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Last active December 16, 2021 20:29
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Compare Javascript v8 .slice.pop() vs. .slice(-1) memory and timing performance
const { PerformanceObserver, performance, constants } = require('perf_hooks');
const MAX_TEST_SIZE = Math.pow(2,16); //65536
// pre-allocate an array filled with objects (primatives like Number and Boolean have internal cpp optimizations)
const a = new Array(MAX_TEST_SIZE).map(v => ({}));
// pre-allocate an array for the results. this way we don't count the heap overhead from assigning the target variables
const b = new Array(MAX_TEST_SIZE);
let totalHeapUsed = 0;
let heapUsed = 0;
let lastHeapUsed = 0;
let duration = 0;
let gcCount = 0;
let gcTime = 0;
// Create a performance observer
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
for (const entry of list.getEntries()) {
if (entry.entryType === 'measure' && === 'evaltime') {
duration += entry.duration;
else if (entry.entryType === 'measure' && === 'internal-time') {
duration -= entry.duration;
// console.log(entry.duration);
else if (entry.entryType === 'gc') {
// node 16 adopted UserTiming Level3. Accessing other property methods (like entry.kind for nod 15) is considered deprecated
if (entry.detail?.kind !== constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINOR) {
// for debugging, trying to minimize GC_MAJOR and TIME based GC events
gcTime += entry.duration;
let message = `duration: ${Math.round(duration)/1000}s used-heap: ${Math.round((totalHeapUsed)/1024/1024*10)/10}MB`;
if (process.argv.includes('--gc')) message += ` (gc-count: ${gcCount} gc-time: ${Math.round(gcTime)/1000}s)`;
observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['gc', 'measure'], buffered: true });
// calling process.memoryUsage() isn't free. we do an internal timing to net out at the end
for (const i in [...Array(MAX_TEST_SIZE)]) {
performance.measure('internal-time', 'internal-start', 'internal-end');
// zero out our total heap used so far
totalHeapUsed -= (lastHeapUsed = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed);
for (const i in [...Array(MAX_TEST_SIZE)]) {
if (process.argv.includes('--baseline')) {
// SCENARIO 1: vanillaJS that uses a.length
// const b = a.length > 0 ? a[a.length - 1] : null;
const c = a[a.length - 1];
b[i] = c;
else if (process.argv.includes('--pop')) {
// SCENARIO 2: use .slice().pop()
// const b = a.slice().pop();
const c = a.slice().pop();
b[i] = c;
else {
// SCENARIO 3: use .slice(-1)
// const [b] = a.slice(-1);
const [c] = a.slice(-1);
b[i] = c;
// simple-person's heap tracking, but we have to account for GC threads
heapUsed = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
if (lastHeapUsed > heapUsed) {
totalHeapUsed += (lastHeapUsed - heapUsed);
// console.log("used-heap", Math.round((lastHeapUsed - heapUsed)/1024/1024*10)/10 + "MB");
lastHeapUsed = heapUsed;
performance.measure('evaltime', 'start', 'end');
totalHeapUsed += process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
//observer is called at the end of execution since there isn't any other yielding
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duncan commented Jul 5, 2021

I tried to run this and got a TypeError: Cannot read property 'kind' of undefined from line 27

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colinbendell commented Jul 5, 2021

I tried to run this and got a TypeError: Cannot read property 'kind' of undefined from line 27

What version of node are you running? I've only tested with 16.1.0

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duncan commented Jul 5, 2021

That was it. I was on 15.x there. Upgraded to 16.4.1 and all is happy.

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