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Created October 5, 2016 19:48
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(ns daemon.visual-cortex.pushup-counter
[ :as smart-atom]
[daemon.voice.core :as voice]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math])
(:import org.httpkit.BytesInputStream
[org.opencv.core MatOfByte Core Mat Point Scalar]
[org.opencv.imgcodecs Imgcodecs]
[org.opencv.imgproc Imgproc]
[ Video])
;(:use [incanter core stats charts io])
(def plot nil)
(def pushup-plot nil)
(def last-pushup-time (atom 99999999999999999))
(def already-bitched (atom false))
(def maximum-break 3200) ;in ms
(def pushup-count (atom 0))
(def last-frames (atom []))
(def last-frame (atom nil))
(def frame-history-size 3)
(def test-frame (atom nil))
(def test-exception (atom nil))
(def fgbg nil)
(defn add-frame [frame]
(try (if (= (count @last-frames) frame-history-size)
(smart-atom/delete (peek @last-frames))
(swap! last-frames pop)))
(catch Exception e (def except (.getMessage e))))
(swap! last-frames (fn [lf] (into [] (cons frame lf)))))
(def last-centroid (atom nil))
(def last-dydx (atom nil))
(def centroid-extream (atom nil))
(def movement-threshold 120)
(defn get-centroid-dydx [new-centroid]
(if @last-centroid
(- (new-centroid :y) (@last-centroid :y))
(defn get-centroid [mat]
(let [moments (Imgproc/moments mat)]
{:x (/ (.get_m10 moments) (.get_m00 moments))
:y (/ (.get_m01 moments) (.get_m00 moments))}))
(defn experienced-v-sign-flip? [new-centroid new-dydx]
(if (and
;;centroids and derivatives already must exist
@last-centroid @last-dydx
;;test diffent signs (aka passed through 0 derivitave)
(<= (* @last-dydx new-dydx) 0.1))
(defn experienced-pushup? [new-centroid new-dydx]
(if (and
(experienced-v-sign-flip? new-centroid new-dydx)
(< @last-dydx 0)
(> (math/abs (- @centroid-extream (new-centroid :y))) movement-threshold))
(defn handle-pushup-experience []
;(add-points pushup-plot [(System/currentTimeMillis)] [1])
(swap! pushup-count + 1)
(swap! last-pushup-time (fn [ignore] (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(swap! already-bitched (constantly false))
(voice/speak @pushup-count))
(defn handle-too-long-of-break []
(voice/speak "You are taking too long of a break"))
(defn get-motion [new-frame]
(swap! last-frame (constantly (smart-atom/deref new-frame)))
(let [rv (Mat.)]
(.apply fgbg (smart-atom/deref new-frame) rv)
(catch Exception e (do (println "exception")
(swap! test-exception (constantly (.getMessage e))))))
(let [centroid (get-centroid rv)
dydx (get-centroid-dydx centroid)]
(Imgproc/rectangle (smart-atom/deref new-frame) (Point. 20 20) (Point. 160 100) (Scalar. 255.0 255.0 255.0) -1)
(Imgproc/putText (smart-atom/deref new-frame) (str @pushup-count)
(if (> @pushup-count 9)
(Point. 65 73)
(Point. 75 73))
Core/FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN 3 (Scalar. 0.0) 2)
;(add-points plot [(System/currentTimeMillis)] (centroid :y))
(if (and
(not @already-bitched)
(> @pushup-count 0)
(> (- (System/currentTimeMillis) @last-pushup-time) maximum-break))
(swap! already-bitched (constantly true))
(if (experienced-pushup? centroid dydx)
(if (experienced-v-sign-flip? centroid dydx)
;;we need to make sure that the extreams are greater than a threshold
;;this prevents small dydx sign flips from causing problems
(swap! centroid-extream (constantly (centroid :y))))
(swap! last-centroid (constantly centroid))
(swap! last-dydx (constantly dydx))
(catch Exception e (println (.getMethodName (.getStackTrace e)))))
(.release rv)
{:smart-mat new-frame})))
(defn init []
(swap! pushup-count (constantly 0))
;(def plot (time-series-plot [] []))
;(def pushup-plot (time-series-plot [] []))
(def fgbg (Video/createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2))
(.setHistory fgbg 50))
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