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parse css img to base64
const { readFileSync, statSync, existsSync } = require('fs')
const mime = require('mime')
const CSSAsset = require(`parcel-bundler/${parseInt(process.versions.node, 10) < 8 ? 'lib' : 'src'}/assets/CSSAsset`)
const { dirname, join, resolve, extname, normalize, relative } = require('path')
const projectRootPath = resolve(__dirname, '../../../')
const parcelrcPath = join(projectRootPath, '.parcelrc')
const getConfig = () => existsSync(parcelrcPath) ? JSON.parse(readFileSync(parcelrcPath))['css-url-loader'] : {}
const EXTS = ['png', 'svg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg']
const LIMIT = 10240
const cache = new Map()
class UrlLoaderAsset extends CSSAsset {
constructor(name, options) {
super(name, options)
this.type = 'css'
this.previousSourceMap = this.options.rendition
: null
async postProcess(generated){
const css = generated.find(e => e.type === 'css')
this.pluginConfig = this.pluginConfig || getConfig()
const { exts = EXTS, limit = LIMIT } = this.pluginConfig
this.dependencies.forEach((val, key) => {
const { name, resolved } = val
const imagePath = join(dirname(, name)
const type = extname(imagePath).substr(1)
if(!exts.includes(type)) return
const fileStat = statSync(imagePath)
if(fileStat.size / 1024 > limit) return
const hashname ={
relativeName: relative(this.options.rootDir, imagePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'),
let base64str = ''
base64str = cache.get(hashname)
const data = readFileSync(imagePath)
const filemime = mime.getType(imagePath)
base64str = `data:${filemime};base64,${data.toString('base64')}`
const regexp = new RegExp(`(${this.options.publicURL})?${hashname}`, 'g')
css.value = css.value.replace(regexp, base64str)
cache.set(hashname, base64str)
return generated
module.exports = UrlLoaderAsset
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