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Created December 20, 2023 00:36
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Vala Fuzzy Name Search - Inspired By Sublime Text
// Credit to: @treagod
const int SEQUENTIAL_BONUS = 15; // bonus for adjacent matches
const int SEPARATOR_BONUS = 30; // bonus if match occurs after a separator
const int CAMEL_BONUS = 30; // bonus if match is uppercase and prev is lower
const int FIRST_LETTER_BONUS = 15; // bonus if the first letter is matched
const int LEADING_LETTER_PENALTY = -5; // penalty applied for every letter in str before the first match
const int MAX_LEADING_LETTER_PENALTY = -15; // maximum penalty for leading letters
public class Scratch.Services.FuzzyFinder {
private class RecursiveFinder {
int recursion_limit;
int max_matches;
int recursion_count;
public RecursiveFinder (int limit = 10, int mx_mtchs = 40) {
recursion_limit = limit;
max_matches = mx_mtchs;
recursion_count = 0;
private bool limit_reached () {
return recursion_count >= recursion_limit;
public SearchResult fuzzy_match_recursive (string pattern, string str, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) {
var matches = new Gee.ArrayList<int> ();
return fuzzy_match_recursive_internal (pattern, str, 0, 0, 0, cancellable, matches);
private SearchResult fuzzy_match_recursive_internal (string pattern, string str, int pattern_current_index, int str_current_index, int next_match,
GLib.Cancellable cancellable, Gee.ArrayList<int> matches, Gee.ArrayList<int>? src_matches = null) {
var out_score = 0;
// Recursion params
bool recursive_match = false;
var best_recursive_matches = new Gee.ArrayList<int> ();
var best_recursive_score = 0;
// Loop through pattern and str looking for a match.
bool first_match = true;
if (cancellable.is_cancelled () || limit_reached ()) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
// Return if we reached ends of strings.
if (pattern_current_index == pattern.length || str_current_index == str.length) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
while (pattern_current_index < pattern.length && str_current_index < str.length) {
if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
var lower_case_char = pattern.get_char (pattern_current_index).tolower ();
var lower_case_str_char = str.get_char (str_current_index).tolower ();
// Match found.
if (lower_case_char == lower_case_str_char) {
if (next_match >= max_matches) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
if (first_match && src_matches != null) {
matches.clear ();
matches.insert_all (0, src_matches);
first_match = false;
var recursive_matches = new Gee.ArrayList<int> ();
var recursive_result_search = fuzzy_match_recursive_internal (
str_current_index + 1,
if (recursive_result_search.found) {
// Pick best recursive score.
if (!recursive_match || recursive_result_search.score > best_recursive_score) {
best_recursive_matches.clear ();
best_recursive_matches.insert_all (0, recursive_matches);
best_recursive_score = recursive_result_search.score;
recursive_match = true;
if (matches.size <= next_match) {
matches.add (str_current_index);
} else {
matches[next_match++] = str_current_index;
var matched = pattern_current_index == pattern.length;
if (matched) {
out_score = 100;
// Apply leading letter penalty
var penalty = LEADING_LETTER_PENALTY * matches[0];
penalty =
: penalty;
out_score += penalty;
//Apply unmatched penalty
var unmatched = str.length - next_match;
out_score += UNMATCHED_LETTER_PENALTY * unmatched;
// Apply ordering bonuses
for (var i = 0; i < next_match; i++) {
if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
var current_index = matches[i];
if (i > 0) {
var previous_index = matches[i - 1];
if (current_index == previous_index + 1) {
out_score += SEQUENTIAL_BONUS;
// Check for bonuses based on neighbor character value.
if (current_index > 0) {
// Camel case
var neighbor = str[current_index - 1];
var curr = str[current_index];
if (neighbor != neighbor.toupper () && curr != curr.tolower ()) {
out_score += CAMEL_BONUS;
var is_neighbour_separator = neighbor == '_' || neighbor == ' ';
if (is_neighbour_separator) {
out_score += SEPARATOR_BONUS;
} else {
// First letter
out_score += FIRST_LETTER_BONUS;
// Return best result
if (out_score <= 0) {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
} else if (recursive_match && (!matched || best_recursive_score > out_score)) {
// Recursive score is better than "this"
matches.insert_all (0, best_recursive_matches);
out_score = best_recursive_score;
return new SearchResult (true, out_score);
} else if (matched) {
// "this" score is better than recursive
return new SearchResult (true, out_score);
} else {
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
return new SearchResult (false, out_score);
int recursion_limit;
int max_matches;
Gee.HashMap<string, SearchProject> project_paths;
public FuzzyFinder (Gee.HashMap<string, SearchProject> pps, int limit = 10, int mx_mtchs = 256) {
max_matches = mx_mtchs;
recursion_limit = limit;
project_paths = pps;
public async Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult> fuzzy_find_async (string search_str, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) {
var results = new Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult> ();
SourceFunc callback = fuzzy_find_async.callback;
new Thread<void> ("fuzzy-find", () => {
results = fuzzy_find (search_str, cancellable);
Idle.add ((owned) callback);
return results;
public Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult> fuzzy_find (string search_str, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) {
var results = new Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult> ();
var projects = project_paths.values.to_array ();
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) {
if (results.size <= 20) {
return results;
return (Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult>) results.slice (0, 20);
var project = projects[i];
for (int j = 0; j < project.relative_file_paths.size; j++) {
if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) {
return results;
var path = project.relative_file_paths[j];
SearchResult search_result;
// If there is more than one project prepend the project name
// to the front of the path
// This helps to search for specific files only in one project, e.g.
// "code/fuzfind" will probably only return fuzzy_finder.vala from this project
// even if their is a "fuzzy_finder" file in another project
string project_name = "";
if (project_paths.size > 1) {
project_name = Path.get_basename (project.root_path);
search_result = fuzzy_match (search_str, @"$project_name/$path", cancellable);
} else {
search_result = fuzzy_match (search_str, path, cancellable);
if (search_result.found) {
var root_path = project.root_path;
search_result.relative_path = path;
search_result.full_path = @"$root_path/$path";
search_result.project = project_name;
results.add (search_result);
results.sort ((a, b) => {
return b.score - a.score;
if (results.size <= 20) {
return results;
return (Gee.ArrayList<SearchResult>) results.slice (0, 20);
private SearchResult fuzzy_match (string pattern, string str, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) {
var finder = new RecursiveFinder (recursion_limit, max_matches);
return finder.fuzzy_match_recursive (pattern, str, cancellable);
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