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Last active January 6, 2020 19:07
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SSE Streaming Actor
package com.besterdesigns.actors
import java.util.Calendar
import{Actor, Props}
import com.besterdesigns.models.Json4sFormat
import scala.concurrent.duration._
case object StartClock
object StreamingEventSourceActor {
def name = "StreamingEventSourceActor"
def props(source: SourceQueueWithComplete[String]): Props = Props(new StreamingEventSourceActor(source))
case class UpdateDashboard(data: String)
class StreamingEventSourceActor(source: SourceQueueWithComplete[String])
extends Actor
with Json4sFormat {
implicit val ec = context.system.dispatcher
override def receive: Receive = {
case StartClock => {
//send periodic date/time to all browsers
val dt = Calendar.getInstance().getTime()
val response = s"""{"msg":"${dt}"}"""
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second) {
self ! StartClock
case msg: StreamingEventSourceActor.UpdateDashboard => {
// send broadcase to all connect browsers. Triggered by PUT method in Rest end point PUT events
val testMessage =
"""{"msg":"First Message"}
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