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const {allResponses} = inputData
const responsesRaw = allResponses
.filter(r => r)
.map(r => r.trim())
const responses = {}
for (let responseRaw of responsesRaw) {
// split the question and answer at the first linebreak
let matches = responseRaw.match(/^(.*?)\n+(.*)/m)
if (matches) {
let question = matches[1]
let answer = (matches[2] || '').trim()
// if the question is formatted as "Blah (Actual Question)",
// strip out "Blah" and use "Actual Question" as the question,
// then append the result to the question set
const multipleChoiceRE = /^.*?\((.*?)\)$/
if (multipleChoiceRE.test(question)) {
question = question.replace(multipleChoiceRE, '$1')
responses[question] = responses[question] || []
} else {
responses[question] = answer
Object.keys(responses).forEach(question => {
if (Array.isArray(responses[question])) {
responses[`${question} spaces`] = responses[question].join(', ')
responses[`${question} linebreaks`] = responses[question].join('\n')
responses[`${question} md`] = `- ${responses[question].join('\n- ')}`
output = {...responses}
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