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Created July 16, 2013 21:55
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object DeclarativeLanguage extends App {
final case class Employee(firstname: String, lastname: String, department: String, salary: Int, ismanager: Boolean)
val employees = List(
Employee("Joe", "Smith", "Sales", 50000, false),
Employee("Suzanne", "Harrison", "Sales", 40000, false),
Employee("Mary", "Jones", "Sales", 100000, true),
Employee("Ben", "Simpson", "Accounting", 90000, true),
Employee("Paul", "Miller", "Accounting", 25000, false))
println(employees); println
val managers = employees.filter(_.ismanager)
val highestsalaryofallmanagers = employees.filter(_.ismanager).map(_.salary).sorted.last
val firstnameofbestpaidmanager = employees.filter(_.ismanager).sortBy(_.salary).last.firstname
val employeesperdepartment = employees.groupBy(_.department).map { case (k, v) => (k, v.size) }
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