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Last active January 12, 2018 17:47
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Cape ported to python
CHAR_MASK = ((1 << 8) - 1)
# Compute a 1 byte version of the encryption key
def cape_compute_reduced_key(key, length):
reduced_key = 0
# Reduced key computation
for i in xrange(0, length):
reduced_key = (reduced_key ^ (key[i] << (i % 8))) & CHAR_MASK
return reduced_key
def normalize_bytes(key):
if isinstance(key, basestring):
return map(lambda c: ord(c), key)
if isinstance(key, int):
return [key]
return key
def stringify(bytes):
for c in bytes:
if c < ord(' ') or c > ord('~'):
return repr(bytes)
return ''.join(map(lambda c: chr(c), bytes))
class Cape:
def __init__(self, key, salt=0):
self.salt = normalize_bytes(salt)[0]
self.key = normalize_bytes(key)
self.length = len(key)
self.reduced_key = cape_compute_reduced_key(self.key, self.length)
# Decrypt data (max 65535 characters)
def decrypt(self, _source):
source = normalize_bytes(_source)
length = len(source) - 1
saltKey = (self.salt ^ self.reduced_key) & CHAR_MASK
iv = (source[-1] ^ length ^ self.key[(length ^ saltKey) % self.length]) & CHAR_MASK
destination = [0] * length
for i in xrange(0, length):
destination[i] = (source[i] ^ iv ^ i ^ self.key[(saltKey ^ i) % self.length]) & CHAR_MASK
return destination
# Stream chipher, private key, initialization vector based encryption
# algorithm (max 65535 characters)
def encrypt(self, _source, iv):
source = normalize_bytes(_source)
length = len(source)
saltKey = (self.salt ^ self.reduced_key) & CHAR_MASK
destination = [0] * length
destination.append((iv ^ length ^ self.key[(length ^ saltKey) % self.length]) & CHAR_MASK)
for i in xrange(0, length):
destination[i] = (source[i] ^ iv ^ i ^ self.key[(saltKey ^ i) % self.length]) & CHAR_MASK
return destination
# Symmetric chiper using private key, reduced key and optionally salt:
def hash(self, _source):
saltKey = (self.salt ^ self.reduced_key) & CHAR_MASK
source = normalize_bytes(_source)
destination = []
for i in xrange(0, len(source)):
iSaltKey = saltKey ^ i
c = (source[i] ^ iSaltKey ^ self.key[iSaltKey % self.length]) & CHAR_MASK
return destination
cape = Cape('YOUR-ENCRYPTION-KEY', 'S')
print(stringify(cape.encrypt('CRYPTMEPLEASE', 381)))
print(stringify(cape.decrypt(cape.encrypt('CRYPTMEPLEASE', 2847))))
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