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Last active December 8, 2016 04:09
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  • Save coman3/e96a757c1b3be49b094f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save coman3/e96a757c1b3be49b094f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System;
using EloBuddy;
using EloBuddy.SDK;
using EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Values;
using EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering;
using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.Direct3D9;
using Color = System.Drawing.Color;
using Line = EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering.Line;
namespace Coman3.API.Menu
/// <summary>
/// A Color Picker for using 4 sliders adjusting the red, green, blue and alpha values respectively.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Use at free will, with reference to my GitHub:
/// Developed by: coman3
/// </remarks>
public sealed class ColorPicker : ValueBase<Color>
#region Values
internal Text RedText { get; set; }
internal Text GreenText { get; set; }
internal Text BlueText { get; set; }
internal Text AlphaText { get; set; }
internal Text DisplayNameText { get; set; }
internal FontDescription DisplayNameTextFont { get; set; }
public override Color CurrentValue { get; set; }
public override string VisibleName
get { return CurrentValue.IsNamedColor ? CurrentValue.Name : CurrentValue.ToString(); }
public bool IsNamedColor { get { return CurrentValue.IsNamedColor; } }
public int Red { get { return CurrentValue.R; } set { CurrentValue = Color.FromArgb(Alpha, value, Green, Blue); } }
public int Green { get { return CurrentValue.G; } set { CurrentValue = Color.FromArgb(Alpha, Red, value, Blue); } }
public int Blue { get { return CurrentValue.B; } set { CurrentValue = Color.FromArgb(Alpha, Red, Green, value); } }
public int Alpha { get { return CurrentValue.A; } set { CurrentValue = Color.FromArgb(value, Red, Green, Blue); } }
/// <summary>
/// Draw a line between the two pointer arrows
/// </summary>
public bool DrawPointerLine { get; set; }
//Mouse Event Data
internal bool IsMouseDown { get; set; }
internal RectangleF MouseClickedBox { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Red: {0}, Green: {1}, Blue: {2}, Alpha: {3}", Red, Green, Blue, Alpha);
#region Rectangles
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle for the Red Color Slider. Relative location.
/// </summary>
internal RectangleF RedBar { get; set; }
internal RectangleF RedBarNative { get { return new RectangleF(Position.X + RedBar.X, Position.Y + RedBar.Y, RedBar.Width, RedBar.Height);} }
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle for the Green Color Slider. Relative location.
/// </summary>
internal RectangleF GreenBar { get; set; }
internal RectangleF GreenBarNative { get { return new RectangleF(Position.X + GreenBar.X, Position.Y + GreenBar.Y, GreenBar.Width, GreenBar.Height); } }
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle for the Blue Color Slider. Relative location.
/// </summary>
internal RectangleF BlueBar { get; set; }
internal RectangleF BlueBarNative { get { return new RectangleF(Position.X + BlueBar.X, Position.Y + BlueBar.Y, BlueBar.Width, BlueBar.Height); } }
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle for the Alpha Chanel Slider. Relative location.
/// </summary>
internal RectangleF AlphaBar { get; set; }
internal RectangleF AlphaBarNative { get { return new RectangleF(Position.X + AlphaBar.X, Position.Y + AlphaBar.Y, AlphaBar.Width, AlphaBar.Height); } }
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle for the Color Display Box. Relative location.
/// </summary>
internal RectangleF ColorBar { get; set; }
internal RectangleF ColorBarNative { get { return new RectangleF(Position.X + ColorBar.X, Position.Y + ColorBar.Y, ColorBar.Width, ColorBar.Height); } }
/// <summary>
/// The box in which the control is contained within.
/// </summary>
public RectangleF ControlBoxNative
return new RectangleF(Position.X, Position.Y, Width, Height);
#region Positioning
internal int BarWidth { get; set; }
internal float LineWidth { get;set; }
private readonly int[] _barPadding = { 45, 10, 10, 8};
public override Vector2 Offset { get { return new Vector2(0, 20); } }
#region Constructors
public ColorPicker(string displayName, Color defaultColor) : this("", defaultColor, displayName, 100) { }
internal ColorPicker(string serializationId, Color defaultColor, string displayName, int height) : base(serializationId, displayName, height)
MouseClickedBox = RectangleF.Empty;
DisplayNameTextFont = new FontDescription()
Height = 20,
Width = 8,
CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Default,
Weight = DefaultFont.Weight,
OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
Quality = FontQuality.Default,
FaceName = DefaultFont.FaceName,
Italic = false,
MipLevels = DefaultFont.MipLevels,
PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default
CurrentValue = defaultColor;
Messages.OnMessage += Messages_OnMessage;
//OnLeftMouseDown += ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseDown;
//OnLeftMouseUp += ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseUp;
OnMouseMove += ColorPicker_OnMouseMove;
#region Events
/// <summary>
/// Use while events are not being called
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
private void Messages_OnMessage(Messages.WindowMessage args)
if (args.Message == WindowMessages.MouseMove) return;
//Because events are not being called i have to call them my self
if (args.Message == WindowMessages.LeftButtonDown) ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseDown(this, new EventArgs());
if (args.Message == WindowMessages.LeftButtonUp) ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseUp(this, new EventArgs());
private void ColorPicker_OnMouseMove(EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Control sender, EventArgs args)
if (!IsMouseDown || MouseClickedBox == RectangleF.Empty) return;
if (MouseClickedBox == RedBarNative)
Red = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, GetPosValue(MouseClickedBox, Game.CursorPos2D)), 255);
else if (MouseClickedBox == GreenBarNative)
Green = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, GetPosValue(MouseClickedBox, Game.CursorPos2D)), 255);
else if (MouseClickedBox == BlueBarNative)
Blue = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, GetPosValue(MouseClickedBox, Game.CursorPos2D)), 255);
else if (MouseClickedBox == AlphaBarNative)
Alpha = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, GetPosValue(MouseClickedBox, Game.CursorPos2D)), 255);
private void ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseDown(EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Control sender, EventArgs args)
if(!IsVisible) return;
if (IsInsideRectangle(RedBarNative, Game.CursorPos2D))
MouseClickedBox = RedBarNative;
else if (IsInsideRectangle(GreenBarNative, Game.CursorPos2D))
MouseClickedBox = GreenBarNative;
else if (IsInsideRectangle(BlueBarNative, Game.CursorPos2D))
MouseClickedBox = BlueBarNative;
else if (IsInsideRectangle(AlphaBarNative, Game.CursorPos2D))
MouseClickedBox = AlphaBarNative;
else return;
IsMouseDown = true;
private bool IsInsideRectangle(RectangleF rectangle, Vector2 checkPos)
return rectangle.Contains(checkPos);
//return checkPos.X >= rectangle.Left && checkPos.Y >= rectangle.Top &&
// checkPos.X <= rectangle.Right && checkPos.Y <= rectangle.Bottom;
private void ColorPicker_OnLeftMouseUp(EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Control sender, EventArgs args)
MouseClickedBox = RectangleF.Empty;
IsMouseDown = false;
protected override void OnThemeChange()
BarWidth = (DefaultWidth - (_barPadding[1] * 2 + _barPadding[2] * 3)) / 4;
LineWidth = BarWidth / 255f;
RedBar = new RectangleF(_barPadding[1], _barPadding[0], BarWidth, DefaultHeight - _barPadding[3]);
GreenBar = new RectangleF(BarWidth + _barPadding[1] * 2, _barPadding[0], BarWidth, DefaultHeight - _barPadding[3]);
BlueBar = new RectangleF(BarWidth * 2 + _barPadding[1] * 3, _barPadding[0], BarWidth, DefaultHeight - _barPadding[3]);
AlphaBar = new RectangleF(BarWidth * 3 + _barPadding[1] * 4, _barPadding[0], BarWidth, DefaultHeight - _barPadding[3]);
ColorBar = new RectangleF(_barPadding[1], 25, Width - _barPadding[1] - _barPadding[2], 10);
RedText = new Text("Red", DefaultFont) {Color = DefaultColorGreen};
GreenText = new Text("Green", DefaultFont) { Color = DefaultColorGreen };
BlueText = new Text("Blue", DefaultFont) { Color = DefaultColorGreen };
AlphaText = new Text("Alpha", DefaultFont) { Color = DefaultColorGreen };
DisplayNameText = new Text(DisplayName, DisplayNameTextFont) { Color = DefaultColorGold };
#region Helpers
private int GetPosValue(RectangleF box, Vector2 position)
//Make position within the box's bounds
position = new Vector2(Math.Max(Math.Min(position.X, box.Right), box.Left) - box.X, 0);
return (int)(position.X / LineWidth);
private Vector2 GetLineStartPos(RectangleF box, int value)
return new Vector2(box.Left + value * LineWidth, box.Top);
private RectangleF RectangleFromCenter(Vector2 center, float width, float height)
return new RectangleF(center.X - width / 2f, center.Y - height / 2f, width, height);
#region Drawing
public override bool Draw()
DisplayNameText.Position = OffsetVector(ColorBarNative.TopLeft, 0, -22);
//Color Display Bar
DrawRectangle(ColorBarNative, DefaultColorGold, 2, false);
Line.DrawLine(CurrentValue, ColorBarNative.Height - 2,
SetVector(ColorBarNative.TopLeft, ColorBarNative.TopLeft.X + 1, ColorBarNative.Center.Y),
SetVector(ColorBarNative.TopRight, ColorBarNative.Right, ColorBarNative.Center.Y));
DrawColorBar(RedBarNative, color => Color.FromArgb(color, Green, Blue));
DrawRectangle(RedBarNative, DefaultColorGold, 2f);
DrawColorPointer(RedBarNative, Red);
RedText.TextValue = "Red: " + Red;
RedText.Position = OffsetVector(RedBarNative.BottomRight, -50, _barPadding[3]);
DrawColorBar(GreenBarNative, color => Color.FromArgb(Red, color, Blue));
DrawRectangle(GreenBarNative, DefaultColorGold, 2);
DrawColorPointer(GreenBarNative, Green);
GreenText.TextValue = "Green: " + Green;
GreenText.Position = OffsetVector(GreenBarNative.BottomRight, -60, _barPadding[3]);
DrawColorBar(BlueBarNative, color => Color.FromArgb(Red, Green, color));
DrawRectangle(BlueBarNative, DefaultColorGold, 2);
DrawColorPointer(BlueBarNative, Blue);
BlueText.TextValue = "Blue: " + Blue;
BlueText.Position = OffsetVector(BlueBarNative.BottomRight, -50, _barPadding[3]);
DrawColorBar(AlphaBarNative, color => Color.FromArgb(color, color, color));
DrawRectangle(AlphaBarNative, DefaultColorGold, 2);
DrawColorPointer(AlphaBarNative, Alpha);
AlphaText.TextValue = "Alpha: " + Alpha;
AlphaText.Position = OffsetVector(AlphaBarNative.BottomRight, -60, _barPadding[3]);
return true;
private Vector2 SetVector(Vector2 value, float x = float.MaxValue, float y = float.MaxValue)
value.X = x == float.MaxValue ? value.X : x;
value.Y = y == float.MaxValue ? value.Y : y;
return value;
private Vector2 OffsetVector(Vector2 value, float x, float y)
value.X += x;
value.Y += y;
return value;
private void DrawRectangle(RectangleF rectangle, Color color, float width, bool inflate = true)
if(inflate) rectangle.Inflate(1, 0);
Line.DrawLine(color, width, rectangle.TopLeft, rectangle.TopRight, rectangle.BottomRight, rectangle.BottomLeft, rectangle.TopLeft);
private void DrawColorPointer(RectangleF box, int color)
var linePos = GetLineStartPos(box, color);
var arrowTop = RectangleFromCenter(linePos, 8, 10);
var arrowBottom = RectangleFromCenter(SetVector(linePos, float.MaxValue, box.Bottom), 8, 10);
Line.DrawLine(DefaultColorGold, 2, arrowTop.TopLeft, arrowTop.Center, arrowTop.TopRight, arrowTop.TopLeft);
Line.DrawLine(DefaultColorGold, 2, arrowBottom.BottomLeft, arrowBottom.Center, arrowBottom.BottomRight, arrowBottom.BottomLeft);
if(DrawPointerLine) Line.DrawLine(Color.Black, arrowTop.Center, arrowBottom.Center);
private void DrawColorBar(RectangleF box, Func<int, Color> colorModifier)
if(colorModifier == null) throw new ArgumentException("Color Modifier Argument Invalid!");
for (int color = 0; color < 255; color++)
var linePos = GetLineStartPos(box, color);
Line.DrawLine(colorModifier.Invoke(color), LineWidth + 1, linePos, SetVector(linePos, float.MaxValue, box.Bottom));
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