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Created December 8, 2012 04:31
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A CodePen by Colt Pini. RegExpert - This is a regex tester. Javascript style. This shows the matches in an output window, and a .test() result. Also a small regex lookup. Basically I wanted my own little tool instead of dealing with other peoples. Most of them are written in languages other than JS so the regex isn't quite right.
<ul class="aside">
g<input type="checkbox" name="flags" value="g" />
i<input type="checkbox" name="flags" value="i" />
m<input type="checkbox" name="flags" value="m" />
y<input type="checkbox" name="flags" value="y" id="y" />
<div id="test"></div>
<div id="err"></div>
<div id="blah"></div>
<ul class="main">
<div id="ref">
<dl id="refContainer">
<dd>Matches any Char (use m flag to match linebreaks)</dd>
<dd>Word char &amp; not word char</dd>
<dd>Digit &amp; not digit</dd>
<dd>Whitespace char &amp; not whitespace char</dd>
<dd>matching set</dd>
<dd>Not matching set</dd>
<dd>Range can be alpha or numberic</dd>
<dd>Hex index selector</dd>
<dd>Begins with</dd>
<dd>Ends with</dd>
<dd>Positive Lookahead</dd>
<dd>Nagative Lookahead</dd>
<dd>Positive Lookbehind</dd>
<dd>Negative Lookbehind</dd>
<dd>Optional (Lazy)</dd>
<dd>0 or more (add ? to make lazy)</dd>
<dd>1 or more (add ? to make lazy)</dd>
<dd>Matches exactly x amount</dd>
<dd>Matches between x and y amounts (add ? to make lazy)</dd>
<dd>Capturing Group</dd>
<dd>Non-capturing Group</dd>
<dd>Inserts the x number of capture group for select</dd>
<dt class="divider">Replace Functions:</dt>
<dd>Insertion ($$ to escape) for Replace</dd>
<dd>Inserts matched substring</dd>
<dd>Inserts proceeding</dd>
<dd>Inserts following</dd>
<dd>Inserts first capture group</dd>
<div id="reg" contentEditable>^\d{3}([-\.]?)\d{3}\1\d{4}$</div>
<!--<div id="reg" contentEditable>&lt;(\w*?).*?&gt;.*?&lt;/\1&gt;</div> -->
<span>Text to match against</span>
<div id="val" contentEditable>888-888-8888</div>
<!--<div id="val" contentEditable>&lt;div attr="something"&gt; this &lt;span&gt;and&lt;br /&gt; that&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</div>-->
//REGEX tester
function huh(e) {
try {
var flags = "",
fi = document.querySelectorAll('[name="flags"]:checked');
for (var i = 0; i < fi.length; i++) {
flags += fi[i].value;
var reg = new RegExp(document.getElementById('reg').innerHTML, flags);
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = reg.test(document.getElementById('val').innerHTML);
document.getElementById('blah').innerHTML = document.getElementById('val').innerHTML.match(reg);
val.innerHTML = val.innerHTML.replace(reg, '<colt>$&</colt>');
document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = "";
catch (err) {
var message = err.arguments ? err.arguments[1] : err;
document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = message;
function addingText() {
var val = document.getElementById('val');
val.innerHTML = val.innerHTML.replace(/<[\/]?(colt|font).*?>/gi, '');
function windowResize() {
var val = document.getElementById('val'),
output = document.getElementById('blah'),
refCont = document.getElementById('refContainer');
function getHeight(elem) { = (document.documentElement.offsetHeight - elem.getBoundingClientRect().top - 5) + "px";
function refHandler() {
var rc = this.querySelector('#refContainer'); = === 'block' ? "none" : "block";
document.getElementById('reg').addEventListener('keyup', huh);
document.getElementById('val').addEventListener('focus', addingText);
document.getElementById('val').addEventListener('blur', huh);
window.addEventListener('resize', windowResize, false);
document.getElementById('ref').addEventListener('click', refHandler);
var inpts = document.querySelectorAll('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inpts.length; i++) {
inpts[i].addEventListener('change', huh);
// test to see if the y flag is allowed for the browser.
try {
new Regex(/n/, 'y');
catch (e) {
document.getElementById('y').disabled = true;
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font-size: 10px;
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