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Created August 5, 2016 15:32
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Pivoting Caesar cipher
// Copyright (c) 2016 Christopher S. Charabaruk <>
public class PivotCaesar
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args[0] == "-d" || args[0] == "--decrypt")
foreach (var message in args.Skip(1))
Console.Write("Cipher: \"{0}\"\n", message);
Console.Write("Clear: \"{0}\"\n\n", Decrypt(message));
var original = string.Join(" ", args);
var clear = original.ToUpperInvariant().Replace(".", "..");
clear = (new Regex(@"[^A-Z0-9\.]")).Replace(clear, ".");
Console.Write("Original: \"{0}\"\n", original);
Console.Write("Clear: \"{0}\"\n", clear);
Console.Write("Cipher: \"{0}\"\n", Encrypt(clear));
public static string Encrypt(string cleartext)
var pivot = InitialPivot;
var ciphertext = new StringBuilder(cleartext.Length);
foreach (var c in cleartext.ToCharArray())
var pos = (Alphabet.IndexOf(c) + pivot) % AlphabetLength;
if (pos == 0) pos = AlphabetLength;
if (Pivots.Keys.Contains(c))
pivot = (pivot + Pivots[c]) % AlphabetLength;
if (pivot == 0) pivot = InitialPivot;
return ciphertext.ToString();
public static string Decrypt(string ciphertext)
var pivot = InitialPivot;
var cleartext = new StringBuilder(ciphertext.Length);
foreach (var c in ciphertext.ToString().ToCharArray())
var pos = (Alphabet.IndexOf(c) - pivot);
if (pos <= 0) pos += AlphabetLength;
var cc = Alphabet[pos];
if (Pivots.Keys.Contains(cc))
pivot = (pivot + Pivots[cc]) % AlphabetLength;
if (pivot == 0) pivot = InitialPivot;
return cleartext.ToString();
public static readonly List<char> Alphabet = ("\0" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.")
public static readonly int AlphabetLength = Alphabet.Count - 1;
public static readonly Dictionary<char, int> Pivots = new Dictionary<char, int>
{ 'A', 2 },
{ 'E', 3 },
{ 'I', 5 },
{ 'O', 7 },
{ 'U', 11 },
{ '0', 13 },
{ '.', 17 }
public static readonly int InitialPivot = 19;
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