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Last active June 23, 2016 02:26
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Brisbane Elixir

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Elixir News

Bay Area Elixir Meetup

Hosted by Bleacher Report (

  • Previously a Rails shop, started transition to elixir ~2 years ago.
  • High traffic website for Sports Scores and Results - millions of concurrent users during peak events.
  • Required 200+ Rails servers for web traffic, + ~50 background worker servers.
  • Had major outages last year caused by difficulty scaling on Rails. Management agreed to delay new features to migrate core applications to elixir early this year.
  • Elixir, Phoenix, Ecto were immature when started 2 years ago, some initial pain keeping up with changes - but knew the prize would be worth it.
  • Ecosystem relatively stable now, reaping the rewards :)
  • 200+ Rails web servers replaced by 2 Phoenix nodes. Prize won.

Format of the meetup that week was a show and tell, but also a 'BYO project and questions' to break into small groups after. Something we can add to our meetup - get specific help on your own (personal or work related) projects.

Dojo Time!

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