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Created September 10, 2014 04:43
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Jordan Eldredge (@captbaritone) wrote a really helpful post about "Speeding up Laravel tests with database transactions" (, you should read it. I took what he had done and expanded on it a little, this is my implementation.
As Jordan did, I changed the phpunit bootstrap file from 'bootstrap/autoload.php' to 'bootstrap/testing.php'. My version differs only in that I reference an environment variable `PHPUNIT_SEED_DB`, if that variable is present then I seed the database.
// bootstrap/testing.php
$shouldSeed = getenv('PHPUNIT_SEED_DB');
if ($shouldSeed) {
passthru("php artisan --env='testing' migrate:refresh");
passthru("php artisan --env='testing' db:seed --class=TestDatabaseSeeder");
require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php';
Doing this allows me to run the migrations on demand instead of *all the time*; helpful when I want to run a single test (or suite of tests) that don't require a database. You can set the environment variable at the time you run phpunit so it's set only for that process, kinda like flashing.
$ PHPUNIT_SEED_DB=true ./phpunit
Since I may or may not be running the migrations, I needed to conditionally start and rollback the database transactions. I modified TestCase.php, which ships with Laravel, to do this.
// tests/TestCase.php
abstract class TestCase extends Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase {
protected static $withMigrations;
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
static::$withMigrations = getenv('PHPUNIT_SEED_DB');
public function setUp()
if (static::$withMigrations) {
public function tearDown()
if (static::$withMigrations) {
// the rest
Thats it. Thanks again to Jordan for writing the post, I was tearing out what's left of my hair trying to do this on my own before I found it. Now my tests run quite a bit faster.
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