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Last active January 21, 2022 22:17
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HTML5 Flopping Minecraft Fish 404 Page
<!-- For the sake of performance, I'm going to include everything into one file -->
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="This is not the page you are looking for...">
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<meta property="og:title" content="404 Not Found" />
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<meta property="og:description" content="This is not the page you are looking for...">
<meta property="og:image"
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<div class="container">
<div class="title">
style="font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: 100; font-size: 10rem;">404</span>
<span>Fishtank Not Found</span>
<canvas id="fish">
Made by <a href="" target=”_blank”>Cole</a>.
<!-- Script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Settings
const [ cWidth, cHeight ] = [ 800, 400 ]; // Canvas size
const [ fWidth, fHeight ] = [ 8, 8 ]; // Size of a "pixel", fish is 16x16, particles are 8x8
const [ intOffset, intRange ] = [ 100, 1000 ] // Fish bounce time range & offset in ms. i.e. wait 500ms, then wait random interval between 0-4000ms
const [ bounceOffset, bounceRange ] = [ 6, 15 ] // The range & offset for the speed that the fish jumps at. i.e. up 6, then up random amount between 0-15
const fishSplashFactor = 0.5; // Percent to represent how many splashes the fish should make
const [ splashXOffset, splashXRange, splashYOffset, splashYRange ] = [ -5, 10, 10, 10 ] // The range & offset for the speed that the fish jumps at. i.e. up 6, then up random amount between 0-15
const gravity = 0.5;
const shadowColour = "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)";
const shadowXOffset = 5;
var splashParticles = [ new Image, new Image, new Image, new Image ];
var fishImg = new Image;
fishImg.src = "";
var canvas;
var ctx;
var shadow;
var fish;
var splashes = [];
class canvasElement
constructor( image )
this.el = image;
this.w = fWidth * image.naturalWidth;
this.h = fHeight * image.naturalHeight;
this.x = ( cWidth / 2 ) - 64;
this.y = cHeight;
this.vy = 0;
this.vx = 0;
this.stopped = false;
function bounce()
fish.vy = ( Math.random() * bounceRange ) + bounceOffset; // Jumping range
fish.y -= 1; // Do this to jumpstart the animation logic
fish.stopped = false;
function draw()
ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, cWidth, cHeight );
// Shadow
ctx.fill( shadow );
// Fish physics
if ( !fish.stopped )
if ( fish.y >= cHeight - fish.h - 40 && !fish.stopped )
// When on the ground, reset position and motion
fish.vy = 0;
fish.y = cHeight - fish.h - 40;
fish.stopped = true;
// Bounce again after random time
let delay = ( Math.random() * intRange ) + intOffset;
setTimeout( bounce, delay );
} else
if ( fish.y >= cHeight - fish.h - 60 && fish.vy <= 0 )
if ( Math.random() <= fishSplashFactor )
// Create splash
let splash = new canvasElement( splashParticles[ Math.floor( Math.random() * splashParticles.length ) ] );
splash.vx = ( Math.random() * splashXRange ) + splashXOffset;
splash.vy = ( Math.random() * splashYRange ) + splashYOffset;
// Align position with fish
splash.x = fish.x + ( fish.w / 4 );
splash.y = fish.y;
splashes.push( splash );
// Continue with regular physics
fish.y -= fish.vy * gravity;
fish.vy -= gravity;
// Splashes
splashes.forEach( ( splash, index ) =>
if ( splash.y >= cHeight )
// If on ground, delete
splashes.splice( index, 1 );
} else
// Continue with regular physics
splash.y -= splash.vy * gravity;
splash.vy -= gravity;
splash.x -= splash.vx * gravity;
splash.vx *= 1;
ctx.drawImage( splash.el, splash.x, splash.y, splash.w, splash.h );
} );
ctx.drawImage( fish.el, fish.x, fish.y, fish.w, fish.h );
requestAnimationFrame( draw );
window.onload = () =>
// Canvas
canvas = document.getElementById( "fish" );
ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
canvas.width = cWidth;
canvas.height = cHeight;
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// Load shadow
// Load fish
fish = new canvasElement( fishImg );
ctx.drawImage( fish.el, fish.x, fish.y, fish.w, fish.h ); // Or at whatever offset you like
// Drop shadow
ctx.fillStyle = shadowColour;
shadow = new Path2D();
shadow.ellipse( ( cWidth / 2 ) + shadowXOffset, cHeight * 0.9, fish.w / 3, fish.h / 5, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI );
// Start animation
requestAnimationFrame( draw );
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