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Created October 16, 2021 01:01
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$X Token Invites as NFTs
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.6;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
interface IInviteContract {
function redeem(address receiver) external;
contract InviteContract is IInviteContract {
IERC20 X_token_contract;
address creator;
constructor(address X_token_address) {
creator = msg.sender;
X_token_contract = IERC20(X_token_address);
* @dev Throws if anyone but the creator contract calls
modifier onlyCreator() {
require(msg.sender == creator, "Only the creator contract can do that");
* @dev Sends the .01 $X to any specified address
function redeem(address receiver) external override onlyCreator() {
X_token_contract.transfer(receiver, X_token_contract.balanceOf(address(this)));
abstract contract IX {
mapping(address => bool) public allowlist;
contract WrappedXInvites is ERC721, IX {
using Strings for uint256;
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
Counters.Counter private token_ids;
address uri_admin;
string custom_uri_base;
mapping(uint256 => address) invite_holding_addresses;
IERC20 X_token_contract;
address X_token_address;
constructor(address _X_token_address, string memory _custom_uri_base) ERC721("Wrapped $X", "wX") {
X_token_contract = IERC20(_X_token_address);
X_token_address = _X_token_address;
uri_admin = msg.sender;
custom_uri_base = _custom_uri_base;
/// Access Control Modifiers
* @dev Throws if msg.sender never set the minimum allowance
modifier onlyWhenBalanceIsSufficient() {
require(X_token_contract.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= 1, "You need at least .01 $X");
* @dev Throws if msg.sender never doesn't have at least .01 $X
modifier onlyWhenAllowed() {
require(X_token_contract.allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= 1, "This contract is not approved to transfer .01 $X");
* @dev Throws if msg.sender doesn't own the NFT specified with token_id
modifier onlyValidNFTOwner(uint256 token_id) {
require(_exists(token_id), "That NFT no longer exists");
require(ownerOf(token_id) == msg.sender, "You do not own this NFT");
* @dev Throws if msg.sender isn't allowed to change the URI base
modifier onlyURIAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == uri_admin, "You must be the uri_admin to do that");
/// Public Methods
* @dev Changes the address responsible for managing the URI base
function updateURIAdmin(address _uri_admin) external onlyURIAdmin() {
require(_uri_admin != address(0), "You cannot change the uri_admin to an empty address");
uri_admin = _uri_admin;
* @dev Changes the uri admin to an empty address, preventing further changes to the URI
function lockURI() external onlyURIAdmin() {
uri_admin = address(0);
* @dev Changes the URI base. EX: moving visual assets to a new server and maybe new domain
function updateURIBase(string memory _custom_uri_base) external {
require(msg.sender == uri_admin, "You must be the owner to do that");
custom_uri_base = _custom_uri_base;
* @dev Mints an NFT that represents .01 $X and exactly one invite. Easy to list on OpenSea
function mintInviteNFT() public onlyWhenAllowed() onlyWhenBalanceIsSufficient() returns(uint256 _nft_id) {
// increment the counter and mint an nft representing 1 invite and .01 $x
uint256 token_id = token_ids.current();
_mint(msg.sender, token_id);
// store the address holding the $X
invite_holding_addresses[token_id] = address(new InviteContract(address(X_token_contract)));
// send .01 $X tokens to the contract created above
X_token_contract.transferFrom(msg.sender, invite_holding_addresses[token_id], 1);
return token_id;
* @dev Destroys NFT, sends .01 $X to msg.sender, moves .01 into a new invite holding address, issues msg.sender a new NFT representing one $X invite
function useAndGenerateInviteNFT(uint256 token_id) external onlyValidNFTOwner(token_id) onlyWhenAllowed() {
// we don't want to waste invites, so only accounts that have not already been invited can call this
// if you bought an invite but have no use for it, you can transfer for it someone else, or list it for sale
// this allows people to speculate on invites???
// high demand for invite NFTs is good because it reduces the risk of not being able to re-list the NFT after it's use
// in this case speculation = good
require(IX(X_token_address).allowlist(msg.sender) == false, "You already spent your invite. You need to sell this NFT instead");
// the holding contract sends the .01 $X to msg.sender
// NOTE: this automatically invites msg.sender if they have not been invited yet!
// redeposit the .01 $ now that msg.sender is invited and mint msg.sender a new NFT with the same functionality as the previous one
// destroy this NFT so it can't be traded further
* @dev Getter to discover the $X holding address of a particular NFT
function getInviteHoldingAddress(uint256 token_id) external view returns(address) {
return invite_holding_addresses[token_id];
* @dev A custom URI that will hopefully point towards generative artwork in the future?
function tokenURI(uint256 token_id) public view override returns(string memory _uri) {
require(_exists(token_id), "ERC721Metadata: URI query for nonexistent token");
return string(abi.encodePacked(
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colin-1833 commented Oct 28, 2021

Assuming you can audit it, you'd need to use the source from here instead I just fixed an issue. It's up to you or whoever to deploy it. Once deployed, if you have an unspent $X invite you can call mintInviteNFT() and this will mint you an NFT that can be redeemed for an invite to $X at any point.

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