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Created February 2, 2018 19:05
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:root {
/* ---- capitalize ------*/
--capitalize: capitalize;
/* ---- uppercase ------*/
--uppercase: uppercase;
/* ---- italic ------*/
--italic: italic;
/* ---- emphasis ------*/
--emphasis: italic;
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--direction: ltr;
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--list-style: normal;
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--direction: rtl;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: Zawgyi-One, sans-serif;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: khmer, sans-serif;
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--italic: normal;
/* ---- emphasis ------*/
--emphasis: bold;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: 'Heiti SC', 新細明體, PMingLiU, '儷宋 Pro', 'LiSong Pro', 蘋果儷細宋, 'Apple LiSong', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
/* ---- italic ------*/
--italic: normal;
/* ---- emphasis ------*/
--emphasis: bold;
/* ---- uppercase ------*/
--uppercase: none;
/* ---- uppercase ------*/
--uppercase: none;
/* ---- uppercase ------*/
--uppercase: none;
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--sans: 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', メイリオ, Meiryo, 'Meiryo UI', Osaka, 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic', sans-serif;
/* ---- italic ------*/
--italic: normal;
/* ---- emphasis ------*/
--emphasis: bold;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: 굴림, Gulim, Tahoma, 돋움, Dotum, Arial, 애플고딕, AppleGothic, 은돋움, UnDotum, sans-serif;
/* ---- italic ------*/
--italic: normal;
/* ---- emphasis ------*/
--emphasis: bold;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: 'Saysettha OT', 'Saysettha Unicode', 'Lao UI', Dokchampa, 'Saysettha MX', 'Lao MN', 'Lao Sangam MN', sans-serif;
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--font-size-root: 19.2px;
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--sans: Scheherazade, sans-serif;
/* ---- line-height ------*/
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--line-height: 1.68;
--line-height-500: 1.68;
--line-height-600: 1.92;
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--direction: rtl;
/* ---- list-style ------*/
--list-style: arabic-indic;
/* ---- uppercase ------*/
--uppercase: none;
/* ---- font-size-root ------*/
--font-size-root: 19.2px;
/* ---- sans ------*/
--sans: Scheherazade, sans-serif;
/* ---- line-height ------*/
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--line-height: 1.68;
--line-height-500: 1.68;
--line-height-600: 1.92;
/* ---- direction ------*/
--direction: rtl;
/* ---- list-style ------*/
--list-style: arabic-indic;
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