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Created February 2, 2018 20:45
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/* Color Example */
"id": "black",
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/* font example */
"id": "Test LDS Serif",
"type": "rule",
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"catergory": "font-face",
"tags": ["css"]
/* SVG example */
"id": "some-icon",
"value": "M[some example svg numbers like] 0 1.5 0.834-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5-0.834 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5 0-0.834 0.672-1.5 0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5 0.834 0 1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5v12.999z",
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"tags": ["svg"]
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