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Created September 27, 2016 16:47
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import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np
import as ma
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
class ProcessRaster(object):
def __init__(self):
self.NODATA = -32768
def readraster(filename):
raster = gdal.Open(filename)
return raster
def roughness(d, ci):
return np.abs((d - d[ci])).max()
def sobel(arr):
return ndimage.filters.sobel(arr)
def reject_outliers(data, m=2):
return data[abs(data - np.mean(data)) < m * np.std(data)]
def gaussian_blur1d(in_array, size):
#check validity
if 0 in in_array.shape:
raise Exception("Null array can't be processed!")
except TypeError:
raise Exception("Null array can't be processed!")
# expand in_array to fit edge of kernel
padded_array = np.pad(in_array, size, 'symmetric').astype(float)
# build kernel
x, y = np.mgrid[-size:size + 1, -size:size + 1]
g = np.exp(-(x**2 / float(size) + y**2 / float(size)))
g = (g / g.sum()).astype(float)
# do the Gaussian blur
out_array = fftconvolve(padded_array, g, mode='valid')
return out_array.astype(in_array.dtype)
#0= no data 100 = all data
def applyMask(dem, roughness_arr, level, bad_data_mask):
roughness_arr_masked = ma.array(roughness_arr, mask=bad_data_mask)
mean_value = roughness_arr.mean()
#level = level-50
index_to_mask = level#(float(level)/100)*mean_value*10
output_mask = ma.masked_less(roughness_arr_masked, index_to_mask).mask
masked_dem = ma.array(dem, mask=output_mask)
def plot(arrOut):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(arrOut, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation='nearest')
numrows, numcols = arrOut.shape
def format_coord(x, y):
col = int(x+0.5)
row = int(y+0.5)
if col>=0 and col<numcols and row>=0 and row<numrows:
z = arrOut[row,col]
return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f, z=%1.4f'%(x, y, z)
return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f'%(x, y)
ax.format_coord = format_coord
def plotTriang(arr):
x, y = np.nonzero(arr.T)
z = arr.T.ravel()[np.flatnonzero(arr.T)]
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
plt.triplot(triang, lw=0.5, color='black')
plt.title("High-resolution tricontouring")
# for t in tri:
# # t[0], t[1], t[2] are the points indexes of the triangle
# t_i = [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[0]]
# pylab.plot(x[t_i],y[t_i])
def main():
inputfile = "/home/dev/SRTM/N43W123.hgt"
outputfile = "/home/dev/out.ply"
raster = readraster(inputfile)
in_arr = raster.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
#in_arr = in_arr[1:1000, 1:1000]
# get the data as a numpt array ensuring it is floating point data
in_arr = in_arr.astype(float)
in_arr = ma.masked_values(in_arr, -32768)
mask = in_arr.mask
mask = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=10)
# #arrOut = arr.filled(arr.mean())
smoothed = gaussian_blur1d(in_arr, 4)
# # calculate TRI using a 9x9 moving window
roughness_arr = sobel(smoothed)#generic_filter(smoothed, roughness, 18, mode='nearest', extra_arguments=(40,))
arrOut = applyMask(in_arr, roughness_arr, 60, mask)
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