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Created August 2, 2019 16:05
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Uses the Gitlab API and jq to get the Gitlab User ID by supplying the username.
# requires curl and jq
# assumes usage of Gitlab API v4
# hella hacky
# output is always paginated - get total number of pages from http header
numpages=$(curl -sSl -D - "$url/api/v4/users?order_by=id&per_page=50" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $token" | grep -i 'x-total-pages' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | cut -c1 )
# iterate to all pages (each requires one API call)
for p in $(seq $numpages); do
# create temporary file to store json in and get data
now=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%z)-$p
curl -s "$url/api/v4/users?per_page=50&page=$p" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $token" >> $now-gitlab-users.json
# get number of entries on page using jq
entries=$(cat $now-gitlab-users.json | jq '. | length')
# off by one, dirty as all heck. frick you
# iterate through entries on page
for e in $(seq 0 $entries); do
if [[ $(cat $now-gitlab-users.json | jq .[$e].username | sed 's/\"//g') == "$username" ]]; then
# echo ID from json if username matches
cat $now-gitlab-users.json | jq .[$e].id
rm $now-gitlab-users.json
exit 0
rm $now-gitlab-users.json
exit 1
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