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Forked from coraxster/CiscoAnyConnectVPNauto.scpt
Last active July 14, 2020 14:45
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Fix syntax error
-- 1. To authorize via Touch ID you must apply this script:
-- 2. Create a new password entry in Keychain Access called "LDAP" with your ldap password
-- 3. Create a new password entry in Keychain Access called "2Factor" with your 2factor token
-- 4. Install oath-toolkit. (brew install oath-toolkit)
-- 5. Open this script in Script Editor (both this and the above are in the Applications->Utilities folder) and "Save as.." an Application (.app) with desired name.
-- 6. Open Security & Privacy System Preferences, go to Privacy, Accessibility.
-- 7. Enable the above .app so it can access Accessibility
-- 8. Add the new .app to /Users/[yourshortname]/Applications with a shortcut to your Dock
-- 9. Enjoy the fast connection with no need to enter password and increased security of not having a sensitive password stored as plain text.
set targetApp to "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"
set LDAPKeyChainKey to "LDAP"
set SecondFactorKeyChainKey to "2Factor"
tell application "System Events"
set processExists to exists process targetApp
end tell
if processExists is true then
tell application targetApp
end tell
end if
tell application targetApp
end tell
tell application "System Events"
repeat until (window 1 of process targetApp exists)
delay 1
end repeat
repeat until (window 3 of process targetApp exists)
delay 1
end repeat
tell process targetApp
set PSWD to do shell script "sudo /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -wl " & quoted form of LDAPKeyChainKey
set Token to do shell script "sudo /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -wl " & quoted form of SecondFactorKeyChainKey
set PSWD2 to do shell script "sudo /usr/local/bin/oathtool --totp -b -d 6 " & quoted form of Token
keystroke PSWD as text
keystroke tab
keystroke PSWD2 as text
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
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