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Created July 27, 2014 17:56
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OSC Listen and Send
This sketch demonstrates the use of OSC in Resolume Avenue 3 and TouchOSC
an application made for the iPhone that can send OSC messages.
So install TouchOSC on your Iphone or Ipod touch (available in the App store)
// start OSC config
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;
/*portToListenTo, port we are listening on, this should be the same as
the outgoing port of TouchOsc on your iphone
int portToListenTo = 8000;
/*portToSendTo, port we are sending to, this should be the same as
the incomning port of Resolume 3, default it is set to 7000, so you wouldn't need to change it.
int portToSendTo = 9000;
/*ipAddressToSendTo, ip address of the computer we are sending messages to (where Resolume 3 runs)
String ipAddressToSendTo = "localhost";
OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
OscBundle myBundle;
OscMessage myMessage;
//end OSC config
boolean newMessages = false;
void setup() {
/* start oscP5*/
oscP5 = new OscP5(this,portToListenTo);
myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress(ipAddressToSendTo, portToSendTo);
myBundle = new OscBundle();
myMessage = new OscMessage("/");
void draw() {
if (newMessages) {
/* send the message */
oscP5.send(myBundle, myRemoteLocation);
newMessages = false;
/* incoming osc message are forwarded to the oscEvent method. */
void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) {
//translate touchOSC messages
//touchOSC is set to the beatmachine template
String address = theOscMessage.addrPattern();
int num = int( address.substring(address.length()-1) ); //get trailing number
int page = int( address.substring(1,2) ); //get page number
if (page != 4) {
String newAddress = "";
address = address.substring(0, address.length()-1); //remove trailing number so we get /1/push instead of /1/push1
//page 1
//translate the two faders to the volume and fadeout of the composition
if( address.equals("/1/fader") ) { //
if (num == 1) {
newAddress = "/composition/video/fadeout/values";
} else {
newAddress = "/composition/audio/volume/values";
//translate 9 button grid to clip triggers
} else if( address.equals("/1/push") ) { //
if ( num < 10) {
int layer = 1;
int clip = 1;
if (num <= 3) {
clip = num;
layer = 1;
} else if (num <= 6) {
clip = num - 3;
layer = 2;
} else if (num <= 9) {
clip = num-6;
layer = 3;
newAddress = "/layer" + layer + "/clip" + clip + "/connect";
} else {
newAddress = "/layer" + (num - 9) + "/clear";
//page 3
//translate rotary controls to composition dashboard (links)
} else if( address.equals("/3/rotary") ) {
newAddress = "/composition/link" + num + "/values";
theOscMessage.setAddrPattern( newAddress );
newMessages = true;
} else {
//page 4
if( address.equals("/4/xy") ) { //
myMessage.add( 1.0 - theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue() );
myMessage.add( theOscMessage.get(1).floatValue() );
newMessages = true;
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