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Last active January 22, 2020 20:00
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  • Save colevscode/f1da55c58b6ffc6ec25b75b8e026b90d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save colevscode/f1da55c58b6ffc6ec25b75b8e026b90d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* UPDATE --- It's working!
Just needed to make sure I was consistently spreading the args (or not spreading them)
and not forget that javascript typeof [] === 'object'.
lispparser is a lisp parser! It's meant to turn a lisp string
like this:
"(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))"
...into an AST that can be evaluated, like this:
["first", ["list", 1, ["+", 2, 3], 9]]
/* A map of token kinds to regexes used for tokenizing the expression */
const TOKENS = {
open: /^\(/,
close: /^\)/,
cmd: /^(first|last|list|\+|\-|\*|\\)(?!\w)/i,
num: /^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/,
space: /^\s+/,
const COMMANDS = {
first: args=>args.length>0 ? args[0] : undefined,
last: args=>args.length>0 ? args[args.length-1] : undefined,
list: args=>args,
"+": args=>args.reduce((a, b)=>a+b, 0),
"-": args=>args.reduce((a, b)=>a-b, 0),
"*": args=>args.reduce((a, b)=>a*b, 0),
"/": args=>args.reduce((a, b)=>a/b, 0)
function getNextToken(str) {
for (let [kind, regex] of Object.entries(TOKENS)) {
let match = str.match(regex)
if (match) {
return [kind, match[0]]
return ['error', str]
/* Tokenizes the string, returning a list of [tokenKind, token] pairs. */
function tokenizer(str) {
let result = []
while (str.length) {
const token = getNextToken(str)
if (token[0] === 'num') {
result.push([token[0], Number(token[1])])
} else if (token[0] !== 'space') {
str = str.slice(token[1].length)
return result
/* Parses a list of tokens, returning an AST */
function parser(tokens) {
let result = []
let next = tokens.shift()
if (next[0] === 'open') {
next = tokens.shift();
if (next[0] !== 'cmd') {
throw "Syntax error: first list element must be a command"
while(tokens.length) {
next = tokens.shift()
if (next[0] === 'open') {
const [nested, rest] = parser(tokens)
tokens = rest
} else if (next[0] === 'close') {
if (tokens.length) {
return [result, tokens]
} else {
return result
} else {
function evaluate(args) {
args =>typeof el === 'object' ? evaluate(el) : el)
return COMMANDS[args[0]](args.slice(1))
console.log(evaluate(parser(tokenizer("(first 1 (+ 2 3) 9)")))) // -> 1
console.log(evaluate(parser(tokenizer("(- 1 (+ 2 3 -2.3) 9)")))) // -> -12.7
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