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Created April 11, 2019 04:06
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ECS Deployment Script
set -e
# Set the variables below or add them dynamically.
commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
full_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "region: $region"
echo "environment: $environment"
echo "commit: $commit"
echo "cluster: $cluster"
echo "project: $project"
echo "image: $image"
function release() {
local service="$1"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="$region"
# Get the task definition and patch the image value.
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $service \
| jq -r '.taskDefinition' \
| jq -r '{family, containerDefinitions, networkMode, volumes, networkMode, volumes, cpu, memory}' > task-definition.json
cat task-definition.json | jq '.containerDefinitions[0].image = "'$image'"' > new-task-definition.json
# Register the task definition and get the next revision.
revision=$(aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json "$(cat new-task-definition.json)" | jq -r '.taskDefinition.revision')
echo -n "deploying $service to $revision..."
# Contains secrets.
rm task-definition.json
rm new-task-definition.json
# Patch the service to the next revision.
aws ecs update-service --cluster $cluster --service $service --task-definition $service:$revision &> /dev/null
echo " done"
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