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Created February 11, 2010 04:28
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "Loading twitter-contest library for ttytter\n";
############## CONFIG SECTION #######################
#space-separated list of terms which must be in the tweet
#To watch for tweets which contain the words "ubuntu" /and/ "linux"
#$track = 'ubuntu linux';
#To watch for tweets which contain hashtags and such, add them on
#Ex. looks for tweets which contain the followfriday hashtag and rushimprint
#$track = '#followfriday @rushimprint';
$track = '#linux';
#Alternatively, use $tquery and specify the search API query directly
#Do not use them together
#$tquery = "\#linux";
#$store->{'terms_query'} = '#linux';
#if set to 1, all terms in track must be present
#if set to 0, just one of the terms in track must be present
#Set this to 0 if using $tquery
$store->{'all_terms_must_be_present'} = 0;
#if set to 0, do no log tweets from the user being used to watch
#if set to 1, log matching tweets regardless of user
$store->{'log_self'} = 0;
#1 turns off the timeline and only watch the hashtag. this is desirable.
$notimeline = 1;
#path to the database file, relative to where is
$store->{'dbpath'} = 'database/contest.db';
#1 to turn on debug output, 0 to turn it off
$store->{'debug'} = 1;
############## END CONFIG SECTION ###################
## ##
## Woe unto thee who changeth the following ##
## ##
#die("This bot shouldn't be run anonymously.") if ($anonymous);
$store->{'dontecho'} = $whoami;
#if this fails, split user
($store->{'dontecho'}, $store->{'crap'}) = split(/:/, $user, 2)
if (!length($whoami));
#turn on $track to watch certain hashtags
#space separated list, need not include hashtags
#any tweets with /any/ of these terms will be handled
$store->{'tracklist'} = split(/ /, $track);
#&ucommand("/set tquery {$store->{'terms_query'}}");
#setup the database handle
use DBI;
$store->{'dbargs'} = {AutoCommit => 0, PrintError => $store->{'debug'}};
$store->{'dbh'} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$store->{'dbpath'},
#handler for tweets
$handle = sub {
my $ref = shift; #the tweet
my $debug = $store->{'debug'}; #debugging?
my $dbh = $store->{'dbh'}; #database handle
my $all_terms_must_be_present = $store->{'all_terms_must_be_present'}; #check if all terms are present
my @tracklist = $store->{'tracklist'}; #$track expanded into a list
my $log_self = $store->{'log_self'};
#we need the screenname
my $sn = &descape($ref->{'user'}->{'screen_name'});
return if ($log_self && $sn eq $store->{'dontecho'}); #prevent inadvertant self-logging
#we need the full text of the tweet for verification
my $text = &descape($ref->{'text'});
#if desired, check for the existence of the variables in the tweet's text
#we already know what at least one of the tracks is in it
for $t (@tracklist) {
if(index($text, $t) == -1){
if($debug){ print $stdout "DISCARDED TWEET\n[", $sn, "] ", $text, "\n\n"; }
return; #we don't want it if a tracked term is missing
#grab the info we need to store
#we already have the screenname in $sn
#we already have the tweet in $text
#we need the timestamp
my $timestamp = &descape($ref->{'created_at'});
#and we need the tweet's id
my $tweet_id = &descape($ref->{'id'});
#we need to know if they are following me
#need an api call for this
#TODO: implement this
print $stdout 'NEW TWEET', "\n", 'At ', $timestamp, ', ', $sn, ' tweeted: ', $text, "\n";
#assemble a query
my $query = sprintf("insert into contest_entry
(timestamp, user, tweet, id)
(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
if($debug) { print $stdout $query, "\n\n" };
#execute the query
if ($debug and $dbh->err()) { print $stdout "DB ERROR: $DBI::errstr\n"; }
#commit the query if there was no error
##called at the beginning of checking tweets
$heartbeat = sub {
my $stamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
print $stdout $stamp.": MARK - Starting cycle.\n";
##called at the end of checking tweets
$conclude = sub {
my $stamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
print $stdout $stamp.": MARK - The cycle is complete.\n"; #the student has become the master
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