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Created December 18, 2012 18:38
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Grunt task for TypeScript compilation
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
// TODO: ditch this when grunt v0.4 is released
grunt.util = grunt.util || grunt.utils;
var async = grunt.util.async;
grunt.registerMultiTask('typescript', 'Compile TypeScript to JavaScript', function() {
var helpers = require('grunt-contrib-lib').init(grunt),
path = require('path'),
options = helpers.options(this),
cb = this.async(),
args = helpers.optsToArgs(options);
grunt.verbose.writeflags(options, 'Options');
// TODO: ditch this when grunt v0.4 is released
this.files = this.files || helpers.normalizeMultiTaskFiles(,;
async.forEachSeries(this.files, function(el, cb2) {
el.dest = path.normalize(el.dest);
var srcFiles = grunt.file.expandFiles(el.src),
useOutParam = !helpers.isIndividualDest(el.dest);
if (useOutParam) {
args = args.concat(['--out', el.dest]);
// Make sure grunt creates the destination folders
grunt.file.write(el.dest, '');
args = args.concat(srcFiles);
var tsc = grunt.util.spawn({
cmd: 'tsc',
args: args
}, function(error, result, code){
cb2(code > 0);
}).on('exit', function (code){
if (code !== 0) {
grunt.warn('Error code ' + code + ' returned from tsc.');
} else if (useOutParam && !!options.sourcemap) {
// fix pathing in source maps. tsc computes relative paths correctly only
// if the source .ts exists within the same relative dir as the outfile
var sourcemapPath = el.dest + '.map',
sourcemapContents =,
absolutePart = process.cwd()+'/app',
fixedContents =
sourcemapContents.replace(new RegExp(absolutePart, 'g'), '');
grunt.file.write(sourcemapPath, fixedContents);
}, function(error) {
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