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Last active July 2, 2021 17:08
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SVG Icon block
import { SVG, Path } from '@wordpress/components';
const arrowLeft = (
<SVG fill="none" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="">
d="m1.333 14.389 9.466-9.466c.872-.872 2.326-.872 3.198 0s.872 2.326 0 3.198l-5.589 5.621h20.677c1.26 0 2.262 1.002 2.262 2.261s-1.002 2.262-2.262 2.262h-20.677l5.589 5.589c.872.872.872 2.326 0 3.198-.452.452-1.034.678-1.615.678s-1.163-.226-1.615-.678l-9.434-9.434c-.42-.42-.678-1.002-.678-1.615s.226-1.195.678-1.615z"
export default arrowLeft;
"apiVersion": 2,
"name": "acmecorp/svg-icon-block",
"title": "SVG Icon block",
"category": "acmecorp",
"icon": "format-status",
"description": "SVG icon block",
"supports": {
"color": {
"gradients": false,
"background": false,
"text": true
"textdomain": "acmecorp",
"editorScript": "acmecorp-svg-icon-block-editor-script",
"style": "acmecorp-svg-icon-block-style",
"attributes" : {
"width": {
"type": "number",
"default": "24"
"selectedIcon": {
"type": "string",
"source": "html",
"selector": "svg"
* External dependencies
import classnames from 'classnames';
* WordPress dependencies
import { useRef } from '@wordpress/element';
import {
} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { RangeControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
/* Internal dependencies */
import * as IconList from '../../components/icons';
const Edit = ( props ) => {
const {
} = props;
const {
} = attributes;
const ref = useRef();
const blockProps = useBlockProps( { ref } );
const SelectableIconList = () => {
const iconArray = Object.entries( IconList );
return (
{ ( element, i ) => {
return (
key={ i }
key={ i }
onClick={ () => setAttributes( { 'selectedIcon' : element[ 1 ], 'selectedIconName' : element[ 0 ] } ) }
> <span className={ element[ 0 ] }>{ element[ 1 ] }</span>
} ) }
return (
<div id="svg-icon-block-controls">
<legend className="svg-icon-blocks-base-control">
{ __( 'Icons' ) }
<SelectableIconList />
<legend className="svg-icon-blocks-base-control">
{ __( 'Icon Size' ) }
value={ width }
onChange={ ( newIconSize ) => setAttributes( { width : newIconSize } ) }
min={ 14 }
max={ 100 }
{ selectedIcon !== '' &&
{ ...blockProps }
className={ classnames( blockProps.className ) }
className={ classnames(
) }
style={ {
width : `${ attributes.width }px`, // stylelint-disable-line
} }
{ attributes.selectedIcon }
export default Edit;
export { default as ArrowLeftIcon } from './library/arrow-left';
export { default as ArrowRightIcon } from './library/arrow-right';
export { default as CheckmarkIcon } from './library/checkmark';
export { default as ChevronDownIcon } from './library/chevron-down';
export { default as ChevronLeftIcon } from './library/chevron-left';
export { default as ChevronRightIcon } from './library/chevron-right';
export { default as ChevronUpIcon } from './library/chevron-up';
export { default as CloseIcon } from './library/close';
export { default as LanguageIcon } from './library/language';
export { default as PlayIcon } from './library/play';
export { default as QuoteIcon } from './library/quote';
export { default as SearchIcon } from './library/search';
export { default as SocialFacebookIcon } from './library/social-facebook';
export { default as SocialLinkedinIcon } from './library/social-linkedin';
export { default as SocialTwitterIcon } from './library/social-twitter';
* External dependencies
import classnames from 'classnames';
* WordPress dependencies
import {
} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
const Save = ( props ) => {
const { attributes } = props;
const blockProps =;
return (
{ ...blockProps }
className={ classnames( blockProps.className ) }
className={ classnames(
) }
style={ {
width : `${ attributes.width }px`, // stylelint-disable-line
} }
{ attributes.selectedIcon }
export default Save;
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