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colemanm/utm.js Secret

Created June 30, 2016 13:45
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UTM conversion from DD lat/lon
function Vector3d(x, y, z) {
// allow instantiation without 'new'
if (!(this instanceof Vector3d)) return new Vector3d(x, y, z);
this.x = Number(x);
this.y = Number(y);
this.z = Number(z);
* Adds supplied vector to ‘this’ vector.
* @param {Vector3d} v - Vector to be added to this vector.
* @returns {Vector3d} Vector representing sum of this and v.
*/ = function(v) {
if (!(v instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('v is not Vector3d object');
return new Vector3d(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z);
* Subtracts supplied vector from ‘this’ vector.
* @param {Vector3d} v - Vector to be subtracted from this vector.
* @returns {Vector3d} Vector representing difference between this and v.
Vector3d.prototype.minus = function(v) {
if (!(v instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('v is not Vector3d object');
return new Vector3d(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z - v.z);
* Multiplies ‘this’ vector by a scalar value.
* @param {number} x - Factor to multiply this vector by.
* @returns {Vector3d} Vector scaled by x.
Vector3d.prototype.times = function(x) {
x = Number(x);
return new Vector3d(this.x * x, this.y * x, this.z * x);
* Divides ‘this’ vector by a scalar value.
* @param {number} x - Factor to divide this vector by.
* @returns {Vector3d} Vector divided by x.
Vector3d.prototype.dividedBy = function(x) {
x = Number(x);
return new Vector3d(this.x / x, this.y / x, this.z / x);
* Multiplies ‘this’ vector by the supplied vector using dot (scalar) product.
* @param {Vector3d} v - Vector to be dotted with this vector.
* @returns {number} Dot product of ‘this’ and v.
*/ = function(v) {
if (!(v instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('v is not Vector3d object');
return this.x*v.x + this.y*v.y + this.z*v.z;
* Multiplies ‘this’ vector by the supplied vector using cross (vector) product.
* @param {Vector3d} v - Vector to be crossed with this vector.
* @returns {Vector3d} Cross product of ‘this’ and v.
Vector3d.prototype.cross = function(v) {
if (!(v instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('v is not Vector3d object');
var x = this.y*v.z - this.z*v.y;
var y = this.z*v.x - this.x*v.z;
var z = this.x*v.y - this.y*v.x;
return new Vector3d(x, y, z);
* Negates a vector to point in the opposite direction
* @returns {Vector3d} Negated vector.
Vector3d.prototype.negate = function() {
return new Vector3d(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z);
* Length (magnitude or norm) of ‘this’ vector
* @returns {number} Magnitude of this vector.
Vector3d.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z);
* Normalizes a vector to its unit vector
* – if the vector is already unit or is zero magnitude, this is a no-op.
* @returns {Vector3d} Normalised version of this vector.
Vector3d.prototype.unit = function() {
var norm = this.length();
if (norm == 1) return this;
if (norm == 0) return this;
var x = this.x/norm;
var y = this.y/norm;
var z = this.z/norm;
return new Vector3d(x, y, z);
* Calculates the angle between ‘this’ vector and supplied vector.
* @param {Vector3d} v
* @param {Vector3d} [vSign] - If supplied (and out of plane of this and v), angle is signed +ve if
* this->v is clockwise looking along vSign, -ve in opposite direction (otherwise unsigned angle).
* @returns {number} Angle (in radians) between this vector and supplied vector.
Vector3d.prototype.angleTo = function(v, vSign) {
if (!(v instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('v is not Vector3d object');
var sinθ = this.cross(v).length();
var cosθ =;
if (vSign !== undefined) {
if (!(vSign instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('vSign is not Vector3d object');
// use vSign as reference to get sign of sinθ
sinθ = this.cross(v).dot(vSign)<0 ? -sinθ : sinθ;
return Math.atan2(sinθ, cosθ);
* Rotates ‘this’ point around an axis by a specified angle.
* @param {Vector3d} axis - The axis being rotated around.
* @param {number} theta - The angle of rotation (in radians).
* @returns {Vector3d} The rotated point.
Vector3d.prototype.rotateAround = function(axis, theta) {
if (!(axis instanceof Vector3d)) throw new TypeError('axis is not Vector3d object');
var p1 = this.unit();
var p = [ p1.x, p1.y, p1.z ]; // the point being rotated
var a = axis.unit(); // the axis being rotated around
var s = Math.sin(theta);
var c = Math.cos(theta);
// quaternion-derived rotation matrix
var q = [
[ a.x*a.x*(1-c) + c, a.x*a.y*(1-c) - a.z*s, a.x*a.z*(1-c) + a.y*s],
[ a.y*a.x*(1-c) + a.z*s, a.y*a.y*(1-c) + c, a.y*a.z*(1-c) - a.x*s],
[ a.z*a.x*(1-c) - a.y*s, a.z*a.y*(1-c) + a.x*s, a.z*a.z*(1-c) + c ]
// multiply q × p
var qp = [0, 0, 0];
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
qp[i] += q[i][j] * p[j];
var p2 = new Vector3d(qp[0], qp[1], qp[2]);
return p2;
// qv'_rotation_formula...
* String representation of vector.
* @param {number} [precision=3] - Number of decimal places to be used.
* @returns {string} Vector represented as [x,y,z].
Vector3d.prototype.toString = function(precision) {
var p = (precision === undefined) ? 3 : Number(precision);
var str = '[' + this.x.toFixed(p) + ',' + this.y.toFixed(p) + ',' + this.z.toFixed(p) + ']';
return str;
function LatLon(lat, lon, datum) {
// allow instantiation without 'new'
if (!(this instanceof LatLon)) return new LatLon(lat, lon, datum);
if (datum === undefined) datum = LatLon.datum.WGS84; = Number(lat);
this.lon = Number(lon);
this.datum = datum;
* Ellipsoid parameters; major axis (a), minor axis (b), and flattening (f) for each ellipsoid.
LatLon.ellipsoid = {
WGS84: { a: 6378137, b: 6356752.31425, f: 1/298.257223563 },
GRS80: { a: 6378137, b: 6356752.31414, f: 1/298.257222101 },
Airy1830: { a: 6377563.396, b: 6356256.909, f: 1/299.3249646 },
AiryModified: { a: 6377340.189, b: 6356034.448, f: 1/299.3249646 },
Intl1924: { a: 6378388, b: 6356911.946, f: 1/297 },
Bessel1841: { a: 6377397.155, b: 6356078.963, f: 1/299.152815351 }
* Datums; with associated *ellipsoid* and Helmert *transform* parameters to convert from WGS 84
* into given datum.
* More are available from,
LatLon.datum = {
WGS84: {
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.WGS84,
transform: { tx: 0.0, ty: 0.0, tz: 0.0, // m
rx: 0.0, ry: 0.0, rz: 0.0, // sec
s: 0.0 } // ppm
NAD83: { // (2009); functionally ≡ WGS84 -
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.GRS80,
transform: { tx: 1.004, ty: -1.910, tz: -0.515, // m
rx: 0.0267, ry: 0.00034, rz: 0.011, // sec
s: -0.0015 } // ppm
}, // note: if you *really* need to convert WGS84<->NAD83, you need more knowledge than this!
OSGB36: { //
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.Airy1830,
transform: { tx: -446.448, ty: 125.157, tz: -542.060, // m
rx: -0.1502, ry: -0.2470, rz: -0.8421, // sec
s: 20.4894 } // ppm
ED50: { //
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.Intl1924,
transform: { tx: 89.5, ty: 93.8, tz: 123.1, // m
rx: 0.0, ry: 0.0, rz: 0.156, // sec
s: -1.2 } // ppm
Irl1975: { //
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.AiryModified,
transform: { tx: -482.530, ty: 130.596, tz: -564.557, // m
rx: -1.042, ry: -0.214, rz: -0.631, // sec
s: -8.150 } // ppm
}, // note: many sources have opposite sign to rotations - to be checked!
TokyoJapan: { //
ellipsoid: LatLon.ellipsoid.Bessel1841,
transform: { tx: 148, ty: -507, tz: -685, // m
rx: 0, ry: 0, rz: 0, // sec
s: 0 } // ppm
* Converts ‘this’ lat/lon coordinate to new coordinate system.
* @param {LatLon.datum} toDatum - Datum this coordinate is to be converted to.
* @returns {LatLon} This point converted to new datum.
* @example
* var pWGS84 = new LatLon(51.4778, -0.0016, LatLon.datum.WGS84);
* var pOSGB = pWGS84.convertDatum(LatLon.datum.OSGB36); // pOSGB.toString(): 51.4773°N, 000.0000°E
LatLon.prototype.convertDatum = function(toDatum) {
var oldLatLon = this;
var transform;
if (oldLatLon.datum == LatLon.datum.WGS84) {
// converting from WGS 84
transform = toDatum.transform;
if (toDatum == LatLon.datum.WGS84) {
// converting to WGS 84; use inverse transform (don't overwrite original!)
transform = {};
for (var param in oldLatLon.datum.transform) {
if (oldLatLon.datum.transform.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
transform[param] = -oldLatLon.datum.transform[param];
if (transform === undefined) {
// neither this.datum nor toDatum are WGS84: convert this to WGS84 first
oldLatLon = this.convertDatum(LatLon.datum.WGS84);
transform = toDatum.transform;
var cartesian = oldLatLon.toCartesian(); // convert polar to cartesian...
cartesian = cartesian.applyTransform(transform); // ...apply transform...
var newLatLon = cartesian.toLatLonE(toDatum); // ...and convert cartesian to polar
return newLatLon;
* Converts ‘this’ point from (geodetic) latitude/longitude coordinates to (geocentric) cartesian
* (x/y/z) coordinates.
* @returns {Vector3d} Vector pointing to lat/lon point, with x, y, z in metres from earth centre.
LatLon.prototype.toCartesian = function() {
var φ =, λ = this.lon.toRadians();
var h = 0; // height above ellipsoid - not currently used
var a = this.datum.ellipsoid.a, b = this.datum.ellipsoid.b;
var sinφ = Math.sin(φ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ);
var sinλ = Math.sin(λ), cosλ = Math.cos(λ);
var eSq = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a);
var ν = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eSq*sinφ*sinφ);
var x = (ν+h) * cosφ * cosλ;
var y = (ν+h) * cosφ * sinλ;
var z = ((1-eSq)*ν + h) * sinφ;
var point = new Vector3d(x, y, z);
return point;
* Converts ‘this’ (geocentric) cartesian (x/y/z) point to (ellipsoidal geodetic) latitude/longitude
* coordinates on specified datum.
* Uses Bowring’s (1985) formulation for μm precision.
* @param {LatLon.datum.transform} datum - Datum to use when converting point.
Vector3d.prototype.toLatLonE = function(datum) {
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
var a = datum.ellipsoid.a, b = datum.ellipsoid.b;
var e2 = (a*a-b*b) / (a*a); // 1st eccentricity squared
var ε2 = (a*a-b*b) / (b*b); // 2nd eccentricity squared
var p = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); // distance from minor axis
var R = Math.sqrt(p*p + z*z); // polar radius
// parametric latitude (Bowring eqn 17, replacing tanβ = z·a / p·b)
var tanβ = (b*z)/(a*p) * (1+ε2*b/R);
var sinβ = tanβ / Math.sqrt(1+tanβ*tanβ);
var cosβ = sinβ / tanβ;
// geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn 18)
var φ = Math.atan2(z + ε2*b*sinβ*sinβ*sinβ,
p - e2*a*cosβ*cosβ*cosβ);
// longitude
var λ = Math.atan2(y, x);
// height above ellipsoid (Bowring eqn 7) [not currently used]
var sinφ = Math.sin(φ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ);
var ν = a*Math.sqrt(1-e2*sinφ*sinφ); // length of the normal terminated by the minor axis
var h = p*cosφ + z*sinφ - (a*a/ν);
var point = new LatLon(φ.toDegrees(), λ.toDegrees(), datum);
return point;
* Applies Helmert transform to ‘this’ point using transform parameters t.
* @private
* @param {LatLon.datum.transform} t - Transform to apply to this point.
Vector3d.prototype.applyTransform = function(t) {
var x1 = this.x, y1 = this.y, z1 = this.z;
var tx = t.tx, ty = t.ty, tz =;
var rx = (t.rx/3600).toRadians(); // normalise seconds to radians
var ry = (t.ry/3600).toRadians(); // normalise seconds to radians
var rz = (t.rz/3600).toRadians(); // normalise seconds to radians
var s1 = t.s/1e6 + 1; // normalise ppm to (s+1)
// apply transform
var x2 = tx + x1*s1 - y1*rz + z1*ry;
var y2 = ty + x1*rz + y1*s1 - z1*rx;
var z2 = tz - x1*ry + y1*rx + z1*s1;
var point = new Vector3d(x2, y2, z2);
return point;
* Returns a string representation of ‘this’ point, formatted as degrees, degrees+minutes, or
* degrees+minutes+seconds.
* @param {string} [format=dms] - Format point as 'd', 'dm', 'dms'.
* @param {number} [dp=0|2|4] - Number of decimal places to use - default 0 for dms, 2 for dm, 4 for d.
* @returns {string} Comma-separated latitude/longitude.
LatLon.prototype.toString = function(format, dp) {
return Dms.toLat(, format, dp) + ', ' + Dms.toLon(this.lon, format, dp);
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/** Extend Number object with method to convert numeric degrees to radians */
if (Number.prototype.toRadians === undefined) {
Number.prototype.toRadians = function() { return this * Math.PI / 180; };
/** Extend Number object with method to convert radians to numeric (signed) degrees */
if (Number.prototype.toDegrees === undefined) {
Number.prototype.toDegrees = function() { return this * 180 / Math.PI; };
function Utm(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing, datum, convergence, scale) {
if (!(this instanceof Utm)) { // allow instantiation without 'new'
return new Utm(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing, datum, convergence, scale);
if (datum === undefined) datum = LatLon.datum.WGS84; // default if not supplied
if (convergence === undefined) convergence = null; // default if not supplied
if (scale === undefined) scale = null; // default if not supplied
if (!(1<=zone && zone<=60)) throw new Error('Invalid UTM zone '+zone);
if (!hemisphere.match(/[NS]/i)) throw new Error('Invalid UTM hemisphere '+hemisphere);
// range-check easting/northing (with 40km overlap between zones) - this this worthwhile?
//if (!(120e3<=easting && easting<=880e3)) throw new Error('Invalid UTM easting '+ easting);
//if (!(0<=northing && northing<=10000e3)) throw new Error('Invalid UTM northing '+ northing); = Number(zone);
this.hemisphere = hemisphere.toUpperCase();
this.easting = Number(easting);
this.northing = Number(northing);
this.datum = datum;
this.convergence = convergence===null ? null : Number(convergence);
this.scale = scale===null ? null : Number(scale);
* Converts latitude/longitude to UTM coordinate.
* Implements Karney’s method, using Krüger series to order n^6, giving results accurate to 5nm for
* distances up to 3900km from the central meridian.
* @returns {Utm} UTM coordinate.
* @throws {Error} If point not valid, if point outside latitude range.
* @example
* var latlong = new LatLon(48.8582, 2.2945, LatLon.datum.WGS84);
* var utmCoord = latlong.toUtm(); // utmCoord.toString(): '31 N 448252 5411933'
LatLon.prototype.toUtm = function() {
if (isNaN( || isNaN(this.lon)) throw new Error('Invalid point');
if (!(-80< &&<=84)) throw new Error('Outside UTM limits');
var falseEasting = 500e3, falseNorthing = 10000e3;
var zone = Math.floor((this.lon+180)/6) + 1; // longitudinal zone
var λ0 = ((zone-1)*6 - 180 + 3).toRadians(); // longitude of central meridian
// ---- handle Norway/Svalbard exceptions
// grid zones are 8° tall; 0°N is offset 10 into latitude bands array
var mgrsLatBands = 'CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX'; // X is repeated for 80-84°N
var latBand = mgrsLatBands.charAt(Math.floor(;
// adjust zone & central meridian for Norway
if (zone==31 && latBand=='V' && this.lon>= 3) { zone++; λ0 += (6).toRadians(); }
// adjust zone & central meridian for Svalbard
if (zone==32 && latBand=='X' && this.lon< 9) { zone--; λ0 -= (6).toRadians(); }
if (zone==32 && latBand=='X' && this.lon>= 9) { zone++; λ0 += (6).toRadians(); }
if (zone==34 && latBand=='X' && this.lon< 21) { zone--; λ0 -= (6).toRadians(); }
if (zone==34 && latBand=='X' && this.lon>=21) { zone++; λ0 += (6).toRadians(); }
if (zone==36 && latBand=='X' && this.lon< 33) { zone--; λ0 -= (6).toRadians(); }
if (zone==36 && latBand=='X' && this.lon>=33) { zone++; λ0 += (6).toRadians(); }
var φ =; // latitude ± from equator
var λ = this.lon.toRadians() - λ0; // longitude ± from central meridian
var a = this.datum.ellipsoid.a, f = this.datum.ellipsoid.f;
// WGS 84: a = 6378137, b = 6356752.314245, f = 1/298.257223563;
var k0 = 0.9996; // UTM scale on the central meridian
// ---- easting, northing: Karney 2011 Eq 7-14, 29, 35:
var e = Math.sqrt(f*(2-f)); // eccentricity
var n = f / (2 - f); // 3rd flattening
var n2 = n*n, n3 = n*n2, n4 = n*n3, n5 = n*n4, n6 = n*n5; // TODO: compare Horner-form accuracy?
var cosλ = Math.cos(λ), sinλ = Math.sin(λ), tanλ = Math.tan(λ);
var τ = Math.tan(φ); // τ ≡ tanφ, τʹ ≡ tanφʹ; prime (ʹ) indicates angles on the conformal sphere
var σ = Math.sinh(e*Math.atanh(e*τ/Math.sqrt(1+τ*τ)));
var τʹ = τ*Math.sqrt(1+σ*σ) - σ*Math.sqrt(1+τ*τ);
var ξʹ = Math.atan2(τʹ, cosλ);
var ηʹ = Math.asinh(sinλ / Math.sqrt(τʹ*τʹ + cosλ*cosλ));
var A = a/(1+n) * (1 + 1/4*n2 + 1/64*n4 + 1/256*n6); // 2πA is the circumference of a meridian
var α = [ 0, // note α is one-based array (6th order Krüger expressions)
1/2*n - 2/3*n2 + 5/16*n3 + 41/180*n4 - 127/288*n5 + 7891/37800*n6,
13/48*n2 - 3/5*n3 + 557/1440*n4 + 281/630*n5 - 1983433/1935360*n6,
61/240*n3 - 103/140*n4 + 15061/26880*n5 + 167603/181440*n6,
49561/161280*n4 - 179/168*n5 + 6601661/7257600*n6,
34729/80640*n5 - 3418889/1995840*n6,
212378941/319334400*n6 ];
var ξ = ξʹ;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) ξ += α[j] * Math.sin(2*j*ξʹ) * Math.cosh(2*j*ηʹ);
var η = ηʹ;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) η += α[j] * Math.cos(2*j*ξʹ) * Math.sinh(2*j*ηʹ);
var x = k0 * A * η;
var y = k0 * A * ξ;
// ---- convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 23, 24
var pʹ = 1;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) pʹ += 2*j*α[j] * Math.cos(2*j*ξʹ) * Math.cosh(2*j*ηʹ);
var qʹ = 0;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) qʹ += 2*j*α[j] * Math.sin(2*j*ξʹ) * Math.sinh(2*j*ηʹ);
var γʹ = Math.atan(τʹ / Math.sqrt(1+τʹ*τʹ)*tanλ);
var γʺ = Math.atan2(qʹ, pʹ);
var γ = γʹ + γʺ;
// ---- scale: Karney 2011 Eq 25
var sinφ = Math.sin(φ);
var kʹ = Math.sqrt(1 - e*e*sinφ*sinφ) * Math.sqrt(1 + τ*τ) / Math.sqrt(τʹ*τʹ + cosλ*cosλ);
var kʺ = A / a * Math.sqrt(pʹ*pʹ + qʹ*qʹ);
var k = k0 * kʹ * kʺ;
// ------------
// shift x/y to false origins
x = x + falseEasting; // make x relative to false easting
if (y < 0) y = y + falseNorthing; // make y in southern hemisphere relative to false northing
// round to reasonable precision
x = Number(x.toFixed(6)); // nm precision
y = Number(y.toFixed(6)); // nm precision
var convergence = Number(γ.toDegrees().toFixed(9));
var scale = Number(k.toFixed(12));
var h =>=0 ? 'N' : 'S'; // hemisphere
return new Utm(zone, h, x, y, this.datum, convergence, scale);
* Converts UTM zone/easting/northing coordinate to latitude/longitude
* @param {Utm} utmCoord - UTM coordinate to be converted to latitude/longitude.
* @returns {LatLon} Latitude/longitude of supplied grid reference.
* @example
* var grid = new Utm(31, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678);
* var latlong = grid.toLatLonE(); // latlong.toString(): 48°51′29.52″N, 002°17′40.20″E
Utm.prototype.toLatLonE = function() {
var z =;
var h = this.hemisphere;
var x = this.easting;
var y = this.northing;
if (isNaN(z) || isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) throw new Error('Invalid coordinate');
var falseEasting = 500e3, falseNorthing = 10000e3;
var a = this.datum.ellipsoid.a, f = this.datum.ellipsoid.f;
// WGS 84: a = 6378137, b = 6356752.314245, f = 1/298.257223563;
var k0 = 0.9996; // UTM scale on the central meridian
x = x - falseEasting; // make x ± relative to central meridian
y = h=='S' ? y - falseNorthing : y; // make y ± relative to equator
// ---- from Karney 2011 Eq 15-22, 36:
var e = Math.sqrt(f*(2-f)); // eccentricity
var n = f / (2 - f); // 3rd flattening
var n2 = n*n, n3 = n*n2, n4 = n*n3, n5 = n*n4, n6 = n*n5;
var A = a/(1+n) * (1 + 1/4*n2 + 1/64*n4 + 1/256*n6); // 2πA is the circumference of a meridian
var η = x / (k0*A);
var ξ = y / (k0*A);
var β = [ 0, // note β is one-based array (6th order Krüger expressions)
1/2*n - 2/3*n2 + 37/96*n3 - 1/360*n4 - 81/512*n5 + 96199/604800*n6,
1/48*n2 + 1/15*n3 - 437/1440*n4 + 46/105*n5 - 1118711/3870720*n6,
17/480*n3 - 37/840*n4 - 209/4480*n5 + 5569/90720*n6,
4397/161280*n4 - 11/504*n5 - 830251/7257600*n6,
4583/161280*n5 - 108847/3991680*n6,
20648693/638668800*n6 ];
var ξʹ = ξ;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) ξʹ -= β[j] * Math.sin(2*j*ξ) * Math.cosh(2*j*η);
var ηʹ = η;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) ηʹ -= β[j] * Math.cos(2*j*ξ) * Math.sinh(2*j*η);
var sinhηʹ = Math.sinh(ηʹ);
var sinξʹ = Math.sin(ξʹ), cosξʹ = Math.cos(ξʹ);
var τʹ = sinξʹ / Math.sqrt(sinhηʹ*sinhηʹ + cosξʹ*cosξʹ);
var τi = τʹ;
do {
var σi = Math.sinh(e*Math.atanh(e*τi/Math.sqrt(1+τi*τi)));
var τiʹ = τi * Math.sqrt(1+σi*σi) - σi * Math.sqrt(1+τi*τi);
var δτi = (τʹ - τiʹ)/Math.sqrt(1+τiʹ*τiʹ)
* (1 + (1-e*e)*τi*τi) / ((1-e*e)*Math.sqrt(1+τi*τi));
τi += δτi;
} while (Math.abs(δτi) > 1e-12); // using IEEE 754 δτi -> 0 after 2-3 iterations
// note relatively large convergence test as δτi toggles on ±1.12e-16 for eg 31 N 400000 5000000
var τ = τi;
var φ = Math.atan(τ);
var λ = Math.atan2(sinhηʹ, cosξʹ);
// ---- convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
var p = 1;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) p -= 2*j*β[j] * Math.cos(2*j*ξ) * Math.cosh(2*j*η);
var q = 0;
for (var j=1; j<=6; j++) q += 2*j*β[j] * Math.sin(2*j*ξ) * Math.sinh(2*j*η);
var γʹ = Math.atan(Math.tan(ξʹ) * Math.tanh(ηʹ));
var γʺ = Math.atan2(q, p);
var γ = γʹ + γʺ;
// ---- scale: Karney 2011 Eq 28
var sinφ = Math.sin(φ);
var kʹ = Math.sqrt(1 - e*e*sinφ*sinφ) * Math.sqrt(1 + τ*τ) * Math.sqrt(sinhηʹ*sinhηʹ + cosξʹ*cosξʹ);
var kʺ = A / a / Math.sqrt(p*p + q*q);
var k = k0 * kʹ * kʺ;
// ------------
var λ0 = ((z-1)*6 - 180 + 3).toRadians(); // longitude of central meridian
λ += λ0; // move λ from zonal to global coordinates
// round to reasonable precision
var lat = Number(φ.toDegrees().toFixed(11)); // nm precision (1nm = 10^-11°)
var lon = Number(λ.toDegrees().toFixed(11)); // (strictly lat rounding should be φ⋅cosφ!)
var convergence = Number(γ.toDegrees().toFixed(9));
var scale = Number(k.toFixed(12));
var latLong = new LatLon(lat, lon, this.datum);
// ... and add the convergence and scale into the LatLon object ... wonderful JavaScript!
latLong.convergence = convergence;
latLong.scale = scale;
return latLong;
* Parses string representation of UTM coordinate.
* A UTM coordinate comprises (space-separated)
* - zone
* - hemisphere
* - easting
* - northing.
* @param {string} utmCoord - UTM coordinate (WGS 84).
* @param {Datum} [datum=WGS84] - Datum coordinate is defined in (default WGS 84).
* @returns {Utm}
* @throws Error Invalid UTM coordinate
* @example
* var utmCoord = Utm.parse('31 N 448251 5411932');
* // utmCoord: {zone: 31, hemisphere: 'N', easting: 448251, northing: 5411932 }
Utm.parse = function(utmCoord, datum) {
if (datum === undefined) datum = LatLon.datum.WGS84; // default if not supplied
// match separate elements (separated by whitespace)
utmCoord = utmCoord.trim().match(/\S+/g);
if (utmCoord==null || utmCoord.length!=4) throw new Error('Invalid UTM coordinate');
var zone = utmCoord[0], hemisphere = utmCoord[1], easting = utmCoord[2], northing = utmCoord[3];
return new Utm(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing, datum);
* Returns a string representation of a UTM coordinate.
* To distinguish from MGRS grid zone designators, a space is left between the zone and the
* hemisphere.
* @param {number} [digits=0] - Number of digits to appear after the decimal point (3 ≡ mm).
* @returns {string} A string representation of the coordinate.
Utm.prototype.toString = function(digits) {
digits = Number(digits||0); // default 0 if not supplied
var z =;
var h = this.hemisphere;
var e = this.easting;
var n = this.northing;
if (isNaN(z) || !h.match(/[NS]/) || isNaN(e) || isNaN(n)) return '';
return z+' '+h+' '+e.toFixed(digits)+' '+n.toFixed(digits);
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/** Polyfill Math.sinh for old browsers / IE */
if (Math.sinh === undefined) {
Math.sinh = function(x) {
return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / 2;
/** Polyfill Math.cosh for old browsers / IE */
if (Math.cosh === undefined) {
Math.cosh = function(x) {
return (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x)) / 2;
/** Polyfill Math.tanh for old browsers / IE */
if (Math.tanh === undefined) {
Math.tanh = function(x) {
return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x));
/** Polyfill Math.asinh for old browsers / IE */
if (Math.asinh === undefined) {
Math.asinh = function(x) {
return Math.log(x + Math.sqrt(1 + x*x));
/** Polyfill Math.atanh for old browsers / IE */
if (Math.atanh === undefined) {
Math.atanh = function(x) {
return Math.log((1+x) / (1-x)) / 2;
/** Polyfill String.trim for old browsers
* (q.v. */
if (String.prototype.trim === undefined) {
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return String(this).replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
/** Extend Number object with method to pad with leading zeros to make it w chars wide
* (q.v. */
if (Number.prototype.pad === undefined) {
Number.prototype.pad = function(w) {
var n = this.toString();
while (n.length < w) n = '0' + n;
return n;
Mgrs.latBands = 'CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX'; // X is repeated for 80-84°N
* 100km grid square column (‘e’) letters repeat every third zone
* @private
Mgrs.e100kLetters = [ 'ABCDEFGH', 'JKLMNPQR', 'STUVWXYZ' ];
* 100km grid square row (‘n’) letters repeat every other zone
* @private
* Creates an Mgrs grid reference object.
* @classdesc Convert MGRS grid references to/from UTM coordinates.
* @constructor
* @param {number} zone - 6° longitudinal zone (1..60 covering 180°W..180°E).
* @param {string} band - 8° latitudinal band (C..X covering 80°S..84°N).
* @param {string} e100k - First letter (E) of 100km grid square.
* @param {string} n100k - Second letter (N) of 100km grid square.
* @param {number} easting - Easting in metres within 100km grid square.
* @param {number} northing - Northing in metres within 100km grid square.
* @param {LatLon.datum} [datum=WGS84] - Datum UTM coordinate is based on.
* @throws {Error} Invalid MGRS grid reference
* @example
* var mgrsRef = new Mgrs(31, 'U', 'D', 'Q', 48251, 11932); // 31U DQ 48251 11932
function Mgrs(zone, band, e100k, n100k, easting, northing, datum) {
// allow instantiation without 'new'
if (!(this instanceof Mgrs)) return new Mgrs(zone, band, e100k, n100k, easting, northing, datum);
if (datum === undefined) datum = LatLon.datum.WGS84; // default if not supplied
if (!(1<=zone && zone<=60)) throw new Error('Invalid MGRS grid reference');
if (band.length != 1) throw new Error('Invalid MGRS grid reference');
if (Mgrs.latBands.indexOf(band) == -1) throw new Error('Invalid MGRS grid reference');
if (e100k.length!=1 || n100k.length!=1) throw new Error('Invalid MGRS grid reference'); = Number(zone); = band;
this.e100k = e100k;
this.n100k = n100k;
this.easting = Number(easting);
this.northing = Number(northing);
* Converts UTM coordinate to MGRS reference.
* @returns {Mgrs}
* @throws {Error} Invalid coordinate
* @example
* var utmCoord = new Utm(31, 'N', 448251, 5411932);
* var mgrsRef = utmCoord.toMgrs(); // mgrsRef.toString() = '31U DQ 48251 11932'
Utm.prototype.toMgrs = function() {
if (isNaN( + this.easting + this.northing)) throw new Error('Invalid UTM coordinate');
// MGRS zone is same as UTM zone
var zone =;
// convert UTM to lat/long to get latitude to determine band
var latlong = this.toLatLonE();
// grid zones are 8° tall, 0°N is 10th band
var band = Mgrs.latBands.charAt(Math.floor(; // latitude band
// columns in zone 1 are A-H, zone 2 J-R, zone 3 S-Z, then repeating every 3rd zone
var col = Math.floor(this.easting / 100000);
var e100k = Mgrs.e100kLetters[(zone-1)%3].charAt(col-1); // TODO: why col-1?
// rows in even zones are A-V, in odd zones are F-E
var row = Math.floor(this.northing / 100000) % 20;
var n100k = Mgrs.n100kLetters[(zone-1)%2].charAt(row);
// truncate easting/northing to within 100km grid square
var easting = this.easting % 100000;
var northing = this.northing % 100000;
// round to nm precision
easting = Number(easting.toFixed(6));
northing = Number(northing.toFixed(6));
return new Mgrs(zone, band, e100k, n100k, easting, northing);
* Converts MGRS grid reference to UTM coordinate.
* @returns {Utm}
* @example
* var mgrsRef = Mgrs(31, 'U', 'D', 'Q', 448251, 11932);
* var utmCoord = mgrsRef.toUtm(); // utmCoord.toString() = '31 N 448251 5411932'
Mgrs.prototype.toUtm = function() {
var zone =;
var band =;
var e100k = this.e100k;
var n100k = this.n100k;
var easting = this.easting;
var northing = this.northing;
var hemisphere = band>='N' ? 'N' : 'S';
// get easting specified by e100k
var col = Mgrs.e100kLetters[(zone-1)%3].indexOf(e100k) + 1; // TODO: why +1?
var e100kNum = col * 100000; // e100k in metres
// get northing specified by n100k
var row = Mgrs.n100kLetters[(zone-1)%2].indexOf(n100k);
var n100kNum = row * 100000; // n100k in metres
// get latitude of (bottom of) band
var latBand = (Mgrs.latBands.indexOf(band)-10)*8;
// 100km grid square row letters repeat every 2,000km north; add enough 2,000km blocks to get
// into required band
var nBand = new LatLon(latBand, 0).toUtm().northing; // northing of bottom of band
var n2M = 0; // northing of 2,000km block
while (n2M + n100kNum + northing < nBand) n2M += 2000000;
return new Utm(zone, hemisphere, e100kNum+easting, n2M+n100kNum+northing);
* Parses string representation of MGRS grid reference.
* An MGRS grid reference comprises (space-separated)
* - grid zone designator (GZD)
* - 100km grid square letter-pair
* - easting
* - northing.
* @param {string} mgrsGridRef - String representation of MGRS grid reference.
* @returns {Mgrs} Mgrs grid reference object.
* @example
* var mgrsRef = Mgrs.parse('31U DQ 48251 11932');
* var mgrsRef = Mgrs.parse('31UDQ4825111932');
* // mgrsRef: { zone:31, band:'U', e100k:'D', n100k:'Q', easting:48251, northing:11932 }
Mgrs.parse = function(mgrsGridRef) {
mgrsGridRef = mgrsGridRef.trim();
// check for military-style grid reference with no separators
if (!mgrsGridRef.match(/\s/)) {
var en = mgrsGridRef.slice(5); // get easting/northing following zone/band/100ksq
en = en.slice(0, en.length/2)+' '+en.slice(-en.length/2); // separate easting/northing
mgrsGridRef = mgrsGridRef.slice(0, 3)+' '+mgrsGridRef.slice(3, 5)+' '+en; // insert spaces
// match separate elements (separated by whitespace)
mgrsGridRef = mgrsGridRef.match(/\S+/g);
if (mgrsGridRef==null || mgrsGridRef.length!=4) throw new Error('Invalid MGRS grid reference');
// split gzd into zone/band
var gzd = mgrsGridRef[0];
var zone = gzd.slice(0, 2);
var band = gzd.slice(2, 3);
// split 100km letter-pair into e/n
var en100k = mgrsGridRef[1];
var e100k = en100k.slice(0, 1);
var n100k = en100k.slice(1, 2);
var e = mgrsGridRef[2], n = mgrsGridRef[3];
// standardise to 10-digit refs - ie metres) (but only if < 10-digit refs, to allow decimals)
e = e.length>=5 ? e : (e+'00000').slice(0, 5);
n = n.length>=5 ? n : (n+'00000').slice(0, 5);
return new Mgrs(zone, band, e100k, n100k, e, n);
* Returns a string representation of an MGRS grid reference.
* To distinguish from civilian UTM coordinate representations, no space is included within the
* zone/band grid zone designator.
* Components are separated by spaces: for a military-style unseparated string, use
* Mgrs.toString().replace(/ /g, '');
* @param {number} [digits=10] - Precision of returned grid reference (eg 4 = km, 10 = m).
* @returns {string} This grid reference in standard format.
* @example
* var mgrsStr = Mgrs(31, 'U', 'D', 'Q', 48251, 11932).toString(); // mgrsStr: '31U DQ 48251 11932'
Mgrs.prototype.toString = function(digits) {
digits = (digits === undefined) ? 10 : Number(digits);
var zone =; // ensure leading zero
var band =;
var e100k = this.e100k;
var n100k = this.n100k;
// set required precision
var easting = Math.floor(this.easting/Math.pow(10, 5-digits/2));
var northing = Math.floor(this.northing/Math.pow(10, 5-digits/2));
// ensure leading zeros
easting = easting.pad(digits/2);
northing = northing.pad(digits/2);
return zone+band + ' ' + e100k+n100k + ' ' + easting + ' ' + northing;
var latitude = LATITUDE();
var longitude = LONGITUDE();
var latlong = new LatLon(latitude, longitude, LatLon.datum.WGS84);
var utmCoord = latlong.toUtm();
var mgrsRef = utmCoord.toMgrs();
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Hi! Would it be okay for me to reproduce this code in an application outside of fulcrum mapping? I just wanted to ask because I don't see any license with the code.

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