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Created November 3, 2022 15:58
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export type EventsDictionary = Record<
(event: CustomEvent<any>) => void
// Polyfill of CustomEvent for Node Environments
export class CustomEvent<T> extends Event {
constructor(type: string, detail: { detail: T }) {
this.detail = detail.detail
public readonly detail: T
export default class EventedService<
E_DICTIONARY extends EventsDictionary = EventsDictionary
> {
constructor() {
this.#subscribers = {}
* Collection of active subscribers grouped by event name
readonly #subscribers: Record<
PropertyKey, Set<E_DICTIONARY[keyof E_DICTIONARY]>
* Get the collection of subscribers for an event.
* If collections does not yet exist will be created
private getEventSubscribersCollection<
E_NAME extends keyof E_DICTIONARY
>(eventName: E_NAME) : Set{
if (!this.#subscribers[eventName]){
this.#subscribers[eventName] = new Set()
return this.#subscribers[eventName]
* Iterates the list of subscribers and executes the callback
* for a given event name
protected dispatchEvent<E_NAME extends keyof E_DICTIONARY>(
...[eventName, eventData]: Parameters<E_DICTIONARY[E_NAME]>[0] extends void
? [E_NAME]
: [E_NAME, Parameters<E_DICTIONARY[E_NAME]>[0] extends CustomEvent<infer T> ? T : never]
) {
const eventHandlersCollection =
const event = new CustomEvent(
{ detail: eventData }
for (const eventHandler of eventHandlersCollection) {
// stop Event Propagation if requested by user
if (event.cancelBubble) break
return event
* Add the provided callback function to the list of subscribers for a given event name
public subscribe<E_NAME extends keyof E_DICTIONARY, E_HANDLER extends E_DICTIONARY[E_NAME]>(
eventName: E_NAME,
eventHandler: E_HANDLER
): void {
const eventHandlersCollection = this.getEventSubscribersCollection(eventName)
* Remove the provided callback function to the list of subscribers for a given event name
public unsubscribe<E_NAME extends keyof E_DICTIONARY, E_HANDLER extends E_DICTIONARY[E_NAME]>(
eventName: E_NAME,
eventHandler: E_HANDLER
): void {
const eventHandlersCollection = this.getEventSubscribersCollection(eventName)
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