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Created December 21, 2016 16:29
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OVH Server Availability Checker
* Script to check SoYouStart availability based on
define('CHECK_URL', '');
define('NOTIFICATION_EMAILS', 'YOUR_EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM'); // Comma separated list of notifaction email address
define('SYSTEM_EMAIL', '0'); // 1 = enabled local smtp system
define('MAILGUN', '1'); // 1 = enable email through mailgun api, require an account on
define('MAILGUN_API', 'YOUR_MAILGUN_API_KEY'); // Enter your Mailgun App API Key here
define('MAILGUN_DOMAIN', 'YOUR_MAILGUN_DOMAIN'); // Enter your Mailgun App sending domain here
define('TEMP_PREVIOUS_MSG_FILE', dirname(__FILE__). '/sys-avail-cache.txt');
$f = file_get_contents(CHECK_URL);
$a = json_decode($f);
$avail = $a->answer->availability;
$str_avai = '';
$zone_to_check = array('143sys10','143sys11'); //Replace with your choice of servers to check on
foreach($avail as $s) {
if( in_array($s->reference, $zone_to_check)) {
$z = $s->zones;
foreach($z as $zone) {
// Please check your best zone here
if($zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'bhs' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'gra' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'rbx' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'sbg' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'waw' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'rbx-hz' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'sgp' || $zone->availability!=='unavailable' && $zone->availability!=='unknown' && strtolower($zone->zone) == 'syd')
$str_avai .= $s->reference . " is " . $zone->availability . " in " . $zone->zone . " - Purchase Link:" . $s->reference . "\n"; // Replace link with your country's soyoustart site link
//-- write to cache file to avoid repeated notifications
$previous_message = @file_get_contents(TEMP_PREVIOUS_MSG_FILE);
if ($str_avai != ''){
if ($str_avai != $previous_message){
if (defined('NOTIFICATION_EMAILS')){
sendNotificationEmail($emails, $str_avai);
$ff = fopen(TEMP_PREVIOUS_MSG_FILE, "w");
fwrite($ff, $str_avai);
} else {
$ff = fopen(TEMP_PREVIOUS_MSG_FILE, "w");
fwrite($ff, '-');
* Send email via MAILGUN API
function sendNotificationEmail($to, $msg){
if (defined('MAILGUN_API') && MAILGUN == 1) {
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$mailgun = new Mailgun\Mailgun(MAILGUN_API);
$date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); // replace your timezone here
$message = array(
'text' => $msg,
'subject' => "SoYouStart Availability - " . $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'from' => "",
'to' => $to,
$results = $mailgun->sendMessage($domain, $message);
if ( SYSTEM_EMAIL == 1 ) {
$mail = mail($to, $message->subject, $msg);
return ;
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