconds, :$scheduler --> Supply:D)
ok 2857 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 35 compiles
# method reduce(Supply:D: &with --> Supply:D)
ok 2858 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 36 compiles
# method lines(Supply:D: :$chomp = True --> Supply:D)
ok 2859 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 37 compiles
# method words(Supply:D: --> Supply:D)
ok 2860 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 38 compiles
# method unique(Supply:D: :$as, :$with, :$expires --> Supply:D)
ok 2861 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 39 compiles
# method squish(Supply:D: :$as, :$with, :$expires --> Supply:D)
ok 2862 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 40 compiles
# method max(Supply:D: &by = &infix:<cmp> --> Supply:D)
ok 2863 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 41 compiles
# method min(Supply:D: &by = &infix:<cmp> --> Supply:D)
ok 2864 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 42 compiles
# method minmax(Supply:D: &by = &infix:<cmp> --> Supply:D)
ok 2865 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 43 compiles
# method start(Supply:D: &startee --> Supply:D)
ok 2866 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 44 compiles
# method migrate(Supply:D: --> Supply:D)
ok 2867 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 45 compiles
# method merge(Supply @*supplies --> Supply:D)
ok 2868 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 46 compiles
# method zip(Supply @*supplies, :&with = &[,] --> Supply:D)
ok 2869 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 47 compiles
# method zip-latest(Supply @*supplies, :&with = &[,], :$initial --> Supply:D)
ok 2870 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 48 compiles
# sub signal(@*signals, :$scheduler)
ok 2871 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 49 compiles
# signal(SIGINT).tap( { say "Thank you for your attention"; exit 0 } );
ok 2872 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 50 compiles
# signal(Signal(2)).tap( -> $sig { say "Received signal: $sig" } );
ok 2873 - doc/Type/Supply.pod6 chunk 51 compiles
# class Tap {}
ok 2874 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $s =;
# my $tap = $s.Supply.tap(
# -> $v { say "the value is $v" },
# done => { say "Supply is done" },
# closing => { say "Tap closed" },
# quit => -> $ex { say "Supply finished with error $ex" },
# );
# # later
# $tap.close;
ok 2875 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method emit(Tap:D: --> Callable:D)
ok 2876 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method done(Tap:D:)
ok 2877 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method quit(Tap:D:)
ok 2878 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method closing(Tap:D:)
ok 2879 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method supply(Tap:D:)
ok 2880 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method close(Tap:D:)
ok 2881 - doc/Type/Tap.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class Thread {}
ok 2882 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use v6.c;
# my @threads = (^10).map: {
# Thread.start(
# name => "Sleepsorter $_",
# sub {
# my $rand = (^10).pick;
# sleep $rand;
# say $rand;
# },
# );
# }
# .finish for @threads;
ok 2883 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method new(:&code!, Bool :$app_lifetime = False, Str :$name = '<anon>' --> Thread:D)
ok 2884 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method start(Thread:U: &code, Bool :$app_lifetime = False, Str :$name = '<anon>' --> Thread:D)
ok 2885 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method run(Thread:D:)
ok 2886 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method id(Thread:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2887 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method finish(Thread:D)
ok 2888 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method join(Thread:D)
ok 2889 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# method yield(Thread:U)
ok 2890 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# Thread.yield;
ok 2891 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# method app_lifetime(Thread:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2892 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# my $t1 = => { for 1..5 -> $v { say $v }});
# my $t2 = => { for 1..5 -> $v { say $v }}, :app_lifetime);
# say $t1.app_lifetime; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $t2.app_lifetime; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2893 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# method name(Thread:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2894 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# my $t1 = => { for 1..5 -> $v { say $v }});
# my $t2 = => { for 1..5 -> $v { say $v }}, name => 'my thread');
# say $; # OUTPUT: «<anon>␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «my thread␤»
ok 2895 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 14 compiles
# method Str(Thread:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2896 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 15 compiles
# my $t = => { for 1..5 -> $v { say $v }}, name => 'calc thread');
# say $t.Str; # OUTPUT: «Thread<3>(calc thread)␤»
ok 2897 - doc/Type/Thread.pod6 chunk 16 compiles
# method new(Int :$initial_threads = 0, Int :$max_threads=16)
ok 2898 - doc/Type/ThreadPoolScheduler.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my UInt $u = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff; # 64-bit unsigned value
# say $u.base(16); # OUTPUT: «FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF␤» (32 digits)
# ++$u;
# say $u.base(16); # OUTPUT: «100000000000000000000000000000000␤» (33 digits!)
# my Int $i = $u;
# say $i.base(16); # same as above
# say $u.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤» - UInt is a subset, so the type is still Int.
# say $i.WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Int)␤»
# # Difference in assignment
# my UInt $a = 5; # nothing wrong
# my UInt $b = -5; # Exception about failed type check
# my UInt $c = 0;
# --$c; # Exception again
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $b; expected UInt but got Int (-5)␤»
# # Non-assignment operations are fine
# my UInt $d = 3;
# say $a - 3; # OUTPUT: «-3␤»
ok 2899 - doc/Type/UInt.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Uni does Positional[uint32] does Stringy { }
ok 2900 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method new(*@codes --> Uni:D)
ok 2901 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method NFC(Uni:D: --> NFC:D)
ok 2902 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method NFD(Uni:D: --> NFD:D)
ok 2903 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method NFKC(Uni:D: --> NFKC:D)
ok 2904 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method NFKD(Uni:D: --> NFKD:D)
ok 2905 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# method codes(Uni:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2906 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method elems(Uni:D: --> Int:D)
ok 2907 - doc/Type/Uni.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# class Variable {}
ok 2908 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name(Variable:D: str)
ok 2909 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Variable:D, :$default!)
ok 2910 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my Int $x is default(42);
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
# $x = 5;
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «5␤»
# # explicit reset:
# $x = Nil;
# say $x; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
ok 2911 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Variable:D, :$dynamic)
ok 2912 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# multi sub trait_mod:<of>(Mu:U $target, Mu:U $type)
ok 2913 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $i of Int = 42;
# $i = "forty plus two";
# CATCH { default { say .^name, ' ', .Str } }
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment Type check failed in assignment to $i; expected Int but got Str ("forty plus two")␤»
ok 2914 - doc/Type/Variable.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# class Version { }
ok 2915 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say v1.0.1 ~~ v1.*; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2916 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say v1.2 ~~ v1.0; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say v1.2 ~~ v1.0+; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2917 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# say v1.2 cmp v2.1; # OUTPUT: «Less␤»
ok 2918 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method new(Str:D $s)
ok 2919 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method parts(Version:D: --> List:D)
ok 2920 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my $v1 = v1.0.1;
# my $v2 = v1.0.1+;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «(1 0 1)␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «(1 0 1)␤»
ok 2921 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# method plus(Version:D: --> Bool:D)
ok 2922 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# my $v1 = v1.0.1;
# my $v2 = v1.0.1+;
# say $; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
# say $; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
ok 2923 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# method Str(Version:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2924 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 10 compiles
# my $v1 = v1.0.1;
# my $v2 ='1.0.1');
# say $v1.Str; # OUTPUT: «1.0.1␤»
# say $v2.Str; # OUTPUT: «1.0.1␤»
ok 2925 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 11 compiles
# method gist(Version:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2926 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 12 compiles
# my $v1 = v1.0.1;
# my $v2 ='1.0.1');
# say $v1.gist; # OUTPUT: «v1.0.1␤»
# say $v2.gist; # OUTPUT: «v1.0.1␤»
ok 2927 - doc/Type/Version.pod6 chunk 13 compiles
# class Whatever { }
ok 2928 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $c = * + 2; # same as -> $x { $x + 2 };
# say $c(4); # OUTPUT: «6␤»
ok 2929 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $c = * + *; # same as -> $x, $y { $x + $y }
ok 2930 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# my $c = 4 * * + 5; # same as -> $x { 4 * $x + 5 }
ok 2931 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# <a b c>.map: *.uc; # same as <a b c>.map: -> $char { $char.uc }
ok 2932 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# say (1..*).WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(Range)␤»
# say (1..*-1).WHAT; # OUTPUT: «(WhateverCode)␤»
ok 2933 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# my @a = 1..4;
# say @a[0..*]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4)␤»
# say @a[0..*-2]; # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3)␤»
ok 2934 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 7 compiles
# my $x = *;
# $x + 2; # Not a closure, dies because it can't coerce $x to Numeric
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Multi::NoMatch: Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Whatever: ); none of these signatures match:␤
# # (Mu:U \v: *%_)»
ok 2935 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 8 compiles
# multi method ACCEPTS(Whatever:D: Mu $other)
ok 2936 - doc/Type/Whatever.pod6 chunk 9 compiles
# class WhateverCode is Code { }
ok 2937 - doc/Type/WhateverCode.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class Cycle {
# has $.pos;
# has @.vals;
# }
# multi sub get_val(Cycle $c, Int $idx) {
# $c.vals[$idx % $c.vals.elems]
# }
# # Define what to do with a stand-alone * as the second argument
# multi sub get_val(Cycle $c, Whatever $idx) {
# get_val($c, $c.pos);
# }
# # Define what to do with a * in an expression
# multi sub get_val(Cycle $c, WhateverCode $idx) {
# get_val($c, $idx($c.pos));
# }
# my Cycle $c .= new(:pos(2), :vals(0..^10));
# say get_val($c, 3); # OUTPUT: «3␤»
# say get_val($c, *); # OUTPUT: «2␤»
# say get_val($c, *-1); # OUTPUT: «1␤»
ok 2938 - doc/Type/WhateverCode.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# sub f() { say 'f was called' }
# my $wrap-handle = &f.wrap({ say 'before'; callsame; say 'after' });
# f;
# $wrap-handle.restore;
# f;
# # OUTPUT: «before␤f was called␤after␤f was called␤»
ok 2939 - doc/Type/WrapHandle.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method restore(--> Bool:D)
ok 2940 - doc/Type/WrapHandle.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# try {
# die [404, 'File not found']; # throw non-exception object
# }
# say "Got HTTP code ",
# $!.payload[0], # 404
# " and backtrace ",
# $!.backtrace;
ok 2941 - doc/Type/X/AdHoc.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method payload(X::AdHoc:D)
ok 2942 - doc/Type/X/AdHoc.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Anon::Augment does X::Comp { }
ok 2943 - doc/Type/X/Anon/Augment.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method package-kind returns Str:D
ok 2944 - doc/Type/X/Anon/Augment.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Anon::Multi does X::Comp { }
ok 2945 - doc/Type/X/Anon/Multi.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method multiness(--> Str:D)
ok 2946 - doc/Type/X/Anon/Multi.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method routine-type(--> Str:D)
ok 2947 - doc/Type/X/Anon/Multi.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Assignment::RO is Exception {}
ok 2948 - doc/Type/X/Assignment/RO.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub f() { 42 };
# f() = 'new value'; # throws an X::Assignment::RO
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Assignment::RO: Cannot modify an immutable Any␤»
ok 2949 - doc/Type/X/Assignment/RO.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method typename(X::Assignment::RO:D: --> Str)
ok 2950 - doc/Type/X/Assignment/RO.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Attribute::NoPackage does X::Comp { }
ok 2951 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/NoPackage.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name(--> Str:D)
ok 2952 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/NoPackage.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Attribute::Package does X::Comp { }
ok 2953 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/Package.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name(--> Str:D)
ok 2954 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/Package.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method package-kind(--> Str:D)
ok 2955 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/Package.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Attribute::Undeclared is X::Undeclared { }
ok 2956 - doc/Type/X/Attribute/Undeclared.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Augment::NoSuchType does X::Comp { }
ok 2957 - doc/Type/X/Augment/NoSuchType.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method package-kind(--> Str:D)
ok 2958 - doc/Type/X/Augment/NoSuchType.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Bind is Exception {}
ok 2959 - doc/Type/X/Bind.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Bind::NativeType does X::Comp { }
ok 2960 - doc/Type/X/Bind/NativeType.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my int $x = 3;
ok 2961 - doc/Type/X/Bind/NativeType.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method name(--> Str:D)
ok 2962 - doc/Type/X/Bind/NativeType.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Bind::Slice is Exception {}
ok 2963 - doc/Type/X/Bind/Slice.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my @a; @a[0, 1] := [42];
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Bind::Slice: Cannot bind to Array slice␤»
ok 2964 - doc/Type/X/Bind/Slice.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my %h; %h<a b> := {};
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Bind::Slice: Cannot bind to Hash slice␤»
ok 2965 - doc/Type/X/Bind/Slice.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method type(X::Bind::Slice:D:)
ok 2966 - doc/Type/X/Bind/Slice.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::Caller::NotDynamic is Exception { }
ok 2967 - doc/Type/X/Caller/NotDynamic.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed {}
ok 2968 - doc/Type/X/Channel/ReceiveOnClosed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $s =;
# $s.close;
# $s.receive; # Cannot receive a message on a closed channel
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed: Cannot receive a message on a closed channel␤»
ok 2969 - doc/Type/X/Channel/ReceiveOnClosed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method Channel(X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed:D: --> Channel:D)
ok 2970 - doc/Type/X/Channel/ReceiveOnClosed.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Channel::SendOnClosed {}
ok 2971 - doc/Type/X/Channel/SendOnClosed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $s =;
# $s.close;
# $s.send(42);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Channel::SendOnClosed: Cannot send a message on a closed channel␤»
ok 2972 - doc/Type/X/Channel/SendOnClosed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method Channel(X::Channel::SendOnClosed:D: --> Channel:D)
ok 2973 - doc/Type/X/Channel/SendOnClosed.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# role X::Comp is Exception { }
ok 2974 - doc/Type/X/Comp.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Composition::NotComposable is Exception { }
ok 2975 - doc/Type/X/Composition/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method target-name(--> Str:D)
ok 2976 - doc/Type/X/Composition/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method composer(--> Mu)
ok 2977 - doc/Type/X/Composition/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Constructor::Positional is Exception { }
ok 2978 - doc/Type/X/Constructor/Positional.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class A { };
#, 3);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Constructor::Positional: Default constructor for 'A' only takes named arguments␤»
ok 2979 - doc/Type/X/Constructor/Positional.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::ControlFlow is Exception { }
ok 2980 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# last;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::ControlFlow: last without loop construct␤»
ok 2981 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method illegal returns Str:D
ok 2982 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method enclosing returns Str:D
ok 2983 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::ControlFlow::Return is X::ControlFlow { }
ok 2984 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow/Return.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# return;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::ControlFlow::Return: Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤»
ok 2985 - doc/Type/X/ControlFlow/Return.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00+0200'); # works
# say'2015-12-24T12:23:00', timezone => 7200); # works
ok 2986 - doc/Type/X/DateTime/TimezoneClash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method scope(--> Str:D)
ok 2987 - doc/Type/X/Declaration/Scope.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method declaration(--> Str:D)
ok 2988 - doc/Type/X/Declaration/Scope.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Declaration::Scope::Multi is X::Declaration::Scope { }
ok 2989 - doc/Type/X/Declaration/Scope/Multi.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Does::TypeObject is Exception {}
ok 2990 - doc/Type/X/Does/TypeObject.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method type(X::Does::TypeObject:D: --> Mu:U)
ok 2991 - doc/Type/X/Does/TypeObject.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Eval::NoSuchLang is Exception { }
ok 2992 - doc/Type/X/Eval/NoSuchLang.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# EVAL 'boo', lang => "bar";
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Eval::NoSuchLang: No compiler available for language 'bar'␤»
ok 2993 - doc/Type/X/Eval/NoSuchLang.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method lang()
ok 2994 - doc/Type/X/Eval/NoSuchLang.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Export::NameClash does X::Comp { }
ok 2995 - doc/Type/X/Export/NameClash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# role X::IO does X::OS {}
ok 2996 - doc/Type/X/IO.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Inheritance::NotComposed is Exception {}
ok 2997 - doc/Type/X/Inheritance/NotComposed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method child-name(X::Inheritance::NotComposed:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2998 - doc/Type/X/Inheritance/NotComposed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method parent-name(X::Inheritance::NotComposed:D: --> Str:D)
ok 2999 - doc/Type/X/Inheritance/NotComposed.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Inheritance::Unsupported does X::Comp { }
ok 3000 - doc/Type/X/Inheritance/Unsupported.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Method::InvalidQualifier is Exception { }
ok 3001 - doc/Type/X/Method/InvalidQualifier.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# 1.Str::split(/a/);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Method::InvalidQualifier: Cannot dispatch to method split on Str because it is not inherited or done by Int␤»
ok 3002 - doc/Type/X/Method/InvalidQualifier.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method method(--> Str:D)
ok 3003 - doc/Type/X/Method/InvalidQualifier.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Method::NotFound is Exception {}
ok 3004 - doc/Type/X/Method/NotFound.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method method(--> Str:D)
ok 3005 - doc/Type/X/Method/NotFound.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method typename returns Str:D
ok 3006 - doc/Type/X/Method/NotFound.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method private(--> Bool:D)
ok 3007 - doc/Type/X/Method/NotFound.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::Method::Private::Permission does X::Comp { }
ok 3008 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Permission.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method method(--> Str:D)
ok 3009 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Permission.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method source-package(--> Mu:D)
ok 3010 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Permission.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method calling-package(--> Mu:D)
ok 3011 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Permission.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::Method::Private::Unqualified does X::Comp { }
ok 3012 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Unqualified.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method method(--> Str:D)
ok 3013 - doc/Type/X/Method/Private/Unqualified.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Mixin::NotComposable is Exception { }
ok 3014 - doc/Type/X/Mixin/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class A { };
# 1 but A;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Mixin::NotComposable: Cannot mix in non-composable type A into object of type Int␤»
ok 3015 - doc/Type/X/Mixin/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method target()
ok 3016 - doc/Type/X/Mixin/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method rolish()
ok 3017 - doc/Type/X/Mixin/NotComposable.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::NYI is Exception { }
ok 3018 - doc/Type/X/NYI.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::NoDispatcher is Exception { }
ok 3019 - doc/Type/X/NoDispatcher.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# nextsame; # In the mainline
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::NoDispatcher: nextsame is not in the dynamic scope of a dispatcher␤»
ok 3020 - doc/Type/X/NoDispatcher.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method redispatcher(--> Str:D)
ok 3021 - doc/Type/X/NoDispatcher.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Numeric::Real is Exception { }
ok 3022 - doc/Type/X/Numeric/Real.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say (1+2i).Int;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Numeric::Real: Can not convert 1+2i to Int: imaginary part not zero␤»
ok 3023 - doc/Type/X/Numeric/Real.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method source(--> Numeric:D)
ok 3024 - doc/Type/X/Numeric/Real.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method target()
ok 3025 - doc/Type/X/Numeric/Real.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method reason(--> Str:D)
ok 3026 - doc/Type/X/Numeric/Real.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# role X::OS { has $.os-error }
ok 3027 - doc/Type/X/OS.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method os-error(--> Str:D)
ok 3028 - doc/Type/X/OS.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Obsolete does X::Comp { }
ok 3029 - doc/Type/X/Obsolete.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method old(--> Str:D)
ok 3030 - doc/Type/X/Obsolete.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method replacement(--> Str:D)
ok 3031 - doc/Type/X/Obsolete.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method when(--> Str:D)
ok 3032 - doc/Type/X/Obsolete.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::OutOfRange is Exception { }
ok 3033 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say 42[2];
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::OutOfRange: Index out of range. Is: 2, should be in 0..0␤»
ok 3034 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method what(--> Str:D)
ok 3035 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method got()
ok 3036 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method range(--> Range:D)
ok 3037 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# method comment(--> Str)
ok 3038 - doc/Type/X/OutOfRange.pod6 chunk 6 compiles
# class X::Package::Stubbed does X::Comp { }
ok 3039 - doc/Type/X/Package/Stubbed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method packages(--> Positional:D)
ok 3040 - doc/Type/X/Package/Stubbed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Parameter::Default does X::Comp { }
ok 3041 - doc/Type/X/Parameter/Default.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints does X::Comp { }
ok 3042 - doc/Type/X/Parameter/MultipleTypeConstraints.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Parameter::Placeholder does X::Comp { }
ok 3043 - doc/Type/X/Parameter/Placeholder.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Parameter::Twigil does X::Comp { }
ok 3044 - doc/Type/X/Parameter/Twigil.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Parameter::WrongOrder does X::Comp { }
ok 3045 - doc/Type/X/Parameter/WrongOrder.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Phaser::Multiple does X::Comp { }
ok 3046 - doc/Type/X/Phaser/Multiple.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub f($x) { PRE { $x ~~ Int } };
# f "foo";
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: X::Phaser::PrePost: Precondition '{ $x ~~ Int }' failed«␤»
ok 3047 - doc/Type/X/Phaser/PrePost.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method phaser(--> Str:D)
ok 3048 - doc/Type/X/Phaser/PrePost.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method condition(--> Str:D)
ok 3049 - doc/Type/X/Phaser/PrePost.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Placeholder::Block does X::Comp {}
ok 3050 - doc/Type/X/Placeholder/Block.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Placeholder::Mainline is X::Placeholder::Block { }
ok 3051 - doc/Type/X/Placeholder/Mainline.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# role X::Pod { }
ok 3052 - doc/Type/X/Pod.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# role X::Proc::Async is Exception { ... }
ok 3053 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method proc(X::Proc::Async:D --> Proc::Async)
ok 3054 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStarted is Exception {}
ok 3055 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/AlreadyStarted.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $proc ="echo");
# $proc.start;
# $proc.start;
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStarted: Process has already been started␤»
ok 3056 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/AlreadyStarted.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes is Exception {}
ok 3057 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/CharsOrBytes.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $proc ='echo');
# $proc.stdout.tap(&print);
# $proc.stdout(:bin).tap(&print);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes: Can only tap one of chars or bytes supply for stdout␤»
ok 3058 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/CharsOrBytes.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method handle(X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes:D: --> Str:D)
ok 3059 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/CharsOrBytes.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted is Exception {}
ok 3060 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/MustBeStarted.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
#'echo', :w).say(42);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted: Process must be started first before calling 'say'␤»
ok 3061 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/MustBeStarted.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method method(X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted:D --> Str:D)
ok 3062 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/MustBeStarted.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting is Exception {}
ok 3063 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/OpenForWriting.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $proc ="echo");
# $proc.start;
# $proc.say(42);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting: Process must be opened for writing with :w to call 'say'␤»
ok 3064 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/OpenForWriting.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $prog =, 'cat');
# $prog.stdout.tap( -> $str {
# print $str;
# });
# my $promise = $prog.start;
# await $prog.say('foo');
# $prog.close-stdin;
# await $promise;
ok 3065 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/OpenForWriting.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method method(X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting:D:)
ok 3066 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/OpenForWriting.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn is Exception {}
ok 3067 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/TapBeforeSpawn.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $proc ="echo", "foo");
# $proc.start;
# $proc.stdout.tap(&print);
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn: To avoid data races, you must tap stdout before running the process␤»
ok 3068 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/TapBeforeSpawn.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# my $proc ="echo", "foo");
# $proc.stdout.tap(&print);
# await $proc.start;
ok 3069 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/TapBeforeSpawn.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method handle(X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn:D: --> Str:D)
ok 3070 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Async/TapBeforeSpawn.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::Proc::Unsuccessful is Exception {}
ok 3071 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Unsuccessful.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method proc(X::Proc::Unsuccessful:D --> Proc)
ok 3072 - doc/Type/X/Proc/Unsuccessful.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken is Exception { }
ok 3073 - doc/Type/X/Promise/CauseOnlyValidOnBroken.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method promise()
ok 3074 - doc/Type/X/Promise/CauseOnlyValidOnBroken.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method status()
ok 3075 - doc/Type/X/Promise/CauseOnlyValidOnBroken.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Promise::Vowed is Exception { }
ok 3076 - doc/Type/X/Promise/Vowed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method promise()
ok 3077 - doc/Type/X/Promise/Vowed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Redeclaration does X::Comp { }
ok 3078 - doc/Type/X/Redeclaration.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my $x;
# sub f() {
# my $x; # not a redeclaration,
# # because it's in an inner scope
# sub f() { }; # same
# }
ok 3079 - doc/Type/X/Redeclaration.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Role::Initialization is Exception { }
ok 3080 - doc/Type/X/Role/Initialization.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method role()
ok 3081 - doc/Type/X/Role/Initialization.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Seq::Consumed is Exception { }
ok 3082 - doc/Type/X/Seq/Consumed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Sequence::Deduction is Exception { }
ok 3083 - doc/Type/X/Sequence/Deduction.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my class X::Signature::NameClash does X::Comp { }
ok 3084 - doc/Type/X/Signature/NameClash.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method name(--> Str:D)
ok 3085 - doc/Type/X/Signature/NameClash.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method placeholder(--> Str:D)
ok 3086 - doc/Type/X/Signature/Placeholder.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Str::Numeric is Exception { }
ok 3087 - doc/Type/X/Str/Numeric.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# say +"42 answers";
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::Str::Numeric: Cannot convert string to number: trailing characters after number in '42⏏ answers' (indicated by ⏏)␤»
ok 3088 - doc/Type/X/Str/Numeric.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method source(--> Str:D)
ok 3089 - doc/Type/X/Str/Numeric.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method pos(--> Int:D)
ok 3090 - doc/Type/X/Str/Numeric.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# method reason(--> Int:D)
ok 3091 - doc/Type/X/Str/Numeric.pod6 chunk 5 compiles
# class X::StubCode is Exception { }
ok 3092 - doc/Type/X/StubCode.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# role X::Syntax does X::Comp { }
ok 3093 - doc/Type/X/Syntax.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping does X::Syntax { }
ok 3094 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Augment/WithoutMonkeyTyping.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded does X::Syntax { }
ok 3095 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Comment/Embedded.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition does X::Syntax { }
ok 3096 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/InfixInTermPosition.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method infix(--> Str:D)
ok 3097 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/InfixInTermPosition.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Malformed does X::Syntax {}
ok 3098 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Malformed.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method what(X::Syntax::Malformed:D: --> Str)
ok 3099 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Malformed.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Missing does X::Syntax { }
ok 3100 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Missing.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method what(--> Str:D)
ok 3101 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Missing.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::NegatedPair does X::Syntax { }
ok 3102 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/NegatedPair.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::NoSelf does X::Syntax { }
ok 3103 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/NoSelf.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange does X::Syntax { }
ok 3104 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Number/RadixOutOfRange.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method radix(--> Int:D)
ok 3105 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Number/RadixOutOfRange.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::P5 does X::Syntax { }
ok 3106 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/P5.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb does X::Syntax { }
ok 3107 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Regex/Adverb.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method adverb(--> Str:D)
ok 3108 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Regex/Adverb.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method construct(--> Str:D)
ok 3109 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Regex/Adverb.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier does X::Syntax { }
ok 3110 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Regex/SolitaryQuantifier.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Reserved does X::Syntax { }
ok 3111 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Reserved.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method reserved(--> Str:D)
ok 3112 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Reserved.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method instead(--> Str)
ok 3113 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Reserved.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject does X::Syntax { }
ok 3114 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Self/WithoutObject.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker does X::Syntax { }
ok 3115 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Signature/InvocantMarker.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer does X::Syntax { }
ok 3116 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Term/MissingInitializer.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my \foo = 42;
ok 3117 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Term/MissingInitializer.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::UnlessElse does X::Syntax { }
ok 3118 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/UnlessElse.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Variable::Match does X::Syntax { }
ok 3119 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Match.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric does X::Syntax { }
ok 3120 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Numeric.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method what returns Str:D
ok 3121 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Numeric.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil does X::Syntax { }
ok 3122 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Twigil.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method twigil(--> Str:D)
ok 3123 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Twigil.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method scope(--> Str:D)
ok 3124 - doc/Type/X/Syntax/Variable/Twigil.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# role X::Temporal is Exception { }
ok 3125 - doc/Type/X/Temporal.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class X::TypeCheck is Exception { }
ok 3126 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# method operation(--> Str:D)
ok 3127 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method got()
ok 3128 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# method expected()
ok 3129 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck.pod6 chunk 4 compiles
# class X::TypeCheck::Assignment is X::TypeCheck { }
ok 3130 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Assignment.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my Int $x = "foo";
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Assignment: Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected Int but got Str ("foo")␤»
ok 3131 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Assignment.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::TypeCheck::Binding is X::TypeCheck { }
ok 3132 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Binding.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# my Int $x := "foo";
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Binding: Type check failed in binding; expected Int but got Str ("foo")␤»
ok 3133 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Binding.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::TypeCheck::Return is X::TypeCheck { }
ok 3134 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Return.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# sub f(--> Int) { "foo" }
# f();
# CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } };
# # OUTPUT: «X::TypeCheck::Return: Type check failed for return value; expected Int but got Str ("foo")␤»
ok 3135 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Return.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# class X::TypeCheck::Splice is X::TypeCheck does X::Comp { }
ok 3136 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Splice.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# use experimental :macros;
# macro a {
# quasi { 'foo' }
# }
# say a; # foo
ok 3137 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Splice.pod6 chunk 2 compiles
# method action(--> Str:D)
ok 3138 - doc/Type/X/TypeCheck/Splice.pod6 chunk 3 compiles
# class X::Undeclared does X::Comp {}
ok 3139 - doc/Type/X/Undeclared.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# class int is Int is repr('P6int') { }
ok 3140 - doc/Type/nativeInt.pod6 chunk 1 compiles
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3140
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