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Last active April 29, 2019 01:37
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  • Save colorwebdesigner/c28b81a85a22663433aa67583f9c318b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save colorwebdesigner/c28b81a85a22663433aa67583f9c318b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
build fonts.list for gulp-google-webfonts
"use strict";
// Gulp API and configuration
const { src, dest } = require('gulp');
// Other dependencies
const googleFonts = require('gulp-google-webfonts');
const getUrls = require('get-urls');
const through2 = require('through2');
const url = require('url');
// Paths
const gp = {
"src": {
"path": "build/fonts/"
"dest": {
"path": "result/fonts/"
// Paths is relative to gulp.dest source
const c = {
"googleFonts": {
"fileName": "fonts.list",
"fontsDir": "../fonts/",
"cssDir": "../css/parts/",
"cssFilename": "fonts.styl"
download google fonts
You can use same format as Google Fonts website provide and paste in fonts.list one of the following:
<link href="|Nunito&subset=cyrillic" rel="stylesheet">
@import url('|Nunito&subset=cyrillic');
function getGoogleFonts(cb) {
return src(gp.src.path + c.googleFonts.fileName, gp.src.opt)
// Read content of fonts.list file === @import url('|Nunito&subset=cyrillic');
.pipe(through2.obj(function(file, _, cb) {
// Parse fonts.list content and convert it to valid
// gulp-google-webfonts format on the fly without making new file
if (file.isBuffer()) {
// Checking file is stream buffer
let input = getUrls(file.contents.toString(), c.getUrls.opt);
// getUrls displays a dirty value, leaving unwanted special characters at the end of the line [ );' ]
// so we need to do some trick to clean the value
// @input {[object Set]} === Set { '|Nunito&subset=cyrillic\');' }
let content = '';
// @content {[string]} === empty variable for resulting string
for (let item of input) {
// @item {[string]} ===|Nunito&subset=cyrillic');
let obj = url.parse(item, true);
// @obj {[object Object]} ===
Url {
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: null,
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: '?family=Lobster%7CNunito&subset=cyrillic%27);',
query: { family: 'Lobster|Nunito', subset: 'cyrillic\');' },
pathname: '/css',
path: '/css?family=Lobster%7CNunito&subset=cyrillic%27);',
href: ';'
let family =\s/g,'+').split('|');
// @family {[object]} === [ 'Lobster', 'Nunito' ]
let subset = '';
// @subset {[string]} === empty variable for part of string with subset value
// remove from object everything except @subset key/value
// because it has wrong format and can't be callled in normal way
// @obj.query {[object]} === { subset: 'cyrillic\');' }
let regex = /([')(;])|(amp;)/g;
obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj.query).replace(regex,''));
// convert @obj.query to string and filter characters with
// regular expression @regex
// @obj {[object Object]} === { subset: 'cyrillic' }
if (obj.subset) subset = `&subset=${obj.subset}`;
// @if {[true]} @subset === &subset=cyrillic
family.forEach(function(font) {
content += `${font}${subset}\n`;
// @content {[string]} === Lobster&subset=cyrillic...
// @content {[string]} === valid gulp-google-webfonts format
// Lobster&subset=cyrillic
// Nunito&subset=cyrillic
file.contents = Buffer.from(content);
// @file.contents {[object]} === new buffer from @content
cb(null, file);
// Return file with new content to next pipe
// ---> Exports
exports.getGoogleFonts = getGoogleFonts;
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