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Last active June 7, 2018 02:19
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Quick Bootstrapping of Testing for Apollo Server
import {
} from 'graphql-tools';
const testCaseA = {
id: 'Test case A',
query: `
query {
animals {
variables: { },
context: { },
expected: { data: { animals: [{ kind: 'Dog' }] } }
describe('Schema', () => {
// Array of case types
const cases = [testCaseA];
const mockSchema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs });
// Here we specify the return payloads of mocked types
schema: mockSchema,
mocks: {
Boolean: () => false,
ID: () => '1',
Int: () => 1,
Float: () => 12.34,
String: () => 'Dog',
test('has valid type definitions', async () => {
expect(async () => {
const MockServer = mockServer(typeDefs);
await MockServer.query(`{ __schema { types { name } } }`);
cases.forEach(obj => {
const { id, query, variables, context: ctx, expected } = obj;
test(`query: ${id}`, async () => {
return await expect(
graphql(mockSchema, query, null, { ctx }, variables)
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