This is really painful.
sudo nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' --pure-eval build --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system -j 0 --builders-use-substitutes --builders 'ssh://myuser@ x86_64-linux - - - big-parallel kvm'
warning: Git tree '/home/cole/code/nixcfg' is dirty
error: --- Error -------------------------------------------------------------------- nix
unable to start any build; either increase '--max-jobs' or enable remote builds
OK: sudo ssh myuser@ true
OK: nix ping-store --store ssh://myuser@
> ssh myuser@ systemctl cat nix-daemon.service | rg nix.conf
> ssh myuser@ cat /nix/store/zrf3g3mv44faz9zcwm8m0mw3bcg44s88-nix.conf | rg trusted-users
trusted-users = myuser
I don't get it. I'm in trusted-users, I and root can ssh with no prompt. And yet I am getting nothing but:
considering building on remote machine 'ssh://myuser@'
hook reply is 'decline'
wait for build slot
What does it take to fix this bug? Is it conceivable that someone who doesn't know C++ could easily fix it? Or does this require pumbling the rejection over from the remote daemon?