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Last active February 28, 2019 17:31
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  • Save colin-daniels/bdff5e3468dab9e05615cda8cf510b39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save colin-daniels/bdff5e3468dab9e05615cda8cf510b39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Needs band.yaml and POSCAR in the current directory and takes no arguments (just run python
To change render settings, edit the python script itself (see main() and RenderSettings).

Requires the following python packages (use pip or similar to install):

  • lxml
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pymatgen
  • spglib
  • phonopy
  • ruamel.yaml
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, List
import lxml.etree as etree
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
import itertools
from pymatgen import Structure, Element
from phonopy.structure.atoms import symbol_map, atom_data
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
yaml = YAML(typ='safe')
NSMAP = {'xlink': ''}
def mass_from_symbol(symbol: str):
index = symbol_map[symbol.title()]
data = atom_data[index]
return data[3]
def plane_dist(a, b, c):
normal = np.cross(a, b)
normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
return abs(, c))
def structure_bonds(structure: Structure, max_dist=1.6):
lattice = structure.lattice.matrix
vecs = [lattice[1], lattice[2], lattice[0]]
image_ranges = []
for idx in range(3):
dist = plane_dist(*np.roll(vecs, idx, axis=0))
np.arange(max(int(np.ceil(max_dist / dist)), 2)))
# build cartesian offsets from the multiples of each lattice vector
images = np.array(list(itertools.product(*image_ranges)))
# just make a huge system, whatever
ref_coords = structure.cart_coords
bonds = None
for a, b, c in images:
offset =, [a, b, c])
image_coords = ref_coords + offset
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
ref_coords, image_coords)
new_bonds = np.transpose((distances < max_dist).nonzero())
image_offsets = np.repeat([[a, b, c]], new_bonds.shape[0], axis=0)
new_bonds = np.hstack((image_offsets, new_bonds))
if bonds is None:
bonds = new_bonds[new_bonds[:, 3] != new_bonds[:, 4]]
bonds = np.append(bonds, new_bonds, axis=0)
return bonds
def bond_to_positions(bond: np.array, structure: Structure):
offset =, bond[:3])
pos_a = structure.cart_coords[bond[3]]
pos_b = structure.cart_coords[bond[4]] + offset
return pos_a, pos_b
def load_eigs_band_yaml(filename: str):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = yaml.load(f)
band = data['phonon'][0]['band']
eigs = [np.array(mode['eigenvector'])[:, :, 0] for mode in band]
# THZ to cm^-1
frequencies = 33.35641 * np.array([mode['frequency'] for mode in band])
return frequencies, eigs
class RenderSettings:
# image size multiplier
scaling: float = 30.0
# how much to translate the structure
translation: np.array = np.zeros(3)
# structure rotation (applied after translation)
rotation: np.array = np.eye(3)
# extra space to add to fit structure in the image
padding: float = 2.0
# text settings for mode info
draw_info_text: bool = True
info_text_size: float = padding / 4
# can be none for transparent
background_color: Optional[str] = '#FFFFFF'
bonds = {
'stroke': '#7F8285',
'stroke-width': 0.1251,
# whether to draw bonds across periodic bounds
'draw-periodic': False,
displacements = {
'color': '#EB1923',
'stroke-width': bonds['stroke-width'],
'max-length': 1.44 / 2,
'arrow-width': 3 * bonds['stroke-width'],
# per-atom render settings
atom_types = {
Element.C: {
'radius': 0.2607,
'fill': '#111417',
'stroke': '#111417',
'stroke-width': 0.0834,
Element.H: {
'radius': 0.1669,
'fill': '#FFFFFF',
'stroke': '#111417',
'stroke-width': 0.0834,
class ModeRenderer:
def __init__(
structure_filename: str,
eigs_filename: str,
# defaults to [1, 1, 1]
supercell: Optional[List[int]] = None,
settings: RenderSettings = RenderSettings()
# read structure
structure = Structure.from_file(structure_filename)
# initial translation
np.arange(structure.num_sites), settings.translation, to_unit_cell=True)
# make supercell if specified
if supercell is not None:
supercell_images =
supercell_images = 1
self.structure = structure
self.bonds = structure_bonds(structure)
self.frequencies, self.eigenvectors = load_eigs_band_yaml(eigs_filename)
self.eigenvectors = np.array([
np.repeat(e, supercell_images, axis=0) for e in self.eigenvectors
self.settings = settings
def render(self, mode_id: Optional[int]):
rset = self.settings
# our coordinate transform then consists of a rotation then scaling
def coord_transform(coords):
return rset.scaling *, coords)
# find structure bounds
min_pos = coord_transform(self.structure.cart_coords.min(0) - rset.padding)
max_pos = coord_transform(self.structure.cart_coords.max(0) + rset.padding)
range_pos = max_pos - min_pos
svg = etree.Element("svg", nsmap=NSMAP, attrib={
'width': '{:.1f}'.format(range_pos[0]),
'height': '{:.1f}'.format(range_pos[1]),
'version': '1.1',
'viewBox': '{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(
min_pos[0], min_pos[1],
range_pos[0], range_pos[1],
'xmlns': "",
# definitions for use later
defs = etree.SubElement(svg, 'defs')
if rset.background_color is not None:
etree.SubElement(svg, 'rect', attrib={
'id': 'background',
'x': '{:.1f}'.format(min_pos[0]),
'y': '{:.1f}'.format(min_pos[1]),
'width': '{:.1f}'.format(range_pos[0]),
'height': '{:.1f}'.format(range_pos[1]),
'fill': rset.background_color,
if rset.draw_info_text and mode_id is not None:
text_size = rset.info_text_size * rset.scaling
mode_info = etree.SubElement(svg, 'text', attrib={
'id': 'mode-info',
'x': '{:.1f}'.format(min_pos[0] + text_size / 3),
'y': '{:.1f}'.format(max_pos[1] - text_size / 3),
'font-family': 'monospace',
'font-size': '{}'.format(text_size),
'font-weight': 'bold',
mode_info.text = "id: {} | frequency: {:.4f} cm^-1".format(mode_id, self.frequencies[mode_id])
self.svg_bonds(svg, coord_transform)
if mode_id is not None:
self.svg_displacements(svg, defs, mode_id, coord_transform)
self.svg_atoms(svg, coord_transform)
return etree.ElementTree(svg)
def svg_atoms(self, svg, coord_transform):
rset = self.settings
atom_group = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g', attrib={
'id': 'atoms'
for key, value in rset.atom_types.items():
value['group'] = etree.SubElement(atom_group, 'g', attrib={
'id': '{}-atoms'.format(key.symbol.lower()),
'fill': value['fill'],
'stroke': value['stroke'],
'stroke-width': str(value['stroke-width'] * rset.scaling),
for site in self.structure.sites:
x, y, z = coord_transform(site.coords)
info = rset.atom_types[site.specie]
etree.SubElement(info['group'], 'circle', attrib={
'r': str(info['radius'] * rset.scaling),
'cx': '{:.1f}'.format(x),
'cy': '{:.1f}'.format(y),
def svg_displacements(self, svg: etree.Element, defs: etree.Element, mode_id: int, coord_transform):
rset = self.settings
# displacements (phonon mode)
etree.SubElement(defs, 'path', attrib={
'id': 'arrowhead',
'd': 'M -1 0 h 2 l -1 1.732 z',
'fill': rset.displacements['color'],
'stroke-width': '0',
'transform': 'scale({})'.format(rset.scaling * rset.displacements['arrow-width'] / 2)
displacement_group = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g', nsmap=NSMAP, attrib={
'id': 'displacements',
'stroke': '#EB1923',
'stroke-width': str(rset.displacements['stroke-width'] * rset.scaling),
eigs = self.eigenvectors[mode_id]
# scale by 1 / sqrt(mass) to get displacements
masses = np.array([mass_from_symbol( for s in self.structure.species])
disps = (eigs.T / np.sqrt(masses)).T
# normalize, then scale to arrow length
disps = rset.displacements['max-length'] * disps / np.max(np.linalg.norm(disps, axis=1))
for pos, disp in zip(self.structure.cart_coords, disps):
pos = coord_transform(pos)
disp = coord_transform(disp)
end = pos + disp
etree.SubElement(displacement_group, 'path', attrib={
'd': 'M {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(
pos[0], pos[1], end[0], end[1]
# add arrow head
etree.SubElement(displacement_group, 'use', nsmap=NSMAP, attrib={
'{}href': '#arrowhead',
'x': '{:.1f}'.format(end[0]),
'y': '{:.1f}'.format(end[1]),
'transform': 'rotate({:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f})'.format(
math.degrees(math.atan2(disp[1], disp[0]) - np.pi / 2), end[0], end[1]
def svg_bonds(self, svg, coord_transform):
rset = self.settings
# bonds
bond_group = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g', attrib={
'id': 'bonds',
'stroke': rset.bonds['stroke'],
'stroke-width': str(rset.bonds['stroke-width'] * rset.scaling),
for bond in self.bonds:
if not rset.bonds['draw-periodic'] and np.any(bond[:3] != 0):
pos_a, pos_b = bond_to_positions(bond, self.structure)
pos_a, pos_b = coord_transform(pos_a), coord_transform(pos_b)
etree.SubElement(bond_group, 'path', attrib={
'd': 'M {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(
pos_a[0], pos_a[1], pos_b[0], pos_b[1]
def main():
renderer = ModeRenderer("POSCAR", "band.yaml", [2, 1, 1])
# see the RenderSettings class for available settings (e.g. colors/sizes/etc)
renderer.settings = RenderSettings(
translation=np.array([-0.5 / 12.944, 0, 0]),
# need to swap y/z since we render the x, y plane
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
for i in range(len(renderer.frequencies)):
filename = 'mode_{}.svg'.format(i + 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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