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Created February 5, 2019 06:42
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Connect to MongoDb shell
mongo "<server-address>/<database>" --username <username> --password <password>
MongoDb shell commands
Show selected db
> db
List databases
> show dbs
Select database
> use <dbName>
List active databaae collectuons
> show collections
CRUD operatins
Execute js file (useful for importing data)
> run("<path-to-js>")
Selectors Examples
db.<collectionName>.find( {filter} ) list all documents (rows) in collectionName
db.<collectionName>.find( { color:"red", length: 100 } )
db.<collectionName>.find( {filter} , {projection}) Set propertes to be returned (prop:boolean)
db.<collectionName>.find( { color:"red", length: 100 }, { color: true } )
db.<collectionName>.find( {"tripduration": {$exists: true} } ) <---return only documnts that have te specified property defined
Nested ObJects (dot notation)
db.<collectionName>.find( { "box.color":"red"} ) <--- quotes are needed for nested objects
Arrays Manipulation
db.<collectionName>.find( { "actors": ["Arnold"]} ) <--- get docs where single index array has Arnold
db.<collectionName>.find( { "actors": ["Arnold","Lina"]} ) <--- get docs where actors matches (strict)
db.<collectionName>.find( { "actors":"Arnold"} ) <--- get entries where actors contains Arnold
db.<collectionName>.find( { "actors.0":"Arnold"} ) <--- get entries where actors index 0 is Arnold
db.<collectionName>.find( {countries: {$size:2}} ) // eturn all documents where the countrynarray has only 2 elements
db.<collectionName>.find( {$or : [ {watlev:"always dry"}, {depth: 0}] } ) // watlev=="always dry" || depth==0
db.<collectionName>.find( {JSON_filters} ).count()
db.<collectionName>.find( {JSON_filters} ).pretty()
db.<collectionName>.insertOne({JSON}) Inserts the document defined using JSON
db.<collectionName>.insertMany([ {JSON} ,{JSON} ,...]) Inserts the documents defined using JSON Array
db.<collectionName>.insertMany([ {JSON} ,{JSON} ,...] , {ordered:true|false} )
- ordered insertn(default) : stops inserting after an error has been found
- unordered insert : keeps going even in¡f errors are encontuntered
db.<collectionName>.updateOne({JSON}, { $set:{ <field>:value } } ) Updates the first document that matcjes the selector
db.<collectionName>.updateMany({JSON}, { $set:{ <field>:value } } ) Updates all documents that match the selector
db.<collectionName>.updateMany({JSON}, { $set:{ <field>:value } }, {upsert:true} ) if the document selected by the query does not exist create it
db.<collectionName>.updateOne({JSON}, { $inc:{ <field>: incrementValue } } ) Increments
db.<collectionName>.updateOne({JSON}, { $push: { <field>: value } } ) Push to array
db.<collectionName>.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $push: { scores: 89 } } )
db.<collectionName>.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $push: { scores: { $each: [ 90, 92, 85 ] } } } )
db.<collectionName>.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $unset: { <field> : false } } ) delete a field
db.<collectionName>.replaceOne( { _id: 1 }, { document } ) replaces the document of the query
db.<collectionName>.deleteOne( { _id: 1 } )
db.<collectionName>.deleteMany( { selector } )
{genres: "Comedy"} // returns all documents wich genere contains Comedy
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