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Created February 13, 2009 15:19
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Save colszowka/63948 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Will find the rdoc paths of your local gems and generate a html index frameset which will let you select
# the desired gem's rdoc from a dropdown navigation...
# Specify your local gems installation's doc directory and the desired html output path, open the generated index.html
# in the output path in your favorite browser and add a boomark.
# You might want to add the script into your path for easy access or put it in a cron job.
# Tested on Ubuntu 8.10, but really should work anywhere with proper gem install path set
# See for more info and even a nice screenshot!
# Disclaimer: No beautiful code, fancy templating stuff or even valid HTML in here, it's just intended to work :)
# Written by Christoph Olszowka,
require 'fileutils'
# Path to your gems installations documentation directory
GemsDocPath = '/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc'
# Path for your html output
OutputPath = '/home/colszowka/rdoc'
# Create output path if non-existent
FileUtils.mkdir_p OutputPath
# Basic class for holding the gem name and rdoc_path and url generation for links
class GemDoc
attr_accessor :name, :rdoc_path
def initialize(name, rdoc_path)
@name = name
@rdoc_path = rdoc_path
def url
# Setup the gemdocs array
gemdocs =
# Iterate over all gems found in GemsDocPath
Dir[File.join(GemsDocPath, '*')].sort.each do |gem_doc_dir|
# Check if the gem has rdoc, add it to the list of documented gems
if gem_doc_dir and File.exist?(gem_rdoc_path = File.join(gem_doc_dir, 'rdoc', 'index.html'))
gemdocs <<, gem_rdoc_path)
end, "dropdown.html"), "w+") do |html|
html.puts '<html><head></head><body style="background-color: black; color: white;"><form><div style="float:right">Updated: ' + + '</div>
<select name="list" size="1" onChange="parent.rdoc.location.href=this.form.list.options[this.form.list.selectedIndex].value">
<option selected value=""> Select gem </option>'
gemdocs.sort_by {|gem| }.each do |gem|
html.puts "<option value=\"#{gem.url}\">#{}</option>"
html.puts '</select>
end, "index.html"), "w+") do |html|
html.puts '<html><head><title>Local Gem RDoc Index</title></head><frameset rows="50,*" border="none">
<frame src="dropdown.html" name="nav">
<frame src="" name="rdoc"></frameset></html>'
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