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Last active November 1, 2022 20:26
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[Use Wagner-Fischer algorithm to find aloof words] #algorithms #python3
# Created by Matthew Cole on 3/1/15.
A word is ALOOF if and only if it has no words which differ from it by only one letter.
def LDistance(str1, str2):
Uses the Wagner-Fischer algorithm for computing edit distance.
Has efficient run time but inefficient space usage for large strings.
INPUT: strings str1 and str2 - two strings to be compared, with length m and n respectively
#OUTPUT: integer ld - the Levenshtein distance between str1 and str2
m = len(str1)
n = len(str2)
#Build table d, initialize with 0 values
d = list()
d = [[0 for x in range(0,m+1)] for x in range(0,n+1)]
#Fill source prefixes
for i in range(0,m+1):
d[0][i] = i
#Fill target prefixes
for j in range(0,n+1):
d[j][0] = j
#Calculate ld at table position[i][j]
for j in range(1,n+1):
for i in range(1,m+1):
#If characters match at each position, no operation is required
if str1[i-1] == str2[j-1]:
d[j][i] = d[j-1][i-1]
#Otherwise, calculate minimum cost for each operation
d[j][i] = min(
d[j][i-1] + 1, #deletion
d[j-1][i] + 1, #insertion
d[j-1][i-1] + 1 #substitution
#DEBUG: show final table
#for row in d:
# print(row)
#Return Levenshtein Distance
def LDSet(word, wordset, ld=1):
Returns a subset of words from wordset with a given Levenshtein Distance to a given word.
INPUT: <word>, a string. <wordset> an iterable of all words in a superset, <ld>, an integer length.
OUTPUT: a subset of <wordset> with a specified LD.
return set(word2 for word2 in wordset if LDistance(word, word2) == ld and word != word2)
def AloofOutputs(word, wordlist):
Checks an aloof word-guess.
#Build a set from the fetched dictionary
words = set(word for word in wordlist if len(word)==len(guess))
#Check for aloofness
for guess in guesses:
#Reject made-up words
if guess not in words:
print("Guess: %s." %guess, "Word not in dictionary.")
#Print the results of the guess
neighbors = set(w for w in LDSet(guess, words) if len(w) == len(guess))
if neighbors == set():
print("Guess: %s." %guess, "Aloof!")
print("Guess: %s." %guess, "Not aloof. Neighbors: %s " % " ".join(neighbors))
#Build a text file header.
print("Content-type: text/plain")
#Fetch a dictionary
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError
req = Request('')
response = urlopen(req)
wordlist = set(word.decode("utf-8").lower() for word in response.readlines())
print("Loaded the dictionary.")
except HTTPError as e:
print('The dictionary server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
print('Error code: ', e.code)
except URLError as e:
print('Couldn\'t reach the dictionary server.')
print('Reason: ', e.reason)
except Exception as e:
print('Something else went wrong.')
print('Message: ', e)
#Get CGI field data
from string import whitespace
from cgi import FieldStorage
import cgitb
params = FieldStorage()
#Process the word guess,
#Or create a form to receive a word guess
if 'word' in params:
word = params.getvalue('word')
AloofOutputs(word, wordlist)
print("I didn't receive a word to check.")
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