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Forked from danclien/step1.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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// Implementing functor manually
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, Free.liftF
sealed trait TestF[+A]
case class Foo[A](o: A) extends TestF[A]
case class Bar[A](h: (Int => A)) extends TestF[A]
case class Baz[A](h: (Int => A)) extends TestF[A]
implicit def testFFunctor[B]: Functor[TestF] = new Functor[TestF] {
def map[A,B](fa: TestF[A])(f: A => B): TestF[B] =
fa match {
case Foo(o) => Foo(f(o))
case Bar(h) => Bar(x => f(h(x)))
case Baz(h) => Baz(x => f(h(x)))
type TestFreeM[A] = Free[TestF, A]
def foo: TestFreeM[Unit] = liftF { Foo(Unit) }
def bar: TestFreeM[Int] = liftF { Bar(a => a) }
def baz: TestFreeM[Int] = liftF { Baz(a => a) }
def run[A](program: TestFreeM[A]): A = {
val exe: TestF ~> Id = new (TestF ~> Id) {
def apply[B](l: TestF[B]): B = l match {
case Foo(o) => { println(l); o }
case Bar(h) => { println(l); h(42)}
case Baz(h) => { println(l); h(20)}
val program = for {
_ <- foo
a <- bar
b <- baz
_ <- foo
} yield (a, b)
// Implementing functor manually + EitherT
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, Free.liftF
sealed trait TestF[+A]
case class Foo[A](o: A) extends TestF[A]
case class Bar[A](h: (\/[String, Int] => A)) extends TestF[A]
case class Baz[A](h: (\/[String, Int] => A)) extends TestF[A]
implicit def testFFunctor[B]: Functor[TestF] = new Functor[TestF] {
def map[A,B](fa: TestF[A])(f: A => B): TestF[B] =
fa match {
case Foo(o) => Foo(f(o))
case Bar(h) => Bar(x => f(h(x)))
case Baz(h) => Baz(x => f(h(x)))
type TestFreeM[A] = Free[TestF, A]
type TestM[A] = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, A]
def foo = EitherT.right[TestFreeM, String, Unit] { liftF { Foo(Unit) } }
def bar = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, Int] { liftF { Bar(a => a) } }
def baz = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, Int] { liftF { Baz(a => a) } }
def run[A](program: TestFreeM[A]): A = {
val exe: TestF ~> Id = new (TestF ~> Id) {
def apply[B](l: TestF[B]): B = l match {
case Foo(o) => { println(l); o }
case Bar(h) => { println(l); h(42.right)}
case Baz(h) => { println(l); h("Baz called".left)}
val program = for {
_ <- foo
a <- bar
b <- baz
_ <- foo
} yield (a, b)
val resultA = run(
// Using Coyoneda to generate the map (without EitherT)
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.functor._
import scalaz.effect._
sealed trait TestF[A]
case object Foo extends TestF[Unit]
case object Bar extends TestF[Int]
case object Baz extends TestF[Int]
type TestCoyo[A] = Coyoneda[TestF, A]
type TestFreeM[A] = Free.FreeC[TestF, A]
def foo = Free.liftFC(Foo)
def bar = Free.liftFC(Bar)
def baz = Free.liftFC(Baz)
def run[A, M[_]: Monad](tio: TestFreeM[A])(interpreter: TestF ~> M): M[A] = tio.foldMap[M](new (TestCoyo ~> M) {
def apply[A](cy: TestCoyo[A]): M[A] =
def testToIO: TestF ~> IO = new (TestF ~> IO) {
def apply[A](t: TestF[A]): IO[A] = t match {
case Foo => IO { println(t) }
case Bar => IO { println(t); 42 }
case Baz => IO { println(t); 20 }
val program = for {
_ <- foo
a <- bar
b <- baz
_ <- foo
} yield (a, b)
val result = run(program)(testToIO)
// TODO: Using EitherT+Coyoneda? Profit
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.functor._
import scalaz.effect._
sealed trait TestF[A]
case object Foo extends TestF[\/[String, Unit]]
case object Bar extends TestF[\/[String, Int]]
case object Baz extends TestF[\/[String, Int]]
type TestCoyo[A] = Coyoneda[TestF, A]
type TestFreeM[A] = Free.FreeC[TestF, A]
type Test[A] = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, A]
def lift[A](t: TestF[A]): TestFreeM[A] =
Free.liftF[TestCoyo, A](Coyoneda.lift(t))
def foo = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, Unit] { lift(Foo) }
def bar = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, Int] { lift(Bar) }
def baz = EitherT[TestFreeM, String, Int] { lift(Baz) }
def run[A, M[_]: Monad](tio: TestFreeM[A])(interpreter: TestF ~> M): M[A] = tio.foldMap[M](new (TestCoyo ~> M) {
def apply[A](cy: TestCoyo[A]): M[A] =
def testToIO: TestF ~> IO = new (TestF ~> IO) {
def apply[A](t: TestF[A]): IO[A] = t match {
case Foo => IO { println(t); \/-(Unit) }
case Bar => IO { println(t); \/-(42) }
case Baz => IO { println(t); -\/("Bad call") }
val program = for {
_ <- foo
a <- bar
b <- baz
_ <- foo
} yield (a, b)
val result = run(program)(testToIO)
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