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Last active October 12, 2021 17:10
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Circa Friday, October 2, 2020 at 12:26
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset129 AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold;\f1\fnil\fcharset129 AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular;}
\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 Cheatsheet:
\f1\b0 \
Some of the common words I\'a1\'afm using below I\'a1\'afm going to replace with Korean\
so as to get yet more practice writing the language. Below are the translations:\
\f0\b \cf0 \
\f1\b0 sound - noun
\f1\b0 - \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae - pronounced \'a1\'aesoli\'a1\'af\
to have - verb - \'b0\'a1\'c1\'f6\'b4\'d9 - pronounced \'a1\'aegajida'\
to have - verb - \'c0\'d6\'b4\'d9 - pronounced \'a1\'aeissda\'a1\'af, but sounds like \'a1\'aeeeda\'a1\'af \
english - noun - \'bf\'b5\'be\'ee - romanized as \'a1\'aeyeong-eo\'a1\'af\
to make - verb - \'b8\'b8\'b5\'e9\'b4\'d9 - pronounced \'a1\'aemandeulda\'a1\'af
\f0\b \
\cf0 \
How to write a sentence where an object has a property:
\f1\b0 \
Consider a given object which has a property. The verb to use here would be\
to have, and Korean dictates that I write such a sentence as \'a1\'aeobject adjective verb\'a1\'af\
which differs from English where we write \'a1\'aeobject verb adjective\'a1\'af. Hence if I wanted\
to say \'a1\'b0\'a4\'a7 has the \'a1\'aed\'a1\'af sound\'a1\'b1, I would write \'a1\'b0\'a4\'a7 \'a1\'aed\'a1\'af \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae\'b0\'a1\'b3\'aa\'bf\'e4\'a1\'b1 the latter part of which\
is romanized to \'a1\'b0soliganayo\'a1\'b1.\
\f0\b \
Korean Vowels:
\f1\b0 \
\'a4\'bf makes the \'a1\'aea\'a1\'af sound \
\'a4\'c3makes the \'a1\'aeo\'a1\'af sound as in \'a1\'aeoh\'a1\'af, but in a relaxed manner\
\'a4\'c7 makes the \'a1\'aeo\'a1\'af sound as in \'a1\'aeok\'a1\'af but stricter\
\'a4\'cc makes the \'a1\'aeoo\'a1\'af as in \'a1\'aehoo\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'d1 makes the \'a1\'aeu\'a1\'af as in \'a1\'aeew\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'d3makes the \'a1\'aee\'a1\'af sound as in \'a1\'aehe\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'c0makes the \'a1\'aeeah\'a1\'af sound as in the \'a1\'aea\'a1\'af in \'a1\'aeapple\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'c4makes the \'a1\'aea\'a1\'af sound as in the first \'a1\'aea\'a1\'af in \'a1\'aeabraham\'a1\'af\
\f0\b Dipthong Vowels:
\f1\b0 \
\'a4\'c1makes the \'a1\'aeya\'a1\'af sound, as in the whole sound of \'a1\'aeyeah\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'c5makes the \'a1\'aeyo\'a1\'af sound but relaxed\
\'a4\'cb makes the \'a1\'aeyo\'a1\'af but with a more pronounced \'a1\'aeoh\'a1\'af sound\
\'a4\'d0 makes the \'a1\'aeyou\'a1\'af sound, as written\
\'a4\'c2makes the \'a1\'aeyay\'a1\'af sound\
\'a4\'c6makes the \'a1\'ae\'a1\'af\
\f0\b Dipthongs:
\f1\b0 \
\'a4\'c8 makes the sound \'a1\'aewa\'a1\'af if you say it quickly. Individually the letters make the sound\
\'a1\'aeoh\'a1\'af and \'a1\'aeah\'a1\'af, but when you say them together quickly it sounds like \'a1\'aewas\'a1\'af.\
\'a4\'c9 makes the sound \'a1\'aewae\'a1\'af, for the same reason about\
\'a4\'ca makes the \'a1\'aewe\'a1\'af, this one actually sounds different than it would be sounded out\
for historical reasons. In ancient Korean, it did actually sound as it does when sounded\
\'a4\'cd makes the sound \'a1\'aewoah\'a1\'af but with a deeper \'a1\'aeo\'a1\'af sound so it sounds like \'a1\'aewoh\'a1\'af\
\'a4\'ce makes the sound \'a1\'aeway\'a1\'af, which sounds equivalent to \'a4\'ca, but does differ in how\
you mechanically sound it out with respect to your lips. Though they are, in fact,\
indistinguishable in speech.\
\'a4\'cf makes the \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae \'a1\'aewi\'a1\'af as in \'a1\'aewii\'a1\'af\
\'c7\'d1\'b1\'db is how you spell hangul in Korean\
\f0\b Korean Consanants:
\f1\b0 \
\'a4\'be has the \'a1\'aeh\'a1\'af \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae\
\'a4\'a4 has the \'a1\'afn\'a1\'af \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae\
\'a4\'a1 has the \'a1\'aeg\'a1\'af \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae\
\'a4\'a9 has the \'a1\'ael\'a1\'af \'bc\'d2\'b8\'ae}
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